This Chaos Creation Lock is indeed a bit from the underworld.

As soon as this soul card is summoned, the opponent can only use summoned beasts with light and dark attributes. Although it is useless in civil war, it will be fully powerful against other decks.

It is worth noting that the light/dark attribute in the description of this soul card only needs to include one of the two attributes. Light, light/dark, light/wood, etc. are all included.

However, this soul card obviously also has great weaknesses.

Yu Cang walked aside, opened the partial protective totem on one side, and then summoned a Chaos Creation Lock according to the material on the soul card.

Two torrents of information crashed into the anchor ring that appeared out of thin air. Countless lines solidified and intertwined in the space inside the ring, eventually forming a stone statue that was not taller than one person.

The stone statue is gray as a whole, with two wings, black and white, on its back, which are folded together to cover the main body.

The stone statue is a humanoid creature. If you look closely, it seems to have the characteristics of both a demon and an angel. The face is very blurry, making it difficult to see clearly.

As soon as the Chaos Creation Lock appeared, [Soul Pathway] was activated, and an anchor point on the anchor ring rotated slowly, and finally pointed at himself.

And the other anchor point... was idle, and no one was pointing at it - after all, there was no second soul energy well nearby.

"Hmm..." Yu Cang rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

After it is actually summoned, many problems can be discovered.

This soul card is in the underworld, but its body is not very strong. The body of this stone statue only reaches Yu Cang's chest, and the outer shell does not seem to be strong, or even fragile. If it were placed in a battle, it would probably leave the scene if it took some area damage.

Moreover, the Chaos Soul Power only limits "summoning cards", while spell cards, field cards, and equipment cards can all be used normally.

If we were to fight against someone of the same level, it would be easy for the opponent to draw a field-clearing spell.

Yu Cang summoned a few more summoned beasts, tested them briefly, and then sighed.

Sure enough... [Soul Pathway] limits the creation lock to change the connection object of the anchor point, which is also a shortcoming.

This summoned beast can only choose a soul energy well to connect to when it appears. If there is no Soul Energy Well for you to connect to when you appear, then even if there is a target that can be connected later, you will not be able to connect.

This is quite hurtful. When facing multiple people, as long as someone cheats out this skill, the creation lock will be disabled in a short time... After all, even if that person is activated and solved, the second person cannot be connected.

And with this feature, he cannot summon other connection summons while maintaining the Chaos Creation Lock - after all, the anchor point of the creation lock cannot connect to other summons, so connection summoning is impossible.

You can't connect to the summons, but the opponent can. After all, the creation lock only connects the opponent's soul energy well, rather than connecting with each other.

In short, it is very restrictive, but it can still be regarded as a strong countermeasure card in special situations.


Yu Cang felt it for a moment, and his expression changed slightly.

It seems... there is a hidden effect?

It seems that I can transfer soul energy to the other end of the anchor point through this chaotic creation lock?

Send soul energy directly?

Now, the other end is not connected to the soul energy well, and the soul energy sent there is equivalent to being directly dissipated. However, Yu Cang can calculate in his mind that if this creation lock is connected to someone else, the soul energy sent there is It can be used directly!

As we all know, each soul card master can only use his own soul energy, because everyone's soul energy is slightly different. But...the soul energy that Yu Cang sent over now is the "chaos soul energy" that has been transformed by the Creation Lock. The personal-related parts of it have been diluted, so it can be used by others!

"...This is an unexpected gain." Yu Cang blinked.

He even felt that this hidden ability might be the real use of this soul card.

But it's a pity. Half a year ago, this soul card could definitely be added to the mechanical deck and shine in it.

Now... with the mechanical deck that uses wild crystal as energy source, there is no need for creation lock anymore.

However, Creation Lock can be used in other decks, not just the mechanical type, which is something that Huang Jing cannot match.

In any case, it works, and the future is promising.

Yu Cang put away the soul card with satisfaction.

ice city

Yu Cang came here again with the help of the Consciousness Realm Path.

The operation on the second consciousness beast has been completed, and the princess is sitting aside to rest... The third consciousness beast is already lying in the ice city very consciously, waiting eagerly for the operation to begin.

"...You're here." The princess looked a little tired.

"This operation seems to go well." Yu Cang said.

The operation on the first one took more than two days, but now... only one day has passed and it is over.

"Well, it will be much easier once you have experience." The princess stood up, "The two recovered consciousness beasts have been taken away by people from the association... They said they would feed the consciousness beasts some advanced rhythms , after the recovery is almost complete and there are no hidden dangers, we will let them start building the bubble world."

Yu Cang nodded: "It seems that the association is really impatient."

People have narrowly escaped death, and as soon as they get out of the operating room, they are dragged directly to work... They can't resist yet.

If you don't do it, there will be some beasts who do it!

There are so many people lining up behind me!

But there is nothing we can do. Time is very tight now, and there is not much time to slowly build a good relationship with the beasts.

"Let's not talk about this anymore." The princess looked at Yu Cang with a strange expression, "I heard Yun Qing say that after I had the operation, you made all the rhythms infected by Huang into soul cards... You really I don’t pick anything.”

Is this the Emperor Star? No matter where you go, you can't even escape the wilderness.

These diseased rhythms... In the eyes of the princess, they are absolute "non-recyclable garbage". Even using this word is a bit insulting to garbage. I really didn't expect that this can be recycled?

...Forget it, it’s okay, it just so happens that we haven’t found an absolutely safe method of destruction yet.

"It's easy to use, so let's use it." Yu Cang smiled, "Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. I'm here today just to take away the newly cut rhythm - you can continue the operation."

The corner of the princess's mouth twitched, and she looked at Yu Cang, her teeth already clenching: "I have been undergoing surgery for three days in a row...can't I take a break?"

" you need it?"


"Okay, okay, take your time and rest for as long as you like!" Yu Cang agreed quickly.

The operation time this time was greatly shortened, but the rhythm of the lesions obtained was still substantial and the weight was still sufficient. As a result, a brand new desolate and remnant image was created.

After sending this soul card to Cheng Mingye and letting him study it slowly, Yu Cang returned to his dormitory.

Zhao Yang hasn't finished studying yet... Tsk, seeing how confident he was yesterday, he thought he was almost done.

Forget it, just wait.

Yu Cang turned on the computer and brought up the papers on "Pendulum" and "Ritual".

The next direction of modifying your deck depends on these two summoning methods.

Before that, he planned to perfect them.

And the perfect naturally "I".

The first four summoning methods all have corresponding "I", so the two of you will be no exception.

Yu Cang first laid his eyes on the pendulum, and a look of thought flashed across his eyes.

According to the thinking of the first four "I"s, the "I" of this pendulum should be related to instinct.

But...if it's instinctive, it's easy to think of the shape of the fate star - which also represents the soul card master's instinctive power.

"Is there any relationship between the two..."

The inner side of the pendulum refers to the instinct of the soul card, which is the trend that the soul card's "backstory" ultimately points to. Putting this structure on a human body... isn't it the shape of a destiny star?

No, it's not.

Although the shape of the destiny star represents instinct, there are still differences - it is actually the power of the destiny star that manifests itself with the help of instinct. The main body is the destiny star, and the instinct is just the carrier.

Therefore, if you want to summon the "I" of the pendulum, you only need to strip away the power of the life star and summon only the instinct... That's it, right?

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Yu Cang's heart.

Thanks to the existence of the shape of the destiny star, he now has a deep understanding of instinct, so when he thought of this, he quickly came up with an idea.

Instinct is really an ethereal thing. The life star gives the instinct a shape so that it can be sensed and touched. But when the power of the life star is taken should we continue to touch it?

Perhaps, the answer is not difficult.

"In this case……"

Yu Cang reached out and picked up a blank soul card from the table.

However, he did not pick up the writing pen or turn on the entry recorder.

He just looked at the card surface without any traces quietly, and the thoughts in his eyes gradually dissipated.

The skills and methods of summoning the Soul Kali Face flashed through his mind, and at a certain moment, Yu Cang's eyes fixed.

"Ura no Noodles!"


The blank soul card at the fingertips suddenly glowed with light, and strange lines spread and carved at the source of the light, until the light gradually converged, and a brand new soul card appeared in front of him.

Yu Cang couldn't help but smile.

It worked.

Soul Card Name: True Me

Category: Summoning Card

Properties: None

Race: Humanoid

Star level: 5

Ability: None


Star level: 5


[True Self]: You can use your own soul energy, but only by using the "Fate Star" soul card.

Directly facing the blank soul card to summon the inner face, you can summon the pendulum: the true me!

As the true self of the summoning card, the main body does not have any abilities. It is just a pure whiteboard... It can't even be called a whiteboard. After all, the reason why whiteboard soul cards have no abilities is because they point their abilities in the panel data. superior.

As for the real me, my physical quality is exactly the same as that of Yu Cang.

However, this is normal. These "I"s are actually about the same in terms of combat effectiveness.

The most critical ability of the true self is when it is used as the inner surface to set the pendulum scale.

Similar to other "Is", the control distance of the real self is also infinite, and [the real self] can use the life star soul card, so the operating space of this one is quite large.

From this point of view, the true self and the entangled self are a bit similar. They are both units with infinite range and combat power. But now with the king of self, different "self" can also be matched to complete certain tactics.

Speaking of the King of Me...

Yu Cang took out this golden soul card. When his eyes fell on the data on it, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Something has changed... The name of the true self appears automatically in the [Royal Self] of the King.

Now, the king's self can also summon the true self at any time.

Moreover, there is another point - the method of summoning the king's self is to use the entangled self to fuse the other three "selves", and now that the true self is present... the summoning condition still needs to include the entangled self. of four me.

"That is to say, no matter how many 'I's' I discover in the future, the summoning conditions for the King's Self are still four...and I can activate [Royal Self] to sleep myself at any time and summon other 'I's. Regardless of this Am I in the fusion material?”

Yu Cang seemed to understand something.

Then... he can send out the king's self, first [control me] to summon the true self to summon the Emperor Blue Eyes Tianlin Dragon, and then switch back to the king's self, and the second time [control me] to summon the entangled self and the sky. Linlong merges into one to fight, right...

[Yuwo] only needs to be asleep to activate, but there is no division in terms of death cooldown.

With a thought, Yu Cang set his true self to the pendulum scale.

Hmm...the upper limit of the soul energy well has been slightly lowered, and it is completely at the level of a normal soul card. There is nothing to say.

My real star level and inner star level are both 5. Yu Cang can tell after careful perception. It is not because there is anything special about the number 5, but just because he is now a fifth-level soul card master.

When he reaches level six, his star level and inner star level will automatically become 10 - both are the limits of soul cards that can be summoned normally at the current level.


The soul card was shattered, and a figure appeared in front of Yu Cang.

This is a figure that is exactly the same as Yu Cang. He has exactly the same height, body shape, and other data. He is wearing an ancient robe similar to that of Wang Zhiwo, and he also has his eyes closed.

...Isn’t this just me as a king? There is basically no difference.

Hmm... maybe it's because the appearance of both of them is related to one's own instinct?


But the difference is that the real me is floating, like a ghost.

"Well enough."

Yu Cang waved his hand, and the body of the real self turned into fragments and floated away, integrating into the body of the king who had been standing behind him.

When the king's self is present, other self's can also appear alone, but it is more convenient to use [royal self].

However, two identical "Is" cannot exist at the same time.

"Then the next step is the ceremony." Yu Cang opened the paper on the ritual summons.

The first five "I's" are fairly easy to understand, so what does the ceremony... mean?

The essence of the ritual is equivalent exchange, which seems to have no tendency. Is there anything in the human body that can represent equivalent things?

Thanks to Weihuohu nv for the reward!

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