Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 279 Return gift to Miao Xue

After thinking for a moment, there was no result, so Yu Cang stopped thinking about it.

Closing his eyes gently, he had come to the field of vision of the stars.

Instead of going to Jieying Campus, Yu Cang stood alone under the starry sky, releasing his senses.

The campus must be very lively now. Everyone in Zhenguo has not left yet and is talking to Ren Zheng. He finally escaped from the summit, how could he break in again at this time.

After sensing it for a moment, Yu Cang opened his eyes, slightly disappointed.

He still remembered that on the day of the duel with Duan Feng, he had glimpsed his possible destiny star behind him.

After chatting with the princess in the divine capital, Yu Cang realized that his destiny star was probably the fallen emperor star... Therefore, he has been trying to find his original state again, trying to summon his destiny star.

Putting aside whether you can get benefits from the Emperor Star, without the Life Star, you will always feel weird.

It seems that he is an alien in the field of starry sky.

However, there is no way, his destiny seems to be completely hidden, no matter how he looks for it, he can't find any trace.

The Emperor Star is very important to the entire universe. If it can be found, some problems may be solved.

Now that he couldn't find it for the time being, he was not discouraged. He gathered his mood and appeared in the ice city with a thought.

This frozen city is now very depressed.

Yu Cang asked the princess what conditions were needed to breed worms, and she just said that Ice City is indeed very suitable.

The walls here are frozen and cannot be eaten by worms. It is the best place to breed worms.

Stardust did remember the more efficient breeding farms that the empire had built before, but the drawings for such things were very complicated. Although Stardust was knowledgeable, he would definitely not be able to remember all of these things in a short time. We can first calculate the complete drawings before talking.

Secondly... they don't have that many industrial souls to build breeding farms now.

The number of spirit seeds is extremely urgent, and spirit seeds are needed everywhere. To describe it as "poor and useless" is an understatement.

Therefore, now I can only use Ice City for emergency purposes, and I have to work hard to strengthen the rhythm once a month.

Yu Cang came to Xingchen's location.

Now, her spirit body is floating above the ground, her eyes staring seriously ahead.

On the ground in front of her, several worms were walking staggeringly, looking very stiff, as if their limbs were not their own.

In fact, their limbs are no longer their own.

Yu Cang came to the princess.

"Stardust, how's it going?"

"Yu Cang, you're here!" Xingchen turned his head and showed a smile, "It feels almost done... To be honest, I only remember roughly this technology, and I didn't expect it to be reproduced in such a short time. .”

"Really?" Yu Cang looked at the insects in front of him, "Are they harmless now?"

"Harmless is not considered harmless." Xingchen waved his hand, and the spirits gathered around him to form a screen, on which a lot of data flashed, all in Yanguo's words.

She pushed the floating screen to Yu Cang's side, and then said:

"I used spirit seeds to make new limbs for these consciousness insects. Among these limbs, I have reserved some action patterns and nineteen safety protection instructions to ensure that these limbs will never attack the rhythm and rhythm of any living thing. Memory, and it can also stop the worm when its appetite is aroused."

"sounds good."

"Hmm... the effect is a little worse than I expected." Stardust rubbed his face, "After I add thirty more safety protection instructions, it should be ready for use."

"... Do you want to add so much?"

"Safety is a must!"

Stardust emphasized.

"Okay... indeed." Yu Cang nodded.

It is not unnecessary to install prosthetic limbs on the insect.

The insects are very sensitive to people with scholar talents and can smell them from a long distance... They like to eat the memories of such people, which is a good food for them.

Especially the kind of young scholars who can eat it into their mouths without spending much effort are their favorite.

Leaving aside the second half, the ability to recognize insects is very suitable for finding good seedlings to learn star long as their eating instinct problem is solved.

Therefore, replacing "prosthetic limbs" with spirit seeds is a good method.

In this case, the brains of these insects will subconsciously look for people with scholarly talents, but after finding them, when they want to eat, their limbs will start to give birth to their own ideas.

Not only will they not eat it, they will mark and protect it in situ, and send a signal to Yu Cang or the association, waiting for someone to take the scholar away and focus on cultivation.

Although this sounds a bit cruel to Shi Chong himself... The food is clearly in front of him, and the idea of ​​​​making food is clearly in his mind, but his hands and feet just want to play with it.

Therefore, as long as he has this "spiritual prosthetic limb", Shi Chong can finally devote himself to the work of selecting talents... In fact, this is also the princess's idea of ​​attracting Shi Chong in the first place.

In addition, there is nothing "inhumane" about this approach. A race composed of pure rhythms, such as the worms, is different from normal creatures. Their limbs are originally detachable. After the limbs are removed, as long as they eat the rhythm , you can easily grow new ones.

It's just that there is a special rhythm in the spirit son's prosthetic limbs, which can fool the mind of the insect into thinking that these are the original limbs, thus preventing the body from regenerating.

The princess will also feed them afterwards, and there is no such thing as cruelty.

"Then, when will these consciousness insects be put into use?" Yu Cang asked.

This knowledge insect is very important for promoting Star Vision.

"Soon, just a week at most."

Nodding, Yu Cang looked back.

There, some little wise men were locked up in an igloo.

Those...are born from these intelligent insects.

After the princess took over the ice city, while making spirit seeds, she also deliberately stimulated them to give birth to babies... However, the spirit seeds were consumed too quickly, and the number of worms still could not make ends meet.

As for the larvae we see in front of us... they were all born by these wisdom insects during this period of stability, so there are only a few of them.

The reproduction speed of consciousness insects is not slow, especially the wisdom insects, which have a reproduction efficiency several times that of ordinary consciousness insects, but their wisdom is usually not easily passed on.

For example, these larvae in front of me are, without exception, ordinary worms.

"Princess, I will use these larvae."

"Huh?" The princess turned her head, a little confused, "What do you want to do?"

"Verify some conjectures."

"Okay...but be careful not to consume too much. Knowledge insects also have a lifespan. These wisdom insects cannot reproduce indefinitely."

"rest assured."

Yu Cang approached the igloo.

Although Yu Cang had a harmless smile on his face, facing such an exaggerated rhythmic body, these insects who had never seen much of the world were still driven by instinct to lie on the ground and tremble.

Yu Cang squatted down and observed carefully.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of creature it is, it seems to be quite cute when it is a child.

The adult worms all have grotesque shapes, with crooked melons, cracked dates, and pointed teeth and mouths, which make them seem a lot nobler when used to describe them.

This is mainly because the eating rhythms of the insects are too complicated. Various rhythms affect the growth of the body in their bodies, and sometimes terrible mutations will occur.

Compared to those smart bugs, Sora Yusuke, who rarely spoke, was simply the symbol of handsomeness among the race.

The rhythm of time and space, whose essence is close to the level of myth, has created a perfect body for Sora and Sequence. Whether it is fighting or watching, they are all handsome.

Naturally, these cubs in front of them don't have the same conditions as Sora and Sequence, but they haven't eaten much yet and have at most eaten some industrial spirit seeds. They can indeed be called cute.

Even his eyes revealed a clear stupidity that had not been contaminated by knowledge.

Yu Cang stretched out his hand and slightly touched one of the larvae.

The body is soft, filled with gelatin and solidified starlight.

Yu Cang gently stroked the worm, seemingly aware that there was no danger. The worm's body relaxed slightly and stopped shaking. It even rubbed Yu Cang's palm knowingly.

However, after all, it is still hard to change one's nature. Looking at the "Rhythm Body" so close, Shi Chong's mouthparts trembled slightly, as if he could not help but bite him hard at any time... But his instinct told him that what was in front of him was Man is very dangerous, so he is in a struggle.

Instinct and desire pull at each other, but there is only no wisdom.

Looking at this little insect, Yu Cang looked thoughtful.

At this moment, his eyes were on the recorder.

Star Sight can be directly injected into entries, and the success rate is almost 100%. This is true, but that is under the premise that Yu Cang's purpose is to fight.

At this moment, his goal was to transform this consciousness insect... The success rate suddenly dropped.

However, it’s still not low!

Before coming in, Yu Cang had checked the success rate of implanting entries on those wisdom insects. It was ridiculously low. Even for an ordinary entry, the success rate was only a few tenths of a percent.

In fact, this is not easy.

Yu Cang has tried it in the real world. Implantation of verbs into living creatures will never be successful. No matter what formula is used, the success rate is always zero.

Here, it should be just because of the special nature of the star field.

Before recognizing the insects, Yu Cang also discovered the success rate in Jie Ying's body, but he did not dare to try.

After all, Jie Ying only has this one, and it is still his partner. It is not good to implant it rashly, whether it succeeds or fails.

Failure may cause irreversible damage to the boundary shadow, and success cannot guarantee that the boundary shadow will still be the original boundary shadow.

As for the implantation of consciousness insects... I have tried it before and failed.

However, when faced with the insect larvae, the success rate has improved significantly, and many formulas have achieved high success rates.

Yu Cang guessed that this should be because the current body of the consciousness insect is very pure, just like a blank soul card.

This is good.

Try it first.

Thinking like this, Yu Cang had a thought in his mind and already activated the entry implantation.


The next moment, the consciousness insect in his palm seemed to notice something, and his body stiffened suddenly, then slowly raised his head, and let out a painful hissing towards Yu Cang.

Then, with a squeak, he fell to the ground and made no sound.

"...Failed." Yu Cang took a deep breath.

Sure enough, it was right not to try it on Jie Ying.

The cost of implantation failure is too irreparable.

Facing these ignorant insects, Yu Cang naturally didn't feel bad. After he calmed down, he started to think.

At this time, the cubs, who had just relaxed due to Yu Cang's "touch", suddenly became frightened and fell to the ground again, trembling.

"...continue." Yu Cang looked at the next consciousness insect.

His knowledge is limited, so he must find some reliable formulas.

In fact, he started studying these now to prepare a "return gift" for Miao Xue.

Space and Sequence can definitely not be reproduced. The power of time is too advanced. Even if Yu Cang successfully implants the [Time and Space] entry, Miao Xue will probably not be able to use it.

Therefore, the next best thing is to see if we can make other "consciousness-eating insects".

Outside the house, Xingchen quietly glanced at Yu Cang with his peripheral vision and let out a hiss, but still didn't say anything.

She felt distressed.

A worm of consciousness was gone in an instant!

What is this? It needs to be so wasteful!

To be honest, she would not have cared about the consumption of these little bugs, but after all, things are different now.

It's so pitiful that the princess has never been so poor. The poor days of the past few days have completely aroused the princess's calculations. She wishes that every worm she raised could have a litter of 108. It's a pity that Can't do it.

And looking at Yu Cang's expression, it is obvious that he will not give up easily today, maybe he will kill all the larvae in this room...

Yu Cang hadn't been here for a few days, and when he came he looked like he was going to kill someone, which really made her heart twitch.

However, this is their ice city after all, and they caught the bugs, so the princess could only hold back the tears in her heart and focus on the work in front of her.

Swallow your anger.jpg

Who knows, before she can debug a safety program.

Suddenly, she heard a strange noise coming from the igloo, and then, a strange rhythm suddenly appeared in her perception, making her stunned on the spot.

Wait...what did Yu Cang do? !

A terrible suspicion arose in the princess's heart. She quickly turned her head, and then her mouth slowly opened, but she couldn't close it.

The cub of the consciousness insect in Yu Cang's hand... has grown up.

Yes, grown up!

The princess rubbed her eyes and looked carefully many times before finally confirming that what she saw was not an illusion.

No, what kind of performance are you doing...

Artificial ripening to identify insects?

Can you abide by the law of spirit children?

Moreover, the most outrageous thing was that she clearly felt that the adult consciousness insect in Yu Cang's hand had some extra abilities, as if...

Just like those ancient methods of breeding worms, the worms only eat a single rhythm from an early age until they reach adulthood. This way, there is a high probability that the worm will have the ability that the breeder wants.

In the era when spirit children were not invented, this is how the consciousness insects used in battles came about.

But to put it bluntly, it's just a matter of luck. Raising a worm from a young age to adulthood, the probability of developing useful abilities is not much different from simply pulling out an SSR. It also requires a long time and a lot of energy.

How could it be possible to grow up like Yu Cang with just a touch?

Jin Kela is not so fierce, right?

It's so easy to directly tamper with the process of life, Yu Cang, you...

Looking at Yu Cang's back, inexplicably, the princess felt a trace of fear in her heart.

It was precisely because she stood on the shoulders of the Empire that she could understand how terrifying it was to achieve this step. Even in the Empire, this was a technology that could be called "taboo".

Can this really be explained by "talent"...

After a moment of silence, Stardust shook his head.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter, the universe is like this, what’s the use of worrying about it.

Yu Cang has become stronger, which is a good thing!

Thinking of this, Xingchen let out a long sigh of relief, and then came to the igloo.

"...Yu Cang, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Yu Cang looked away from the consciousness worm in front of him: "My experiment was successful... I was lucky enough not to consume too many consciousness worms."


"Then you're busy, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Yu Cang turned around and disappeared into the ice city.

The princess was left alone, stunned and lost in thought.

After spending some time, Yu Cang prepared a connecting soul card for this awareness insect:

Soul card name: Consciousness-devouring Insect·Wandering

Category: Summoning Card

Number of anchor points: 1

Quality: Connected

Attribute: empty

Race: Insect-seeing


Empty attribute summoned beast*1

[Consciousness]: Wandering attacks cause mental damage. When the attack takes effect, it will also cause mental damage to the operator of the attacking target.

[Time Shift]: If the soul card's material becomes the anchor point and is guiding the activation of a certain ability, the guidance will end immediately and the ability will be considered successful. If you do this, the soul card's death cooldown will be increased based on the guidance time.

[Return]: When the soul card is successfully summoned, the location of the soul card master will be recorded. If this ability is actively activated, the soul card master and the target connected to the soul card will be returned to the location.

Yu Cang nodded with satisfaction.

A very practical soul card.

Although it seems not as strong as Kong and Sequence, both of his abilities are very easy to use, especially, they can create a very exciting linkage with the Mustard Flying Air Gu!

Mustard Flying Air Gu's [Far Sky] allows Mustard Flying Air Gu to still be controlled after flying out of the Soul Card Master's control range, but no matter what ability is activated at this time, it will take extra guidance time.

Although the Mustard Seed Flying Air Gu itself has a strong concealment ability, it will inevitably leak some empty attribute energy during the guidance process, and it will be easily discovered at this time.

But it’s different with this wandering!

[Time Shift] can directly clear the boot time. As long as you use it as a material to connect and summon the Mustard Seed Flying Gu at the beginning of its guidance, you can directly trigger the ability and teleport here.

At the same time, [Return] will be activated before teleportation to mark your current location. When this ability is activated again, you can come back directly.

The two soul cards can be combined with each other to instantly return to the city and back again from a long distance, perfect cooperation!

However, the Mustard Seed Flying Gu is just a rare card after all, and it has its limitations. The ability of [Far Sky] has an upper limit, and it is not like Sora, which can really be controlled at an infinite distance... But even so, this soul card It will all be a qualitative change from the Mustard Flying Gu.

The formula this time is.

[Space coordinates] + [Time coordinates] + [Channel]!

Yu Cang nodded.

Okay...this soul card should be enough as a return gift to Miao Xue.

Thanks to Weihuohu nv for the reward!

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