Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 311 The construction is completed, the sword intention of the Saint Master?

Jie Ying's huge body left an unforgettable impression on Zhong Ning's heart.

After eating Rhythm once in the city of gods and gaining growth, Jie Ying's body was even bigger than when he first met Yu Cang.

In the current scene, if Jie Ying is placed in a photo, then Zhong Ning is probably just a few small pixels under his body.

This size difference, even in the virtual starry sky, makes it difficult for people to think about fighting against it.

Although in this world, wild beasts and summoned beasts have all kinds of strange abilities, one thing is obvious - small beings are not necessarily weak, but large beings are 100% strong!

He and I are not the same level of opponents at all!

Zhong Ning lowered his head, his heart beating rapidly.

With such a huge creature slowly approaching, who can not feel nervous?

Not running is pretty good.

Didn't you see that Zhan Changyu on the side was already stunned, and the phantom representing his realization was trembling?

No, that's not right...

Even if Yu Cang is strong, he certainly can't be so exaggerated.

You must abide by the minimum soul energy lock restrictions and summoning rules!

In any case, Yu Cang is only a fifth-level soul card master now, and it is impossible to summon something too outrageous!

Therefore, this world shadow... even if he creates a connection summon, he will definitely not be able to summon it... at least now, he will definitely not be able to fully summon it!

Zhong Ning convinced herself over and over in her heart, but even in her heart she felt that it should be like this, but whenever she raised her head slightly and caught a glimpse of Jie Ying's body, she still couldn't help but feel her heart tremble.

She knows that there is also a battle in the field of starry sky... For such a huge consciousness beast as Jie Ying, he is willing to listen to Yu Cang's words. Doesn't this mean that... Yu Cang himself must have stronger power than Jie Ying?

Why does it feel more terrifying...

Zhong Ning was frightened when he thought about the hidden terrifying power that was likely to exist in Yu Cang.

It turns out that Yu Cang's calmness when facing him was confident...

It was already so terrifying now. She didn't even dare to think how strong it would be in the college league.

On the side, Zhong Sheng's rhythmic body seemed to notice the subtle changes in Zhong Ning's mentality.

He snorted and said:

"Why, are you stressed? I told you a long time ago that your strength can dominate the Holy Capital. After leaving Holy Capital University, you are still far away... How about you, do you know what to do this winter vacation? Alright?"

"...I'm thinking." Zhong Ning took a deep breath and turned serious, "How about...I just resign as president and let Zhan Changyu go fight for me, and I can feel at ease. My heart is on holiday..."

Zhan Changyu next to him: "...?"

"What did you say?!" Zhong Sheng's eyes suddenly widened, "Then tell me again like crazy!"

"No, no, no, my dear grandfather, there are so many outsiders here. Please pay attention to the image of your country and don't speak so vulgarly..."

"Okay, okay, vulgar, right..." Zhong Sheng's rhythmic body made an inhaling motion, then raised the bamboo slip in his hand and hit Zhong Ning without hesitation, "——Shameless grandson, It’s his mother’s fault!”

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts!" Zhong Ning was still being pinched by Zhong Sheng in his hand, and he couldn't run away. "Stop, stop, grandpa, please listen to my explanation... Look, this Yu Cang is so strong. Listen to what you say." The presidents he fought with were much better than me. There were so many people who were better than me. Didn’t I have no hope at all? Why should I suffer this..."

"Don't fight if you can't win? How do I teach you on weekdays?"

"Isn't it because manpower is sometimes poor...and hasn't Zhan Changyu always wanted to play against Yu Cang? Let him go to the college league, and he will definitely not complain at all! Why not let your granddaughter enjoy a winter vacation..."

"No more talking, just watch and fight!"

"Stop!... Hiss, why are you using so much force?" Zhong Ning gritted his teeth, "You have the ability to put me in the living world and then beat me! I have nowhere to run in this broken place... Hiss! Okay, you wait! You There’s always time to sleep, right?!”

Yu Cang tried his best not to watch the exciting programs over there.

Gu Jieshuang was also carefully looking at the scenery of the starry sky far away from the two people.

Jie Ying was also a little confused, but with Yu Cang's order in front of him, he didn't think much about it.

"Then Master Scholar, shall I begin?"

"Well, let's get started."


Jie Ying swung his tail, turned around and swam into the starlight. The melodious whale call spread in the air, passing through the space, vibrating into a string of rhythmic sounds.


The bright light began to bloom in Jie Ying's body, as if some kind of celestial body was consuming all its power to explode. When all the light converged, Jie Ying swung his tail deftly in the sky, and a bubble left his body, " "Crushed" in place.

Jie Ying's body has shrunk a lot visibly to the naked eye, and the starlight in his body is also a little dim. However, compared to his huge body, this loss of mass is not serious.

After the bubble world was generated, Jieying lowered his gaze. As he watched, a storm surged in the bubble, and countless rhythms were disillusioned and solidified in it, gradually fitting in with the architecture of the main campus of Seido University.

In the beginning, the bubble world that Jieying stayed at Gudu University was created by combining the rhythms of all the worlds he had ever seen, so there were all kinds of buildings there that looked like fairy tales.

But now, Jieying has been staying near Blue Star for a long time, and is already familiar with the architectural style here. Now when building a new bubble world, he naturally chooses a style that is more suitable for the aesthetics of Yanguo people, saving a lot of modifications. time.

"That..." Yu Cang turned his head and looked at Zhong Sheng and Jiang Shan, not knowing how to speak.

Jiang Shan understood, and Zhong Sheng immediately stopped beating Zhong Ning, as if nothing happened just now.

The amazing thing is... Zhong Ning, who had been in pain, stopped screaming the moment she stopped. She looked at the bubble world that had taken shape, with curiosity and expectation in her eyes.

"Let's go? Let's go in and take a look!" Zhong Ning's eyes were shining.

Yu Cang: "...Well, come with me. If you have any specific requirements, please tell me. Jieying can help you fine-tune the environment in the bubble space."

"Okay." Zhong Sheng nodded.

"That's right." Yu Cang suddenly said, "Now I have anchored the bubble world near Shengdu University. Although this is enough, I still need to find someone to accept the management authority here. It is also okay to let others in and out. If you need to use it...who should you give this authority to?"

Yu Cang had already looked at Zhong Sheng.

But Zhong Sheng smiled and shook his head, and then pointed at the country: "Don't look at me - give it to him, he is the president of Shengdu University."

"...Huh?" Yu Cang was stunned.

"Why, it doesn't look like it?" Jiang Shan snorted, seeming quite pleased with himself.

Yu Cang was silent.

It is true that he has not understood the personnel structure of Shengdu University, but in any case, asking Jiang Shan to be the president is a bit...

"But you were arrested by the traffic police when you came to pick me up that day." Yu Cang was speechless for a moment, "As a principal, you are setting an example for the students like this?"

"Hey, how could you say that?" Jiang Shan looked shameless and thick-skinned. "I didn't rely on the status and influence of the Zhenguo to escape the humiliating punishment. I cooperated with the security officers honestly. Isn't this the same? Are you teaching by words and deeds? It’s all the same.”

Yu Cang suddenly choked.

Damn it, he actually felt that it made sense for a moment.

In this world where everyone is extraordinary, maybe this is better? ...No, it’s still very unreliable!

Yu Cang looked at Zhong Sheng: "Then you..."

"I'm just an ordinary teacher." Zhong Sheng said cheerfully, holding the bamboo slip.

"Grandpa, he is a professor at the Combat Academy." Zhong Ning added at the side, "His knowledge is all in vain, and he actually went to teach people to fight, huh..."

Zhong Sheng just shook his head and smiled without saying a word.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look."

Seido University

Some office.

A middle-aged man was writing furiously at his desk. Beside him was a thick stack of documents.


The tip of his pen paused, and he raised his head thoughtfully, his eyes already filled with starlight unconsciously.

He was also a Zhenguo who had participated in the Jieying Summit, so naturally he also knew how to use Star Sight.

At this moment, he has quietly activated his starry sky sight. Although he has not completely sunk into it, his sight is already connected to his life star.

From this perspective, he could clearly see that countless stars suddenly flickered in the sky, and the phantoms of countless tall buildings and ancient trees loomed in the sky, disillusioned and reborn, as if there was another world overlapping and being born.

Such scenery is naturally extremely beautiful.

"Starry sky vision..." The man leaned back on the chair and took off his glasses. The starlight in his eyes became even brighter. In a trance, the starlight seemed to have been refracted by some kind of liquid.

"What a wonderful era..."

At this moment, all those who have studied Star Vision are aware of it. Those with a deeper level can already see the huge world that is slowly forming when they raise their heads.

Such sentiments as those of the middle-aged man are reflected in the words of every scholar who has noticed the vision of the stars.

The sky is still calm and cloudless, but in another horizon, the stars are shining brightly, and the sun cannot cover up its brilliance.

after a while

"Thank you for your hard work today, Xiao Cang." Jiang Shan Yu Cang walked out of the door, "How about we come out in the evening and have a meal together?"

"No." Yu Cang smiled, "I'll just take a walk around the neighborhood by myself, Xie Shuang."

"That's okay. I know that you young people can no longer play with old guys like us." Jiang Shan laughed, "Xiao Cang, prepare in the past few days. In about a week, it will be the final time to enter Feng Yue Cangjian." Good times.”

"Okay." Yu Cang nodded in agreement, "By the way, I read in the information that before entering Feng Yue Cangjian, you must burn incense, bathe, and fast for several days... Is this necessary?"

"Well... it's best to do it as requested. This is indeed useful." Jiang Shan nodded, "Feng Yue Cangjian is a test of your will. If you have too many distracting thoughts in your mind, you will easily fail early."

"Is that so? Okay, I understand." Yu Cang nodded, and then asked, "One more thing, regarding the existence in Feng Yue Cangjian... I wonder what the mythology thinks of it? We How do you make sure that being is not hostile to us?"

"You don't have to worry about this." Zhong Sheng took over, "First of all, the most important point is that that existence can no longer leave Feng Yue Cangjian, which is both a creation and a seal.

"And now that the Desolate Beast has appeared in the world, that being, as a spiritual beast, has long lost the possibility of leaving Feng Yue Cangjian. Even the more evil means of "possession and body seizing" cannot guarantee his safety, so ...To put it bluntly, He doesn’t have to break up with us even if He doesn’t want to be bored.

"Another point is that all myths in history have records of those who returned to Feng Yue Cangjian after becoming gods, including Emperor Chang'an and Ye Yan. They had a deeper perception of that existence and Feng Yue Cangjian.

"Although that existence is not very strong, Feng Yue Cangjian has also been left with a lot of 'backhands' by another unknown existence. Shinhwa can use his soul energy to trigger Feng Yue Cangjian at any time. According to the law, kill that being - even if the kill fails, it can still be exposed to Huang's infection.

"Those backhands are speculated to be left behind by the 'Tiandao'. As for why, no one knows - Xiao Cang, maybe, if you have a chance to break through the second level limit, that existence will appear. When you arrive, You can ask Him yourself."

Yu Cang asked curiously: "Then, how did Emperor Shinhwa and Ye Shinhwa communicate with that being?"

"This... is nothing unusual. It's pretty much what you imagined. Ask about the current situation of the 'human world' and... tell something about the 'emperor'."


"Well... we guess that in the eyes of that being, 'emperor' is another name for the realm of 'myth'. That being will tell you something about the way to become a god, but the way for everyone to become a god They are all different. You just need to listen to what He says, but you don’t have to believe it.”

"Okay, I understand." Yu Cang was thoughtful.

"By the way, there's one more thing." Zhong Sheng turned his head and looked at Gu Jieshuang, "In the duel just now, you used...sword intent?"

"Ah?" Gu Jieshuang was stunned and said quickly, "Yes, it's sword intent!"

"I sensed a bit of Ning Xingyi's aura in it. I didn't expect that something like sword intent could be taught to others?"

"No, it's actually a trick..." Gu Jieshuang quickly told Zhong Sheng some of Xingjie's advanced skills.

"In this way..." He nodded slowly, "Then where did your... ice attribute sword intention come from? If I remember correctly, only Ning Xingyi should be able to control the sword intention in the Yan Kingdom. Bar."

"It's some of the origins of Jieshuang's ancestors." Yu Cang took over the words at this time.

He still remembered that Senior Ning asked him not to tell others that he could create sword intent.

"Jie Shuang is a descendant of the Wings of Frost. She had some chance to obtain the Hantian Sword Intent from Senior Gu Qianshan."

"I see... Is it possible to inherit the Sword Intent?" A look of surprise flashed across Zhong Sheng's eyes, "Then... Jie Shuang, you should be more careful this time when you go to Feng Yue Cangjian."

"Pay attention to...what?"

"You may not know." Zhong Sheng said with a smile, "In the history of Yan Kingdom, the famous Saint Master Zhongqiu was also a being who understood the sword intention... Moreover, now there is a ray of sword intention, which was captured by him The old man stayed in Feng Yue Cangjian for the second level trial, if possible, you can pay more attention."

Everyone knows that Saint Zhongqiu integrated the best of hundreds of schools of thought to create his own unique academic school. Coupled with his great achievements in preaching to the world, whenever future generations mention him, they must be talking about a kind and kind respectable person. Teacher image. This can also be seen from the bowing statues of the Holy Master that are everywhere in the Holy Capital.

But few people know.

The Holy Master once came out of seclusion with his sword, led his disciples to wipe out wild beasts and evil spirits, and saved the people from troubled times... When it comes to combat power, even Ye Yanshuashen once said that he was far inferior.

Gu Jieshuang's eyes lit up slightly: "Okay...I know!"

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