Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 436 The power of the dragon is shocking

Zhan Changyu's expression turned serious.

He didn't expect that Duan Feng could react even though he was stunned by his blow.

This reminded him of his duel with Gu Jieshuang... He also controlled her, but her sword moved on its own, blocking the attack for her.

Thinking about it now, Gu Jieshuang's sword at that time should have contained some kind of natural spirit that could move on its own... Could it be that Duan Feng's sword was the same?

Yes, I heard that Duan Feng's talent is a unique companion soul.

Yes, that makes sense... Although I don't know what the real ability of the companion soul's talent is, I think it should be possible for the companion soul to control the summoned beast, right?

In other words, he only controlled Duan Feng just now, but not his companion soul... But the [Commonwealth] can only do this... He can't sense his companion soul, no matter what There is no way to control it.

...No, there is a way to control it.

Chang Ming Zun!

The [Shock] effect can target a single target or cover the entire field... You will definitely not be able to defeat Duan Feng with your own deck in normal play. Only by relying on Changming Zun to control Duan Feng can you have a chance of survival.

While his thoughts were swirling, Zhan Changyu had already decided on his tactics.

"I activate: Discipline and Punishment!"


A ray of light fell into the body of the scholar, and he received [punishment].

Then, the scholar who followed the rules and the boy who kept the precepts quickly distanced themselves.

[Penalty] allows the target to gain a long-range physical attack every time the discipline ability is activated.

The previously applied [Song] can obtain a long-range spell attack every time it is activated - [Punishment] and [Song] combined, each attack by the scholar of the law will become a long-range physical and magic mixed damage.

Normal summoned beasts would definitely not be able to withstand it...but the black and white dragon on the opposite side was obviously not included in this category.

[Song], which had been doubled by [Responsibility], could only barely break through its scales. It was obviously a bit fanciful to expect the scholar of Fenglu to defeat these two giant dragons.

However, Zhan Changyu's mental pressure is absolutely dominant.

The two summoned beasts of the boy and the scholar together may not be as powerful as the other's scale-crested dragon - generally speaking, a deck like this that needs to frequently activate spell cards will pay attention to keeping the mental pressure at a low level. degree.

And without Aqiu, Duan Feng's mental pressure in the deck was ridiculously high. After this, Duan Feng's time to recover one tube of soul energy was enough for Zhan Changyu to use up three tubes.

Just at the end of the silent round, Zhan Changyu's dizziness interrupted Duan Feng's movements, allowing him to recover a little more soul energy. If he used an advance sacrifice at this time, the upper limit of soul energy would be reset to zero. This bit of soul energy would will also disappear.

It seems that Duan Feng has no intention of wasting soul energy, so he is currently only fighting with two scale-crowned dragons, and there is no further development.

Zhan Changyu caught this information, so he was not in a hurry and continued to activate the spell card - with such a high soul energy recovery speed, even Duan Feng might not be unable to fight!

The cooldown time of Fenglu Scholar's [Ode] is about three seconds. This time is not short, but in the eyes of those watching the live broadcast, this is already an attack like a gust of wind.

Although [Ode] and [Punishment] cannot cause too much damage, it is enough to break the scales, and the mixed physical damage ensures that no matter the damage falls on the white dragon or the black dragon, it will have a considerable effect, so it seems , Zhan Changyu's output is not weak - at least the wounds on the two dragons are increasing.

"I activate discipline and martial virtue!"

[Martial virtue] can double the panel data. Although it will disappear after killing the summoned beast, it can be easily consumed... But Duan Feng has no subordinates that can be consumed, so the duration of this buff is still very long-lasting.

Online -

Frog Qu, is Zhan Changyu so fierce? -

It seemed that Duan Feng was completely suppressed.


What kind of soul card does that scholar have? Keep sending sword energy, so handsome


Um...why didn't Duan Feng use the same tactics as the first duel and just pull out two ninth-level dragons...


Ahem, give way, the professionals are here - according to my analysis, the technique used by Duan Feng in the first duel is called advance sacrifice. Although the sacrifice can be advanced, it will return the upper limit of soul energy to zero. Before the sacrifices are replenished, the upper limit of combat power will be locked! -

But two ninth-level ones are enough, right?


I haven’t finished yet... According to what I concluded by repeatedly watching the video of the first duel, Duan Feng must have close contact to complete the sacrifice, and just now, Zhan Changyu showed the ability to directly control the Soul Card Master , obviously, with this kind of control, it is difficult for Duan Feng to find an opportunity to get close to the summoned beast... That's why he chose this relatively safe tactic! -

Also, have you noticed that the two dragons synchronize every time they are injured... Doesn't that mean that as long as one is eliminated, both will be eliminated at the same time?


I see... Is this Duan Feng's weakness?


It's so troublesome, there are so many restrictions... Why do we need to add so many restrictions when the upper summons are obviously so weak?


It's just that it's not like Synchro, which can tell stories easily, but its weaknesses are still so obvious... Duan Feng's deck would probably be incapable of moving by anyone else.


Speaking of which, Zhan Changyu’s deck didn’t use Synchro either…


That deck is already a product of the Star Level Era... It's not that easy to control the Soul Card Master.


So, will Zhan Changyu win?


will win


The scholar of Fenglu threw out another sword energy that mixed physical and magical damage, and printed a medium-deep scar on the bodies of the two dragons.

The panels of the two giant dragons are very high, but with the presence of [Martial Arts], it is relatively easy for the Law Scholar to pull the giant dragons.

But the ring-bearing boy was not so lucky... He, who was not very fast, had already been shattered into soul card fragments by a mistake in his movement.

But fortunately...after all, these two dragons don't know dragon breath, so it's not that difficult for the scholar of law to get up.

Moreover, Duan Feng seemed to have no intention of letting Long directly attack Zhan Changyu, so the stalemate continued.

"The soul is ready." Zhan Changyu's eyes narrowed, "I activate Fenglu Scholar's [School] and activate the field card: Haoran Academy!"


Haoran Academy rose from the ground, and the Fenglu scholars no longer avoided it and stood in front of the academy.


He turned around and struck the slip. The speed of the slash strengthened by the school was much faster. In an instant, a bone-deep wound appeared on the chests of the two dragons at the same time!

Duan Feng had previously deliberately controlled the injured area, so the two dragons were not seriously injured, but under this sword energy, they were almost killed instantly! long as it doesn't drop instantly, it's meaningless.

Duan Feng's expression did not change.

The control over him comes from the boy who holds the precepts, and he has been dealt with as a priority just now.

And - my own soul energy is finally enough.

Duan Feng waved his hand and threw out two soul cards.

"Higher summons - the Glorious Lin Dragon of Light Wings and the Ferocious Scale Dragon of Dark Wings!"

hold head high!

A loud dragon roar came from the Chaos Dragon Egg, and then, two ninth-level dragons appeared on the field carrying strong winds. The dragon power seemed to have a black and white color, dividing the entire battlefield into two overlapping parts of light and dark. !

"Are you here..." Zhan Changyu's expression condensed, and his heart beat faster and faster under the might of the dragon in the sky.

Here it comes... This is when Duan Feng is at his strongest, but it is also when his tactics are about to take effect!


Before the two ninth-order giant dragons launched their attack, Scholar Fenglu waved the slips first and unleashed a sword energy.

But this time, the target is not the summoned beast, but Duan Feng's head!

Duan Feng frowned slightly - the sword energy's mixed physical and magic damage was still very high, and he was unwilling to use his face to take it hard.

Immediately, he asked the Huilin Dragon to close its wings to block the blow for himself, while the Ferocious Scale Dragon continued to activate its dragon breath.

It's now!

Zhan Changyu no longer hesitated, and while Duan Feng was returning to defense, he rushed out, with a soul card already in his hand.

Chang Ming Zun!


The dragon's breath of the ferocious scale dragon went straight to Haoran Academy. As long as Zhan Changyu used "Training Law and Worshiping the Worthy" at this moment, he should be able to block this blow, but he didn't, and instead let Haoran Academy eat it head-on. This dragon's breath is down!

Immediately, the courtyard wall was violently destroyed by the dragon's breath, and the Law Scholar's [Respected Master] also disappeared - whenever the number of the summoned beast's abilities changed, Chang Ming Zun would add a layer of [Ming], so the number of abilities decreased. Also included!

And the tactic Zhan Changyu would rather give up than Haoran Academy would naturally be to change his family!

He knew that with the dragon clan's control, he would never win in a positional battle. The only chance of victory was now!

With the time delayed by Fenglu Scholar's blow, Zhan Changyu's soul energy was finally replenished, so——

"I summon - Chang Ming Zun!"


The huge stone lion jumped out from the phantom of the opened soul card, raised its head, and roared silently, but it seemed that real sound waves were spreading out. For a moment, the black and white dragon power that filled the field seemed to be instantly blown away. Clear out, empty the air!


This time, the target of shock is all targets on the field!

"It's done." Zhan Changyu's heart tightened.

According to his speculation, these two ninth-level dragons should also follow the old path of the Dragon of Light and Shadow - that is, they only specialize in panels and have no special abilities.

The [Shocked] target cannot move or use abilities, but if it wants to maintain this state, it must continue to consume [Bright] layers... Moreover, every time the stunned target activates its abilities, the [Bright] layers will also be accelerated. consumption of numbers.

If you use this kind of full-field control on others, then the number of [Ming] layers is simply not enough... However, the two giant dragons Duan Feng summoned are pseudo-blank slates that only possess [Dragon Power] and [Dragon Breath]. The time he can control this kind of summoned beast is guaranteed!

He knew that after these two giant dragons appeared, it would be difficult for him to accumulate [Ming] layers, so when they were just summoned, Chang Mingzun was at his strongest!

At this time, Duan Feng had just pulled out his eldest brother, so he would definitely relax a little. In addition, he had sold the entire Haoran Academy, so his body must be in a defenseless state.

As long as he is controlled at this time and breaks the duel shield with Chang Ming Zun, he will win!

This tactic is quite radical... If Chang Mingzun is not killed, then Haoran Academy and Fenglu Scholars will all be destroyed, and he will lose the ability to fight again... But it doesn't matter, this is his only chance to win!

In addition to the few steps Zhan Changyu ran, Changming Zun was already not far from Duan Feng when he appeared. At this moment, he suddenly exploded and was already in front of Duan Feng in the blink of an eye!

At this time, Duan Feng was behind the wings of the Huilin Dragon in order to avoid the sword energy coming towards his head. His sight was already blocked, and he was suddenly controlled. His mind was swaying, and he was about to be killed. Respect the direct approach -

Zhan Changyu's expression suddenly changed at this moment.

what's the situation?

Why are [Ming] layers consumed so quickly? What did the two dragons do?

He looked up, but the two frightened ninth-level dragons just stood there, showing no movement and no intention of activating their abilities.

Not a summoned beast? Could it be Duan Feng?

Controlling the Soul Card Master will indeed speed up the consumption of [Ming] layers, but it will definitely not be so fast! ...This is about to bottom out!

You must know that in order to increase the threat of the sword directly attacked by the scholar of the law just now and force Duan Feng to defend, the [punishment] and [responsibility] used by Duan Feng are only effective for the scholar of the law - his other disciplines , can take effect on two targets, but these two cards can only take effect on one due to their strong effects.

This will result in a much lower number of [Ming] layers, and the actual strength of Chang Mingzun is closely related to the number of [Ming] layers. It is already a bit insufficient now. If the loss continues like this... it may not be possible to deter the people. The duel shield was broken within the time limit!

He didn't understand what happened. Suddenly, his eyes fluctuated for a moment, and his face was full of despair.

[Ming] The number of layers is gone...


Huilin Dragon opened and closed its dragon wings, and Duan Feng, whose pupils were almost burning, was revealed from behind.

At this time, Duan Feng looked very scary - the veins on his forehead popped out, and the dragon's power seemed to be substantial all around him, turning the nearby air into a gelatinous solid. His eyes looked at Zhan Changyu.

The moment they looked at each other, in a daze, Zhan Changyu seemed to be at the feet of some giant thing, and a huge sense of emptiness suddenly filled his body...


Duan Feng stretched out a hand, and Chang Ming Zun immediately hit his palm... But at this time, Chang Ming Zun, who had exhausted his layers of [Ming], was just moving forward based on inertia, and had no strength left.

Dense cracks formed on the duel shield on Duan Feng's body, but the shield was still strong and far from broken.

Duan Feng took a deep breath, and the substantial dragon power around him suddenly converged, as if countless sharp arrows were pierced into Chang Mingzun's body.


Chang Ming Zun turned into soul card fragments and drifted in the wind. Duan Feng's soul energy well contained a little more soul energy - this was by taking the sacrifice and turning Chang Ming Zun into soul energy.

He looked at Zhan Changyu who was standing aside.

Are you intimidated by your own dragon power...

Duan Feng couldn't help but think of the time when he was trembling under the unpredictable dragon power during the duel with Yu Cang.

Now, he can do it too.

There was a moment of silence.

"not enough."


The dragon's breath fell brazenly, drowning Zhan Changyu's figure.

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