Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 416 Conversation in the Starry Sky

Nowadays, only Yu Cang and Lin Yunqing have mastered the method of making super soul cards.

Others can't even go to Chaos, let alone make soul cards.

Lin Yunqing also knew that the excess water was very deep, so when Qiu Ding was entangled by a soul, he did not make his own decision, but waited until Yu Cang came back.

After thinking about it, Yu Cang decided to help make the soul into a soul card first and then finalize the deal.

This kind of luck can only happen once. If time drags on for a long time and the soul is gone, then Qiu Ding probably won't encounter it again in this life.

As for after making it... let Qiu Ding pay attention and don't use it yet.

If everything goes well, as long as the problem of the Imaginary Palace is solved and a large number of souls are harvested, the super summoning method can be announced normally.

As for Aragami...if the problem of the Imaginary Palace can be solved, this won't be a big deal.

However, before solving the overage problem, Yu Cang first went to Ice City.

Starry Sky Sight

Yu Cang came to the roof of Bingcheng. It happened that the princess had just completed an operation.

When she came back yesterday, the princess had already started a new round of surgery, so Yu Cang didn't bother her.

A month has passed, and Stardust has become more and more proficient in the surgery to remove diseased areas. Moreover, he has also programmed many auxiliary tools with industrial spirit seeds, which greatly improves the efficiency.

Now, for some less serious consciousness beasts, less than a day is enough to get rid of the infection.

On the streets of Ice City, Xingchen walked with heavy steps to help the princess carry the cut-off diseased areas.

The huge dark blue stone statue held the same huge brown tentacles and walked through the streets made of ice, causing a heavy sound of footsteps.

Yu Cang's scholar self appeared in front of Xingchen, and he looked at the princess... The spirits that made up her body flickered, and Yu Cang could feel a clear sense of fatigue from them.

"Thank you for your hard work." Yu Cang felt a little distressed, "Why don't you rest for a while."

The princess recovered from her dazed state and seemed to have just discovered Yu Cang.

"……You're back."

She just shook her head: "I also want to rest... but there is no time to waste now. The lesions in the bodies of those wild beasts have never stopped. In fact, if all the areas that have transformed into women are not removed as soon as possible... …Many consciousness beasts may not survive.”

Each of the sixty-two consciousness beasts has a different degree of infection.

After the princess spent the initial exploration period, she had to face this problem.

Her operation speed was too slow, and during this period of time, it was very likely that the beast would die.

So, after that, while performing surgery, she calculated the infection speed and physical condition of each consciousness beast. Now, she even needs to operate on multiple consciousness beasts at the same time.

Just like in front of you, when one consciousness beast is cured, there are two other consciousness beasts lying around. During the operation, the princess must take into account the physical conditions of the two consciousness beasts at the same time, and perform surgery on the diseased area when she is not busy. Put out some inhibitions.

Outside the Ice City, there are still many consciousness beasts who have undergone temporary surgeries and simply suppressed the infection before being thrown out to wait.

The princess did a lot of calculations to make sure nothing was missed.

"Can we guarantee that we will all be rescued?"

"……I try my best."

She had no idea.

Yu Cang saw the princess's dilemma.

Compared to the physical exhaustion of the princess, the pressure in her heart may be even greater.

"Don't force yourself." Yu Cang said, "I...I rescued them from the giant sun tree. They are my things now. It's okay if one or two are broken. But you are different. Don't tire yourself out. "

When he said this, Yu Cang's tone was not particularly firm.

This is the first time he has said such words.

As Yu Cang came into contact with more and more civilizations, his understanding of the group of beasts became more comprehensive.

This is a pretty awkward race.

They like to trade with scholars from various worlds in exchange for survival resources, but... In fact, after chatting with La, you will find that only those civilizations that have just discovered the star field and do not have much power to control it can Would love this approach just as much.

Those civilizations that already have some means of interfering with the vision of the stars... will have some evil thoughts towards the consciousness beasts.

Even to the extreme, it would be better to say that it was precisely because he had evil thoughts about the consciousness beast and did something that he researched and possessed the means to interfere with the star field of vision.

The body of the beast can be said to be full of treasures.

For a civilization like Roland Sky Realm, which has deep control over the field of starry sky, the consciousness beast is similar to a giant dragon. It is used to explode materials and has no human rights.

Therefore... it is actually quite dangerous for a consciousness beast to travel within the field of vision of the stars. But there is no way. The high-level rhythm they rely on for survival must rely on the power of scholars to obtain it, so they can only contact different scholars again and again and hope that this transaction will go smoothly.

The entire starry sky is like this. Perhaps, he has to adapt and not take the life of the beast so seriously.

Sixty-two consciousness beasts are definitely enough for the current Yan Kingdom, and it doesn't matter if a few of them die.

They were rescued by themselves and were originally their own. In comparison, Stardust can undoubtedly help him more.

Look at Xingchen now... After such a long period of training, most of Xingchen's spirit sons have woken up from their slumber. However, in this month, Xingchen's excessive use of spirit sons has caused some of them to Many fell back into slumber.

In fact, many spirits were no longer usable and have disappeared.

Now, the shadow formed by the spirits behind the princess is no longer vast.

Judging from his simple spirit son level...the princess's recent excessive use of spirit sons is likely to cause permanent trauma to her.

These consciousness beasts are not yet their comrades-in-arms, and they are not worthy of the princess' efforts.

Yu Cang thought so.

However, despite this truth, when Yu Cang looked at the beast lying in the ice city, his body covering several blocks, moaning and trembling in pain due to the diseased area, he could never be completely firm in what he said.

Life itself, what have you done wrong?

Hearing Yu Cang's words, Xingchen seemed to be stunned.

She looked into Yu Cang's eyes, and Yu Cang looked at the consciousness beast below.

Suddenly, Xingchen said: "Yu Cang, your words finally have the aura of a superior person."

"Huh?" Yu Cang turned his head.

"However, if you don't want to be an emperor, there is no need to force yourself - don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you." Xingchen showed a smile, "I am your power now, and I promise you that I will not do anything without permission. An irreparable sacrifice has been made, but, Yu Cang, you have to know."

Stardust's smile gradually faded, and his eyes became serious.

"Any life with intelligence should not be given up easily - believe me, I will do my best."

Hearing this, Yu Cang's expression changed slightly.

Before he could react, Xingchen came up to him and pushed him out: "Okay, let's go quickly. I don't have much time to rest, so don't disturb me here."

"Ah good……"

"Put those deformed areas aside. Just ask the Star God for them. I have cured more than thirty consciousness beasts. If you have any questions, wait until I cure the remaining consciousness beasts. ~”


Yu Cang could only nod, and then moved outside the ice city.

Seeing that the princess immediately went into the operation after a short rest, Yu Cang sighed slightly, and then looked around.

The cured consciousness beasts have been taken away by the association, and there are only twenty-five of them still here.

But these twenty-five are also the most severely infected.

Many of the consciousness beasts seemed to be dying - their condition was worse than when they were just rescued.

Moreover, these consciousness beasts left to the end are also the largest. Most of them cannot fully enter the ice city. The subsequent operations can only be performed directly by the princess in the field of starry sky.

This will undoubtedly create a greater workload.


When the consciousness beasts occasionally raised their heads and looked at Bingcheng, there was always a look of hope in their eyes, which was the desire for survival.

The eyes that looked at the princess were filled with gratitude.


After a moment of silence, a huge figure swam over.

Yu Cang looked around and saw that it was Hetuo.

The oldest and largest consciousness beast is even bigger than Jie Ying, and the entire ice city is a tiny thing in front of him.

From the beginning, the lesions on his body were very serious, and now, most areas have been infected.

"Dear scholar, He Tuo would like to say hello to you." He Tuo lowered his head.

"You haven't had the surgery yet?" Yu Cang was slightly surprised.

Seeing He Tuo's prestige among the beasts, he thought he would be the first to undergo the surgery.

He also had the worst infection and did continue treatment.

And He Tuo shook his head: "He Tuo has lived for a long time, so let's let the young beast come first... Besides, I am very big, and it will take the most time."

Yu Cang: "..."

Did you take the initiative to put yourself last?

It's quite impressive.

At this time, He Tuo suddenly said: "That, respected scholar."

"What's wrong?"

He Tuo's eyes showed sincerity: "He Tuo apologizes to you - at the beginning, I was doubting your motives and strength. I insulted your and Xingchen's personality, I'm sorry."

"...It's okay." Yu Cang coughed lightly.

Anyway, after I'm cured, you'll have to work... It's just a win-win situation, there's no need to be so serious.

"I can't bear to disturb the Stardust Scholar's rest, so I can only say these words to you." He Tuo's eyes were serious, "He saved us and worked so hard to cure us. From now on, if necessary, even if it costs He Tuo's life , I will not hesitate to do so! And, if those beasts are lazy under your hands... please tell me, and I will teach them a lesson for you!"

Yu Cang laughed: "Don't think so much, just have a good rest."

He Tuo's words were something he didn't expect, but it wasn't a surprise.

After leaving the Ice City area, Yu Cang saw Jie Ying.

At this time, Jie Ying is in the field of vision of the stars... Um, sitting cross-legged?

It is hard to imagine that Yu Cang could see this action on a giant whale.

Although the difference is actually very abstract, at least the Shen Yun is there, and at a glance, the difference is so great.

In front of Jieying, La was sitting cross-legged.

The two of them are practicing.

Yu Cang agreed to Jie Ying learning magic from La.

After the "Resident", Yu Cang tried to make a few Jie Ying vests, but the abilities were similar. Come and go, the Resident was the most practical.

After all, although Jieying is large in size, most of the rhythms he eats are low-level rhythms, and the upper limit is there.

It would be a good thing if he could really follow La and learn how to play.

As if aware of Yu Cang's approach, Jie Ying opened his eyes.

"Sir Scholar!"

Jie Ying's eyes showed joy, and as soon as he escaped, he came close to Yu Cang: "You came at the right time. I feel that I can learn the spell that La recently taught me right away! By then, I can use more The strong combat power has helped you!"

"Really?" Yu Cang smiled and touched Jieying's head, "I'm very happy, but you still can't play in the college league."

"Ah..." Jieying Guaguao's little face suddenly fell, "Are you really unable to be accommodating... Sir scholar, can you think of a way?"

He may be looking forward to the college league more than Yu Cang himself.

Such a long time has passed, and he has long known what the college league is... To put it simply, it is to help the scholars show off in their civilization!

Such a good opportunity, of course, comes from his Jie Ying!

"No." Yu Cang said.

The connection was banned and there was nothing he could do.


"It's okay, there will be opportunities in the future." Yu Cang comforted, "You study hard first, and I will wait for you to finish."


"Yu Cang." La interjected at this time, "Jie Ying is more talented than I thought - but there are many restrictions on the spells used to recognize animals. The specific effect depends on how well it is combined with the soul card system. .”

"Yes, I know." Yu Cang said, "Jie Ying, when you finish learning, I will help you make a soul card immediately."

Jie Ying nodded vigorously: "Okay!"

"By the way, Yu Cang." La turned around and said, "I want to learn the soul card. Isn't it convenient?"

"Oh?" Yu Cang turned his head.

A scholar of this level... once he develops a thirst for knowledge, it's quite a scary thing.

However, he had no reason to refuse.

After dealing with the matters in Xingtian's field of vision, Yu Cang summoned the self of obsession and came to the chaos with the help of Ye Lai's authority.

During the time he went to Bingcheng, Feng and Ranzhi had already controlled the spirit that was eyeing Qiu Ding, only for Cang to come over.

What surprised Yu Cang was...the soul this time looked a little special.

"This is..." Yu Cang frowned.

He knew that souls existed in chaos in the form of the fire of obsession... Bodies like Xiang Yelai were made by the souls themselves using the mist of chaos.

Generally speaking, the shape you pinch is definitely what you like.

But this guy in front of me...

Why does it look like this?

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