Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 293 Do you feel my talent?

The soul card above the arena glowed, and the silent round had started, but Wen Renge didn't seem to be in a hurry to use the soul card.

He gently tapped the soul card on his fingertips and said:

"Yu Cang, I have always believed that compared to card makers, soul card masters who only specialize in fighting need more 'talent'." A smile appeared on his face, "Yu Cang, I have seen many of your battles , but in my eyes, you put more 'instinct' into fighting than 'talent'."

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Wen Renge did not answer directly, but said: "There is a saying that you should be very clear about, 'The soul card master should not doubt his intuition'. But you know, I hate being dominated by intuition - the battle should be a A game of precision, not an orgy of beasts. I need victory, not survival!"

He gently touched his left chest with one hand, feeling the beating of his heart in his chest: "Just like now... I am too strong, so strong that I can clearly feel the power you have buried in your deck. How terrifying it is that my instinct reminds me over and over again that I will lose. It has become an invisible shackle, preventing me from seeking victory.

"This feeling is disgusting." Wen Renge opened his arms and the smile on his face became wider and wider, "Yu Cang! You are very strong, and your combat intuition allows you to find opportunities to win without having to think too much. , your wisdom in another field allows you to always have room to spare no matter what kind of enemy you face, but it is not enough, this is not the real you!

"Look, next, I will fully reveal my 'talent' to you, and I will use victory to tell you how to face me!"

The Wenren singer moved his fingers lightly, and a soul card was ejected, forming a shadow in mid-air. He stretched out his hand and reached into it. The shadow shattered in the next second, and a huge broad sword appeared in his hand!

"I activate the equipment card: Mark of Swallowing the Void!"

This broad sword is completely black, as if it is made of solidified darkness. On the central axis of this broad sword, there is a slash extending from the end of the hilt to the tip of the sword, with a dark and pure golden light flowing in it. It seems to be connected to another world.

There is such a slash mark on both sides of the broad sword.

Seeing this equipment card, Yu Cang raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Natural spirit?"

"Very sharp, Yu Cang!" A smile appeared on Wen Renge's lips.

That's right, the "Scar of Swallowing the Void" in his hand contains a "spirit" captured from nature!

Yu Cang has done some research on this aspect, so as soon as he saw this weapon, he already felt the presence of the spirit.

This made him very novel. This was the first time he encountered an opponent with a natural spirit.

But he was a little confused: "However, the improvement of natural spirits for melee soul card masters is very small."

The power of the natural spirit allows the soul card to fight independently, allowing the soul card master to devote more attention to thinking and fighting. However, the equipment card is just an equipment card after all. Under normal circumstances, the equipment card cannot move independently and can only rely on The wielder wields it.

Even if there is a natural spirit inhabiting it, the equipment card cannot be controlled by the power of the spirit itself.

As for Gu Jieshuang's aunt, that's because the ability of the soul card "Ancient Cold Sky Will" is to allow the entered equipment card to gain the ability to fly. This has nothing to do with whether there is "spirit" control.

"Really." Wen Renge's expression did not change, "That's true, but - who told you that I am a melee soul card master?"

"Huh?" Yu Cang's expression changed quietly.

If you are not a melee soul card master, then shouldn't this natural spirit be placed in this equipment soul card...

He didn't know what Wen Renge was trying to do, but he didn't think about it. He just raised his hand and threw out a soul card.

"I summon: Half-Dragon Headhunter!"


A soul card was opened out of thin air, and a hunting head with three dragon scales suspended behind it walked out of it!

"Yu Cang!" Wen Renge said, "You should have used the powers in your deck more efficiently, but now, instinct is your shackles!"


"You don't believe it?" Wen Renge placed the broad sword diagonally on the ground and said, "Did you know that soul energy... is the most powerful force in the world! It comes from your heart and is always interpreting you. of talent and will!”

Time passed slowly, and as they spoke, the soul energy in the two soul energy wells had been completely restored.

Wen Renge leaned down a little, and the smile on his face suddenly became stronger: "Then now, let me tell you where the limit of soul power is!"


Roar! !

Wen Renge suddenly exerted his strength and rushed towards Yu Cang quickly. A beast-like roar came from the broad sword in his hand, and the slash mark on the central axis trembled out of thin air for a moment!

Halfway through, Wen Renge threw out a soul card: "I summon: Prisoner of the Dark Prison, Dead Thief!"


The soul card shattered, and a shadow fell to the ground. Then it turned into a ghostly figure, floated out against the ground, and headed straight for the half-dragon headhunter!

This figure seemed to have no entity, only a piece of tattered clothes that seemed to be draped in the air. Its eyes were shadowy, and the trajectory was unclear in a trance.

It is a thief born from death. In order to continue its own life and existence, it can only steal the lives of others again and again.

Seeing this figure, Yu Cang frowned tightly.

Is Wen Renge's deck a prisoner of the dark prison?

He had an impression of this deck, it was very strange, the subordinates were all kinds of prisoners, and their combat abilities were pretty good.

However, this deck does not have any close combat capabilities. The normal fighting method should be for the user to hide in the distance and use various "punishment" spell cards to support the battlefield. How can anyone rush up with a sword?

And if there is only one soul card plugged in... it doesn't make sense. Almost every soul card in the Prisoner of the Dark Prison deck has a terrifying self-respect. This is determined by the theme of the deck. Borrowing the power of the Prisoner, You must also be trapped in a prison, so as long as you use a prisoner of the dark prison, then don't think about using other soul cards.

Even the equipment card he summoned just now may be affected.

For a moment, Yu Cang didn't understand, so he could only wait and see what happened, and then summoned the second half-dragon hunter head with a wave of his hand.

Roar! !

The two half-dragon hunting heads roared at the same time, and the chaos dragon scales fell into their hands, forming a dragon hunting spear, and they rushed forward with a wave!

To deal with small units, melee combat is obviously more suitable.


The mark of swallowing the void collided with the perfectly rounded dragon-hunting spear, and a loud metallic sound suddenly spread out. Wen Renge was not strong enough, and his body quickly retreated, but the half-dragon hunter's head suddenly exploded with speed, and he pressed The dragon-hunting spear pushed forward, obviously not wanting the half-dragon hunter to break free so easily.

Wen Renge could only forcefully stabilize his center of gravity, with both feet already inserted into the ground to prevent his balance from being destroyed and being whipped away by a spear.

However, despite the obvious defeat, the smile on Wen Renge's face grew brighter and brighter.

"What are you thinking about, Yu Cang?"

While holding the sword in both hands, Wen Renge quietly stretched out two fingers, and a soul card appeared on his fingertips.

"I activate: Dragon Light's Glory!"


The soul card was broken, but nothing seemed to happen.

Headhunting is still moving forward, and Wenrenge is still being forced to retreat.

Next to him, the Dead Thief was fighting with another Headhunter, but its combat effectiveness was far inferior to that of the Headhunter. It could only keep retreating, trying its best to delay it.

Opposite him, Yu Cang frowned even deeper.

Did Wen Renge get dizzy? What are these operations?

Under the self-respect of the "prisoners in the dark prison", it is impossible to activate the "Dragon Light Glory" successfully!

Not to mention that the self-respect of the prisoners in the dark prison affects almost all the soul cards outside the family. Just talking about the attributes of these two, it is impossible to activate them successfully.

The Brilliance of Dragon Light is a soul card in another deck "Dragon Sanctuary". Its attribute is light, which is completely opposite to the dark attribute, and it has no compatibility with the soul card of Prisoner of Darkness at all.

Even if these two soul cards are simply put into the same deck, they will directly induce rhythm conflict, causing unspeakable pain to the holder through the soul energy well, and even the card box may be directly destroyed!

Wen Renge put these two soul cards into a deck. Are you crazy? How could he still laugh while enduring the pain of rhyme conflict?

"Haha..." Wen Renge slowly closed his eyes. The next second, his body suddenly stiffened. The ground beneath his feet cracked open, and a huge sound came out. He actually stopped the impact of the headhunting!

Its power surged in an instant, and no matter how hard the head hunter exerted, it could not move it even a bit!

It was as if at this moment, Wenrenge had become an insurmountable wall!

"What are you thinking about, Yu Cang?" Wen Renge slowly opened his eyes, mist-like light overflowed from his pupils, and matched with the smile on his lips, it seemed to have a crazy divinity, "Did you see this? It’s just the limitation of instinct!”


The Mark of Swallowing the Void suddenly accelerated, the light bloomed for a moment, and the dragon-hunting spear was directly bounced high and flew out!


A deep scar appeared on the hunter's chest. Yu Cang tried his best to control the hunter to dodge, but he was still almost cut through!

Suspense flashed across Yu Cang's eyes, and he immediately controlled the hunting head to retreat quickly, wanting to observe what happened first.

Wen Renge didn't seem to be in a hurry, and while he was distracted in manipulating the dead thief to deal with the head hunter, he slowly said:

"It is the instinct of life to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages." He pointed to his head. As he spoke, mist-like light overflowed from the corners of his mouth, nostrils, and ear holes. "But, before victory, there is only pain." , reassuring.

"Do you know the principle of 'self-suppression' for prisoners in the dark prison? After summoning, the remaining dark power of the soul card will form a 'prison' around the soul energy well, constantly contaminating the soul energy pumped from it. Such soul energy will destroy everything The rhythm of the soul card of non-prisoners in the dark prison makes it impossible to release it.

"The ability of Dragon Light's Radiance is to select a humanoid summoned beast, change its attribute to light, change its race to dragon, and get three opportunities to release 'Dragon Breath'. The target I chose is myself! "

Yu Cang frowned and said, "Are you crazy?"

He has a deep understanding of soul cards, and now he understands what just happened.

Since self-respect is the "cage" around the soul energy well, then he just needs to break this cage!

The "Dragon Light Glory" he just used was only half used. Normally, this soul card cannot be activated by those contaminated soul energy, but Wen Renge took a different approach. At the moment when soul energy is injected, the moment when the dragon's light shines and the rhythm is damaged——

Directly use the rhythm related to "light" and rely on the attribute contradiction between light and darkness to forcefully break through that "cage"!

This kind of behavior can no longer simply be called crazy, it is simply harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself.

The soul energy well exists in the spiritual world. This series of operations is equivalent to performing surgery on your own brain. The scalpel is still a small bomb. If you are not careful... the consequences can be imagined!

Normally Yu Cang would be horrified to play like this, let alone do it in an already fierce battle!

Moreover, there is no particular advantage to doing this... You did use two completely incompatible soul cards at the same time, but is the combined combat power of these two soul cards really worth the risk?

"What are you thinking about, Yu Cang?" Wen Renge raised the broad sword. A layer of flowing black and white energy flowed along the arm and onto the sword body. The narrow slash opened and closed, as if it was swallowing up these powers. .

"Your expression tells me that you are still limited by instinct!" He grinned, "You are very familiar with light and darkness. You should know how powerful the power that bursts out when two elements collide and then annihilate. .

"Let me tell you - the ability of Swallowing Mark of the Void is to absorb a certain amount of soul energy to strengthen itself and the holder - this ability is very useless and requires consuming soul energy to obtain what ordinary soul cards normally have. Power is no different from waste, but——"

The smile on Wen Renge's face became even bigger, "What if I inject this power from the collision of light and darkness into it together with soul energy?"

Hoo! ! ! Roar! ! !

Heart-rending wails came from the broad sword, and the slash mark continued to tremble. From the sound, the pain that occurred in the sword was simply unimaginable.

Yu Cang frowned.

He knew that the soul energy injected into Wen Renge was not that simple.

If he did this, the dragon's light was not actually activated by Wen Renge's soul energy, but by the dead thief's "self-suppression"!

Because when this soul card feels "self-suppressed" and its soul energy is damaged, it will refuse to accept this soul energy and bounce it back.

This soul card can be regarded as not consuming soul energy... but the soul energy that was originally intended to be injected into it and was contaminated by self-suppression cannot be used normally.

Now, Wen Renge injected this part of his solemn soul energy into the sword, together with the energy from the collision of light and darkness... To be precise, he injected it into the natural spirit in the sword.

The ability of the sword itself can only absorb soul energy. Only by adding natural spirit can it absorb this miscellaneous energy.

The price is that this natural spirit will be very painful... This can be heard from the wailing in the sword.

But in the final analysis, all this energy must flow through the soul energy well before it can be used as a transfer. The pain in Wen Renge's mind at this moment is definitely deeper and more intense than that of the natural spirit!

Suffering such pain, the guy in front of me... was still smiling, and his smile was even wider!

"Did you hear that, Yu Cang." Wen Renge slowly brushed his hand over the scars of swallowing the void, and also brushed away the wailing, "He was tortured by instinct... But it doesn't matter, fighting is the antidote, and victory will bring relief. .”

Yu Cang frowned. With a thought in his mind, the hunting head swung out his spear and broke free from the entanglement of the dead thief.

Although he was able to defeat the dead thief, Yu Cang was not that easy. He still remembered that the prisoner in the dark prison would create a "cage" by matching the "punishment" spell card. If Wen Renge found the timing to activate the cage, then the headhunter would lose the possibility of becoming a sacrifice, so Yu Cang must always Be careful not to give the dead thief a chance.

But no matter what, with the panel data here, it is still very simple to withdraw from the battlefield.

After getting rid of the dead thief, the two head hunters opened fire. In the blink of an eye, all six dragon hunting spears were thrown, and they all shot towards Wen Renge!

"It's really jealous. Can you launch an attack of this level with just a rare card?" Wen Renge raised his sword, and his wails had reached its peak, "——Get free."


Wen Renge suddenly burst out at an extremely fast speed, and six "dings" sounded one after another. The dark golden sword light with chaotic colors passed through the dragon hunting spear, and the wailing sound in the broad sword seemed to change. The tone...

No, it was a change of mood. The audible "refreshment" came out from the collision of the broad sword and the dragon-hunting spear. However, this sense of relief could not completely cover up the deeper wailing, which made these roars sound a bit distorted. .

Obviously, in the head-to-head battle, the natural spirit was so happy that it temporarily covered up the pain.

So fast?

Yu Cang reacted quickly, wanting the hunters to disperse, but at this moment, Wen Renge raised his broad sword with one hand, extended an index finger, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"——Dragon Breath!"


The light condensed on the fingertips, and a layer of dark energy wrapped around it. Almost in the blink of an eye, a dark beam of light flew out and rushed towards a hunting head!

Yu Cang immediately threw out a soul card.

Summon the Saint of Trap! And use three summoned beasts as connection anchors to summon the Dragon Hunter Kirin!

The skillful operation was completed in an instant, and the dragon's breath was avoided by connecting the summons. The next second, the Dragon Hunter Lin Ren and the Source-Eye Chaos Dragon appeared on the field!

"Wen Renge." Yu Cang frowned, "Your fighting method requires unimaginable pain. Is it really worth it?"

This fighting method is indeed very powerful. Wen Renge used a tube of soul energy to do more than it was worth, but the price was equally terrible.

It would be better if it was only painful when fighting... But putting these rhythmically contradictory soul cards into a card box, and actually daring to use the soul energy well to connect to them... Wen Renge is probably in daily life. Zhongdu feels pain all the time!

Moreover, he must be serious at all times and control and coordinate these rhythms at all times, otherwise, if he is not careful, the conflict of rhythms may leave some damage in his mind...

The soul card master must stay with his deck day and night. Changing the deck temporarily is the biggest taboo. The conflict is so terrifying, and Wen Renge can still use it so smoothly. It is conceivable that he usually does not use it at all. The deck has been removed!

Yu Cang took a breath when he thought that every time he met Wen Renge, he always had a smile on his face and seemed to have no temper when seeing anyone.

This man is so terrible.

How can you still keep smiling under such pain?

"It doesn't matter, Yu Cang." Wen Renge raised his hand, "Compared with the joy of victory, the pain of just a few days is far from comparable! Do you know that this kind of pain of approaching death can perfectly stimulate my soul energy? Well, and then speed up the recovery of soul energy - the Source Eye Chaos Dragon is a beautiful dragon, but this is not enough!"

Wen Renge stretched out his hand and held two soul cards between his hands.

"My talents are far more than that!"


The soul card was shattered, and two huge soul card shadows spread out behind him, one on the left and one on the right, even completely symmetrical!

Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

This soul can be consumed... something is wrong.

What kind of trick is he playing?

"Yu Cang, you know." Wen Renge raised his head, "Every time I see a strong enemy, I will have a dream... I will fight him over and over again in my dreams, and eventually defeat him, and even learn from him .

"That day, I defeated Duan Feng in my dream...but no matter how many times I tried, I never defeated you."

His breathing became much heavier.

"During that time, your sword that split the sky would appear in my dreams every night, but until I gradually forgot those details, until the dream could no longer exist, I didn't even find half a chance of winning with that sword. .”

Wen Renge opened his arms, and a strong wind came out of the ghost card behind him, blowing his clothes and dancing, "Look, this is the 'talent' I learned from Duan Feng! In this talent Before that, let me see that sword again!"


The soul card phantoms were both shattered, and Wen Renge stretched out his hand:

"Co-printed summons: Pangtuo End Realm, Dead Flame Tomb!"


It was as if a thunderbolt came from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, dense rainstorms were formed out of thin air under the protective shield of the arena, and fell to the ground with crackling sounds, seemingly endless.

At the same time, the ground cracked, and countless thick and solid flames emerged from the cracks. They exploded as soon as they came into contact with the rain. For a while, countless steam rose out of thin air, and the height was already higher than a person!

The rain fell on the duel shield on Cang's body, causing countless ripples. He glanced around with a serious look on his face. even more exaggerated.

Wen Renge just summoned two field cards in an instant?

What a joke!

The soul energy consumption of a single field card is extremely high. It is impossible to summon two at the same time, let alone the same soul card master. It is impossible to summon two fields. The two fields should directly affect each other as soon as they appear, so they can only be left. Only one is right!

Not to mention, these two venues have completely opposite attributes. They come from two different decks and have different self-suppression. How could they be summoned by a soul card master?

"Have you felt my talent?" Wen Renge said after a cloud of water vapor, above the broad sword in his hand, a dark golden light came through the water vapor, "This is the 'Co-Seal Summoning'! Put the two soul cards into , the same rhythm is placed overlapping and activated at the same time, so you can use one tube of soul energy to activate two soul cards at the same time!

"There will be a 'co-printing connection' between the soul cards activated by this ability, and they cannot be completely independent... but it is enough!"

Wen Renge's eyes were now bloodshot, but the smile on his lips remained unabated, "Do you remember what I said? I'm not a melee soul card master. Equipment cards, summon cards, spell cards, field cards... as long as I can Help me seek victory, that is my strength!”

He stretched out his finger, and a dazzling light burst out from his fingertips!

The sound of rain was pouring, the fire was raging from the ground to the sky, and contradictory forces were injected into the light group from all directions as the dragon's breath condensed. After a few seconds, the torrential power spurted out!

"Celestial Phenomenon·Dragon Breath!"

The steam was blurry, fire and water mixed in it, and it felt like the end of the world within the protective shield. This dragon's breath was unstoppable, moving forward, but before it hit the target, the contradictory power contained in it could no longer be neutralized. It exploded directly in the air!

The aftermath spread, and the Source Eye Chaos Dragon was directly swallowed by the explosion. The dragon's defense was of no use at all, and it was instantly killed immediately!

Under the life-saving obstruction of the Source-Eye Chaos Dragon, the Dragon Hunter Linren jumped to the side with Yu Cang, barely escaping the explosion of the dragon's breath.


Suddenly there was a clanging sound of metal in the rain, and the Swallowing Mark broke through the steam with a wailing sound, and struck with a sword. Water and fire were flowing on it, and the light and darkness were endless. It struck heavily on the Dragon Hunter Lin Ren's lance. !

collapse! !

The Karin man was knocked back by a sword in the rain. He slid for a long time before regaining his balance, and almost fell into the crack of the ground fire.

Obviously, Wen Renge has injected the rhythmic collision power of the two field cards into the sword at this moment. Even the epic-level Sharin man has been unable to parry this sword!

The dragon scales fell to the ground, and the number of dragon scales on the field at the moment was nine.

"So strong." Yu Cang frowned, "Shou Lin people, use [Resent to the Soul Return]!"


The Dragon Hunting Linren raised his lance, and the eight Chaos Dragon Scales were directly sent to the death cooldown. The next second, the two Hunting Heads returned to the field!

"It's useless, Yu Cang, how can instinct prevail over talent!" Wen Renge fell to the ground in the heavy rain, and waved his free hand suddenly, "I used the prisoner in the dark prison, the dead thief, as a sacrifice, and summoned me from above. Rank·Water-cutting Swordsman!”


The dead thief turned into soul card fragments and dissipated, and a sturdy figure appeared on the spot. He was holding a big sword, but at this moment, black chains spread around his body.

There is also a contradiction between the rhythms of the dead thief and the water-cutting swordsman, not to mention Zi Su, but they are still successfully summoned at this moment... which shows that Wen Renge has used some tricks in secret.


Yu Cang frowned, he stretched out his hand and took out a soul card.

This is the third subordinate card in the Half-Dragon system.

"I summon: Half-Dragon·Tribal Colossus!"


The earth suddenly shook, a soul card opened on the ground, and a huge thing rose from it!

This is a rough stone statue, with a very thick torso and limbs, various bone ornaments hanging on its head, and patterns like dragon scales engraved on its body. After it appeared, it stood quietly in the rainstorm, letting the earth burn. There was no movement in Burning, as if he had no ability to move.

This soul card replaces the Plague Beast...and can also be used as a substitute for the Ancient Dragon Stone, becoming the material for burying the Bluestone Flower Ancient Dragon.

At this moment, it is its first appearance!

"I will disconnect the ten death dragon scales in the death cooldown!"

There are fourteen dead dragon scales, which is definitely enough.


Ten blurry gray shadows were thrown into the body of the tribal colossus from the unknown void. The next second, the gaps in the dragon scales on the body of the colossus lit up with light, and its eyes also emitted a captivating light, and then it suddenly moved!

The tribal colossus can absorb a certain amount of dead dragon scales to obtain [Scale Plague], and the tribal colossus with [Scale Plague] can move freely!

Now that ten dead dragon scales have been absorbed, the tribal colossus will also drop ten dead dragon scales after death. This time, it is equivalent to exchanging ten dead dragon scales directly and unconditionally back to the battlefield, and there is one more Epic-level combat power can be said to be the ultimate use of resources!

The tribal colossus soul energy consumption also consumes one tube, but its combat power requires enough dead dragon scales to take shape, so it cannot be used directly at the beginning.


The water-cutting swordsman attacked with his sword. Although the tribal colossus was huge, it was extremely fast. With a punch, the water-cutting swordsman flew out directly. Two dragon-hunting spears flew past in mid-air and shot directly towards Got it!

However, as the sound of rain became heavier and steam surged up, the two dragon-hunting spears did not actually hit, and it looked like they had missed.

At this time, Yu Cangruo felt something and had no time to think, so he asked the hunter Lin to raise his gun to block. The next second, the broad sword broke through the steam and came from the rain. With a slash of the sword, the light flowed, and it was actually attached. The power of dragon breath!

The third dragon breath!

"This..." Yu Cang's expression changed.

Bang! !

The hunter's lance was broken directly at the waist. The sword hit the ground with great force, causing a wave of fire, rain and earth.

Immediately afterwards, the condensed dragon's breath erupted at close range, and two figures flew out upside down.

It's Yu Cang and Wen Renge.

As for the Dragon Hunter Lin Ren... they are gone.

Wen Renge climbed up from the ground, with many cracks in the duel shield on his body.

"Haha... This is the closest attack method I can think of to that sword... Unfortunately, it's still not enough, far from enough."

"It's really crazy." Yu Cang also stood up.

He couldn't see Wen Renge through the water vapor, but this attack made him secretly frightened.

By stimulating the dragon's breath at such a close range, he intends to blow himself up as well... But that's not the principle of Dragon Breath Slash!

This guy's fighting style is simply terrifying. Soul energy, soul cards, self-respect and even the rhythm of the soul cards are all used by him in some way, thus transforming them into his own power. This guy is indeed qualified to say that he has "combat skills". talent".

But this kind of deck... Even if Yu Cang hears the news that Wen Renge died suddenly at home tomorrow, Yu Cang won't be surprised.

Moreover... Duan Feng's summoning method of summoning two dragons at once with the help of Chaos Dragon Eggs can actually be transformed into a combat skill?

This is already the ability of the soul card itself. Can it really be transformed into a skill?

Speaking of which... Sword Intent can be seen as turning equipment cards and spell cards into one's own skills, and right now, even outrageous skills like "Co-Seal Summoning" have come out... Doesn't this mean that as long as you fight " "Talent" is deep enough that the abilities of all soul cards can be transformed into skills?

...Impossible. In that case, what's the point of the soul card?

Yu Cang instinctively felt something was wrong, but for a moment, he couldn't figure it out.

Somehow, he had some understanding, but it seemed that now was not the time.

"The light of the dragon is coming!"

In the rain and fog, Wen Renge activated this soul card for the second time.

The wail of the sword continued to be heard. Yu Cang raised his head, and the light flashed high in the rain and fog. Wherever he saw it, there was a doomsday scene.

Thanks to book friend 20220701210007899 for the reward!

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