Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 236 Sudden Battle

"You mean, when the relic colossus was activated, you didn't feel anything?" Qu Shao frowned.

"Yes." Yu Cang nodded.

"Strange thing... Since this relic colossus can be used normally, why is it only activated when it meets you..." Qu Shao rubbed his chin, "Xiao Cang, at what age did you awaken your soul energy well?"

"It's seventeen, what's wrong?"


The activation method of each relic colossus is actually slightly different. In addition to the most basic stepping into the attack range and carrying the previous part of the colossus crystal, some colossi seem to require talents.

The talent of a soul card master...can be judged intuitively based on the awakening time of the soul energy well.

Like Zhong Lin, he was a soul energy well that was awakened after he was nineteen years old, and now he has only stopped at the fourth level after practicing for a long time. For him, even if all the colossus crystals are collected, the relic colossi on the mountainside may not be able to activate.

The age of awakening the soul energy well varies from high to low, but in any case, seventeen years old is theoretically the earliest time to awaken the soul energy well.

In this talent area, as long as you gather all the colossus crystals, you can already activate all the relic colossi... There were some geniuses who awakened the soul energy well earlier to try here, but the result was not the same as that of a normal seventeen-year-old awakened person. different.

But if it wasn't affected by talent issues, what would it be?

"Grandmaster Qu, don't worry about it for now." Yu Cang said thoughtfully, "I may know why."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Sorry, this needs to be kept secret."

"..." Qu Shao's excitement was swallowed up in his throat.

As a card making master, he has rarely encountered such a situation of insufficient authority... The past two days have given him a recollection.

The reason Yu Cang said... actually refers to the horizon of the stars, to be precise, the body of rhythm.

When the giant statue of the ruins was activated, Yu Cang once felt his rhythmic body being stared at by something for a moment. Now that he thinks about it, it might be manipulating the existence of the giant statue of the ruins.

However, this result made him a little confused.

Master Yun said that these creations here were all made by humans 10,000 years ago. At that time... why did they have the ability to recognize the body of rhythm?

From a functional point of view, the giant statue of the ruins here should only serve as a trial... What kind of trial can be triggered by condensing the body of rhythm? Let alone 10,000 years ago, even now, Yu Cang feels that he has made a fuss over a trivial matter.

The trial that needs a rhythmic body to trigger, turned out to be an epic statue standing up... Even if this epic is much stronger than ordinary epics, it is still a bit shabby.

It doesn't make sense at all.

Could it be that these creations also came here from the star realm?

While thinking about it, Yu Cang has arrived at the training site where Zhong Qi disappeared before.

After finding a place to sit down, Yu Cang glanced at the entry recorder.

On it, it will take some time to extract those handed down entries, but the entry extraction that was launched here yesterday seems to be almost finished.

After hesitating for a moment, Yu Cang closed his eyes and entered the field of vision of Xingtian.

Although the handed down entries have not been extracted yet, but there are a lot of epic entries, and the combat effectiveness is guaranteed. Judging from yesterday's temptation, a few epic-level entries are enough to ensure that he can escape unscathed.

Now he was curious about one thing.

After he defeated the relic colossus, the success rate of implanting those abnormal entries showed that there was some consciousness that had noticed him. He really wanted to know whether this consciousness was the same as the consciousness that manipulated the mist in the field of vision before. Not the same.

When defeating the colossus of the ruins before, Yu Cang once entered the Xingtian field of vision and took a few glances, firstly to find out if there was anything unusual nearby, and secondly to test it out - as a result, although the fog was still there, the part that wanted to The stress of trapping yourself is gone.

Is it gone? Or have you eased your hostility towards yourself?

Ye Shenxin said that there is a consciousness from the astral world here, if it is this... then maybe he can try to communicate now.

Ascending into the field of vision of Xingtian, Yu Cang's vision was shrouded in thick fog again.

He looked around, and the pressure had indeed disappeared.

"Are you looking at me?" Yu Cang said, "There are rhythms related to language in Xingtian's vision, you should be able to understand me, right?"


In the dense fog, only Yu Cang's rhythmic voice slowly echoed, and no one responded to him.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Cang said again: "This is Yan Country, we welcome friends from other places, no matter what your demands are, you can bring them up, and we can satisfy you."

There was still no sound in the dense fog.

Yu Cang continued: "My friend, one of us disappeared here a month ago. The myth of the Yan Kingdom has noticed this place, and we don't want to hurt our peace, but if there is no way to communicate, we can only choose to violently demolish this place—— I think this is what you don't want to see, right?"

Still all was quiet.

This made Yu Cang frown a little.

This consciousness has no desire to communicate at all.

He is also very curious about the consciousness from the astral world. If the problem can be solved through communication, then he is very happy to see it.

Why ignore yourself?

At this time.

The dense fog suddenly surged for a while, and the fog dispersed slightly, allowing Yu Cang to see part of the lines there clearly.

"Hello, Blue Star scholar." A gentle and temperamental female voice came from it.

Yu Cang's heart skipped a beat.

That's where I felt strange yesterday!

Are you finally willing to communicate?

"Hello, friend." Yu Cang smiled, "My name is Yu Cang, what's my name?"

"You can call me Stardust." The female voice said, "I'm sorry that I took away your people without permission. I have tried to communicate, but before that, no one has entered the field of vision. I I can’t find a way to communicate.”

The female voice was surprisingly friendly, which made Yu Cang feel relieved, and he said, "Then, how is Zhong Qi doing now?"

"He is very good. He is currently learning the secret arts of the empire. When he finishes his studies, he will naturally be able to go back."

As soon as the female voice finished speaking, a scene suddenly opened up in the thick fog, in which a young boy was sitting on the ground, staring straight ahead without blinking, not knowing what he was looking at.

This boy is a little scruffy now, his beard and hair are a little long, and it looks like he hasn't taken care of it for a long time, but his eyes are particularly bright.

He was also sloppy, and he looked much more pleasing to the eye than Qu Shao yesterday.

"That's good." Yu Cang breathed a sigh of relief, "Can I communicate with Zhong Qi now?"

"Of course." The girl replied, "You can get closer and you can hear what he said..."

"Closer..." Yu Cang paused suddenly, a sense of vigilance rose in his heart, "Just at this distance, can't it?"

"No, Zhong Qi has never entered the Xingtian field of vision, so far away, he can't hear you."

"...Then wait, I'll come back later." Yu Cang decided to wait for the cooling down of the handed down entry before trying again.

"No, it has to be now." There was an inexplicable smile in the female voice's tone.

"Huh?" Yu Cang frowned, he realized something, and quickly wanted to exit the Xingtian field of vision, but suddenly found that waves of sluggish touch enveloped him from all directions, making him seem to be stuck in a quagmire, completely unable to break free !

Yu Cang looked forward: "Do you know what you are doing?"

But at this time, after a moment of silence in the fog, a brisk hum came, and the tone of the female voice on the opposite side suddenly changed, with a hint of complacency.

"...Okay, stop pretending. Do you think you can fool me?"


"Yo, you still don't admit it?" The female voice seemed to tsk, the tenderness just now was gone, "I don't know how you bypassed the control of Star God and brother to sneak into Blue Star... Hmph, whatever method you use, What this princess hates the most is you guys who want to share the power of Bo Dixing for your own self-interest!"


Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

Own... smuggling?

He couldn't help panicking—has his identity as a time traveler been found out?

And his panic was naturally noticed by Xingchen, which made her more convinced of the guess in her heart, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, stupid pig, have you shown your feet? Tell me, how did you sneak in here?" ! If you explain everything clearly, maybe this princess can spare your life!"

Yu Cang frowned.


What she said should not be about the time traveler.

Because... I don't know why, when the female voice mentioned the name "Emperor Star", he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his heart... It seems that the owner of this name is denying Xingchen's words?

What a mess.

He couldn't figure out the situation, so he decided to exit the Xingtian Sight first. But—it was too late.


In this world, outside the cultivation area.

Yu Cang told him not to disturb him for the time being, so Qu Shao and Yun Yan were chatting outside at this time.

Suddenly, Qu Shao froze, as if he had sensed something, he quickly raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes immediately widened.

That is……

A soaring rainbow light!

Exactly the same as the one a month ago!

"That...that's terrible!" Qu Shao's face became anxious, and he ran towards the cultivation area where Yu Cang was with Yun Yan without saying a word. As soon as he opened the door, he was stunned by a burst of energy shock.

"That is……"

At this time, Yu Cang's body was slowly floating, and around him, all the relic crystals that Yu Cang hit before flew out, each emitting different colors of light and revolving around Yu Cang, and the light was on top of Cang's head. Gathering together, it seems to be turning into a rainbow of light and shooting towards the sphere in the sky!

Around him, the soldiers tried their best, trying to intercept those with electronic buffer barriers, and trying to smash the relic crystals with energy cannons, but none of them worked.

Qu Shao was still in a daze, but Yun Yan at the side had already flew out, and a huge phantom of the soul card in mid-air had been flipped over by his side, the dragon chant trembled, and a real dragon rushed out brazenly!

The real dragon clawed at Yu Cang with its claws, opened its mouth wide, and sprayed a mouthful of dragon's breath towards the place where the rainbow light shot!


The dragon's claw fell into the air, and the dragon's breath had no effect, only a humming sound rose and disappeared in the air, and Yu Cang's figure had disappeared.

"This..." Yun Yan was sweating profusely.

What should I do... They were already careful enough, but why did Yu Cang get sucked in... and it was still under the watchful eyes of everyone!

It's over, the most worrying thing still happened!

What the hell, why is it Yu Cang? Yun Yan has collected all the relic crystallizations, so why not pull him in... Yu Cang's life is much more important than his!

"I'm going to contact the association!" Yun Yan gritted his teeth and immediately turned and left.

On the side, Gu Jieshuang was holding a sword, his face was frosty.

Right under her nose...she didn't feel anything!

how so.

All of a sudden, Gu Jieshuang's heart suddenly felt empty, and this feeling even made her feel a sense of suffocation.

When she didn't know what to do, Ye Lai came to Gu Jieshuang and said, "Don't worry."

Gu Jieshuang didn't speak, turned his head and looked at Yelai.

"The lord of this body is calling my real name." Ye Lai said, "The lord of this body said - he is safe, just wait."

"...Okay." Gu Jieshuang took a deep breath and calmed down.

By the way, Ye Lai can communicate with the boss... Since the boss said so, there must be no problem.

She trusts her boss very much.

Even though he said so, looking at the place where Yu Cang was sitting just now, Gu Jieshuang remained silent.

A sense of powerlessness crept into her heart.

How can I not do anything by myself...

Clenching his fist quietly, Gu Jieshuang felt a little unwilling.

If you can't even help the boss, then why are you talking about taking risks together...

Suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she took out a gray soul card from her bosom.

Fate Star · The Passage of the Other Realm.


Yu Cang lowered his gaze and returned to the present world again, only to find that the appearance in front of him had changed.

He was silent for a moment, then figured out what happened.

That Xingchen used the thick fog to block herself in Xingtian's field of vision for a while, and taking advantage of this time, she did not know what method she used to teleport her body here.


With the combination of epic entries, Xingchen really couldn't trap himself, but he never expected that he would be pulled in directly after being trapped for such a short period of time.

Yu Cang began to look around.

The place is very empty, surrounded by classic white metal, the ceiling seems to be tens of meters from the ground, and there are some railings and platforms on it.

Looks... like an arena?

It's just that there is always an uncomfortable blur that blocks his vision, as if he is suddenly short-sighted, and the walls in the distance can't be seen clearly, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Yu Cang turned his head. On the side, there was a huge stone statue standing here.

Yes, the stone statue... The workmanship is still the same as those of the ruins outside, the same roughness, and it doesn't fit in with the surroundings. However, it may be the reason why this place has been closed all the year round. There is no vegetation covering this stone statue, and the scratches on the stone are preserved very new. It doesn't look like it has gone through thousands of years.

Yu Cang's breath was stagnant.

Wait a minute, this suspicious space, and the suspicious colossus... Maybe you want to fight it yourself?

The eleventh-level relic colossus outside is already strong enough, and the size of this big guy in front of him is nearly ten times larger than that colossus. This kind of guy, no matter how you look at it, it can't be epic, right?

I can't beat this myself!

At this time, the female voice suddenly came from the side.

"Stowaway, what are you thinking? I advise you to honestly tell everything you know, otherwise... hmph."

"I'm not a stowaway." Yu Cang said, "I'm just a native of Lanxingyan, I don't know what you're talking about."

"So far, are you still stubborn?" The female voice seemed to get closer, she gritted her teeth and said, "Stowaway, don't force me to swear!"


"Okay, okay, don't admit it - okay, then don't blame this princess for being rude!"


A strange sound came from the front, Yu Cang looked at it immediately, and saw a rainbow light suddenly falling in front, after the light dissipated, a blurred figure appeared there.

In Yu Cang's perception, this figure was also very dazed, obviously not knowing what happened. But when Yu Cang took a closer look, he found that the person's appearance was blurred and couldn't be seen clearly.

Yu Cang raised his brows, and seemed to have a guess in his heart.


"Where is this place?" Zhong Qi frowned slightly, he looked at Yu Cang opposite, but he could only see a blur, so he tentatively asked, "My lord, is that you..."

"He is your enemy!" A female voice descended from the sky, "Zhong Qi, one month has passed to solve the mystery of the spirit son, and you still haven't figured it out. It stands to reason that you have lost your qualifications...but after all, you are the one I met since I woke up. I am the first talented person in my life, so I made an exception to give you a chance - as long as you beat the person in front of you, I can give you another period of time to crack."

Zhong Qi's eyes seemed to brighten: "Really?"

He quickly sensed it - sure enough, he can use the card group again!

After staying here for a month, that female voice didn't know what method she used to make herself unable to use her soul card... This is undoubtedly very uncomfortable for a soul card master.


"Then my opponent is..."

"It's just a puppet I made after imitating the card maker system. Your goal is to defeat him—but be careful, try not to kill him."

"...Okay, I see, my lord." Zhong Qi looked forward, and Yu Cang's figure was blurred.

Not just Yu Cang, everything in this environment is very blurry—in fact, since he entered here, such a sense of blur has been lingering in his vision, as if there is some power here that is affecting his perception , so that he can hardly hear the sound, and seems to be more than a thousand degrees shortsighted.

Fighting in this is indeed difficult.

He squinted his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.



Yu Cang frowned slightly.

There is some kind of communication going on.

After coming here, the fog lock in Xingtian's field of vision became even more exaggerated, he could hardly perceive anything, and this kind of fog lock even extended to the present world, making it impossible for him to see the appearance of the person appearing opposite , not even audible.

But after all, he has the vision of the stars and sky, so he can still perceive a little information in the dark - compared to Zhong Qi who can see everything blurred, he can at least see the surrounding environment clearly.

At this time, he suddenly sensed a burst of energy fluctuations, and then he saw, beside the figure in front of him, a bigger blurry figure suddenly appeared.

Yu Cang's heart condensed.

This is... to fight?

The female voice didn't give him any hints, but he had been vigilant since just now, so naturally he reacted immediately.


Tapping the card box, two phantom soul cards flew out, and after they were broken, a gray-white half-dragon appeared in front of him, guarding Yu Cang behind him.

It seems that you have to defeat the person in front of you first...

Yu Cang narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's not like dueling in an arena here... There is no silent round, and there is no duel shield. The duelist's physical fitness is very fragile in front of those powerful soul cards, and a little carelessness may directly kill him!

Yu Cang lifted his spirits.


a certain space

The stream of spirit particles condensed in the air, forming the indistinct body of the princess.

"This Zhong Qi should be able to get rid of Yu Cang, right?" Xingchen tilted his head, looking uncertain.

After all, she also saw Yu Cang's fight against the colossus of the ruins outside, but she hadn't seen Zhong Qi make a move, so she wasn't sure.

"It doesn't matter if you can't beat it, at worst, I will attack in secret..." The princess secretly made a decision in her heart.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and her spirit flow has been sleeping for too long in the Xingtian field of vision, and it will not be able to wake up after a long time, and it is even a question of whether some spirit flow will wake up.

Right now, the number of Lingzi streams in her hand is pitifully small, which makes her current combat power very weak, and she will never be able to defeat Yu Cang head-on.

But it doesn't matter, as a princess, strategy is a course that must be mastered!

She used a knife to kill people with this trick, presumably my brother would praise her for being smart after seeing it. hum.

She has already made a plan, first use Zhong Qi to consume Yu Cang's combat power, and then at the critical moment, she will directly capture Yu Cang alive-although she hates this kind of stowaway, but now it is a troubled time In all honesty, he understood the motives of these people wanting to save their lives.

So if it is not necessary, she can turn a blind eye and close one eye, regardless of their violation of the father's order-just in time, let him feel the heart of the empire!

She was able to cut off the connection between Zhong Qi and the soul card because she started from the Xingtian Vision—this is her authority area, and Zhong Qi knew nothing about the Xingtian Vision, so it was only natural that she succeeded.

But you can't do that with Yu Cang—unless you knock him out first.

Thinking of this, Xingchen grimaced a little.

This Zhong Qi is really... oh, so dull.

He obviously looks talented, but why did it take him so long to solve the mystery of the spirit son... It's been a month, and he still hasn't made any progress!

Back then, it only took her a day to crack it...

Alas, I hope there are people out there who are more talented than Zhong Qi... In other words, it has been a while since my psychic attraction has been released. It stands to reason that there should have been a psychic, why hasn't there been any response?

Only with knowledge of insects can she be able to find talents in Blue Star on a large scale, otherwise the efficiency will be too slow as it is now.

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