Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 251 Ridge Beast, Heaven and Man Response

"Ahead is Mr. Ning's yard." A middle-aged man Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang led them to a path and stopped. "Mr. Ning is inside. You can see it when you go in."

"Okay, thank you." He looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Why don't you go in with me?"

"No, Mr. Yu, Mr. Ning doesn't like crowds." The middle-aged man smiled, "I'll go back...Don't order takeout these days. If you need anything, just contact me directly. I can deliver it." Come in."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Yu Cang thanked.

"It's okay, it should be." The middle-aged man paused, and suddenly thought of something. His expression did not change, and he said again, "By the way, Mr. Ning's hearing is very good, but in the past two days... cough."

After speaking, the middle-aged man nodded to Cang, turned around and left.

Behind him, Yu Cang frowned slightly: "What does he mean?"

"...The devil knows." Gu Jieshuang's eyes quietly moved away from Yu Cang.

"Forget it, let's go." Yu Cang shook his head.

Along the path, Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang walked into the mountain.

This place is inaccessible. There is not even a village at the foot of the mountain. There is only a small road connecting it to the outside world. Walking halfway up the mountain and looking behind you, you will see the vast Cangshan Mountains. If it weren’t for the middle-aged man who led the way, Yu Canggen would not be there. Would not come to this place.

From this point of view, Ning Xingyi really hates excitement.

After all, Zhen Guo's scope of movement has been strictly restricted, and he is not allowed to move around at will.

Now, judging from Ren Zheng's scope of activities, there is not even a village within Ning Xingyi's scope of activities. In other words, as long as Ning Xingyi still holds the Emperor Wu Emperor Sword, there is a high probability that he will not see many living people. People.

Along the way, surrounded by greenery.

However, Yu Cang had just come out of the wilderness like Ruin No. 8. At this moment, he was not touched by this natural atmosphere, so he just walked quickly through it and came to a small courtyard.

"Is this the home of Senior Ning..."

It looks like an ordinary small courtyard. The walls are covered with ivy. There are a lot of fallen leaves on the stone steps at the door. It doesn't look like it is cleaned often, but there is no dust.

At the entrance of the courtyard, there are two huge stone lions.

Yu Cang stood still and glanced casually, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

How do you feel about those two stone lions...

When he was confused, Gu Jieshuang had already walked to the door and was about to knock on the door.


The stone lion on the right side of the courtyard door came to life. Its big head suddenly came to Gu Jieshuang, then tilted its head, and a dull sound came from the stone.

"It's an unfamiliar there a stranger?"

This voice is naive, and just listening to it makes you feel that you are not very smart.

Gu Jieshuang just stretched out her hand to knock on the door, but this time she was scared to death.

She put her hand on the card box at her waist and quickly retreated a few meters away.

Fortunately, she quickly realized that this was Ning Xingyi's territory and there shouldn't be any danger, so she didn't take action rashly.

At this time, another equally naive voice came through from the side.

"You're stupid, Shi You!" Shi Zuo slapped Shi You on the forehead, causing stone chips to fly for a moment, "Didn't Sir, you said that there are guests visiting in the past two days, don't you remember?"

"Oh! That's right!" The stone lion's face showed an expression of sudden realization.

Shi Zuo hummed triumphantly, then looked at Yu Cang, lowered his head slightly, and said: "Hello, Yu, Yu..."

It took me a long time, but I didn't even say a complete name.

Seeing this, Shi You quickly moved to his ear and reminded: "Cang! Cang!"

"Oh!" Shi Zuo suddenly realized, "Yu Shuang! Gu Jiecang! Mr. told us, if you see the two of you, just let them in!"

Yu Cang:......

It can be seen that neither of you is really very smart.

Gu Jieshuang was a little dumbfounded.

Did you just get scared by this kind of thing?

What, it’s so embarrassing!

"Hello, both of you." Yu Cang stepped forward and explained, "My name is Yu Cang, and called Gu Jieshuang."

"Yu Cang?" Shi Zuoda's face was full of doubts, "Aren't you the guests invited by Mr.?"

Yu Cang:......

This is where the two conspicuous bags come from.

At this time, the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open, and Ning Xingyi walked out with a smile.

"Xiao Cang... I made you laugh." Ning Xingyi patted Shi Zuo's buttocks, making him tremble in fright.

Don't get me wrong... Shi Zuo is too big, and the table is also high from the ground. When a normal person stretches out his hand, he can only pat his butt at most.

"Sir!" The two stone lions quickly lowered their heads.

"Senior Ning." Yu Cang and the two also heaved a sigh of relief.

"You're welcome... come, come in."

Ning Xing turned around and led Yu Cang into the courtyard.

Yu Cang looked around, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The small courtyard is not big, but there is a pond, a weeping willow, and a rockery. There is a small path under Yu Cang's feet, and some vegetables are planted on both sides, and they are growing well.

These scenes are quite ordinary, but if you count the stone statues coming and going in the small courtyard, it will be different.

A stone coffee table carried a set of tea sets, and he slowly crawled past Yu Cang's feet, taking slow steps. In front of the coffee table, there was a head that looked like a tiger. After taking a look at Yu Cang, Just ignore it.

Two stone cranes stood on one foot in the pond, but the pond seemed a bit deep, and the water had already submerged the stone cranes' heads, but they didn't realize it, just like a real statue, which only occasionally Move your neck.

The three stone fish were lying on the rockery by the pond, with a layer of moss marks on their bodies. When they were motionless, they seemed to have merged with the rockery. But if you look closely, you will find that the two fish eyes of the stone fish have been staring at the stone crane in the water without blinking... well, there is no way to blink.

There are also several strange beasts lying on the eaves, which are also sculptures. They are playing on the beams at the moment.

"These are..." Yu Cang blinked.

These are obviously summoned beasts, and they are summoned beasts from the creation clan!

Yu Cang is also a card maker, so after just a few glances, he already understood that these summoned beasts have existed in this yard for a long time, and each one is acting independently without anyone controlling it - that is to say, It is similar to the existence of card pets.

It's not surprising that Ning Xingyi has a card pet - after all, for a soul card master of his level, the mental pressure of some ordinary cards and rare cards can be ignored. Even if it is maintained for a long time, there will be no Possibility of sudden death. Find a few more spirits from nature and you will have a card pet.

This is called flying bricks.

But it is really not easy to have so many card pets... and Yu Cang can feel that the levels of these card pets are not low.

Yu Cang has seen soul cards with spirits in nature before. The intelligence of those spirits is very weak, which can only support them to process some simple instructions and speak a few syllables, as if they are mentally retarded. Something like learning a language... is impossible.

But the two stone lions at the door, although a bit stupid, at least their language was very fluent, and they didn't seem to be mentally retarded at all.

And now these "card pets" in the yard also have very smart eyes, and they definitely seem to have high IQs.

Wanting to collect so many "highly intelligent" spirits, even Ning Xingyi would have a hard time doing it...could he also be able to communicate with the chaos outside the world?

"Oh, them." Ning Xingyi smiled, "Old man, I don't like liveliness. I only have these children to accompany me to relieve my boredom... In your words, these can be called 'card pets'. However, I I’ve seen it, compared to Xiao Cang’s Ye Lai and Weeping Girl, these are far behind.”

"Then how did you make them wise?" Yu Cang was a little curious.

He hasn't found a stable way to summon souls from chaos yet... Even if he uses an entry recorder, it's mostly luck.

The prerequisite for Ye Lai and Feng to be summoned by Yu Cang is that they were both watching the Blue Star World at that time. And Ting Ye said that there were not many opportunities for souls outside the chaos to gaze into the realm. If no one summoned them, it would only depend on luck.

Yu Cang was able to summon them because of his luck.

"This is quite simple." Ning Xing moved to the open space by the pond, and the stone coffee table just climbed in front of him. He sat down and poured tea for Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang.

Yu Cang looked at his feet and saw that two stool-like pets had crawled in front of him obediently, so he understood and took their seats.

Ning Xingyi handed over the tea cup and continued: "It's because of the sword intention."

Yu Cang:......

A good one is simple.

Senior Ning's simplicity may be different from what he understands.

Ning Xingyi did not continue to explain, but said something else: "Xiao Cang, when I was at your level, I filled the deck with forty soul cards. But when I reached level six, even though the card The group limit reached fifty, but I still only stuffed forty cards.

"When I reached the seventh level, instead of adding more soul cards, I deleted most of them. And when I realized the sword intention at the eighth level... I only had five fingers of soul cards left in my deck, and now... …”

Ning Xingyi clicked his tongue: "Of course, this is my path. Of course, the more soul cards in a normal soul card master's deck, the more powerful they are. Just listen to it, Xiao Cang."

He took a sip of tea and continued: "However, I felt weird that there were so many empty slots in the deck... So, I started researching the creation tribe and natural spirits, trying to find some pets for myself. Through this research, I really discovered some interesting ways to make cards.

"I discovered a way to draw the Creation Soul Card, which gives it an ability called [Heaven Sensation]."

After speaking, Ning Xing handed Yu Cang a soul card.

Soul Card Name: Spinal Spindle Beast Anglong

Category: Summoning Card

Quality: handed down from generation to generation

Attribute: land

Race: Creation


[Zhenyan]: When on the field, the Creation family and [Spine Beast] soul cards in the same deck can be activated when they are affected by an effect, invalidating the effect. Within a certain period of time, all creation soul cards in the same deck are immune to the same effect. This ability has a cooldown and cannot be negated.

[Fighting Corner]: Can be activated when [Suppression Eaves] is in effect. Select a target and cause a large amount of damage to it.

[Celestial Induction]: When the soul resides in this soul card, it gains the ability to move freely and can exist for a long time. When the holder exists within a certain range and possesses [Sword Intention], his wisdom will be improved and he can release the corresponding Sword Intent.

Ning Xingyi is indeed a Zhenguo, and when he raises his hand, he sees a legendary soul card.

After Yu Cang finished reading, he nodded secretly.

This soul card has a very strong ability and can be used as the terminal monster of the Creation family deck. It has good escort ability.

Of course, what Ning Xingyi wanted him to see was the last [Heaven Sensation].

This ability is the key to making these creatures so agile.

Sword intent, actually has the ability to improve the intelligence of summoned beasts?

Although Yu Cang's comrades-in-arms are not lacking in wisdom, when he saw this ability, he was still a little greedy.

This ability is quite practical... Sigh, it would be great if he could comprehend sword intent too.

It's a pity that he has no talent for kendo at all.

While Yu Cang was thinking, Ning Xingyi continued:

"I spent some time making these little guys, and found the corresponding spirits one by one." Ning Xingyi looked at the stone carvings in the yard with quite satisfied eyes, "I just let them play more in the yard. , Occasionally when I need to go out for emergencies, they can also play a role in looking after the home... Although these little guys are not very smart when I am away, they can still do basic defense and attack. "

"So that's how it is." Yu Cang returned the soul card in his hand to Ning Xingyi.

Although I only saw one Spine Beast - Anglong, I can see from the inside that the strength of this Spine Beast deck is definitely not weak. In the hands of Ning Xingyi, can such a deck only play the role of a housekeeper? …

That's right, after all, he has the strongest equipment, the Kawu Emperor Tianzi Sword, so it's normal to look down on these creations.

Senior Ning doesn't like it, but he really needs it!

"Senior Ning." Yu Cang chuckled, "In these two days, can I learn how to make this kind of creation soul card?"

He is very interested in the Creator Race, and now that he has the opportunity to learn this kind of exclusive knowledge, he will naturally not miss it.

"Of course it's no problem." Ning Xingyi said happily, "Xiao Cang, even if you don't mention it, I will definitely give you a few spine beasts as a souvenir before I leave."

"Then it's time to work." Yu Cang responded.

"Come on, don't be dazed, drink tea!"

Next, Ning Xingyi took Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang to chat a lot.

The more he saw these two juniors, the more he liked them, but it was a pity that Yu Cang was not interested in swordsmanship, and Gu Jieshuang was not a card maker. Otherwise, maybe he would have seen the birth of another swordsman who mastered the sword's will.

If only they could fit together.

The rise of Ning Xingyi's chat, and later, he even waved his hand directly, regardless of his seniority, and directly called Yu Cang's brother and Gu Jieshuang's younger sister.

They wanted to decline, but Ning Xingyi was still impatient.

Yu Cang was very puzzled - he didn't drink alcohol, how could it be the same as growing up.

However, Yu Cang is still very happy to have an extra year-end friend.

Gu Jieshuang was even more dizzy, feeling unreal.

The number one person under the myth, the star shifting sword master... has become his big brother?

That's my idol!

Gu Jieshuang clutched the teacup, giggled a few times, then turned her head to look at Yu Cang.

My boss is really amazing!

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