Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 398 God’s deck?

Chapter 398 God’s... card deck?

As soon as these words came out, Yu Cang's heart couldn't help but move.

Mrs. Yu...has other plans?

He remained calm and asked, "Can you tell me what Mrs. Yu is planning?"

And Shen snorted coldly: "She...hehe, even though she is a bug, she can actually guess my thoughts in Blue Star, and she dares to stand in front of me and propose a is also interesting. As for what she is going to do ...Heh, why should I tell you?"

Yu Cang: "..."

"You just need to know that what she is going to do will severely damage the Desolate Sect, and it just so happens that I don't want the Desolate Sect to become too powerful, so I will let her go."

At this point, God stopped speaking.

His eyes fell on Yu Cang, and seeing that he was silent, he temporarily gave Yu Cang some time to think.

Even from a god's perspective, he would admit that Yu Cang's talents and abilities were among the best in the entire starry sky.

He can give a little respect to such a person - provided that Yu Cang doesn't be too ignorant of praise.

But when Yu Cang was thinking.

In fact, he was secretly communicating with Ye Chengming.

Yu Cang is now in the state of the king's self, and his body is still in a safe place. Yu Cang's consciousness can switch between the two at will. The information obtained from God can be directly told to others by turning around, which is quite convenient. .

In this kind of matter facing the gods, Ye Chengming still has to make the final decision. He Yu Cang does not have the qualifications and the ability to take responsibility.

"……is that so."

Outside Yedu, somewhere in the mountains, Ye Chengming stood with his hands behind his back.

So that's it, everything makes sense.

The position of this god is very complicated, but as of now, they have common interests and can be regarded as common enemies, and it seems that they can reach some cooperation.


Ye Chengming closed his eyes, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes seemed to get deeper.

God's purpose is to eventually destroy Blue Star.

Even if this ending will happen tens of millions of years later, which seems infinitely far away from now, this decision should not be made by their "predecessors"... No matter who it is, they are not qualified to make such a decision for their descendants. Decide.

God said, the desolation is endless and unstoppable?

Then come and give it a try. This flood is so monstrous that I will not be able to stop it for generations.

"...the foundation of peace will be opened to all generations."

Ye Chengming opened his eyes, and a deep bass sound came from the sky, which was the trembling sound of a huge celestial body moving.

The alien star squeezes out the air, occupies a larger volume in the sky, and is closer to the present world.

He cast his gaze far beyond the Jade Border, looking at the aura that even the yellow sand could not conceal.

"The damage caused by the breach of the embankment must be killed now!"


The alien star in the sky erupted with a burst of arrogant power, and the soul card masters of the association within a few miles around felt it, and then their hearts sank.

There is a result... Let's fight!

No one hesitated. Just as they had rehearsed beforehand, countless sergeants stood on the Great Wall of Tianjiang. Then, the beacon fires on the Great Wall lit up one by one, lighting up the city wall. The flames surged up from each beacon tower and turned into black in mid-air. The streams of light condensed into pillars and shot straight into the sky!

The dark black light pillar on the beacon tower is called: Wolf Smoke!

Lines of bronze-colored seal characters lit up in the cracks of the Tianjiang Great Wall, flashing with a faint bright and dim light. It seemed to rise and rise with the solidification of the "wolf smoke", until it disappeared into the clouds. From a distance, it looked like a The looming wall.

The Great Wall of Tianjiang, this true dragon entrenched on the border of Yan Kingdom, showed its edge again after so many years!

Ye Chengming then shouted: "Ning Xingyi!"


The voice was so refined that it traveled across countless miles of space in the blink of an eye and fell into the ears of the man in front of Yujiang City.

Ning Xingyi took a long breath.

The last time we guarded the border was decades ago.

At that time, his opponents were still large and small desolate beasts, and there were countless comrades beside him. But in the blink of an eye, this time... his opponents turned into gods.

He raised his hand, raised the long sword in his hand, pointed it like a sword, and brushed it a few centimeters above the sword body. His eyes moved accordingly, and the sharp sword intention in his eyes gradually solidified.

Emperor Wu's sword.

I wonder how many gods you have killed in the hands of Emperor Wu?

"I would rather be a commoner than try it with God."


The sound of the sword sounded, Ning Xingyi suddenly waved his hand, the sharp edge suddenly appeared, the long sword pointed at the sky, the wind and clouds in the sky suddenly changed, the yellow sand and clouds seemed to be cut open by an invisible edge, and collapsed in an instant!

Behind him, countless soldiers also shouted loudly, and countless shouts of "kill" gathered together and shot straight into the sky!

Ning Xingyi spoke at this moment, and his voice instantly resounded throughout the world:

"With this sword, the three armies are wearing armor, and the four seals are thunderous, and someone is showing his will with all his strength!"

The ancients said that there are three swords in the world, which are the emperor, the princes, and the common people. The emperor's sword lifts the mountains and rivers to make great power. The princes' swords are sealed to oneself. Together with the common people's sword, these three swords also correspond to the Emperor Wu's emperor's sword. Three abilities... Now, with Ning Xingyi's back against the Great Wall of Tianjiang, the sword wielded by the soldiers of the three armies is the "Sword of the Princes" among them!

In an instant, just the sound of swords spreading everywhere made the surrounding air blurry!

And when Ning Xingyi swung his sword, the time in his mind seemed to slow down. He slowly raised his head and looked forward. The world in front of him seemed to be cut in half, the yellow sand, the sky, the earth, In the center of a vast space, there is a gap of vacuum!

The air around the gap is constantly distorted by the sound of swords. If you listen carefully, you can hear countless shouts of killing. This sound wave alone is enough to kill ordinary legendary beasts!

Ning Xingyi adjusted his breathing. When the long sword in his hand fell, it could no longer touch the ground...there was only a deep hole.

This sword reached the pinnacle... but it was not his own pinnacle.

Ning Xingyi is sure that Emperor Wu definitely possesses sword intent!

But, it's a pity... He could only barely identify this from the rhythm and residual aura on Emperor Wu's Emperor's Sword, and used this to imagine what kind of grace this emperor who chased wild beasts for three thousand miles must have had.

As for what this sword intention is...that is unknown. Every time he saw this sword, he would regret it - it would be great if he could experience the sword's intention with his own eyes.

Now, we can only get a glimpse of the sword's ability. Even among the three swords, the strongest "Emperor Sword", even if it is stronger than Ning Xingyi, he still can't use it.

He guessed that although this sword was not stated clearly, it must have certain requirements for the user's "sword intent"... After all, the previous owners before Ning Xingyi could only use the "common man" "Sword", the reason why Ning Xingyi was able to wield the sword of the princes, after thinking about it, was only the sword intention.

Maybe if he improves his sword intention a little more, he can see the elegance of the Emperor's Sword; but he also feels that only by seeing the Emperor's Sword with his own eyes and seeing a stronger sword intention can he improve further.

It's stuck here.

In fact, now he has another opportunity - that is Feng. Feng's understanding of the sword's intention was also terrifyingly strong. If he was willing to guide him more... However, after that, he asked Yu Cang about his willingness to fight, but Yu Cang rejected them one by one.


With such a trace of regret, Ning Xingyi finished swinging the sword. The slight fluctuation in his mentality made the final sound of the sword tremble a little, but it was not serious. This sword was still terrifyingly powerful!

Almost the moment Ning Xingyi swung the sword, the sword energy had already crossed the distance that Yu Canghua had traveled for a whole day, and reached the "god"!

The alien star moved slowly in the sky. Ye Chengming gently jumped up from the mountains and slowly flew towards the border as the alien star advanced.

Although the distance was still far away, his eyes were always on the sword energy and god.

This sword is considered a test.

You can't just let the other person say that he is a god, and he has to believe it.

You have to fight to know whether you are a god or not.

With Chao Ci's guarantee, your strength cannot exceed Shinhwa anyway, so let's take a look!

If this god cannot come to the world, he will definitely not be able to display his strength. If we can take this opportunity to cause serious damage...even if it is just an injury, we will make a profit!

And if the gods are angry, there is only one battle.

There are ten mythical rulers in the Yan Kingdom, Emperor Changan is about to wake up, and Ye Yan has already embarked on his return journey. They are not afraid of any existence on the Blue Star!

Give them a little more time, just wait until those young people develop...

Ye Chengming's eyes became much sharper.

The young people of this generation are stronger than them.

Yu Cang, Duan Feng, Zhao Yang... there are many equally outstanding young people, and it coincides with the improvement of the soul card system. As long as they develop slowly, maybe there will be a few more myths!

When the time comes, God can also kill!

And now, let him try how hard it would take to leave a scar on God.


The figure in the deserted crystal suddenly changed color.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the huge planet slowly approaching in the distant sky. He opened his mouth to say something when the vast world in front of him was suddenly split into two!



Before these two words could even hit the ground, they were already drowned in the sound of swords that stretched for nearly a hundred miles!

Yu Cang also kicked Wen Yang aside at this moment, and then quickly ran away.

Wen Yang understood immediately... The next step was probably going to be a fight between the gods, so he quickly suppressed his inner fear, crawled away from the place, and ran towards the depths of the yellow sand.

This is outside the border of Yan Kingdom, and there are countless dangers in the yellow sand, but no matter what, it is safer than staying here anymore!

Yu Cang doesn't care. Anyway, he is just a false body now. If the king is killed, he will fall into a deep sleep.

So, before the energy dissipated, he stuck out his head and looked at the place where the god was originally, against the strong wind.

Before he could see the god's appearance, the sight in front of him already made Yu Cang take a breath of air.

This... is too exaggerated.

Above the ground, a bottomless chasm was clearly marked on the earth, coming all the way from the direction of Yujiang. Looking around, you couldn't see where it came from.

All the yellow sand on the path has also been pushed away, and even though the attack has passed now, it still has not closed up. And if you look towards the sky... you will find that a gap is also imprinted in the sky, but it is already dark, so it is not clear.

Yu Cang stretched out his hand, and the hairs on Wang Zhiwo's arms were already standing on end, and they were still vibrating even now... yes, vibrating, because the space here was already filled with the "sword sound" of the sword just now, The sound lingered for a long time, and when it fell on the skin, it was a strong earthquake that seemed to be tangible.

As for what this sound is like... I don't know, Wang Zhi I can't hear any sound now. This body was temporarily deafened by the earthquake.

Could a sword struck from a distance of sixty kilometers have such power...

Yu Cang quickly looked towards the god's position.

After seeing it clearly, Yu Cang's heart sank.

Huang Jing is very hard, and attacks of the same level have almost no hope of hurting Huang Jing. However, no matter what, the sword just now was enough to cut Huang Jing open... At least you can see obvious scars, right?

But now, the desolate crystal... still stands in the same place, yes, in the same place! It didn't even move!

The gap opened by the sword just stopped in front of the deserted crystal, and could not spread any further backwards.

Yu Cang looked carefully.

Huang Jing didn't seem to be unscathed either.

On it, there is an obvious trace of fragmentation running up and down, landing in the middle. There are many gaps around it like broken mirrors, but they all look... shallow.

Yu Cang was certain that a simple Huang Jing would not be able to leave such a shallow scar. It must have been God himself.

The fragments of the wild crystal refracted and blurred the figure inside, making it look like it was shattered.

The god was extremely angry and smiled: "Yu Cang, do you know what you are doing?"

Yu Cang didn't say anything, and silently activated [Control Me], causing the king's self to fall into a deep sleep, and the scholar's self came out.

The king's self cannot hear the sound for the time being. In this current environment, it is better to use the scholar's self to directly understand what God wants to express from the rhythm level.

God: "I can understand that you, you, are questioning God, right?"

Yu Cang's scholar-self stepped forward, his expression becoming very serious.

"As you can see - in front of you, our answer is: we will use our own strength to destroy the Desolate Sect, find you and kill you."

"Okay, okay, okay!" God suddenly laughed, his figure swaying among the broken and uneven desolate crystals, "Since you chose to destroy, then I will destroy you! After destroying the Yan Kingdom, I still have a way to survive!

"Then now, let you take a look at what you have done!"

The figure of the god suddenly approached the surface of the deserted crystal, and then ripples spread out, and a white, slender, and perfect hand stretched out.

But this time, when the wrist was exposed beyond the wilderness, God's movements still did not stop!

The ripples suddenly became much larger, as if they had turned into waves, and a small arm of God had arrived in this world!

The vision that followed made Yu Cang open his eyes wide.

A soul card appeared out of thin air next to my wrist. Judging from the color, it was a fusion soul card!

The light flowed on it and quickly took shape. When the god stopped again, a real and usable soul card had been formed! The outlines of more soul cards have appeared in the surrounding air, and they seem to solidify at any time.

Yu Cang's breathing was slightly stagnant.

Is this... printing a card?

"Did you see it?" God snorted coldly, "I have been trapped outside this world for a long time... My total power is too great, so that I will be rejected by this world. Now, I will use this world Approved rules, send my power in!"

Yu Cang took a breath of cold air.

So that’s it!

This "god" is printing each of his abilities into a deck of cards!

When God strips all his abilities into soul cards, when this deck of cards is actually released... there is no doubt that God will come!

"The soul card system of the past was too immature and could not accommodate my divine power! - Now, feel the majesty created by your own hands!"

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