Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 395 Chuang Huang Dragon Emperor Sword

Live material room

Cheng Mingye turned his head slightly and quietly cast his gaze towards the corridor behind him.

Mrs. Yu...

He heard the name of this old classmate again.

In the reception bureau, although he left, he naturally had a way to hear what was said behind him.


Cheng Mingye was silent for a moment.

The divine descent that Wen Yang mentioned... seemed to be a bait for Yu Cang, but that was not what Cheng Mingye cared about.

Yu Cang would have to go through these hardships sooner or later, including some life and death crises, he was not surprised and had no intention of stopping it.

What he cares about is - how did Mrs. Yu know that Yu Cang would be in charge of the treatment bureau in Yujiang?

There are many treatment bureaus in the Yan Kingdom, and Yujiang is just one of them. It's impossible for Mrs. Yu to send her apprentices to every treatment bureau, right? Even if the Forbidden Card Master is worthless, where can she find so many loyal disciples?

Moreover, Yu Cang's coming to the Admission and Treatment Bureau to study has not been made public. How did she know this, and how did she determine the specific time?

Cheng Mingye frowned and began to think.

...could it be that time in Mudu?

Because Yu Cang exposed the method of banning cards, Mrs. Yu guessed that the association would let Yu Cang come to the treatment bureau to study. And because she knew of her existence, she expected that she would definitely let Yu Cang come to Yujiang?

Well...if that's the case, that makes sense.

However, when he was in Mudu, the news of Yu Cang's use of forbidden cards had been blocked by the local association. It was only claimed that Yu Cang had used the power of the secret realm. Logically speaking, Mrs. Yu should not be able to guess it.

Unless, like herself, she went to the Mirage Muyuan Remains for field investigation!

Cheng Mingye rubbed his brow.

This is really... There are still some dangers in the Mirage Realm Muyuan. Logically speaking, it should be blocked by the association. How did Mrs. Yu get in?

If the association in Mudu helps, maybe he can see this old classmate in the admissions bureau now!

When he thought of the provocative words he saw in Qi'er's forbidden card rhyme... Cheng Mingye always had a strange feeling, which made him look forward to meeting Mrs. Yu again.

If at that time, she could be made into a banned would be really cool to think about it.

Cheng Mingye put his hands in his pockets.

Mrs. Yu could deduce all this, maybe he had passed by Mrs. Yu in Muyuan a few days ago.

But now that things have come to this, there is nothing he can do. We can only tell the association about this and see if the Public Security Bureau can go to the scene to find any clues.

"Teacher." Zhao Yang's voice interrupted Cheng Mingye's thoughts.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Zhao Yang pointing at an iron door in front of him: "I'll choose this one."

He picked for a long time before choosing this one.

It's not because this one is so suitable for making banned cards, but because... his deeds are the most tragic, and no number of deaths is too many.

Hmm...not too much.

Cheng Mingye nodded: "Okay, then choose him."


I, a scholar, stood in front of Ye Chengming and was reporting news to him.

Since the two soul cards of Consciousness World Path and Scholar's Self came into being, the association has gradually established a communication system with these two soul cards as the core.

In terms of convenience, it may not be as good as long-distance communication with personal terminals, but in terms of confidentiality and stability, this system is indeed far ahead.

So now, for some important information transmission, it will basically only be transmitted through this system.

As the scholar's self reported, Ye Chengming's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

God descends...Desolate Sect...

No matter which word was used, it gave him a huge headache, not to mention that the two words were still connected together.

The most important thing is that he is also related to Yu Cang.

"Why is it at this time?" Ye Chengming thought to himself.

It stands to reason that a situation of this level must be faced with mythical power... It is enough to awaken Emperor Changan.

However, this incident happened so suddenly that he had no time to prepare.

Di Changan is now approaching the limit of his lifespan and spends most of his time in deep sleep. His awakening and sleeping times have been designed by doctors. Each time he wakes up, it takes several days to prepare.

Less than three days is definitely not enough.

The other party said that whether the god descends outside the country or in the wild capital depends on whether Yu Cang goes or not... Although it seems that Yu Cang only needs to send the king out and there will be no danger, but who can 100% guarantee the power of the myth? That's right.

Moreover, aside from all this, the other party also revealed a very important piece of information - that is, as long as the Desolate Sect wants to, it can start the so-called "divine descent" in the Yan Kingdom at any time!

The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. This situation is not comfortable.

But... things may not be as bad as imagined.

Ye Chengming's eyes flashed with thoughts.

If the other party really wants to quarrel, there is no need to tell him in advance. Doesn't this directly expose the information?

"What exactly does this desolate sect want to do..."

Various speculations flashed through Ye Chengming's mind, but they lacked evidence.

After thinking for a while, he said to me, the scholar on the side:

"Tell Ji Xuanwei to start awakening Emperor Shinhwa." Ye Chengming tapped his fingers, and then said, "The day after tomorrow, let the Yujiang Reception Bureau do what Wen Yang said, and the Soul Card Master Association in Yedu will help. Then, Ning Xingyi called over."

After saying that, Ye Chengming stood up and put the coat on his side.

"Nodu... I have to go there myself."

"Ahem!...Ha, ha..."

Zhao Yang roared and fell to the ground, his face turned pale and he was breathing heavily.

Just now, he got the first banned card in his life.

On the side, Yu Cang also witnessed the entire process completely.

At this time, his face also looked a little ugly... Faced with this scene, he felt a little sick in his heart.

But fortunately, compared to Zhao Yang who was doing it himself, his current state was not unbearable.

Moreover, in fact, the whole process is not bloody - the admission and treatment bureau is an official unit after all, so the card ban process has long been standardized. Those meaningless processes that only make a mess on the site have been optimized away.

Just now, they completed this process in a room with a clean floor, bright lights, and everything was normal.

The forbidden card master as the material was also processed early, and as soon as the whole ceremony was over, it was made into a forbidden card without any sound.

The scene was very normal, so normal that it didn't seem to cause nausea at all...but some things didn't work that way.

It was precisely because it was too normal that Zhao Yang felt extremely unreal.

A life, just like this... disappeared quietly... leaving no trace...

Having grown up in a civilized society outside, he would always be subconsciously filled with horror when it comes to such things.

Cheng Mingye glanced at Zhao Yang and said nothing more.

You have to adapt.

He stepped forward, raised his hand, and took the forbidden card that was slowly falling in the air.

The forbidden card... looks different from other soul cards.

The color of the card body is scarlet - although it is somewhat similar to the red color of the Legendary Soul Card, anyone who sees the face of the Forbidden Card will probably not mistake the two.

This color is so evil, it's like you can smell the smell of blood just by looking at it.

Soul Card Name: Ghost of the Body

Category: Summoning Card

Quality: Taboo

Properties: water

Race: Humanoid


[Substitute]: After summoning, if the user is killed, he can be resurrected in the body of the ghost.

Cheng Mingye nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right, Xiaoyang - there's nothing wrong with this banned card."

The mortality rate of researchers from the Intake Bureau has always been very high, so the first ban card that Cheng Mingye asked Zhao Yang to make was naturally a life-saving ban card.

"Yes...really." Zhao Yang staggered up from the ground.

"Let's take a good look." Cheng Mingye raised his hand, and the soul card fell into Zhao Yang's hand, "The forbidden card can be directly connected to the soul energy well without putting it into the card box, but... that kind of use This method is equivalent to temporarily integrating the banned card with yourself. Forget about this kind of rubbish banned card."

"Then I put it in the card box?"

"Yeah, but when a forbidden card is put into a card box, it will gradually affect other soul cards in the same card box. Generally speaking, the soul cards in our treatment bureau are specially made... Is your current soul card very important? ? It doesn’t matter if it’s not important.”

"Um... let's forget it first." Zhao Yang immediately stopped trying to connect to the banned card.

"Chengmingye." Yu Cang said at this time, "Is this 'ghost of the body' the reason why you can guarantee your immortality?"

"No, no, no, how could it be possible?" Cheng Mingye smiled, "As I said, this is just a 'level-pushing forbidden card'. The life-saving forbidden card I use is naturally higher than it, and naturally it won't a kind."

Yu Cang: "..."

"Besides, Xiaoyang, don't think that you can kill yourself casually if you have the ghost of the body." Cheng Mingye said, "Since it is a banned card, there will naturally be a backlash switch. The ghost of the body has been improved for many generations and has become very popular. Stable, but there is still the possibility of backlash.

"Every time you are resurrected, your soul energy well and psychology will be eroded by the forbidden card power of the ghost of the body. The more incomplete limbs you have when you are resurrected, the stronger the erosion will be. Until the erosion accumulates to a certain level... the body The ghost will go berserk, and it will replace you and become the new 'Zhao Yang'."

Zhao Yang: "..."

"But it doesn't matter. After all, it's just a piece of garbage. No researcher will be killed by this banned card." Cheng Mingye yawned, "Also, a friendly reminder that the consciousness in the ghost will wake up soon. No matter how good that consciousness seems to be, don’t have any emotions towards it, got it?”

Zhao Yang took a deep breath: "I understand."

"Okay, I've made an appointment for you to have three psychological consultations next week. Remember to do it." Cheng Mingye turned his head and said, "And you, nephew, you have five appointments."

Yu Cang's eyes widened: "Why do I have more than him?"

"There's no reason why it should be so."

"……All right."

two days later

Soon, it was time to make an appointment with Wen Yang.

The soul card door of the living material room was opened, and Director Yu walked out with Wen Yang.

When Yu Cang saw Wen Yang, he didn't say anything.

Wen Yang now... looks really miserable.

Compared to the last time we met, Wen Yang is much thinner now, and many external injuries can be seen on his body, probably from the arrest.

His face was full of exhaustion, and there were thick dark circles under his eyes. It seemed that he probably didn't sleep well during the days in the living material room.

Wen Yang also wears a totem lock on his hand - this is actually a totem modified based on the principle of the absolute pressure lock, but it is slightly gentler to ensure that when worn for a long time, it is not easy to die suddenly due to excessive mental pressure.

"Yu Cang." Wen Yang forced a smile, "We meet again."

"Wen Yang." Yu Cang said, "I will follow you to the outside world, let's go."


Stepping out of the soul card door, Yu Cang came to Yujiang City.

Speaking of which, I haven't left the admission bureau for a few days.

Although the admission bureau is spacious enough, there is always no sunlight, which makes me feel a little bit confused.

The streets of Yujiang City were deserted, with no one in sight - most of the people here had been evacuated, and those who had no time to leave had already entered tactical bunkers.

This is a border city, so I am naturally familiar with how to deal with battles...but I don't know if I can handle it with this kind of experience.

What appears now is naturally Yu Cang's "King's Self". By releasing him this time, he is already ready to sacrifice.

Yu Cang's body is now in a safe place, and he has summoned Xu to connect it with his soul energy well. In this way, he has some means of saving his life.

When he came to the street, Yu Cang turned around and looked at the sky in the direction of Yanguo, with a trace of shock in his eyes.

I saw that in the distance, probably the sky of Nodu... had changed.

In the sky, a planet is suspended above the earth. Its huge mass pushes away all the surrounding clouds. If you look carefully, you can still see the countless craters on the planet!

Such a huge thing hanging in the sky made Yu Cang, who was standing on the ground, unable to help but breathe tight.

But he knew that this thing was not a divine gift.

It’s Ye Chengming’s mythical soul card—Alien Creation Glory Dragon!

The planet in the sky that seems to be very close to the Blue Star is the "alien star".

Now that the alien star has appeared in the sky... it means that Ye Chengming has used all his strength to complete the tedious summoning conditions of the alien star's Creation Dragon in advance and has completely entered the battle state!

On the side, Wen Yang's eyes were also filled with shock.

Although Yujiang is very close to the wild, it is still close to a hundred kilometers away. To be able to see such a strange phenomenon from such a long distance... It is indeed a mythical soul card that can suppress an era!

"Let's go, stop looking."


Walking along the Yujiang Road, passing through the majestic Tianjiang Great Wall, we arrived outside the Yan Kingdom.

This is not the first time Yu Cang has come here.

But this time, he saw a familiar figure outside the gate of Tianjiang Great Wall.

This is an old man, a little thin, holding a sword in his hand. Such a figure should be inconspicuous under the Great Wall of Tianjiang, but Yu Cang's eyes saw him at the first sight, as if he was someone else. All the scenery is his foil.

"Senior Ning." Yu Cang stood beside Ning Xingyi.

"Brother Cang, you're here." Ning Xingyi smiled slightly.

Yu Cang cupped his hands and said, "It's hard work for Senior Ning to make this trip."

"No need to say more, just go ahead." Ning Xing moved, "I can't move with this sword, so I can't go with you."

Yu Cang's face was slightly serious.

The sword of Emperor Wu?

He couldn't help but glance at the sword in Ning Xingyi's hand, and then nodded:

"Okay, I'm going."

After that, he took Wen Yang out of Yujiang.

Ning Xing moved to Yujiang, and Ye Chengming controlled Yedu.

Secretly, there were countless people from Zhenguo who were transferred here watching.

This lineup... Even if it is a god, it may not be able to defeat it.

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