Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 323 Give me a name

For the Creator, not to mention that Yu Cang was just standing on an equal footing with Him. Even if Yu Cang used absolute power to suppress him, He would not be able to lower his head.

Hundreds of millions of years have built His unbreakable pride. At the beginning, even the Emperor Star, which towered above the starry sky, could not make Him lower his head with pure strength.

Such an existence... Even if he has recognized Yu Cang, to be honest, he himself probably doesn't know how to face a "comrade".

After all, for hundreds of millions of years, He has only been accompanied by "children". He has become accustomed to facing everything in this capacity, and has become accustomed to being the "dependence" of all people. Although he has seen many true feelings of comrade-in-arms, but... let him rely on others? He won't.

Therefore, Yu Cang wanted to make him his partner, but there was still one last step missing.

That is - to really pull him off the altar, to awaken his humanity, to break his long and heavy pride.

Ye Lai knows that among all Yu Cang's companions, only he can do this - because he is the only one who has witnessed the final scene that even the Creator has never seen, the one he most expects.

In tens of thousands of years, Ye Lai has traveled through too many worlds, a number that not even Feng can match.

Moreover, Ye Lai was very strict in his selection of worlds. Most of the worlds he went to were already on the verge of being eroded by desolation... In each world, he fought almost to the last moment, fighting until even the world itself could no longer survive. time to continue.

Every time the world was destroyed, he was deeply impressed.


Above Fengyue Cangjian, fully half of the vast sky fell into a dark night without light or shadow. The dazzling light outlined the endless skyline in the night. The purest rising sun in the world, But at this moment, it exudes a creepy atmosphere of desolation.

The soul card is a very magical power. This system can support the development of quite flexible abilities, and it is also very convenient and quick when "changing vests" - you know, in the previous world, those people only used the ritual of summoning Ye Lai. It requires consuming quite a lot of resources, not to mention shaping the body later.

There are advantages and disadvantages. Ye Lai uses the soul card as a carrier to come to the world of Blue Star, and he will also be restricted by the soul card - the abilities that are not on the soul card cannot be used by Ye Lai.

However, at the top of Feng Yue Cangjian, everything changed. He came here with the name "Ye Lai", so the shackles that had been binding him have disappeared, and he can face the Creator with all his strength!

Night comes is a myth!

He put all his insights and understandings about death into this "dawn" that was supposed to symbolize rebirth and hope.

Such an artistic conception from the end immediately shocked the Creator, who had not cared about it at first, and made Him understand in an instant... how immature those so-called "twilights" He had prepared before were.

Unconsciously, He slowly weakened the intensity of the meteor shower, and thus, the dawn of the end and the meteors of creation were balanced.

Meteors fell into the night and streaked across the dawn, aurora flashed in the distance, and from time to time, black thunder produced by the tearing of space separated the long sky. Suddenly, the beauty of this sky cannot be described in words.

The battle slowly subsided under such a gorgeous sky.

The Creator gently floated down the clouds from the sky, with the dawn still imprinted in his eyes. As He fell back into the clouds, the sky that was on the verge of collapse slowly healed and returned to its original state.

Seeing this, Ye Lai didn't actually hit the Dragon's Breath Slash.

Even if it is shot out, it will not cause much damage. Now that the effect has been achieved, it is no longer needed.

As the night gradually faded away, the giant dragon swallowed the Dragon Breath Sword into its mouth, fell to Yu Cang's side - and then opened its eyes.

There was a long silence in the air. Neither Ye Lai nor Yu Cang spoke, they just looked at the Creator who was stunned on the spot.

After a while.

The Creator's eyes trembled slightly, and he looked at Ye Lai: "You... have seen so many doomsdays, are you still willing to exist in the world in the name of Dawn?"

"Just like you who are tired, I have always cared about your world." Ye Lai nodded gently, "Greetings to you, Creator."

"...I also pay my respects to you." The Creator finally lowered His head, "Ye Lai... Yu Cang."

Ye Lai couldn't help but reveal a smile.

He knew it worked.

The Creator's state of mind has undergone some kind of change.

Ye Lai turned slightly to give up his position, and Yu Cang stepped forward and patted Ye Lai's scales.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Smiling softly, Yu Cang looked at the Creator.

"How about going to the human world with me?"

"This time, I agree." The Creator raised his head and looked directly at Yu Cang, "Yu Cang, give me a name."

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows slightly, "Didn't you say that this is meaningless?"

"That's true... Only when I truly break out of my shell can I naturally have my true name." The Creator said slowly, "However, that is when I was born into the starry sky in the form of a god."

Yu Cang seemed to realize something: "Are you trying to say that you don't want to be a god anymore?"

"Well... this time when I go to the human world, let's take a look with the eyes of a mortal... Maybe you can help me find another way for Blue Star."

The Creator closed his eyes, and in the next second, countless gorgeous auroras spurted out from His body, turning into surging waves and sinking into the sky, and finally hung there.

He liberated his own power.

This power is the part that belongs to "Him". Now, she gave up all these powers and turned them into an aurora at the top of the Feng Yue Cangjian, just an aurora.

She walked slowly in this wave of aurora, walking towards Yu Cang step by step.

Scales, energy... everything turned into aurora and fell off from her body, floating towards the sky. She kept moving forward, and her body also underwent earth-shaking changes in the process.

This snow-white true dragon gradually took on a human form in the aurora.

Her soft and flawless feet touched the clouds, and then snow-white soft clothes continued to extend from the aurora. As she walked, the light fell from her body from bottom to top. When she stood in front of Yu Cang, she had changed Became a human woman.

She was wearing an ancient Yanguo robe with light golden cloud patterns and trimmings. The soft clothes moved without wind, unlike ordinary things.

From head to toe, no matter the long hair, skin or clothes, they are all pure white, without a trace of dust. On the top of the head, a pair of dragon horns protruded from the smooth hair, which was very delicate.

Standing in front of Yu Cang, she gently opened her eyes, her pale golden pupils seeming to take their color from the purest dusk.

Yu Cang couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

The Creator wondered: "What? Are you dissatisfied with my appearance? I have heard the voices of countless people who have come here. This appearance should be in line with the aesthetics of the people of the Yan Kingdom."

Yu Cang: "..."

Damn it, the fact that Bai Mao is from the Yan Kingdom has reached the ears of the Creator!

Seeing that Yu Cang was silent, the Creator continued: "I'm quite satisfied with this... Yu Cang, even if you're not satisfied, it's too late. Now I'm an immortal mortal. If I want to change my appearance again, I'm afraid it's too late." It's taken some time... If you really can't stand it, I'll just show myself like a real dragon on weekdays."

"No, no, how should I put's a little too pretty." Yu Cang couldn't help but shook his head.

The Creator suddenly transformed into a white-haired dragon girl, which was beyond Yu Cang's expectations.

He had to admit that the Creator's aesthetics was absolutely online, and the human face he created simply did not look like something that could be born in the human world. But because of this, Yu Cang always felt that the beauty was a bit false... Well, to be honest, it was indeed Bailong looked pleasing to the eye.

"'d better turn into a dragon."

The Creator does not allow anything.

She nodded slightly, and as soon as she turned around, a snow-white, slender real dragon appeared on the spot. The size of this real dragon is much smaller, and it no longer has the terrifying aura of the original Creator, but the "immortal energy" in its body is not missing at all.

The Creator gently lowered his head in front of Yu Cang: "Yu Cang, give me a name."

Yu Cang nodded, but did not give a name immediately, but said:

"Do you really want to give up your power as a god? Once you give up this kind of power, you probably won't be able to have it again."

With great power, even if you give up, you will have to pay a terrible price.

Although the realm of the Creator is still just a myth, at the level of myth, she can already be called truly invincible. Such a powerful power, once given up... may never be recovered.

What's more, this is the power He was born with. Who can just throw away his talent?

"I know, but it doesn't matter." Her tone was very serious, "Yu Cang, I have already figured it out - you can transcend the Emperor's Heart after giving up the Emperor's Heart, so why can't I?

"If I am still trapped in myself as a god, then Blue Star's fate must be destroyed by me - now, I want to use my own power to transcend the realm of myth. As for the innate power and divinity... She raised her head, with a smile in her eyes, "Just leave them to Blue Star."

"Okay." Yu Cang also smiled, "Now that you have figured it out, I respect you - by the way, as for the name, do you have any requirements?"


"How about..." Yu Cang rubbed his chin, "Then Li Gou..."

Before the last word "egg" was uttered, Yu Cang suddenly felt a murderous aura as if it was the end of the world.

In the sky, those frozen auroras were also ready to move, as if they were ready to pour out their full strength at any time.

"Ahem...of course I'm joking." Yu Cang quickly cleared the relationship.

"I believe you." The Creator smiled, but this time, she pointed at Ye Lai, who was standing behind Yu Cang, and said, "I want a name like his, a style!"

Her tone was surprisingly firm.

"Okay, this is natural." Yu Cang responded.

He thought for a while, but had no inspiration. Suddenly, he took a few steps closer and said:

"Can I... touch you?"


The Creator frowned slightly, and the snow-white dragon head shrank involuntarily.


"Ah... okay then." Yu Cang curled his lips and his eyes dropped.

After shrinking in size, the Creator no longer has that overwhelming aura, and I don't know if it's an illusion, but he looks much better.

With such a beautiful real dragon in front of you, is it really impossible to rua?

I really want to touch the scales...

At this time, a voice came from behind. Immediately afterwards, Yu Cang felt a familiar touch gently touch his hand.

"The Lord of this body, I am here."

Ye Lai placed his cheek within Yu Cang's reach, with a smile in his eyes.

"Hehe, thank you, Ye Lai." Yu Cang was not polite, and he was very satisfied with Ye Lai's scales.

Creator: "..."

She took a deep breath for a while.

Cai Dao:

"...Yu Cang, if this is a necessary step for naming, then I can allow you to touch me a little."

When she said this, she didn't even look at Yu Cang, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Really?" Yu Cang suddenly looked surprised.

After receiving permission, without saying a word, he immediately stepped forward and stretched out his hand to her snow-white scales.

This time, the Creator did not resist, but he also did not accommodate.

Hmm... It has a frosted texture, like jade. It feels strange, but it's easy to touch!

Hum, he should be allowed to touch the handsome Long Long!

For a moment, Yu Cang felt hugely satisfied.

The soft, satin-like hairs on the Creator's neck spread out along the gaps between Yu Cang's fingers. Suddenly, Yu Cang was so blessed that a name came to his mind.

"Chaoci... I'll call you Chaoci, how about that?"

The Creator's eyes suddenly trembled, and she lowered her head slightly.

" name is Chao Ci."

some time ago

towering top

Zhong Sheng walked back from the side with a serious expression.

"Look at your stinky face." Jiang Shan slapped Zhong Sheng hard, "I said, we are all Zhenguo, and you have this face just because you lost the bet, what's the matter?"

"Go, go, who is like you?" Zhong Sheng waved away Jiang Shan's hand, "Xiaocang went to the third level, and all living beings will be asked to recite his name later. If the association is not prepared, then the Holy City It will definitely be chaotic for a while.”

He just went to make notifications and arrange work.

"Okay, I know you're busy." Jiang Shan changed the subject and said, "Hey, do you think Xiao Cang's chanting of the names of all living beings this time... will have an impact?"

"I can't say." Zhong Sheng shook his head.

Even for people who have entered the third level, the scope of influence of the final vision is different.

When a person comes back from the third level, Feng Yue Cangjian will spread your name around as much as possible. Generally speaking, the scope of beings reciting names will only be limited to the Holy City.

But it’s hard to say. Theoretically, there is a further possibility. According to records, Emperor Yan’s “all living beings recited their names” was even exaggerated to the point of affecting the entire Yan Kingdom.

"But... Xiao Cang broke through the third level too fast. I think its range will definitely not be low!" Zhong Sheng said with certainty.

When others entered Feng Yue Cangjian, they must have slowly climbed upwards, slowly adapting to the gradually increasing pressure. How could they be as reckless as Yu Cang, who basically never stopped accelerating all the way?

The first layer of physical body accelerates, the second layer integrates all traces of will to accelerate, and the third layer is riding Nian.

Zhong Sheng and others on the ground could not see what was happening on the cloud. They could only barely feel which level Yu Cang had reached, so they all felt incredible at this speed.

How do you feel... Xiao Cang is so relaxed?

"Calculating the time, it should be almost time." Jiang Shan said, "That being will chat with Xiao Cang for a while, ask about the affairs of the human world, and then release him."

"Speaking of which, I don't know what the origin of that existence is." Zhong Sheng looked up at the sky, his eyes thoughtful, "Judging from the several conversation records he left before, his attitude towards human beings should be Just be very friendly.”

"What, what do you want to do?"

"...Feng Yue Cangjian has existed on the top of Zunyue for at least six thousand years." Zhong Sheng said, "Although that existence has never shown any malice, and its position is guaranteed by several myths... But according to Xiao Cang He said that now Blue Star is about to face an unprecedented disaster. If we can get the help of that existence, maybe our chances of winning will be greater.

"Even if that existence is unwilling to directly help humans, it would be nice if it allowed us to make more use of Feng Yue Cangjian..."

Hearing this, Jiang Shan clicked his tongue.

"Your concerns are indeed justified... However, this matter is still a bit difficult. After all, only a few people can see that existence, let alone talk to him about cooperation."

"...You still have the nerve to say it."


"Look around you." Zhong Sheng shook his head, "The four people present, plus Xiao Cang who has reached the third floor, except Qi'er who is a child... who would stop on the first floor?"

"Uh..." Jiang Shan's face froze.

That being said, it seems true.

Of the people on the field now, he seems to be the only one who has only passed the first level?

How can you blame him! Who knew Xiaocang and Jieshuang were so talented!

"Alas..." Zhong Sheng shook his head and did not continue to be sarcastic, "If I had known that Xiao Cang could go to the third level, I should have asked him to talk to that being... Although he had that indifferent temperament Look, it’s unlikely that a cooperation will be reached, but at least it can make a good start..."

"...If you really want to, I'll go up now."

"Come on." Zhong Sheng said angrily.

In fact, it will be difficult for young people to enter Feng Yue Cangjian, but when their strength reaches their level, they can already force their way into Feng Yue Cangjian, and they are designated to reach higher levels.

It's just that... every time they come to the second floor and want to step into the third floor, they always have a terrifying intuition... as if as long as they enter the third floor, something terrible will happen. Maybe even die!

Soul card masters generally trust their own intuition, and there is no benefit in trying hard, and it is very painful, so no one has tried it.

If we really want to talk about cooperation, then we have to go out of our way.

Zhong Sheng opened his mouth and was about to say something, but suddenly his expression stopped.

Jiang Shan seemed to sense something, and quickly raised his head, his eyes suddenly widened.

"What's going, how...Xiao Cang, he hasn't stopped yet?"

Yu Cang is moving towards the third level!

But how is it possible... No one has reached the fourth floor in history, and even the fourth floor itself is just a guess.

But Yu Cang, Yu Cang, he...

"It's too risky!" Zhong Sheng's face turned serious, "He went to the fourth floor, did he come back?"

When you reach the third level, you are already in a situation that cannot be repaired by the rules of Feng Yue Cangjian. You must rely on the power of all living beings to recite your name to consolidate your true name, and then go up... What ritual is better than all living beings to recite your name? Even higher?


In other words, Xiao Cang... may not be able to come back!

"How could this happen?" Gu Jieshuang's face turned ugly, and she quickly stepped forward, "Boss, he...he can't come back, right?"

Bang! Bang!

Not far away at the foot of the mountain, fireworks began to rise in the night sky. However, at this time, few people present had no intention of enjoying the scenery of fireworks.

"Xiao Cang...has climbed to the fourth floor..." Jiang Shan clenched his fists.


There was silence in front of the towering summit.

They didn't know what this meant. It might mean that Yu Cang's talents spanned the past and present, or it might be that... he must be the same as that existence and stay in Feng Yue Cangjian forever.

Suddenly, Qi'er said: "Brother is still alive! I can feel it!"


"What are you doing? Why don't you believe me?" The girl pursed her lips. "Sister, why don't you believe me?"

"...Of course I believe the boss." Gu Jieshuang touched the girl's head and smiled, but the worry in her eyes showed that she was definitely not as calm as she appeared.

"Okay, stop thinking so wildly, Xiao Cang should...what?!"

Zhong Sheng and Jiang Shan raised their heads almost at the same time.

At this moment, the two of them could no longer maintain a serious expression, and shock occupied every expression of their expressions without reservation.

"Is that... a myth?"

boom! !

At this moment, the clouds that had hung over Zunyue for thousands of years suddenly opened!

First floor, second floor, third floor!

A huge hole seemed to appear in the sky for an instant. For a moment, several people's eyes were able to look towards the sky above the clouds without any hindrance!

But... above the third floor, what exists there is still unclear.

Because it has become a torrent of energy.

Half of the sky is as thick as shadows, with the horizon stretching across the sky, and the other half is like aurora like waterfalls, with swarms of shooting stars. Light and darkness are in extreme collision in the distant sky, and the grand scene of creation and the final scene of doom are displayed in the same sky!

Under such a sky, Jiang Shan and Zhong Sheng felt their hearts pounding. They couldn't help but want to enter the field of starry sky and feel the almost crazy rhythm.

But they know that now is definitely not the time for enlightenment.

"Xiao Cang is... fighting that being?" Zhong Sheng's face changed wildly, "A mythical collision... Damn it, how can it be so exaggerated!"

This is the first time that existence has taken action since records began!

Could it be that that existence actually hides some ulterior secrets...

Forget it, how could Yu Cang have mythical power?

"...It's that dragon, Ye Lai." Jiang Shan's face was serious, "Feng Yue Cangjian canceled the restriction of the soul card on Ye Lai, and he was able to regain his true power."

"Let's not mention those things, Xiao Cang is obviously at a disadvantage!" Zhong Sheng gritted his teeth, "Damn it... we can't go on like this!"

How could Yan Guo's third myth fall into such danger under his own nose?

"Jiang Shan, you watch here, I want to go up!"


Jiang Shan's expression changed. He was about to say "You're crazy", but he swallowed it back.

At the level of Zhenguo, everyone can feel that if you forcefully break into the third level, something terrible will happen. Although you don't know what it is, having this intuition can already explain the situation... If you don't pay attention, There will be blood in the sky!

Zhong Sheng is the holder of the mythical soul card "Zhuzi Tianjue". What if something happens to him?

But the current situation seems to be like this - if Zhong Sheng can be sacrificed in exchange for the survival of a future myth, it will be worth it.

Among the people present, only Zhong Sheng has mythical power!

The collision of forces in the sky is terrifying. If he approaches rashly, he will definitely die without any trace left!

Immediately, he could only nod seriously: "I will contact the association to send more manpower, please don't pay attention to your safety!"

Before Jiang Shan finished speaking, Zhong Sheng had already thrown away his robe, stepped lightly on the towering top, and turned into a thunderous golden light, swimming upstream!

Boom! !

In an instant, the ancient bells that shook the world resounded through the sky. At this moment, countless bright golden lights suddenly bloomed in the sky, making the night look like day!


Zhong Sheng threw out the slips in his hand, and the rope immediately broke apart. However, those wooden slips were suspended around Zhong Sheng under the influence of inexplicable power, and every word on them emitted a dazzling golden light!


The golden light in Zhong Sheng's eyes was like a sea, blurring all the details. Countless small golden characters flowed from his eyes, some spilled into the air, and some flowed down along the skin and fell to various parts of the body. If you look closely, you will see that every word is an ancient sentence with a subtle meaning.

"I am going to attack you three times today - can the heaven and the earth establish the mind? Can the living people establish the destiny? Can the world be peaceful?"

Feng Yue Cangjian's power kept influencing him, but this time, he refused them all!

In the golden light, Zhong Sheng stretched out his hand: "I activate the spell card: Zhuzi Tianjue!"


The bells from unknown sources resounded across the sky, and among the clouds, golden blurry figures seemed to emerge one after another. Countless famous poems were recited from their mouths, causing vast echoes in the world.

At a certain moment, Zhong Sheng pointed his finger to the sky, and all the echoes suddenly merged into one, and he shouted:

"——Holy Saying: Heaven and earth will destroy you!"

"Mr. Zhong! Wait!" Suddenly a confused voice came from the cloud, "What are you doing? It's me, Yu Cang!"


Zhong Sheng was stunned.

He clearly saw that the chaotic sound in the sky gradually disappeared, and among the blurred clouds, Yu Cang rode a snow-white true dragon, slowly falling into the mortal world.

Yu Cang...are you okay?


Zhong Sheng's face changed wildly, but the golden thunder condensed around him was about to flow upstream, and there was no room for hesitation at this moment.

If this is remembered, even the gods will not be able to save Xiao Cang in this world!

Immediately, he immediately stopped his hand, the golden light around him rolled back, raised his head, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

puff! ! !

Suddenly, blood spilled into the sky. Zhong Sheng's body was like a kite with its string broken, flying lightly before Yu Cang's eyes.

"Ah... not good!" Yu Cang came back to his senses, "Chao Ci, hurry up, catch him!"

Chao Ci curled his lips.

Allowing Yu Cang to ride on her back is already the limit she can accept. Add one more?

...Well, after all, it was the first thing Yu Cang had to do by himself.

In front of the towering top

Jiang Shan's expression quickly became dull.

Abba Abba...what happened?

Wait a minute...that dragon...that oppressive aura, he will never admit it wrong.

It is "that being"!

No, Xiao Cang, why did you just ride him off! ! !

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