Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 385 A false alarm

"How's it going? Are you feeling okay now?"

"It's okay." Yu Cang's expression didn't show any panic at all. He was just sensing carefully, "I didn't sense anything strange."

Director Yu frowned. He turned his head and looked at Cheng Mingye: "I'll give you all the authority."

As Cheng Mingye introduced, Director Yu is just a "special agent". Although he has learned a lot about these card-making theories after becoming the director, when it comes to professionalism, he is definitely not as good as a researcher like Cheng Mingye.

At this time, Cheng Mingye also put away the smile on his face, frowned slightly, and turned on all the equipment in the venue: "Can you feel where the 'mark' takes effect?"


Yu Cang thought for a moment and gently snapped his fingers.

Immediately, the king's self appeared from the invisibility on the side, and then directly activated [Control Me].

The king gently closed his eyes, and his figure dimmed quietly. In its original position, a figure made of blue light appeared.

"The specific location should be on the 'I am the source of the soul'."

The soul-sourced self is one piece from head to toe. It is just composed of blue light without any details. It looks like an outline, but the outline is exactly the same as Yu Cang's.

At this moment, on the figure's chest, a brown tree-root-like structure was taking root there. With the fluctuation of the dim light, it was still beating like a heartbeat.

Cheng Mingye's brows furrowed even more tightly: "Huang."


"Is he infecting you?"

"not yet."

"Well..." Cheng Mingye glanced at the computer, "I have already sent a message to the teacher, and he will be here in a moment. Before that - Yu Cang, since this mark is brought by the soul card, then Can you try disconnecting this soul card directly?"

"No." Yu Cang shook his head, "I have already tried it just now. If the connection is disconnected directly, then the kill mark will be detonated directly. There is no difference."

Cheng Mingye: "...How long is the death cooldown of this soul card?"

"Ten minutes, eight minutes left."

"I see."

Cheng Mingye walked aside and injected soul energy into a certain totem contact point, and then rays of light lit up from those unknown instruments.

Seeing him like this, Yu Cang said: "Actually, there's no need to worry - this card shouldn't pose any threat to me."

Director Yu: "How do you say that?"

"Because." Yu Cang showed a smile, "This is a soul card, not a forbidden card. As long as the soul card is used normally, it will not cause harm to the user - I made this soul card , I can be sure of this.”

"I know you are very confident." Cheng Mingye didn't even raise his head, still debugging various totems, "But you have to know that the definition between forbidden cards and soul cards is not black and white. In essence, forbidden cards It is also a type of soul card, and the difference between them is not as big as you think.

"There are many people who have been hurt by regular soul cards. In the final analysis, whether a soul card is a banned card or not is decided by people. A banned card is just a soul card that cannot be completely controlled by the soul card master. That’s all.”

Hearing this, Director Yu couldn't help but glance here a few times, but didn't say anything.

To Director Yu's ears, these words were obviously treasonous. It is true that with the advancement of card making, many things that were banned cards in the past have gradually been standardized and systematized, and then turned into ordinary soul cards.

The most classic example is probably the undead race... The soul cards of this race were basically banned cards in the early days. During the production process, "human sacrifice" was indispensable.

However, later on, card-making science developed into modern times, and great progress was made in materials science. Human beings can now make more powerful undead soul cards through more reasonable material selection, so this race was gradually removed from the banned cards. separated.

Now, the production of soul cards of the undead requires the skills of wild beasts, and no one is needed for a long time.

Judging from this trend, sooner or later, all banned cards will probably be turned into ordinary soul cards like this. What Cheng Mingye said seems to be right.

But Director Yu, as a former special agent, knows better than anyone the horrific harm caused by out-of-control banned cards. For him, Cheng Mingye’s words are quite irresponsible - banned cards are always just banned cards!

However, what happened to Yu Cang was more important now, so he just glanced at him and said nothing.

"So, do you know?" Cheng Mingye was still talking to himself, "Even ordinary soul cards have the same risk of losing control like forbidden cards. Yu Cang, no matter what time, we must do our best to do the worst. plan!"

Yu Cang was silent for a moment and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

"...turn on peeling totems No. 1, 3, and 7."

After Cheng Mingye finished speaking, a series of luminous rhythmic lines lit up from the floor, forming a mysterious pattern in the center of the test site.

"The function of these totems is to separate the connection between the conscious body and the forbidden card. They are mainly used to prevent the forbidden card from getting out of control. We will try to separate the marks on you when the death cooldown is about to end... But your situation is different from the forbidden card. The card is a little different, I have to adjust the specific parameters."

Yu Cang blinked and said nothing. seems that these devices were mentioned in those notes.

Unexpectedly, the first time I came into contact with these devices was to use them.

There are many such stripping totems, and the three models mentioned by Cheng Mingye should be more suitable for your situation.

Cheng Mingye also noticed Yu Cang's curious eyes.

So I started to retell my own steps - now Yu Cang is learning from me. Although the situation is not very right now, it is indeed a good opportunity for teaching.

"The No. 1 totem has the most complete functions. When the specific situation is unclear, there will not be too many problems when using it. The No. 3 totem is mainly for when the card ban has just begun and the main consciousness has not been crushed. Although it has nothing to do with the card ban. , but as long as you adjust the application parameters, it can take effect on your soul source.

"Using number seven is my own understanding. Although there is no particularly obvious diffusion effect now, the risk of deterioration in this direction cannot be ruled out from the data. In addition, I chose one, four, and nineteen as the consciousness stabilization totem, and banned cards. The counter totem is kept in third gear, mainly because..."

Cheng Mingye spoke very fast, and his voice kept jumping out like a barrage of cannons. It was quite dizzying, but for Yu Cang, at least it was easy to simply remember.

Although he spoke quickly, Cheng Mingye's men did not stop. The soul energy continued to flow out, and the parameters of all the totem patterns were adjusted in an orderly manner. His eyes were always staring at the computer, constantly scanning the data on it.

Director Yu didn't know when he had quietly stepped aside, standing on a soul energy receiving port, and was constantly injecting soul energy into the totem. But out of sight, he had one hand behind his back, and several soul cards were already pinched in the totem. fingertip.

Suddenly, a soul card door opened on the wall, and a wheelchair was pushed out.

The person in the wheelchair is Dr. Ji, and the person pushing the wheelchair is also an old man.

Before fully entering the door, Dr. Ji said directly: "Start the body destruction ritual again."

After the words fell, the entire testing ground suddenly fell silent for a moment, and there was only the soft sound of the soul energy flowing when the totem was running in the air.

The silence did not last long.

Cheng Mingye pushed up his glasses, his eyes still calm: "Okay, let's turn off the banned card counter totem first..."

Director Yu frowned: "Dr. Ji, do you need to do this?"

"To be on the safe side - we must consider the possibility that Yu Cang will not survive." Dr. Ji said, "Don't worry, I gave this order and I bear responsibility."

Director Yu: "...That's not what I meant."

And Dr. Ji has arrived at the edge of the field.

"Yu Cang." Dr. Ji said, "I have read your paper on rituals. Many of the contents coincide with the research conducted by the Admission and Treatment Bureau in recent years."

All I can say is that a genius is indeed a genius.

The Admission Bureau has been studying the summoning method, which was also called "Awakening Summoning" at that time, for nearly six years. Naturally, it has achieved a lot of results, and they have been applied to banned cards one by one. However, Dr. Ji has to admit that Yu Cang A paper on "Ritual Calling" completely surpassed these six years of research.

The interpretation of equivalence is wonderful.

Of course, this does not mean that the people in the treatment bureau are not good enough. The reason why the research on ritual summoning is so slow is largely due to the lack of star levels.

Without the important attribute of star level, the Integration Bureau's research on ritual summons was limited to forbidden cards and did not consider normal soul cards at all. As a result, the progress was naturally very slow.

There is no way, scientific research is so cruel.

"The body destruction ritual is a new achievement in recent years." Dr. Ji continued to explain, "You can understand it as... a more efficient and safer way to make forbidden cards. The forbidden cards were born after this ceremony. , there is even a certain probability of keeping the original personality intact."

Yu Cang seemed to understand something: "So, what you mean is..."

"That's right." Dr. Ji said, "If you are about to be killed by Huang later and it is irreversible, I will make you a banned card. No matter what, it is better to be alive than dead."

These words sounded a little breathtaking, but Dr. Ji's expression remained normal and his tone was terrifyingly calm.

In response, Yu Cang smiled:

"Understood - but I probably won't need these anymore."

"I hope so." Dr. Ji was noncommittal.

"I'm not overconfident." Yu Cang turned his head and looked at the source of his soul.

After the torment just now, the death cooldown of Desolate Remnant Consciousness has only the last ten seconds left.

At this time, all the totems have been arranged in an orderly manner.

A smile appeared on Yu Cang's face at this time.

"Even if you put everything aside - Huang, how could you possibly hurt me?"


As soon as the words fell, the root system entangled in the chest of the soul-source self exploded, and countless roots grew towards the limbs and bones of the soul-source self, but in the blink of an eye, they had spread to every corner.

Cheng Mingye's eyes narrowed, and he was about to activate the peeling totem directly, but saw Yu Cang raise his hand: "Okay, it seems that everything is fine."


Dr. Ji's expression softened slightly. He came to the computer in a wheelchair and his eyes fell on the data fed back by the consciousness stabilization totem.

"...It's indeed okay."

Cheng Mingye raised his head: "Do you feel anything strange?"

"No, it's very good." Yu Cang clenched his fists, "However, I am very sure now - the soul energy well is an important reason why humans are not infected by Huang!"

Dr. Ji's expression changed slightly: "Oh?"

People have been studying this aspect since ancient times, but there is no substantial evidence. Since Yu Cang discovered the real harm of famine, Yan Guo has paid attention to this aspect, but the time is still short after all. In fact, for Research in this area is still largely speculative.

It is true that most people think that the soul energy well is the key, but after all, there is no evidence - mainly because they can't find anyone who doesn't have a soul energy well.

Although the forbidden card can destroy the soul energy well... but in this way, the person becomes a soul card, and the soul card will not be infected by Huang.

When everyone really turns their attention to this aspect, they will find that except for banned cards, there is no way to destroy or separate the soul energy well.

Without a control group, there is naturally no evidence to prove that the soul energy well prevents humans from being infected.

"What did you notice?"

Yu Cang looked at me, the source of the soul.

Those spreading roots did not last long before they gradually became transparent and even disappeared.

"Just now, I did receive a large number of infections in a short period of time." Yu Cang said, "But... the process of extracting mental power into soul energy by the soul energy well has not stopped, and it seems that the 'priority' of the extraction has also changed. It has quietly changed, and priority has been given to extracting the infected part.

"To put it simply, in a very short period of time, all the infections in my soul source... were transformed into 'soul energy' by the soul energy well. This process happened so fast that I even It was over without any reaction.”

"Ah?" Cheng Mingye blinked, "Is this the case?"

Listening to the description...doesn't this soul energy well become a kind of "purifier"?

This thing sounds quite mysterious, and no relevant cases have been found before - in the past, no matter how frequently humans came into contact with Huang, it was impossible for Huang's infection to enter the human body, let alone come so deep into the soul source. Naturally, I have never seen this place.

"All infections have been transformed?"

"That's right, there's not a single bit left."

To be honest, this conversion efficiency is really surprising... Huang's infection can be said to be completely powerless to fight back.

"...Fortunately, it was a false alarm." Dr. Ji's expression relaxed a little, "I just saw the data of the desolate remnant consciousness from Mingye... Only you can make such a soul card without side effects. ”

"'s not that there are no side effects at all." Yu Cang scratched his head, "Although, the 'soul energy' transformed by the soul energy well cannot be used to activate the soul card at all, and it cannot even be played out, so it is blocked in the soul energy well. The soul energy is in the well."


He didn't expect that the soul energy well could also lead to constipation.

Hearing this, several people present looked at each other.

Is the soul energy well blocked? ...Doesn't that mean that as long as the opponent uses Desolate Residual Consciousness and is dragged by the opponent until the death cooldown ends naturally, the Soul Card Master will lose the ability to fight again?

Well, it's reasonable, a desperate comeback and an explosion.

"Then, how can we take out these souls?"

"I come!"

A white and tender little hand was raised.

Qi'er seemed to have finally found an opportunity to express himself: "Qi'er can absorb all these soul energies! And Qi'er is not afraid of being short-lived!"

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