Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 320: Death and becoming emperor, what year?


The overwhelming pressure fell from the sky. Several people in Jiangshan leaned down to resist, but when Yu Cang raised his head, he only felt the breeze blowing on his face.

This kind of coercion due to class differences can now be seen as non-existent for him.

Of course, this is when there is no malice in the coercion.

If a strong person used pressure to attack, Yu Cang would definitely not be able to resist it.


In that pressure, Yu Cang felt a strange power again... This power probably came from Feng Yue Cangjian itself, and it just came here following the pressure of the Creator.

Yu Cang thought for a moment.

He could tell that the power from Feng Yue Cangjian was the power that led the people on top of the towering sky to the sky, and the pressure from the Creator... actually played no role in this process. In other words, he only created the soul energy ball as the "key" in his mind.

Feng Yue Cangjian's reward comes from two parts, one is the new body brought by the reshaping, and the other is the soul card that suits him.

The former comes from Feng Yue Cangjian's power itself, and the latter comes from the Creator.

But...why do these two beings do this?

Feng Yue Cangjian is just a seal, why give such benefits to others. The Creator once even wanted to destroy the world, so why did he give him the soul card... If it was to get himself out of trouble, it seems that he had never heard of Him making a similar request. The soul card given is also very safe, and nothing unusual has appeared.

Perhaps, this question needs to be told to him personally by the Creator.

Yu Cang gently closed his eyes. In his mind, at this moment, a crack appeared in the soul energy ball that was gathered together due to pressure.

Then, the soul energy ball shattered into pieces under Feng Yue Cangjian's power, and the power sank into the limbs and bones, flowing like deep sea currents. For a moment, unbearable severe pain began to quietly grow inside the body.

Yu Cang looked at his hands. Cracks like porcelain had begun to form on the surface of his skin. He could even clearly feel the death that was approaching step by step - the death of his body.

This feeling is annoying, but after feeling it carefully for a moment, Yu Cang got used to the pain.

He looked up again.

"Let's fight quickly."

The next second, Yu Cang bent his knees slightly, then jumped up with all his strength, and his whole body soared into the sky under the guidance of Feng Yue Cangjian's power!

"So fast?" Jiang Shan was shocked, "No, too fast will shorten Cang's adaptation time. If the pain fluctuates too fast, Xiao Cang may give up subconsciously..."

Speed ​​is not something as fast as possible. If you take your time and the pain gradually goes from low to high, then as long as you are more determined, it is possible to withstand it, but so fast... the human body has a subconscious response. It is an excitatory reaction. At this speed, it is very likely that the self-protection mechanism will directly choose to exit.

It's like a sudden knee-jerk reaction, and it doesn't matter how strong your will is.

"...Quiet." Zhong Sheng said, "Believe Xiao Cang, he knows what's going on."


The sound of wind whistled past his ears, and in the strong wind that kept blowing towards his face, Yu Cang felt as if his body had turned into a piece of loose sand, which could dissipate at any time. This process was accompanied by tremendous pain, which made him The heart is a little unstable.

But, it's not hard to bear.

Yu Cang even had time to take a look at the recorder.

At this moment, there is a seven-day extraction countdown on it.

Seven days, this represents a mythical entry. Although this is a good thing, but... it is obvious that he cannot stay in Feng Yue Cangjian for seven days.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Then he looked at the entry equipment interface.

At this moment, he has two items equipped: the common item [Will] and the rare item [Immortality].

[Will] can improve the stability and toughness of willpower, while [Immortality] can speed up the recovery of injuries.

Thanks to these two entries, although Yu Cang has artificially accelerated the process of ascension to heaven, he still doesn't feel anything too unbearable.

He could clearly feel that [Immortality] was fighting against the fragmentation of his body, but after all, he was taking the initiative to move towards the sky of Feng Yue Cangjian, so this entry could at most alleviate it slightly, but could not completely stop this process.

"It can be faster."

With a thought in his mind, Yu Cang immediately accelerated, as if a meteor flashed across the night sky, and in the blink of an eye, his body had reached the clouds.

Wails continued to come from the body, wrinkles and cracks were spread all over the skin, and the inside was already festering.

This body has reached its limit...but under the influence of [Immortality], it always falls a little short.

Yu Cang could feel that if he didn't care about anything, he might be able to stay here in this state for a long time.


Not far away, the clouds kept rising, as if something was trying to get out of them.

Yu Cangzheng turned around and looked at the group of raised clouds.

From Jieshuang's words, he knew that what appeared at this time would be himself after the end of his body.

To be honest, he is also very curious about what kind of existence he will be like in the end.

Yu Cang looked forward with expectant eyes. However, the surging clouds seemed to have no end, rising and rising, as if a mountain was rising in front of him. The roar became more and more intense for a while, making the air around him unbearable. I was trembling!

Yu Cang's expression changed quietly.

What's this?

Why is it a little different from what Gu Jieshuang said... Is this a bit exaggerated?

A vast shadow rose above a sea of ​​clouds, and everything around him was shaking as the clouds rose. A stormy sea seemed to roll up above the clouds, and Yu Cang was in it, like a lonely boat.


The cloud mountain cracked, and the clouds on it flowed down like water, revealing what was covered under the clouds.

Seeing what was inside, Yu Cang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"What's going on in the sky?" Jiang Shan looked at the sky, his eyes suddenly shrinking.

Just now, he clearly felt a strange pressure emerging from the sky!

This pressure is different from the pressure of the god. The pressure of the god is indifferent, aloof, neither sad nor happy, overlooking everything, and has neither closeness nor malice towards human beings. It only appears at the end of the year when the seasons change. , will reveal the vague nostalgia.

But the newly born coercion... is like an emperor who controls everything. As soon as he is born, he will dominate everything and let all the forces in the world implement his will!

To be honest, this very uncomfortable.

No one is born to like to be dominated.

Moreover, there seems to be a familiar feeling in this pressure.

Zhong Sheng also raised his head, his expression extremely solemn.

Even though it is already dark, in the clouds in the sky... you can still see an unbreakable shadow. There is the source of this domineering aura.

The top of Feng Yue Cangjian

The white dragon was crouching in the clouds, its gaze lowered, crossing the layers of clouds, and landed on Yu Cang and the shadow.

There was no surprise in his eyes, to be precise, there was no emotion.

He just watched all this happen silently.

"Emperor Star... is so anxious to wake up. It seems that Huang in the starry sky may have discovered this place."

He closed his eyes gently, and the aurora spread along the horizon. The gorgeous light made it impossible to distinguish between day and night.

Suddenly, He opened his eyes, and for the first time, surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Star?... No, it's not."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole space became quiet again, and He stopped talking.

Yu Cang looked at "himself" in front of him and remained silent.

After the mountain-like clouds fell, what emerged from them was just a figure about the same size as himself.

This figure has exactly the same appearance as himself, wearing gorgeous armor made of strange metals. Countless layers of light swim along the edges of every line of the armor, making the armor look hazy and even somewhat invisible. clear.

"Who are you?"

"I am Emperor Star."

Yu Cang frowned slightly: "Why do you appear here?"

Isn't what appears on this level the existence that was born after one's own body reached its limit? How could it be the Emperor Star?

"As you can see, I am the same person after death." Emperor Xing seemed to have a smile on his face, "How are you, are you tired?"


"Are you tired after going through so much?"

"..." Yu Cang was silent for a moment, thinking about the meaning of Emperor Xing's words.

After a while, he said: "What do you have been looking at me?"

"I can't see you." Emperor Xing shook his head, "But now - just now. I can see your luck. You don't seem to know how to use your luck, and it hasn't been consumed much yet."

"...What happens if you use Qi Luck?"

"Through hardships, through hardships. Loved ones die one after another, and strength grows stronger."

"Doesn't sound like a good thing."

"This is what you must experience." Emperor Xing said, "Yu Cang, you cannot avoid the torrent of luck by being addicted to safety. You must continue to take risks, otherwise, danger will accumulate, accumulate, and find you on its own."

Yu Cang's brows couldn't help but frown: "Why should I bear this?"

"Because my power falls on top of your head." Emperor Xing said calmly, "This means that you are the only chance."

"..." Yu Cang was silent.

"So I ask you, are you tired?"

"What if I said I was tired."

"You can choose to die and take my place." Emperor Xing said, "I will wake up after your death and end everything."

Yu Cang's expression changed quietly.

"Can't you wake up now?"

"I said, I'm just you after death."


"The stars should not interfere in the world, but if the world is doomed, I can only choose to come in person - Yu Cang, time is running out. If you feel tired and unable to withstand the hardships that heroes must go through, take your place."

"……I reject."

And Emperor Star didn't seem to be surprised.

"Then beat me."

"Wait a minute, I have a question." Yu Cang suddenly seemed to have thought of something and said, "Based on how much luck you see me consuming now, how much... love have I lost?"

"The first acquaintance is over." Emperor Xing said, "But luck will give you new bonds and new hardships."

"……okay, I get it."

Yu Cang took a deep breath, but a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Not bad, not bad, I was almost bluffed.

The first acquaintance is gone. If according to what Emperor Xing said, then the elders he first met such as Ren Zheng and Cheng Mingye should be gone. Friends of the same age and even Gu Jieshuang should not be able to escape either.

But now, they are still alive! This shows that there is definitely a deviation in Emperor Star's perception.

This means... either what Emperor Star said is all lies, or there are new variables!

Yu Cang knew what this variable was.

Entry recorder!

Without this golden finger, starting from the avalanche in the Zulong Snow Mountain, I might really have plunged into various conspiracies and harmed my friends and elders along the way, as Emperor Xing said.

Emperor Xing couldn't see what he had experienced, so his understanding of himself had some deviations.

"Emperor Star, your destiny has changed." Yu Cang raised his hand and pointed to the sky. Suddenly, a large number of cracks appeared on his body, "I will end everything in my own way... without any trouble!"


In the sky, the clouds suddenly opened, blazing red thunder spread across the sky, and the huge meteorite wrapped in hot flames roared down!

The will of the Star God!

In the current state, there is only one tube of soul energy, but it is enough.

"Oh?" Emperor Xing's expression changed slightly, "I...did I say something wrong?"

"That's a big mistake." Yu Cang stared closely at Emperor Star, "Emperor Star, thank you for multiplying my civilization - if what you said is true, then you will wake up in peace, or... Never wake up."

This time, it was Emperor Xing's turn to remain silent.

After a while, Emperor Xing smiled softly.

"Okay." He raised his head and scanned the sky, looking at the huge meteorite that seemed to destroy the world. He felt the terrifying momentum and heat approaching, but did not choose to resist.

"By the way, Yu Cang." He said softly, "If you want to borrow my power, you can take it yourself. You can take as much or as little as you like."


The meteorite fell, countless clouds evaporated for a moment, and a huge hole appeared in front of us!

As for Emperor Star, although he said "Then defeat me", he did not resist from the beginning to the end and calmly chose to be defeated.


A strong heartbeat suddenly exploded in Yu Cang's chest, and countless blood was pumped to all parts of the body. However, in this state, it could only cause a burst of severe pain.

Yu Cang lowered his head and looked at his hand.

"Emperor Star..."

It sounds like... he will be ridiculously strong after his death.

Will he transform into an emperor directly after death?

However, he has not lived enough, so naturally he will not die.

"Let's go to the second floor."

Yu Cang raised his head, and with a thought in his mind, his already torn body suddenly shattered, and he leaped higher.

With the [Immortality] entry, he could still stay in this extreme state for a long time, but in order to continue upward, he chose to actively break his body.


The heavy pressure began to touch the spirit and will. As the body collapsed, the soul energy well also disappeared. For a moment, the spiritual world went berserk, and the surging and endless soul energy erupted all the time. Although this made Yu Cang feel He gained unprecedented strength, but it also quickly blurred his consciousness.

A lifting force came from underneath him, wishing him a helping hand. Yu Cang knew that it was the Star God who was helping him.

He just smiled lightly, did not look back, and continued upward along with the force.

The light around him gradually dimmed, and vaguely, he seemed to see countless traces of will existing around him, trekking upwards with him.

He barely calmed down his muddy consciousness and glanced around.

Indeed, as Gu Jieshuang said, there are countless traces of will around him, but they are all in a hazy state, with no possibility of communication.

The reason why the Holy Master was able to come out to teach Gu Jieshuang was because he left behind the sword intention... In other words, Gu Jieshuang was communicating with the Holy Master's sword intention.

Continuing upward along the dark space, Yu Cang's mind gradually calmed down.

real name.

He came into contact with the real name very early. He knew this power from the time when Snow Mountain summoned Ye Lai. When Feng was unwilling to accept his real name, he had been studying how to make Feng come without the help of the real name.

Therefore, he knows a lot about this power - things like true names are, in the final analysis, the basis for an existence to exist.

Those souls outside of chaos have already died once to the real world, so they are equivalent to "non-existence" in this world, and need to be given their existence again by their true names from within the world.

The new summoning method related to "true name" prepared by Yu Cang for Feng has begun to take shape, so Yu Cang naturally knows his true name very well.

This second level is also not difficult for him.

Now, he can even see Ye Lai's real name lingering around him, silently supporting him to keep improving. He can also sense the connection between other partners and himself.


Yu Cang raised his head and looked at the sky not far away.

It's too slow to pass the test like this.

He came to meet the Creator. He was so strong at the first level, how could he fall into the quagmire at the second level?

Must speed up!

Thinking like this, Yu Cang suddenly accelerated, and the pressure in the sky intensified instantly, trying to squeeze him down!

Such an act of forcibly resisting Feng Yue Cangjian's power is naturally thankless, but... Yu Cang has his own way.

I saw, in the darkness, he raised his hand.

The spiritual world continues to disintegrate, turning into endless soul energy. Most of these soul energies are dissipated in the air because they cannot control it. This is tantamount to a waste.

"Seniors, I'm sorry - please give me a helping hand."


The endless soul energy burned in an instant, and suddenly, a dazzling light lit up in the darkness. In the blink of an eye, it had illuminated the entire space, including all traces of will!

"Join - merge!"

Buzz! !

Yu Cang burned his soul energy crazily, at the cost of which he spread his fusion will to the surroundings, encompassing everything around him!

In the darkness, countless cracks in Yu Cang's spiritual aggregate continued to burst, and dazzling golden light burst out from it. As he roared, the traces of will around him also turned into golden light spots. Yu Cang joined behind him during the upward trek, turning into strength to lift him up!


At the top, the strange beast with a fierce red body and a single horn, which looked like a unicorn, seemed to be aware of it and turned its head in a daze.

Suddenly, golden light was like rain, and countless wills guarded Yu Cang, rushing towards him from the darkness. For a moment, he was stunned on the spot.

"That is……"


Yu Cang roared past, and this strange beast also joined behind Yu Cang, becoming part of this power.

With the blessing of such power, Yu Cang was unstoppable all the way, and the pressure from the sky could no longer suppress him. In just the blink of an eye, he had broken through the clouds and jumped out!

Second floor!


Yu Cang breathed out lightly.

"Wait, is it..."

He chose to fuse those will traces because they were not as mobile as Zhongqiu. They could only be said to be dead objects with some power.

But, did the top alien beast just now... react?

Yu Cang blinked.

Damn it...he wouldn't have inadvertently erased any possible traces of consciousness, right?

Before he could figure out what was going on, the golden light that followed him into the clouds disappeared into the air and condensed into a huge alien beast.

It looks like it's the one at the top just now!

Yu Cang was stunned. He was about to say something when suddenly, the strange beast opened its eyes.


A dull sound came out of the alien beast's mouth, and after a long pause, he continued.

"How many years has it been in this world?"

"Huh?" Yu Cang was stunned, "You mean, how many years since when?"

"Let me think about many years has it been since Emperor Yan became a god?"

"Hiss..." Yu Cang took a breath of cold air and immediately said, "It's been more than six thousand years."

The alien beast suddenly fell silent.

Seeing his appearance, Yu Cang asked cautiously: "Um... I haven't asked for advice yet. Who are you?"

"Me?" The strange beast recovered from the silence and said softly, "My mother called me 'Nian', and the world also calls me Nian."

"Nian?" Yu Cang opened his eyes wide, "Wait a minute, you are... the legendary... Nian beast?"

Nian was startled for a moment, then laughed: "Have I become a legend... It seems that it has indeed been a long time."

Yu Cang didn't know how to respond.

According to the records in the classics, Nian should be an evil beast. However, it seems that Nian doesn't feel like this at all.

Before he could take a closer look, Nian spoke again:

"Human, are you?"

"My name is Yu Cang."

"Yu Cang." The young man lowered his head gently, "What time is it now?"

"It's the New Year time."

"What a coincidence..." Nian was startled, "Yu Cang, are you here to see your mother too? Come on, I'll give you a ride."

Yu Cang's heart moved.

Mother, the "mother" that Nian refers to, could it be the Creator?

Yu Cang looked around and saw that there was no sign of a fight around him, so he immediately responded and jumped onto Nian's back.

"Be careful, if you go up further, there will be nothingness."

The top of Feng Yue Cangjian

The white dragon lay on the cloud, somewhat silent.

He noticed something was wrong.

There is something very wrong with this Yu Cang!

Stars and years are His first created children.

But this Yu Cang... why did he ride on the star when he passed the first floor, and ride on the year when he passed the second floor... When he passed the third floor, would he still ride on him?

Isn't this a bit too arrogant?

"Is it the Emperor Star..."

He stood up and looked a little more serious.

If it's the Emperor Star, then it doesn't seem strange.

Just now, Yu Cang's overbearing power that brought everything into fusion... looked very similar to the Emperor Star. It should be the power from the Emperor Star.

The Emperor Star has the power to dominate everything.

At the beginning, when the Emperor Star had just fallen to the Blue Star, it had tried to dominate him.

To be honest... that kind of power is truly terrifying. If the Emperor Star hadn't been a candle in the wind at that time, maybe he would really be controlled and become the protector of the Emperor Star... That would be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

In countless years, that was the only time that I felt a little scared.

At this moment, he suddenly realized.

Perhaps, Yu Cang's purpose in coming to confer Yue Cangjian was not to simply obtain a reward... but to enslave him!

"Ha..." A trace of fluctuation flashed across his eyes, "The people of the Emperor Star... are all of the same virtue."

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