Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 239 Intuition, the Mystery of the Spirit Son

Zhong Qi manipulated the megalodon to do somersaults three times, expressing his bewilderment here profoundly.

Yu Cang was thoughtful.

Zhong Qi's reaction can explain a certain problem.

The queen's position is unclear, which is easy to understand. As for the second question, about the position of the princess... If you don't know, then Zhong Qi just decides. Now that he turned somersault, it means that he probably has a guess, but he is not sure yet.

Including whether there are countermeasures in the latter part, the same is true—Zhong Qi must have found a possible effective method, but he is not sure yet.

This is good news, at least it's better than black eyes.

Ye Lai is outside, and the connection of his real name can also take effect here, so when Yu Cang calls Ye Lai's name in his heart, he can communicate with him, so he knows now that he has reinforcements.

So he didn't panic at all.

Right now, there are at least two towns outside holding the battle for him, and another town holding a myth is on the way. With so many people guaranteeing the bottom line, his safety on this trip is no longer a problem, that is to say, he can Just wave.

There are not many experiences of this kind of group of people guaranteeing themselves and allowing themselves to explore the ruins at will. It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to experience the process of deciphering the ruins and accumulate some experience for future adventures.

What he wants to understand more now is - why does this princess say she is a stowaway.

Although Yu Cang felt that what he was talking about should not be about his time travel... But he was still a little uneasy when he was not completely sure.

So... we must meet the princess again first.

This guy disappeared after teleporting himself here, and now he doesn't know where he went, so he must be forced out first.

Yu Cang looked at the blurry figure in front of him.

He originally thought that Zhong Qi's life should be very bad after staying here for a month, but now it seems that the battle is still so vigorous that he is not even hungry.

In other words, at least compared to herself, this princess must be much less wary of Zhong Qi.

Yu Cang's eyes narrowed slightly.

If... Zhong Qi is forced to a desperate situation, can the queen be forced out?

He thought he could give it a try, but before that—

Thinking of this, Yu Cang raised his hand and activated the second infidelity.


Sensing that his summoned beast changed hands again, Zhong Qi chuckled, nothing unexpected.

This kind of thing is much easier to accept the second time.

Now it seems that the opposite party should still want to continue acting, so it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, he cooperated, wielding the two long swords of the dragon soul, "struggling hard".

Sure enough, after ten seconds, he felt that his summoned beast was back in his hands.

When he saw the information contained in it, his eyes couldn't help opening slightly.

"With Zhen Guo away, don't worry, find the princess."

Town... town country?

For a moment, Zhong Qi only felt that his heart was touched.

In order to come to save himself, did he even touch Zhen Guo!

Woohoo, this is so touching!

Even, it is obvious that he can be rescued, and he has to be given a chance to try to get out of trouble by himself. Really, he cried to death.

How could he, let such a big man come to save him!

Thinking of this, Zhong Qi's eyes suddenly became firm.

Then come on, he has been forbearing before, but he is not sure in his heart, fearing that he will lose the chance to resist after being exposed.

Now that someone has covered him, he can also verify his conjecture!

Thinking of this, Zhong Qi took out the soul card. Gradually let go of his sight, and focused his mind on those little spots of light that were moving in disorder in front of his eyes.

These points of light are the so-called "spirits", and they add up to the "mystery of the spirits" in the words of the princess.

He has been in contact with the mystery of Lingzi for a month, and he is very familiar with it, but because he wanted to hide his progress, he didn't communicate in depth.

The so-called "spirit mystery" actually refers to some "spirit" that are moving freely.

Zhong Qi is actually not very sure about what this Lingzi is. He only knows that it should be something similar to a "nano-robot" in science fiction. It usually goes to a very mysterious space to recharge. Then you can come back from the space, use it for yourself, and play some magical functions.

But to manipulate this kind of "spirit", it requires extremely high talent. Because the spirit is not controlled by a certain instrument or methodology, but "intuition".

Yes, just intuition.

The princess gave Zhong Qi some free-moving spirits, and these spirits would run around in Zhong Qi's sight without any rules, and their actions were completely random, and it was impossible to find any regularity by logic.

At this time, these spirit particles are out of control, what Zhong Qi has to do is to rely on "intuition" to guess the next movement trajectory of these spirit particles.

Only when at a certain moment, you can completely guess the trajectories of all the spirit particles in your sight by your intuition, can you gain the power to control the spirit particles, and gather the disorderly activities of the spirit particles into a flow of spirit particles!

After guessing correctly, these spirits will have a certain connection with you. At this time, it is not you who guess the spirits by intuition, but these spirits rely on your intuition to move and change.

This process is the process of "guessing".

The princess put a hundred spirits in Zhong Qi's line of sight. These spirits dangled in front of his eyes every day, and he could see them clearly even when he was sleeping, which almost made him nervous... Especially, he had already I can already guess the trajectories of these spirits by intuition, but I have to deliberately make myself guess wrong, which is quite tortured.

Now, it was the first time that he had guessed all the spiritual seeds correctly!

For a moment, he only felt that all the light spots in his sight stopped at the same time, and then, a sense of comfort in control fainted in his heart, and in the next second, those chaotic spirits moved regularly in front of his eyes for the first time. Get up!

Zhong Qi let out a long breath.

Cool, so cool.

For a month, my vision has never been so clear!

And as long as he controls these spirits, he can do——


at the same time.

somewhere in space.

The princess looked at Gu Jieshuang who forcibly connected to the star of fate relying on her own strength, and the shock in her heart still did not subside.

What Gu Jieshuang did, he couldn't think about it carefully, the more he thought about it, the more shocked he became.

Do you know how empty the astral world is? Except for the star gods, the distance between normal creatures and their own star is calculated in light years. It is hard to say whether they can see this distance, let alone directly connected by perception.

Even if I saw it, what I saw was the scene I don't know how many years ago.

Even if it is her empire, if it wants to rely on the sight of Fate Star, it must rely on the guidance of the elders.

Moreover, she entered here, circumventing her authority... Is the star god hinting at himself?

The Star God has long since fallen, so it stands to reason that he should no longer be able to gaze at the human world, but this is the Blue Star after all, which is quite special, so perhaps there is something to be said for it.

It was the star god who was telling himself that Gu Jieshuang was a good seed... Is that so?

Now, Gu Jieshuang is advancing rapidly in the cabin, constantly approaching Cang's position.

Obviously Gu Jieshuang should have come to this place for the first time, but it seems that he already knows where Yu Cang is.

The princess is still hesitating, should she bring Gu Jieshuang to her eyes first, and explain Yu Cang's identity to him...

And just as she was thinking, her mind suddenly moved, and there was a strange feeling in her perception.

She noticed something, and quickly turned her head to look at Zhong Qi's battlefield, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Zhong Qi, has he finally solved the mystery of the spirit son?

It seems that the battle between him and Yu Cang must have been very fierce, and he was able to make a breakthrough in the middle of the battle... Great, there are also unexpected gains.

I have to say that although Yu Cang is a stowaway, he is really his lucky star. Gu Jieshuang came to him because of Yu Cang, and Zhong Qi solved the mystery of the spirit son because of Yu Cang.

That's great, when I just solved the mystery of the spirit son, it was the most suitable for quickly mastering more spirit sons, now I can't care about Yu Cang, I have to help Zhong Qi quickly...

Princess Wang's vision gradually blurred, and suddenly, her vision went dark, and when she recovered again...she came directly into the Xingtian vision.


A big question mark appeared on the princess's face.

What happened... I, it seems, was kicked out of my spaceship?

Who did it?

The princess was silent.

She was Zhong Qi!

Although all of this happened very suddenly, she roughly knew what happened after she stroked it.

Zhong Qi stole part of his "authority" here.

Originally, relying on Zhong Qi as a novice, it was impossible to do this.

But—because she had just woken up, she didn't have an ownerless spirit son in her hand, so the "mystery of the spirit son" she gave Zhong Qi was composed of a part of her own spirit son.

This is a very dangerous behavior, because the spirit son is highly bound to the manipulator, as long as the spirit son is captured by the manipulator's intuition, it will carry the unique information of the manipulator to a certain extent, and flow his own spirit son to others. It is possible for others to use this to find your weakness, and even do something more extreme.

Just like now... this spaceship uses the spiritual flow to identify authority, now after more than 10,000 years, this identification system has long been not so good, and I was shocked by Gu Jieshuang just now, so I didn't care about the operation at all Keeping authority, that's why Zhong Qi kicked him out directly with a hundred of his own spirit son...

Was plotted against!

However, she couldn't help it. Now she is in the spaceship, her eyes are darkened to the outside world, and she doesn't know how the battle with Huang is going outside, and she dare not wait until the new spirit is produced.

The queen's mouth narrowed.

This Zhong Qi, thanks to her being so kind to you!

But, no, Zhong Qi has only just solved the mystery of the spirit son, how did he have such meticulous operation skills...

The princess' eyes widened slightly.

Could it be that... Zhong Qi had secretly solved the mystery of the spirit son long ago... Not only had he solved it, but he had also thought up a whole set of combos with his own spirit son behind his back?

……All right.

The princess shook her head, but still smiled lightly.

Although Zhong Qi obviously didn't believe in himself, this was all secondary.

Now, the more geniuses Lan Xing has, the happier she will be.

Of course, Zhong Qi's move can only be called a small trick, and it can't trap her.


Feeling that he actually kicked the princess out, Zhong Qi was stunned.

Isn't it... so simple?

If he knew it was so simple, he would have acted directly... As for waiting here for a month?

He rubbed his forehead, a little speechless.

Thinking of this, he quickly manipulated the spirit flow, groped silently for a while, and finally found the switch of authority.


Everything around him finally became clear, so he could see Yu Cang who was opposite him clearly.

Surprisingly, this turned out to be a young man, who seemed to be a student like himself.

Seeing the surroundings suddenly become clear, Yu Cang was also taken aback.

He looked in front of him and tentatively asked, "Zhong Qi?"

"It's me." Zhong Qi smiled, and after the messy Lingzi disappeared from his eyes, he just felt refreshed, "Are you here to save me?"

"That's right." Yu Cang nodded, "I'm Yu Cang... Let's not talk about this, what's the situation now?"

"I have temporarily kicked out the princess from here." Zhong Qi said, "Now, I have the authority here..."

Yu Cang's eyes brightened: "Can you open the teleportation array?"

" will probably take some time, and I may not be able to finish it before the princess returns." Zhong Qi showed embarrassment, "I'll give it a try."

Even if he successfully kicked the princess out just now, in the final analysis, he only has the hundred spiritual sons that the princess gave him now.

There is very little that can be done with this spirit. The permissions in this aircraft are intricate, he has never touched it before, and it is undoubtedly very difficult to find a way to teleport.

"...Okay, then you try first." Yu Cang's tone was slightly disappointed.

Hmm... This Zhong Qi is very good at what to do.

It's just a pity, his original plan was, after Zhong Qi tried his method again and it didn't work...he immediately killed him and forced the princess to come out to save him.

Then summon the Dragon of the Last Dawn - when this summoned beast comes on the stage, it will summon a wave of world malice, which will come directly from the outside. If the prediction is good, it should be possible to make a hole here.

When the time comes, directly force the princess to reveal her body, and the people outside will respond a little bit, and she should be able to catch her easily.

Now... Now that Zhong Qi has found a way, let's follow this way first.

Suddenly, Yu Cang's expression changed.

Hmm...Ye Lai called out to herself from the bottom of her heart.

Gu Jieshuang also came in?

There was a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Moreover, he even comprehended the skill of coherence... even sensed the star of fate, and directly entered the field of vision of Xingtian?

Can people who don't have the talent of the star-sky vision field forcefully enter it by relying on acquired comprehension...

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said to Zhong Qi: "Can you see that there is another person coming in here?"

When Zhong Qi heard this, his eyes kept shaking, as if he was manipulating something, and after a while, he said with certainty: "Yes, there is another person... do you want to take her in?"

"Well, can it be done?"

"This is possible."

After speaking, with a thought in his mind, Lingziliu touched a certain "authority". In the next second, a rainbow light descended from the sky, and Gu Jieshuang's figure appeared from it.

"...Boss?" came a familiar voice.

Gu Jieshuang's eyes were filled with surprise, "Boss! I have found the technique of synchronizing!"

Yu Cang smiled lightly: "Congratulations."

"Wait, wait..." Zhong Qi suddenly said, "Stop talking about this... I can't find the permission to go out, and the princess will be back soon!"

"Is that so?" Yu Cang was not surprised, just said, "Then leave it to me."

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