Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 267 Reactions from all parties

Cough, cough, cough...

"Silent Beetle, Great Helm-eating Demonic Shadow! Come on, get the enemy's wail for me!" Wang Changzhi leaned forward, his lips were white, but his eyes were very bright.

Jiang Lou was naturally not to be outdone: "The huge stone standing in front of the royal court! For the new king's majesty, crush it all the way! Until the road to heaven is clear!"


The stone giant of the palace examination was advancing unstoppably, and the large helmet-eating demon opposite was not much inferior in size. This huge beetle only raised its body slightly, and it was enough to be eye-level with the stone statue!

In the blink of an eye, the two behemoths collided, but the final advantage actually fell to the giant beetle.


The Stone Giant of the Palace Examination punched down, and a large piece of the dark brown metal armor on the giant beetle suddenly sunk in. But immediately, its fangs ran over like a bulldozer, plowing out a strip on the Stone Giant's chest. A scar that was almost split in half!

Cough, cough!

After this blow, the Great Helm-devouring Demonic Shadow was unforgiving, its legs kept turning, black energy emerged from its body, and the huge force pushed forward, directly knocking the body of the stone giant from the palace examination into rocks all over the sky!

During this period, the Stone Giant of the Palace Examination kept punching and punching into his guts. The dull and shocking sound of the heavy blows resounded throughout the entire arena. Although it caused huge damage, it could not really kill the giant beetle for a while, and could only watch helplessly. It smashed his body into pieces.

However, after one blow, the giant beetle reached its limit - to be precise, Wang Chang reached his limit.

In fact, facing this stone giant, Wang Changzhi did not need to fight head-on. As mentioned above, even if this creature summoned beast was activated, its movements were too clumsy. Wang Changzhi could completely bypass the stone giant through operation and movement, and try to Attack Jiang Tower directly.

However, holding such a big killer weapon in his hand, it always made him feel itchy not to have to use it. It just happened to be an opportunity, and Wang Changzhi couldn't bear it.

The result... is that after one blow, the speed of light becomes virtual.

After all, the Great Devouring Helm Demonic Shadow is the fusion of two fusion summoned beasts. Based on this fusion condition alone, this summoned beast is definitely not that weak. Epic is the base.

Wang Changzhi, who was only at level three, simply couldn't bear such a summoned beast. Don't even think about any fine operation, you can only use the simple rampage, and it only has the power of one blow, and it will be gone after you hit it.

Even so, the results were indeed fruitful. The Great Devouring Helm Demon Shadow almost defeated the Stone Giant of the Palace Examination with an instant kill, and the remaining fluctuations of the attack almost severely damaged the towering stone on the side.

" do you think?" The Great Devouring Helm's demonic shadow turned into soul card fragments and scattered all over the sky. Among the fragments, Wang Changzhi opened his arms with a pale smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"You are a respectable opponent, Wang Changzhi!" Jiang Lou nodded seriously, "But it's a pity... this is a duel! My Yingcao can't be cut off, and I won this duel after all!"

"Hahaha, what, do you want me to surrender? Stop dreaming, come on, fight me until the last moment!"


Lin Yunqing stood up.

"They seem to be fighting for a long time." She said calmly, "I'm going back first, I have something to do in the laboratory."

"Huh?" Qiu Ding, whose eyes were shining and staring at the field with all his heart, was stunned. "You're going back now? I have a hunch that there will definitely be many exciting things in the next battle!"

"...No." Lin Yunqing sighed, turned around and left.

Qiu Ding scratched his head, not understanding what he was doing. He turned to look at Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang... only to find that Gu Jieshuang's fingers were tightly squeezing the seat handle at the moment, which seemed to be quite hard. Although Yu Cang was not so He was very reactive, but his eyes were full of thoughts, and his mind was not focused on the duel.

Qiu Ding was very confused.

After pondering for a moment, he could only think that the strength of Grandmaster and Sister Shuang was too strong now, and the duel between Wang Changzhi and Jiang Lou was probably like children's play in their eyes.

However, there is still one person in the audience who understands this "art".

That's chess!

The girl sat upright next to Yu Cang, her behavior was very decent, but her eyes looking towards the field were also full of light and yearning.

Although he is not as handsome as Brother Yu Cang...but he is still very powerful!

Qiu Ding and Qi'er enjoyed watching it, but for Gu Jieshuang it was torture.

Really, a duel is a duel, can you please stop talking so much!

If you are really strong, it doesn't matter if the thing you summon can be worthy of your lines... In this situation, wouldn't you be embarrassed to say it to yourselves?

She turned her head and wanted to chat with Yu Cang, but looking at his thoughtful look, she seemed to have some inspiration, but she couldn't bear to disturb him.


Forget it, she has a hard life.

Yu Cang doesn't have so many mental activities.

His acceptance of this kind of lines is quite high, but due to the "master's" airs, he usually has to be more cautious.

At this moment, he mainly focused his gaze into the starry sky and observed the lines in the field.

The "Mixture of Death and Life" allows a summoned beast on the field to fuse with a summoned beast in the graveyard.

The activation condition is to sacrifice a monster on the field... This condition is relatively classic. For spell cards, this condition is generally used to reduce the consumption of soul energy.

After all, the rhythm of fusion is relatively advanced. Although this soul card is only of rare quality, the consumption of soul energy is not something that Wang Changzhi, a third-level soul card master, can afford... But the activation condition seems to be on top of this soul card. became a positive condition.

This allows Wang Changzhi to directly send a summoned beast on the field to death cooldown, and then use it as fusion material.

It sounds a bit unnecessary, it is better to fuse directly on the field, but you must know that the state of death cooldown has practical significance. From a rhythmic level, the soul card of death cooldown does have a "dead energy".

Using this kind of soul card as the fusion material is equivalent to adding this kind of "death" to the fusion. Just like the difference between combined dragon scales and dead dragon scales.

After looking at it for a moment, Yu Cang probably had some ideas, but he still had to look at the soul card for details.

With this in mind, he took out his personal terminal and sent a message to Guan Qingrui.


Professor Guan, I think Wang Changzhi has a new card about fusion... Can I use it for reference?

Not long after, a message came back from there.


No problem at all! -

That's great, I'll just borrow the soul card in Chang Zhi's hand for a few days...


What to say! I will ask someone to send over the paper and twenty soul cards later. I only have so many in my laboratory now. It’s okay. If there are not enough, just tell me and I will make them for you when the time comes! -

Ah...that's so polite, Professor Guan.

Yu Cang grinned.

After some time, the winner was finally decided.

After that battle, although Wang Changzhi won, the deck's resources also consumed a lot. There was only one fusion of darkness and wood left, and Jianglou had Towering Stone present, as well as Jedi Knight's. The seeds were waiting for resurrection, and it didn't take long for them to accumulate another set of combat power.

There is no doubt that Jiang Lou won.

However, the victory was not easy. Both of them were exhausted and fell to the ground.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Ding quickly rushed into the field grabbing two thermos cups and brought supplies to the two of them.

"It's okay, you guys." Qiu Ding put down the thermos cup and squeezed their shoulders harder and harder, "You guys are all secretly involved behind your back, right..."

"Hiss, it hurts!" Wang Changzhi grinned, "You should also ask the master to make a set for you."

"Hmph...I'm not just pursuing strength." Qiu Ding also sat on the ground, "I am persistent!"

"Okay, okay..." Jiang Lou turned his head and just wanted to see Yu Cang's expression, but found out.

The auditorium was empty.

"Hmph, even Master doesn't know how to praise me."

Professor Guan was very efficient. As soon as Yu Cang returned to the laboratory, he received the soul card and the paper.

It can be seen that Professor Guan is not hiding anything at all. The paper is just a first draft, and it is filled with notes almost sentence by sentence. The "Mixture of Death and Life" sent is even better than what was promised. A few pictures were taken out, and they were still warm, so it seemed they had just been made.

Yu Cang was unambiguous about this and started looking at it when he returned to the laboratory.

This made Gu Jieshuang, who had followed him all the way back, stamp her feet.

what the hell!

I ignored her when I was in the arena, and I still ignored her when I came back... Wuwuwu, she is so pitiful...

In fact, Gu Jieshuang is not such a clingy person.

Isn't it because her relationship has been heating up "rapidly" recently, and the ambiguity between her and her boss has been so intense that she couldn't control it for a while.


Gu Jieshuang straightened her expression.

You can't be so rude...especially in front of Lin Yunqing.

It's a good thing that the boss is busy, so I'd better not disturb him... and go practice! Gu Jieshuang, you can't drift away, you must continue to work hard to keep up with the boss!

She silently encouraged herself, turned around, and left the laboratory.

Lin Yunqing glanced at Gu Jieshuang's hurriedly leaving figure with some confusion, then shook his head and continued to focus on the computer in front of him.


Miao Yun walked into a room, looked at Miao Xue who was drawing soul cards at the table, and smiled softly.

"Axue, what have you been busy with recently?" Miao Yun said with a smile.

"Ah?" Miao Xue raised her head from a scrap of soul cards, "What else can I be busy with... I'm just trying to see if there is any way to expand the deck of my Mustard Seed Flying Gu."

Miao Xue was hit hard after returning from the last major military overhaul.

I thought that I was the brightest star in the military reform, but I didn't expect that all the limelight would be stolen by a junior.

The most important thing is that I finally found the person I am attracted to, but in the end, they are not interested in me at all!

What a shock!

It must be because there is a big gap between my performance and Yu Cang's that this younger brother is not interested in me... Also, people like this usually have some sapiosexuality in them.

So after coming back, Miao Xue held back her energy and wanted to improve her results, at least to prove that she was definitely not much worse than Yu Cang.

In her opinion... Yu Cang must be the same as herself. He often has no idea of ​​​​looking for a partner because the people around him are not good enough... If there is really anyone in this world who is worthy of him, then it must be only Myself!

Miao Xue was full of confidence.

But a piece of news that came immediately made her freeze on the spot.

Star level! homology!

The two unpretentious essays made her deeply feel that every award of the Flame Emperor Medal was no joke.

The sentence in the paper "This article does not need to refer to any literature" made her go crazy with envy.

Only academic dogs understand how much confidence and high status it takes to write this sentence in a paper and publish it.

She's so crazy... When will she dare to say that?

While I was envious, I felt even more frustrated.

Does she still have hope of catching up with Yu Cang?

Can't see it!

Although she said that, she still turned her grief and anger into motivation, and worked hard to study her own deck... She has made some gains these days, although she can't keep up with that star level... But at least, a rare deck with anti-air attributes It's a great enhancement.

Didn’t you see that grandma asked herself to take care of a student from the fighting club because of this?

Taking care of students before graduation, who can do it?'s just that student, he's just a little annoyed.

"Don't tire yourself too much. It's still early for the college league, so don't be in a hurry." Miao Yun said with a smile.

"I know~" Miao Xue straightened her back, and a sudden pain came into her mind.

"You know, let's put these down first." Miao Yun stepped forward and took away the writing pen in Miao Xue's hand without any explanation, "You can't achieve good results if you keep working behind closed doors... In this way, grandma is going to attend a summit recently. Not small. I thought I might as well take a few students to see the world."

Miao Xue also wanted to snatch the writing pen back, but failed miserably. She could only sigh, "Okay... Then take that 'student' of mine away quickly. He is pestering me every day. He is annoying me to death."

"Of course, but-" Miao Yun smiled, "You want to go too."

"I'm not going. I'm staying at home well. Why go out? Besides, I haven't heard of any heavyweight summits recently. I guess it's something..."

"The address of the summit is at Gudu University~" Miao Yun smiled.

"..." Miao Xue swallowed, then coughed lightly, "Grandma! What do you mean? Do you think I have any special feelings for Gudu University!"

"Then will you go or not?"

"If you insist on holding me back, there's nothing I can do about it." Miao Xue stood up and started clearing the table as if nothing had happened, "Okay, okay, I'll clean it up, don't look at me here!"

"Okay~ Grandma is leaving."

imperial capital

a training room


Duan Feng was naked from the waist up, revealing his smooth muscle lines.

He stood quietly in the center of the room, surrounded by a row of unknown instruments. Invisible energy waves vibrated back and forth in the air, making Duan Feng's face drip with cold sweat.

At a certain moment, he finally couldn't hold it any longer, coughed in pain, and knelt on the ground.

The energy waves in the space also dissipated.

"...the instruments in the admission bureau are quite useful." Duan Feng stood up slowly.

Theoretically speaking, before the sixth level, the soul card master's upper limit of soul energy, upper limit of mental pressure and other data are very fixed, and there will be no fluctuations. Only after the sixth level, everyone will make decisions due to various adventures. distinguish.

However, the instruments of the Admission Bureau can actually slightly change these data at level five.

Although the changes are small or even minimal, they will have almost no impact on combat. The process is still extremely painful, but as long as it is effective, the gap will be exponential after level seven or eight in the future.

This instrument is still under testing, and it stands to reason that it will not be spread out. However, the Duan family naturally has the ability to find it for him, but Duan Feng has never used it before.

But since returning from the ancient capital, Duan Feng has begun to selectively accept material gifts from some family members.

Duan Feng took the towel, wiped his body and walked aside. A man in a suit was already waiting here.

"Young Master." Duan Wang lowered his eyebrows and said, "In a few days, there will be a summit in the ancient city, hosted by Yu Cang. The master of the family means that as Yu Cang's 'best friend', Young Master, you should also be present..."

Duan Feng moved slightly slowly.

"Yu Cang..." He was silent for a moment and said, "No need, I just came back from the ancient capital."

Duan Wang raised his head: "But the head of the family said..."

"Duan Zhang promised not to care about me within a month."

Duan Wang stopped talking.

"Go on down, I'm going to continue training."


After Duan Wang left, Duan Feng exhaled and raised his head slightly.

"...Wait, it's not the time yet."

When he returns to the ancient capital again, it must be when he is sure to take Duanqiu back!

another place

In a manor somewhere, a lady with extraordinary temperament was making tea.

In front of her, a childish-looking student was sitting at the desk, quietly flipping through a paper book.

Suddenly, the lady said, "Wen Yang, how are you studying?"

"Well... there are still a few things I don't understand." Wen Yang quietly raised his gaze and then looked back at the book in front of him in a pretentious manner.

"Hoho ho, little brother, you really don't know how to lie." Mrs. Yu's eyes became interesting, "Why, are you afraid that after you learn how to do it, your sister will ask you to kill people for experiments... Wouldn't it be hard for you to refuse? "

"Nothing." Wen Yang coughed lightly, "Forbidden cards are a completely different knowledge system for me. I also need a lot of time to explore..."

"Hmph, forget it, I won't tease you anymore." Mrs. Yu picked up the tea cup and took a sip, "In a few days, something interesting will happen... Although it has nothing to do with us, it will create some more interesting fun. "

"Huh?" Wen Yang blinked, unsure.

"To put it simply... in a few days, most of the town-level card makers will be distracted, and then some fools will be unable to sit still and want to take the opportunity to jump out and show off their stupidity."

"Uh..." Wen Yang scratched his head.

I always feel like this shouldn't be something I should know.

"It doesn't matter if they are so happy that they are stupid. Just in time, it can attract some attention for us." Mrs. Yu looked at Wen Yang and raised the corner of her mouth slightly, "There seems to be some treasures in the Duan family's warehouse... How about collecting some in advance? Interest?"

Wen Yang's eyes widened slightly.

He never expected that Mrs. Yu would say so much for herself... No, he must be doing it along the way. Don't think that the card banner has good intentions!

Wen Yang took a deep breath.

"I know, I won't miss this for sure."

imperial capital

"Summit? Yu Cang? The Yanhuang Medal winner?" Zhuang Zong raised his eyebrows, "Nonsense! The association is condoning Yu Cang! Do they want to see the second Zhao Yang born in the Yan Kingdom?"

The person on the side came closer and whispered: "I heard that Yu Cang wants to share a new resonance method..."

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Zong frowned even more: "There is such an important achievement? Well, what a good young man... he should practice hard! To be honest, I don't understand, Zhao Yang is so good Miao Zi has been destroyed, and now the association has gone even further and awarded a medal of the Yanhuang Medal to such a young man... Even if the results are enough, is his character enough?"


"What a nonsense!" Zhuang Zong stood up, "Look, at the summit in a few days, I have to kill this Yu Cang's spirit, otherwise, another genius will die young!"

Zhuangzong said Zhao Yang.

It was the genius who made the legendary soul card at the age of fourteen.

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