Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 299 The call from instinct!

"I still..." Wen Renge looked very struggling, "Can I prepare a little bit?"

It can be seen that he has not yet done the mental construction he should have.

But Yu Cang obviously had no intention of giving him time to mentally build up.

"No." Yu Cang said immediately, "Wen Renge, being loyal to pure reason and skills is the right path, but purity is not the same as extreme... You must eat this meteorite today, but don't worry , Chief Lei is watching, you won’t have any problems.”

This method of stimulating instincts is naturally as sudden as possible.

Otherwise, if Wen Renge had been prepared, he would have figured out everything he should have figured out in his mind, and the effect would have been weak.

Just now, out of the blue, when Wen Renge's mind was still in a state of confusion, he wanted to smash the meteorite directly into his face.

Wen Renge's expression relaxed slightly.

"Then do I know what will happen after the meteorite lands?"

"No." Yu Cang shook his head, "You can guess, but there won't be much time left for you to guess."

Wen Renge wanted to say something more, but Yu Cang had already turned around and walked to Lei Wanqing's side.

"So." A smile appeared on Yu Cang's face, and the light in his eyes was inexplicable, "I wish you good luck."

"Hey, wait!"

Just when Wen Renge was about to speak to persuade him to stay, he saw Lei Wanqing grab Yu Cang and disappear in a flash.

Wen Renge was the only one left on this mountain.

"This..." Wen Renge couldn't help but clenched her teeth tightly.

How did things get to this point?

Why, inexplicably, was he suddenly faced with a life-and-death crisis?

This place is far away from the city, and the armored vehicle he rode on the way here was an armored vehicle from the military region. For confidentiality reasons, even the windows were closed. He couldn't see anything outside at all, let alone remember the route.

It can be said that he is completely confused about this place now. Even if he wants to escape, he doesn't know how to escape or where to escape.

In fact, it was not that he had not tried to escape just now, but Chief Lei Wanqing was really terrifying... As soon as he had the idea of ​​mobilizing soul energy, he could immediately feel a strong aura coming from Chief Lei, and he was so scared... Lock yourself firmly.

He has no chance at all!

The faint sound of insects came from the depths of the dense forest, and further away, the intermittent calls of unknown species of wild beasts, accompanied by the sound of dripping water, entered the ears.

The barren mountains and ridges looked extremely peaceful and normal.

But when he thought that this place would be completely destroyed by meteorites later, a layer of fine sweat began to form on Wen Renge's forehead.


Wen Renge gritted her teeth.

However, the weird thing is.

Even though he was very nervous now, he had a vague intuition, a very reassuring intuition, which seemed to be telling him that there was no danger ahead.

Are you kidding me?

He saw the meteorite that day with his own eyes and faced it personally. He knew very well how powerful it was.

Just by looking at the energy emitted, and with a little calculation, you can tell that even if there are ten more of you, it will definitely not be enough to kill him!

That meteorite contains the purest power of destruction!

Even if the meteorite had any other effects, such as healing after landing... it would be useless.

I have already been smashed into Wenrenge Jiang... No, I am a fan of Wenrenge, is there any point in treatment?

This level of ability, even if it exists, is not something that Yu Cang can achieve!

Could it be that I am certain to die today...

Wen Renge forced himself to calm down, and he began to think about why Yu Cang and Lei Wanqing did what they did.

Logically speaking, they had no reason to harm themselves...but they couldn't find any evidence to prove that they were not murdering themselves.

There is no logical support for both options, pros and cons, but it is obvious that he is going to die.


Wen Renge frowned.

Did Yu Cang tell Principal Ren back then that nothing would happen even if the principal didn't take action?

So, what is this...


A trembling hum from the celestial body suddenly came from above his head, forcibly dispersing all Wen Renge's thoughts. He raised his head and saw that the sky was already blazing red!

The thunder seemed to be a giant net that gathered the world, taking root and surging in the sky. In the center of countless thunders, a huge boulder fell in the air. Just by facing it, Wen Renge could already feel the unrivaled powerful momentum!

Wherever he looked, the clouds were annihilated and the sky was trembling. In the face of this unrivaled momentum, Wen Renge couldn't feel any life in himself.


Wen Renge took out the card deck.

"One card gives me no chance of winning. How is that possible... Come on!"

Another mountain.

Yu Cang and Lei Wanqing stood on it, looking into the distance.

"Is this the 'Will of the Star God'?" Lei Wanqing looked at the sky and marveled, "It is indeed a fragment of the 'Dao of Heaven'... When that old boy Qiu Zhong told me about this soul card, But it really shocked me. Even Xiao Cang, it’s really incredible that you can make this soul card."

"It's just a coincidence." Yu Cang said.

"Don't be modest, Xiao Cang." Lei Wanqing said, "Speaking of which, this Wen Renge is quite interesting. When I checked out his deck just now, I was really shocked by such an extreme deck. The construction... my brain hurts just looking at it, and I can’t imagine how this young man endured all this.”

"This is not a good thing." Yu Cang shook his head, "He is too distrustful of his instincts. It's okay now, but after level seven or eight, this will become his limitation, and at that time... it will be difficult to correct it. "

"I don't think so." Lei Wanqing said with a smile, "After all, no one has actually walked this road. What if it really is true?"

"Yes." Yu Cang nodded.

This is indeed something that cannot be said.

But in comparison, Yu Cang believed in Feng's judgment more.

"Hey." Lei Wanqing's eyes suddenly lit up, "Are you starting to resist? This attack is indeed beautiful."

From the top of the mountain in the distance, the dragon's breath shot up, directly attacking the meteorite. The momentum was extraordinary for a moment.

But... obviously, it's useless. All attacks are nothing more than a mantis trying to use its arms as a chariot.

"Huh..." Yu Cang exhaled and gently closed his eyes.

The next second.

Phew—boom! !

The sound of whistling crashed into the top of the mountain, and unimaginable violent explosions erupted instantly. Even if Yu Cang closed his eyes, he could still feel the blazing red light changing rapidly in front of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, strong winds came, but when they got close to Lei Wanqing, they were all separated and did not affect Yu Cang.

At this time, Yu Cang had already devoted all his attention to the sight of the stars.

Watching the arrival of the Star God in the Starry Sky Vision is even more shocking.

Within the scope of perception, all rhythms are stirred, as if a black hole twisting the world is traveling through it, driving the whole world down crazily.

Starlight flickered in Yu Cang's body of rhythm, and he sent his sight into the center of the already chaotic area until he saw the part of the rhythm that represented Wenren's song.

The candle is crumbling and crumbling in the wind.

The above description only existed for a short time.

After the meteorite completely touched the top of the mountain, the rhythm representing Wenren's song was instantly shattered, broken down into smaller rhythmic fragments by the huge force, and spread out with the chaotic rhythm.

Yu Cang's eyes lit up slightly.

The second before the rhythm of Wenrenge dissipated, he seemed to see... a light shining in those rhythms?

He understands.

It seems that Wenrenge should gain something.

Return your mind to the present world and look forward again.

The previous mountain peak had completely disappeared, leaving a large crater with an exaggerated size... The ground dropped a lot. Yu Cang looked down and saw that even the area around the mountain he was standing on was not immune. Due to the difficulty, traces of energy destruction spread all over the earth.

Wherever you look, you can no longer see a complete mountain... The one where Yu Cang and Lei Wanqing are standing now is the only one still standing.

This is of course because Lei Wanqing took action to secure this foothold.

In the center of the huge crater in front of you, the ground was turned into something like crystal by the high temperature of the collision at that moment. The remaining red energy was flowing in it, and it still has not completely dissipated. The situation further away is slightly better. The ground is only lifted and reorganized by the incidental impact, rather than being directly burned and crystallized by the high temperature.

It can also be seen from this that the power of the Star God's will was actually greatly weakened in the Divine Capital.

That kind of metal can absorb kinetic energy through vibration. Although it was directly penetrated, it did absorb a large amount of energy without allowing the powerful impact to spread.

In the center of the giant pit.

A dark blue giant statue stood quietly, with thunder swirling around it from time to time. A faint light lit up from the hollow in the chest, weak, but extremely penetrating.

Beside him, Lei Wanqing's expression became slightly more serious.

With a wave of his hand, he canceled the protective soul cards around him, and a wave of heat suddenly hit his face.

"Yu Cang, your soul card... is too powerful."

This kind of power, this kind of range... even some legendary ones can't stop it.

However, it's actually not bad.

This meteorite only has a large damage range, but as long as it is not hit directly in the center, the damage it causes is still acceptable. Some fifth-level soul card masters who are good at defense may be able to survive the aftermath.

After all, it is a fact that the meteorite in front of me directly flattened a mountain and even Wen Renge.

Seeing such a huge battle, Lei Wanqing also felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Xiao Cang...are you sure that such a large area can be recovered later?" Lei Wanqing, who had always believed in Yu Cang, was also a little nervous.

You must know that damage is easy but hard to repair, especially since the human body is so delicate. Mistaken steps can be fatal.

If something happened to the president of the fighting club of Gudu University, he would have no way to explain it to Ren Zheng.

"Don't worry." Yu Cang said, "Star God, come back."

In the giant pit, the Star God raised his head and looked at Yu Cang through the air. After nodding lightly, he slowly floated into the air supported by an inexplicable force.

After a brief delay, the figure suddenly accelerated and flew into the sky. Then, a scene happened that made Lei Wanqing's eyes almost pop out.

The Star God went upstream, and as he flew by, the world seemed to suddenly turn upside down. The crystals faded and melted, the energy flowed back and subsided, and countless materials intertwined and reorganized, chasing the Star God's flight upwards until Countless fallen mountains reappeared in this inverted world.

"This is also..." Lei Wanqing was speechless for a moment.

With his strength, he can naturally see that this is not a simple repair, nor is it even turning back time.

Star God is using logic and cause and effect as a tether to collect all the damage into his body. This is even more astonishing than turning back time.

Repair is far more difficult than destruction. The stronger the person, the more deeply he understands this sentence. Just like now, even if he knew what would happen, Lei Wanqing was still shocked and speechless by the scene in front of him.

This scene really challenged his cognition.


Wen Renge fell into a sea of ​​warm light.

Here, his thoughts finally settled down. This was the first time he felt truly settled in several years.

In the past, when I equipped a deck, I felt severe pain in my mind. When I didn't have a deck, I felt uncomfortable. No matter when, my heart never felt calm.

So the question is, where is this place?

Wen Renge tried to open his eyes, but couldn't... No, to be precise, he didn't have the concept of "eyes" in this place.

You can't really die yourself.

Although the perception of death was very real at that moment, he was now convinced that he was still alive.

Moreover, he also figured it out... all of this should be within Cang's expectation.

So, here it is...huh?

A flash of enlightenment arose in Wen Renge's heart, and his intuition guided him to complete the action of "opening his eyes" again. This time, he did not resist.

His vision slowly recovered, and he saw that in the soft light, there seemed to be a majestic figure gradually leaving him.

"That's... God?" Wen Renge couldn't help but murmured.

The Star God was speechless. In a daze, he returned to the sky with all the light. The real touch gradually re-wrapped Wen Renge's body. The ground, stones, grass, and all materials were in contact with him again.

A flash of blue slowly spread in front of my eyes, then occupied the entire field of vision, and finally turned into the shape of the sky.

Wen Renge returned to the real world. At this moment, he was lying on the ground in a "big" shape, his eyes full of... dullness.


Lei Wanqing brought Yu Cang to Wen Renge.

Seeing Wen Renge still immersed in it, Yu Cang put his hands in his pockets without disturbing him and decided to give him some time first.

Lei Wanqing didn't make a sound, but quietly stood farther away, looking at the two young men.

quite a while

"...Huh?" Wen Renge seemed like a young dementia patient trying to restart his brain.

"You're awake." Yu Cang lowered his head, "You are already... ahem. How do you feel now, President Wenren."

"I..." His eyes recovered a little, he raised his hand and touched his head, "Was it... your soul card just now?"


His intuition told him that it was God.

Using God as a soul card, even if you are a Flame Emperor Medal holder, this is a bit too exaggerated...

"It's mine, what's wrong?"

"That's... God?" Wen Renge's tone was full of shock.

"Who said that?" Yu Cang smiled half-heartedly, "No."

"But my intuition tells me..."

"Oh?" Yu Cang smiled, "Now, do you trust your intuition?"

"..." Wen Renge was silent for a moment, then sat up from the ground.

The breeze was blowing, the chirping of insects and the roar of unknown beasts were far and near, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, and the wilderness and mountains looked no different from the previous scenery.

No one would have thought that this place had suffered an earth-shattering impact just now...

"This is not the same thing." Wen Renge didn't know how to describe the feeling just now.

Although I hate relying on intuition, the feeling that all the senses just recognized the same intuition was so shocking.

He couldn't resist this instinct.

In other respects, his relative relationship between instinct and talent will not change.

"It doesn't matter, that's enough." Yu Cang just said.

A gap has been opened in Wen Renge's instinct.

He is no longer the "diode" he was before, instead of blindly rejecting instinct. Only in this state can he be qualified to explore his own path.

"Take this." Yu Cang put a soul card into Wen Renge's hand.

He knew the result subconsciously, but when his eyes fell on it, he felt a little confused.

There is nothing on this soul card, like a blank soul card, but the color is gray, and the texture is far different from an ordinary blank soul card. Obviously, the material of this soul card is definitely different.

"This is?"

"My new work." A smile appeared on Yu Cang's face.

He had been thinking about the production of this gray soul card for a long time.

The original gray soul card "Fate Star·Passage to the Other World" was just a product of chance. Later, Lin Yunqing made the contract star level when he was sorting out the star level rules. At that time, the production of gray soul cards was still a bit rough.

It wasn't until Yu Cang learned the spirit child style and combined the princess's skills to create a path to the world of consciousness that he truly mastered the method of making this gray soul card.

Recently, after the princess' insect-detecting farm entered a stable period, he finally produced the finished product.

Although this soul card is just something with nothing at the moment, but...

"What's the use of it?" Wen Renge sat on the ground and repeatedly looked at the soul card in his hand, but still didn't understand.

At this time, Yu Cang suddenly put his hand on Wen Renge's forehead.

"No need to know what it does."

Yu Cang made a "shh" gesture.

"Next, feel it."

Before Wen Renge could react, the scenery in front of her suddenly changed!

Everything around him seemed to be falling rapidly. It was still daytime, but stars suddenly appeared above his head. Suddenly, a huge amount of information poured into Wen Renge's perception from all directions, which made his thinking almost sluggish!

Among the countless messages, Yu Cang's smiling words clearly reached his ears.

"——You are very talented."

The Yu Cang in front of him gradually turned into a body with mysterious and abnormal rhythm. Wen Renge had never seen a person like this before, and a world like this. He only felt that everything in front of him was weird but reasonable at the moment.

"See that star?"

Wen Renge raised his head. Among the stars in the sky, there was one star that was particularly bright. Faintly, he could even feel that there was some connection between that star and himself.


"Call its name."

At this moment, on the blank soul card in Wenren Singer, the gray color suddenly gradually faded in a burst of bright starlight, and a mysterious power came across the starry sky, using starlight Incomprehensible mysterious lines are outlined on this soul card.


"Cough...cough, cough..."

Wen Renge suddenly fell from the sight of the stars. He lay on the ground, coughing and breathing heavily.

After all, it was his first time to enter the field of starry sky. The huge information there was too difficult for him to accept. The reason why he was able to enter and come back safely was because Yu Cang was watching over him.

Taking people into the field of starry sky and then bringing them back is too simple for Yu Cang, who has a complete body of rhythm.

However, although the time is short, it is enough.

If Wen Renge realized something, he lowered his head and looked at the starry soul card in his hand.

This soul card has a crystal-like texture.

Soul card name: Life Star·Seven Kills·Shape

Quality: None

Properties: None


[Shape of Life Star]: Can be used by those whose life star is "Seven Kills". When activated, the summoned beast is summoned from instinct.

"Seven kills?" Wen Renge was stunned.

At that moment, when Yu Cang said "Call its name", he seemed... indeed to say "Seven Kills"?

Weird, how did he know this name?

Wen Renge was silent for a moment.

"President Wenren." Yu Cang retracted his hand and said with a smile, "Everyone has his own destiny star. Most of the time, the destiny star cannot affect you, but occasionally, you can also ask for some help from the destiny star. Power—how about trying this soul card?"


Wen Renge stood up, holding this soul card, but didn't know how to use it for a moment.

All the fighting skills he had mastered seemed to be useless at this moment... Even directly injecting soul energy into them seemed useless.

"President Wenren, use instinct."

Yu Cang reminded.

Just now, after taking the Star God's blow head-on, a gap appeared in Wen Renge's instinct.

It was the existence of this gap that allowed him to summon something from it.

"Instinct..." Wen Renge frowned, but a spontaneous feeling drove him to use this soul card.

Then use it.


The soul card shattered, and the dark but bloody shadow condensed out of thin air. Finally, a long and narrow figure formed beside Wen Renge.

He was wrapped in a shadow-like black robe, with tattered edges and a dull blood color. His appearance looked somewhat similar to Wen Renge, only more weathered, and the surface of his skin was scarred.

His eyes were closed, and he did not open them even after he made his full appearance. He also held a long, sharp knife in his hand. The knife was full of gaps, as if it was in tatters.

"This is it?" Wen Renge was stunned.

"This is your instinct... manifested under the power of the Fate Star." Yu Cang's eyes became brighter.

After communicating with the destiny star, the soul card master can directly materialize the instinct and summon it!

This summoned beast is undoubtedly the one that best embodies its power!

There is no doubt that it is the most suitable "drill" for dark synchronization!

Dark synchrony is a synchrony deep within the heart, which can summon abstract things like "skill" and "talent".

Using "instinct" to stimulate "talent" is undoubtedly the right way.


Yu Cang sighed.

The summoned beast summoned by Wen Renge... was only at the first level, and it probably still had a long way to go to become a "drill".

After all, the more star levels are subtracted during subtractive synchronization, the more energy can be injected into the soul energy well to stimulate stronger and deeper power.

At the first level, nothing can be done.

But there is no way, this level is already the limit of Wen Renge.

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