Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 410: Revenge of the Dragonborn, twelfth-level ritual!

Yu Cang looked at the faces on the left and right and nodded with satisfaction.

Apart from anything else, in this state, the combat effectiveness is not weak.

After building the pendulum bridge, he can immediately perform a 4-6 star level pendulum summons, and directly increase his mental pressure... This can be said to be quite terrifying.

Coupled with his Dragon Hunting Spear, the composition of combat power can be said to be quite three-dimensional.

Moreover, these two sides are equivalent to two permanent spell cards, which can be maintained on a daily basis, and are quite useful even for outdoor adventures.

Yu Cang reached out and made a move, and the Pendulum Bridge was completed behind him. A bronze pendulum passed across it, and then several rays of light flew out and landed in front of Yu Cang.

A source-eyed chaos dragon and two half-dragon headhunters.

The mental pressure occupied by the Source Eye Chaos Dragon is quite high, no less than those epic summoned beasts... but it generally doesn't need to stand for too long, so it's not a shortcoming.

Yu Cang reacted slightly and frowned slightly.

I didn’t expect the pendulum to have such a shortcoming.

Now, when he wanted to cancel the inner surface on his side, he could no longer do it.

Logically speaking, one's own soul card should be able to cancel the summons at any time.

But now he couldn't cancel it... He clearly remembered that he could cancel it before the pendulum summoned.

Could it be that……

Yu Cang realized something and waited silently for a moment.

After the "cooldown" of the pendulum summons ended, he canceled the summons again - this time successfully.

"As expected." A realization flashed through Yu Cang's heart.

There is a cooldown for Pendulum Summoning, and this cooldown is not short.

During the cooldown period, the summon cannot be canceled... This restriction is quite fatal.

After all, with two pendulums around, the upper limit of my soul energy well is already very low. Basically, I can only activate some spell cards that do not consume serious soul energy. At least for my deck, I can't get anything out of it. Useful card.

But, not bad.

For the two cards I made, I wasn't that afraid of this shortcoming.

After all, they all have their own abilities!

The Young Dragon King has [Return with Scales], and when the dragon scales are enough, he can fly down to fight. The Dragon King Swordsman also has [Return with the King], which can be followed, and he comes with a ritual summon when he appears, so there is no need to worry about level six. The small body was immediately beaten.

"If the summons cannot be seems that it will be very important for future pendulum decks to have the ability to deal with useless inner faces."

Yu Cang silently recorded this little discovery.

"Now that both sides are complete... we can also see if we can make some useful ritual terminals."

With this thought in mind, Yu Cang turned on the entry recorder and started the daily routine of entry implantation.

During this time, he had to try an implant whenever he had time.

[Ritual] The quality of the entry is epic. There is no way to try it so many times and it can only rely on time accumulation.

However, today, he is still very confident.

After all... a lot of ritual soul cards have been released before, and although most of them are a bit disappointing, Yu Cang has already seen the prototype of the soul card he wants by constantly adjusting based on these soul cards.

For example, this one:

Soul card name: Vengeful Dragonborn·Silver Dragon Hunter

Category: Summoning Card

Quality: Ritual

Properties: light/dark

Race: Humanoid

Star level: eighth level


The ritual materials for this summoned beast must include dragon summoned beasts of level 6 or above and [Dragonborn] summoned beasts.

[Hate]: When there are dragon scales on death cooldown, "Dragon" is added to the summoned beast race.

[Blood Vengeance]: When attacking a target of the same race, its abilities will be invalidated. At this time, the attack power will be doubled.

[Scale Blade]: The weapon held by this summoned beast is regarded as [Dragon Hunting Spear]. When the weapon held by this summoned beast is broken for the first time, six Chaos Dragon Scales will be dropped.

[Glorious Return]: When the summoned beast enters the death cooldown, select a dragon summoned beast in the death cooldown, and have it end the death cooldown and return to the deck.

An eighth-level ritual summoned beast!

The ability seems to be mediocre, but Yu Cang has done summons before, and his panel data is strong. Compared with the Sword Saint with Dragon Eye, who is also an eighth-level humanoid, he can achieve stable suppression.

After stimulating the [Blood Vengeance], it was even more crushing.

Although the Sword Saint of Dragon Eye can use the spell cards in the deck, its race is dragon/humanoid, which is very professional for the silver dragon hunter and should not be too suitable. [Blood Vengeance] can directly silence it.

It seems... Ritual Summoning makes it easy to create this kind of panel monster.

Among all summoning methods, the panel of the summoned beast summoned by fusion is already significantly higher, and the ritual is even more exaggerated... Its blessing to the panel is quite high.

There is not much to say about this silver-white dragon hunter. He is just a proper berserker. He can hardly stop him when he swings a big sword. If he faces a humanoid or dragon summoned beast... he will even be unable to use his abilities. If you come out, you can only be beaten passively.

Of course, the strength is all on the panel. If you encounter a stronger enemy, it will inevitably be difficult to parry... but this is only an eighth level.

What Yu Cang wants to do is the strongest epic ritual of the twelfth level!

Yu Cang feels that there is a high possibility that the Dragonborn of Vengeance series will have a twelfth level.

The story background of this field is closely related to the Dragon King - it is still that tribe, but the story has reached a further climax.

It turned out that this "young true dragon son" left behind in the tribe was the son of the previous Dragon King and the young king of ten thousand dragons. However, due to some accidents, the Dragon King was betrayed and killed, and his child was rescued by a loyalist, and was finally left behind in this tribe. Among the Dragonborn tribe.

Awakening his identity as a king, all the Young Dragon King has to do is take revenge - this time, he has become the "King" of the Dragonborn, and he will use the anger born from the Dragonborn's long-term oppression to burn all the Dragons!

The Young Dragon King created a ritual. After the dragonborn kills the dragon, he can use his blood to start the dragon blood ritual, allowing himself to "dragonize", become stronger, and overcome the dragonborn's weakness of fear of dragons!

This is also the reason why the Silver Dragon Hunter’s material requirements include dragons and dragonborns.

In the past few days, Yu Cang has studied the rhymes related to the story "Revenge of the Dragonborn" to a great extent, and also extracted the entry "Revenge" from it.

Now, it is completely possible to first use some basic rhythms to make a soul card prototype, and then use the entry recorder to directionally implant it, which greatly improves the success rate of making soul cards.

Moreover, the results have already been achieved: the Revenge Dragonborn, the Red Gold Dragon Hunter!

For convenience of naming, Yu Cang referred to these two cards as Silver Hunter and Golden Hunter.

Golden Hunting is a tenth-level ritual. Of course, the materials must be eighth-level dragons and dragonborns, but the difference is that the materials must also contain summoned beasts with ritual quality!

In other words, this can already be called a "second ceremony."

But there is no difference in other places, except that the number of Chaos Dragon Scales dropped by [Scale Blade] has increased to eight.

Although it looks like there is no change, its panel value has been enhanced by no means.

However, changing from Silver Hunter to Gold Hunter is just a quantitative change. If it is really a qualitative change... we still have to look at the twelfth level this time!

If the calculation is should be out this time.

Yu Cang rubbed his hands and his lips were already a little dry.

After continuous optimization, the entry implanted [Ritual] + [Revenge] plus a series of entries, the success rate is already quite impressive.

Coupled with the deliberate guidance I gave in this "prototype soul card"... As long as it succeeds this time, it should definitely be the twelfth level!


Yu Cang took a deep breath and decided to implant the entry!


A ray of light bloomed on the soul card in front of him. When the light faded, a brand new soul card appeared in front of Yu Cang!


After seeing the specific information on the soul card, Yu Cang couldn't help but look surprised.

It is indeed the twelfth level!

Yu Cang quickly looked at it intently.

Soul Card Name: Vengeful Dragonborn·Dragon Hunting General

Category: Summoning Card

Quality: Ritual

Properties: light/dark

Race: Dragon/Humanoid

Star level: twelfth level


The ritual materials for this summoned beast must include dragon summoned beasts of level 10 or above and epic level [Dragonborn] summoned beasts, and there must be summoned beasts of ritual quality.

[Blood Vengeance]: When attacking a target of the same race, its abilities will be invalidated. At this time, the attack power will be doubled.

[This hatred is like burning]: It can be activated when a summoned beast activates its ability. It will disconnect the corresponding number of dragon scales on the field and in the death cooldown, making this ability invalid. As long as the Dragon Hunting General is on the field or dies. While cooling down, the ability with the same name cannot be activated. And change the race of the summoned beast with the same name ability to dragon, so that it can obtain [Scale Falling].

[This body is like a demon]: When the dragon-hunting general holds a weapon, his attack is changed to sword energy. Whenever a dragon scale is disconnected, one layer of [Scale] accumulates, and the attack range of the Dragon Hunting General's sword energy is extended according to the number of layers.

[Martial Flame]: When the Dragon Hunting General leaves the field, select any number of dragon summoned beasts on the field and launch several attacks on them at the same time. The number of attacks is related to the number of [Scale] layers. After that, dragon-hunting spears equal to the number of layers of [Scale] can be summoned to the field.

[King Chen]: When there is no Dragon King on the field, the soul card is disconnected.

"It's done!" Yu Cang couldn't help clenching his fists.

Twelve-level ceremony!

Moreover, this person's ability is simply abnormal!

Before this soul card, Yu Cang only had two twelfth-level summoned beasts.

One is the dragon of the last dawn, Ye Lai, and the other is the Emperor Cangyan Tianlin Dragon.

Needless to say, Ye Lai's unreasonable battlefield abilities and the sword that cut through the morning and dusk at the end are symbols of absolute power. And Emperor Cang Yan Tian Lin Long... the panel value is at the peak of the epic level.

In comparison, this dragon-hunting general seems to be slightly inferior in terms of ability and panel, but his overall ability is definitely not weak.

First of all, he has counterattack...and he doesn't have counterattack once a turn. Even, Kang Wan can still wipe the effect, and it is a semi-permanent wipe!

Dare to activate your ability? It would be ineffective if I directly sacrificed the dragon scales to you, and your ability with the same name is not allowed to be used!

Even if you beat me to death, it will be useless. My ability to wipe the effect will still be effective during the death cooldown.

This ability alone is terrifying enough... Theoretically, as long as there are enough dragon scales, no one can activate the ability in front of the Dragon Hunting General, and all summoned beasts will become a blank slate!

Moreover... after being killed, all summoned beasts with this ability will become dragons... This is not a good thing.

Revenge the whole family of the Dragonborn, and defeating the Dragonborn is all about critical strikes with swords.

[Blood Vengeance] Isn’t just for a living!

With this effect, I will just keep an eye on your big brother Kang. If your big brother dares to use the effect, I will make you a fool.

It's impossible to even think of a kite. I [This body is like a demon] can transform into sword energy. What kind of kite do you want?

Although [Wang Chen] is considered a weakness, making this soul card highly bound to the Young Dragon King... But even so, there is a guarantee of [Martial King's Fire], and the field can be cleared before death.

When the dragon-hunting general was about to leave the field, there would definitely be a lot of dragon summoned beasts on the field.

What's more, the Dragon Hatchling King is not that easy to leave the field - unless the cooldown of [Return to Dragon Country] is activated and it leaves the field twice in a short period of time, any attack that attempts to focus the Fire Dragon Hatchling King will only It will cause the Dragon Hatchling to repeatedly jump between the summoned beast and the inner surface.

If the Young Dragon King exists in the form of a rotating black and white dragon... then there is no need to think about it.

Yu Cang rubbed the dragon-hunting general's body with a satisfied smile in his eyes.

The other vengeful dragonborn can be said to be the nemesis of the dragon clan and are not so strong when fighting foreign wars.

But this dragon-hunting general is unreasonable.

I am the dragon nemesis, so I will turn you into a dragon.

Is there anything you can do?

If this soul card appeared opposite Yu Cang, Yu Cang would feel desperate.

The only way to deal with him... may be to find relevant removal spells, or to kill him quickly before he activates [Hateful Burning] too many times, but that is not easy.

It is visibly powerful to the naked eye. Once this guy appears, the opponent can shoot.

However, correspondingly, its summoning conditions are also very harsh. Tenth-level dragons and epic-level dragonborn must also have ritual summoned beasts... I can only say that they are worthy of the price.


Yu Cang took a deep breath.

This card is very strong, but the real purpose of making this soul for the dark synchronization.

Yu Cang walked aside, completely opened the isolation shield in the dormitory, and then summoned the soul card he had just made step by step.

Finally, when the tenth-level Nether Flame Dragon Emperor Corpse and the Red Gold Dragon Hunter were present at the same time, Yu Cang directly activated the [Dragon King's Might] and performed the final ritual summons.


As his thoughts fell, a huge ritual magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Yu Cang. The ancient energy flowed along the lines in it, and the flames ignited on it in sequence!


The dull momentum spread out, and ripples were stirred up layer by layer on the surrounding protective shields, and then the figure of the Dragon Hunting General appeared in it.


The Dragonborn took a long breath and then opened his eyes.

The dragon-hunting general is three meters tall, with muscles all over his body and dragon scales all over his body. It looks like he no longer has any normal skin. Both hands and feet turned into dragon claws, and the body was slightly stooped, like a real dragon.

Yu Cang was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand and took out another soul card.

The blue-eyed king comes to the dragon!


When Cangyan Junlinlong was summoned, a light flashed in Yu Cang's eyes.

Dark synchronization is possible!

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