Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 262 Old Man Ren, I want to play a big game

Jie Ying·Register slowly landed with Yu Cang and Qi'er.

After the chess piece landed, he covered his red face, as if he was still comprehending the "racing" feeling just now.

On the ground, Lin Yunqing said: "Is this the ability of Jie Ying?"

"Yes." Yu Cang nodded.

Just now, Jie Ying basically took him on a tour around the laboratory, which made him more sure of the limitations of Jie Ying's abilities.

First of all, traveling is not immune. When Yu Cang travels in the land, his body will inevitably become damp, and even if he doesn't control it well, he will get some soil stains.

This probably means that when [Swim] is in effect, it will still be affected by the environment... This means that it is 80% impossible to swim in a medium like magma.

This is normal, otherwise during a battle, if you directly use the opponent's attack as a medium, wouldn't it mean that you would become immortal?

However, it seems that this shortcoming can be made up for by [resident authority] - as long as the boundary shadow opens the anchor ring, then "environmental effects" such as temperature, humidity, etc. will also be directly invalidated - not invalid to be precise. , so that it will not cause harm to Cang.

But unfortunately, this ability has an upper limit. Although the ability can be invalidated, the anchor ring itself is not indestructible. You must know that the shadow anchor ring now consists of only three rare soul cards. Although the moisture of the earth can be ignored, the magma... it should be A bit dangling.

"A very practical ability." Lin Yunqing glanced at the data on the computer next to him. "The form of expression of this ability is also very novel... giving properties through anchor point connection? Is this the characteristic of connecting summoned beasts to activate their abilities?"

"That's right." Yu Cang explained, "When the connected summoned beast is not summoned, it is the rhythm of the Starry Sky Sight. You also know that in the Starry Sky Sight, no matter how much noise is made, it will not affect it. To the present world, therefore, under normal circumstances, the ability to connect to summoned beasts is transmitted through anchor points.

"As long as you connect a target with an anchor point, the ability can naturally be applied to it."

Lin Yunqing thought for a moment: "This sounds like a restriction."

"It is indeed a restriction - but you have to know that capturing some rhythms in the starry sky to make soul cards is much more free than making soul cards in a disciplined manner. This will give birth to many incredible abilities, just like the [Wandering" of the residents) 】, even if the effective target is restricted by the anchor point, it is still very powerful."

"Indeed." Lin Yunqing nodded in agreement.

Being able to travel in all media... may not be very useful in combat, but in outdoor adventures, this ability is simply useless.

"If you put it this way..." Lin Yunqing suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up, "Speaking of which, senior, you can use the legendary rhythm to fight the enemy in the star field. Now that you have the connection summon, all the people in the anchor ring can It’s equivalent to having the ability to see the stars, doesn’t it mean that you, senior, can do the same in this world?”

"No." Yu Cang shook his head, "I have thought of this possibility a long time ago and have tried it. The reason why the Boundary Shadow Resident is able to swim to the present world is not only connected to the summons, but also because I Make this part of the rhythm into a connecting soul card."

With that said, Yu Cang raised his hand and shook the blue soul card, "Connected summoning is essentially a way of using soul cards. If I want to create an ice city like in Starry Sky Vision, eventually We still have to go back to card making, we can’t avoid this step.”

"Okay." Lin Yunqing was a little disappointed.

If this is possible, then wouldn't the senior's ability to rub hands and pass down the world be invincible... Unfortunately, there is still no shortcut after all.

Lin Yunqing quickly put away his disappointment and asked instead: "Senior, you said that after the connection summoned beast appears, the connection must be maintained...Does it mean that these summoned beasts must be very close to each other?"

"This is not necessary." Yu Cang explained, "There is no concept of distance in the starry sky field of vision, and it is the same in the real world. You may need to be near the anchor point when you first summon it, but as long as you summon it, you can Free to move around.

"This free movement distance can be seen as slightly smaller than the distance for the Soul Card Master to control the summoned beast. However, no matter how far the summoned beast is from the anchor point, the anchor point is considered occupied and cannot be connected to other targets. "

"Hey, doesn't that mean?" Lin Yunqing's eyes lit up, "Theoretically, connecting summoned beasts can break through the distance limit of the soul card master's control of summoned beasts?"

There is a limit to the control of a summoned beast...but the connected summoned beast can extend this limit by connecting anchor points. In this way, a "chain" composed of anchor points can be formed, and the summoned beast can be easily controlled. The beast was placed outside the control range of the soul card master?

"It's possible, but after it exceeds the control range, it can't move." Yu Cang spread his hands.

Not all soul cards have the ability to move freely. For those ordinary soul cards, even if they are sent to a far place in this way, nothing can be done.

"Then..." Lin Yunqing had another question, "If there are many summoned beasts connected to the anchor points, but one of the summoned beasts is suddenly defeated in the middle, how should this be calculated?"

"Those summoned beasts will still exist, but they can't be summoned through their anchor points. After all, it is the anchor point ring that fixes space. As long as the anchor point ring is not damaged, then the summoned beasts will not be there." question."

"So that's it." Lin Yunqing suddenly realized, "There is one more important thing - how is the strength of the connected summoned beast determined?"

In the past, the strength of a soul card could be judged by its quality, and now it can also be judged by its star rank... But this Link Summoned Beast has no such thing as a star rank, right?

Yu Cang obviously has an answer to this question:

"The strength of the connecting soul card actually changes a lot and is influenced by many factors, but in the final analysis, it still depends on the quality of the anchor point."

"Anchor point?" Lin Yunqing was thoughtful.

"That's right." Yu Cang nodded, "As I said before, the connecting summoned beast activates its abilities through the anchor point, so the quality of the anchor point is crucial. Just like this resident - I use Rare cards serve as his anchor, so his strength probably ranges from rare to epic.

"When the quality of the anchor points is the same, the higher the number of anchor points, the higher the strength of the connected summoned beast."

This makes sense.

Link5 summoned with a rare card will definitely not be able to beat the same card summoned with an epic card.

Lin Yunqing nodded clearly, and then recorded these rules in the book.

She raised her head, as if she wanted to ask something else, when the door to the laboratory was suddenly pushed open.

"Xiao Cang!"

Before he saw the figure, Ren Zheng's voice came over.

"The summoned beast that took you flying into the air just now is the 'new thing' you mentioned to me yesterday, right?" Ren Zheng's eyes were full of excitement.

Although the appearance is different, can he still recognize Jie Ying's aura?

Obviously, Yu Cang has found a way to summon the beings in the starry sky into the real world!

Ren Zheng was also an experienced card maker. With his vision set here, he asked himself, if he wanted to summon Jie Ying to the living world, at least he would have no idea.

The gap between the two places is so great that there is basically no possibility of interoperability.

He had already made some guesses when Yu Cang said there was a "new thing" yesterday, but he was still very surprised to see Yu Cang actually bring it out so quickly.

This efficiency is too high!

"Old man Ren, you are here." Yu Cang smiled, "You came at the right time. I have discovered a new method of summoning. I call it connection."

Ren Zheng: "..."

Good guy, your first sentence will give him a hard time.

What does it mean to "discover a new" summoning method... Before you, there were only two summoning methods. When it comes to you, it will be the same as wholesale, right?

The number of summoning methods you have discovered now exceeds the total number of summons in history!

After barely calming down his thoughts, Ren Zheng said: "Tell me quickly, how does this connection work..."

"Let me explain." Lin Yunqing stood up, "Yu Cangang just finished talking to me, I should almost understand... Principal Ren, this is the relevant data."

Lin Yunqing handed the record she had just made to Ren Zheng.

As she introduced, Yu Cang supplemented beside her. Soon, Ren Zheng understood the basic characteristics of the connection summons.

But he frowned slightly and said hesitantly:

"How do you feel... this method of summoning is not much better than fusion and synchronization... Moreover, this method of summoning seems to have certain requirements for talent."

When Ren Zheng said this, he felt it was untrue.

It turns out that his psychological threshold has been raised to this level without knowing it.

In the past, when he encountered a summoning method, he wanted to break it up and crush it for study, but now... can he sincerely say "it feels worse"?

After all, only when you have a choice can you become picky.

But Ren Zheng's consideration is indeed correct.

Although it is undeniable that link summoning has extraordinary potential and opens up a new way to use soul cards, but at the same time, this summoning method also has many limitations.

It even seems that this method of summoning requires the use of starry sky vision... This is a bit exaggerated.

If you can enter the field of vision of the stars, I still recommend you to be a scholar and stop thinking about fighting and killing.

From this point of view, it seems that this method of summoning has no possibility of promotion.

From this point of view, it seems that there is no way to impress those old diehards.

"Of course." Yu Cang nodded, "However, this is all temporary."

Gu Jieshuang was able to enter the field of starry sky through induction of star steps. He believed that there must be a way to promote the connection summoning.

"But, before the connection summon promotion." Yu Cang showed a mysterious smile, "The reason why I brought this out is to cope with the summit... let people know the benefits of starry sky vision. The most intuitive way is, Mo It’s too much for them to experience first-hand, don’t you think?”

Hearing this, Ren Zheng's eyes suddenly shrank.

"You mean... you can do that kind of thing?"

"Of course, and it's far more than that - Old Man Ren, I need your help. I'm still too weak after all. There are some soul cards that I can't make by myself," Yu Cang said.

"You kid..." Ren Zheng's expression softened, "Okay... Haha, it's really rare to see your kid asking me for help..."

"There's nothing we can do." Yu Cang shrugged.

"Tell me what soul card you want me to make."

"I will teach you how to make a link soul card later, and you need to help me make one - link8!" A smile appeared on Yu Cang's face, "On the day of the summit, I want to play a big game... you Don’t you object?”

Looking at Yu Cang who looked like "I want to do something stupid", Ren Zheng was silent for a moment and then suddenly smiled.

"It's rare for you to open your mouth, how could I refuse?" Ren Zheng shook his head, "Tell me your ideas, and then you don't have to worry about it."

"Of course - to be honest, only you are qualified to make this soul card, Old Man Ren."


In Yu Cang's calculations...this is probably the maximum number of anchor points to connect the soul card.

Well, the maximum number of anchors under the myth.

Ren Zheng, as a Zhenguo, thinks very quickly.

It didn't take long for me to understand the principle of connection.

After knowing Yu Cang's thoughts, Ren Zheng thought silently for a long time before slowly nodding.

No wonder Yu Cang wants to find him. This soul card is not easy even for Ren Zheng to do - not to mention, there is not much time left before the summit.

After accepting the task, Ren Zheng hurried back. For a long period of time in the next period, he would probably have to stay in the starry sky until his liver exploded.

Then, Lin Yunqing was in trouble.

Before she could finish the new things from the Creation Tribe here, a link summon came.

"You should learn to connect first." Yu Cang said, "Creator clan, don't worry, I have some new ideas - by the way, tell Jiang Lou that after tomorrow, let him come to the laboratory when he is free. "

Yingcao card group.

This was the first deck he created after getting the Entry Recorder, and it seemed to be quite suitable for Link Summoning.

Moreover... even the new characteristics of the Creation Clan can be integrated into it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

Ever since Wang Changzhi was captured by Guan Qingrui and used as a guinea pig, Jiang Lou and Qiu Ding have become increasingly unable to defeat him... Because of this, I heard that Wang Changzhi has been very arrogant recently.

It's time to upgrade Jiang Lou's deck... It's also just in time to study how ordinary people can use Link Summons.

Logically speaking, connecting to the summon does not require connecting to the starry sky.

"I understand." Lin Yunqing nodded.

After Lin Yunqing left, Yu Cang sat on a chair alone, closed his eyes, and had entered the field of vision of the stars.

After waiting for a moment, a blazing red thunderbolt came from a distance and stopped beside him.

"Yu Cang." Star God Will nodded gently.

"Thank you, Star God." Yu Cang nodded, and then his eyes fell on the two insects next to him.

Emptiness and sequence.

As soon as these two special consciousness bugs saw him, they automatically crawled on the ground with a very respectful attitude.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Yu Cang said, "Since I recognize you, you are my comrades-in-arms. You don't need to be so polite. I find it awkward."

"Really?" Xu's eyes lit up, and he was about to get up and get closer to Yu Cang, but was quickly pulled back by Kong Yan Jishou beside him.

"We understand, respected scholar." Kong raised his body, but only raised his body, his head was still slightly lowered, and his tone was very respectful.

And Xu immediately became obedient after being held by Sora.

Kong was very cautious about the terrifying scholar in front of him. After all, Yu Cang could kill them with a flip of his hand, and they had almost no means of resistance. From the current point of view, they seemed to have no special value to Cang.

Yu Cang didn't say anything about this.

Anyway, if they get along with each other for a long time, they will naturally become more relaxed about this kind of thing.

So, he said: "Song, you seem to be different from other consciousness insects... Can you tell me what caused you to become like this?"

"Of course it's convenient." Kong said, "Before we met you, we once met a scholar named 'La'. At that time, we were just ordinary knowledge insects..."

"La is a good person!" Xu said quickly, eyes wide open.

"Xu, don't be rude." Kong Laxu said, and then continued, "At that time, we didn't know how to control the desire to eat. At that time, La's world was already on the verge of destruction, and the whole world only had He was a scholar, so we found him quickly when passing by.

"La has a treasure, which exudes an extremely high-level rhythm. The most important thing is that the rhythm is not hard. It is a rare rhythm that can be eaten directly by the discerning insect! So, Xu and I took advantage of La's sleep, Quietly eating those rhymes.”

Yu Cang frowned slightly, but immediately relaxed.

This seems like something a normal person should do.

After Cadence is eaten, the treasure is considered destroyed.

Kong continued: "A magical thing happened. After eating the rhythm of the treasure, Xu and I successfully got rid of the desire to eat, and gained the ability to empathize with normal creatures... At first glance, we I saw La who was in grief after being woken up.

"Looking at La, who was crying continuously, I forgot to run away when I gained the ability to empathize for the first time. I just stared at the spot blankly. I just felt that I wanted to cry loudly with him... For me at that time , this is an experience that I have never tried, but I don’t resist.

"At that time, we felt a strong sense of guilt in our hearts. At this time, La had already discovered us. He was really a very strong scholar and caught us very easily...but did not kill us. He seemed to finally accept what was happening, sighed, and waved us away.

"But we were already feeling guilty and refused to leave just like that. At that time, La's world was being eroded by Huang. So Xu and I took advantage of our ability to detect insects, observed Huang's whereabouts in advance, and passed the news to La , helped him avoid many fatal crises, and we became familiar with each other over time."

Speaking of this, Sora's tone was a little dark.

"If we could, we would be willing to work for La for the rest of our lives. It's not our fault at all... But the famine spread too fast. During an inquiring about intelligence, we found that the famine actually affected the starry sky. Ability! We were besieged by Huang and were about to die. At the critical moment, La rushed in and used his body to cut off our back..."

Kong's body became exhausted: "After that, I never felt La's breath again. He...probably died. It is for this reason that we vowed to only eat the rhythm of the Masterless from now on."

Hearing this, Yu Cang frowned tightly.

Huang...can it affect the vision of the stars?

The princess once said that the field of starry sky is a pure land, and the tentacles of desolation cannot spread here.

Now... is even this last piece of pure land going to disappear...

"Fortunately." Sora continued, "It seemed that Huang couldn't enter the field of starry sky at will, so after we couldn't find Ra, we escaped from that world easily... After that, we wandered through countless worlds. , basically those worlds have been eroded by the wilderness, but no existence that can affect the vision of the stars has ever been seen again.

"Until now, we have met you, respected scholar."

Sora lowered his head.

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