Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 449 This hatred is burning!

center of arena

Yu Cang and Wen Renge shook hands.

"I finally have to fight you again." Wen Renge said with a peaceful smile.

Just looking at his expression at this moment, no one would have imagined that Wen Renge would look so crazy when fighting.

Seeing him like this, Yu Cang sighed.

"President Wenren, Pendulum Summoning doesn't work like that."

"Really? Haha... It doesn't matter anymore." Wen Renge laughed, "Yu Cang, after all, I have participated in the research and development of the pendulum... I should also have the qualifications to be willful when it comes to the pendulum, right? "

"I'm just reminding you that this is very dangerous, and the effort and reward may not be directly proportional."

Pendulum summoning, the important point is the summoning.

Directly tearing apart the Pendulum Bridge and fighting with the little bit of power that was leaked... it was completely an act of neglecting the basics.

"Then I don't care." Wen Renge waved his hand, "This is the path I have found. Yu Cang, I have to give others a chance to shine, right?"

"Okay then." Yu Cang smiled helplessly, "I don't want to suddenly hear one day that you died suddenly."

"Don't worry, I'm very stable."

After a brief conversation, Yu Cang and Wen Renge stood at both ends of the arena and began to prepare for the battle.

The silent round begins!


A soul card was turned over, and Wen Renge pulled out the trace of swallowing the void from the soul card.

"Yu Cang, I was crushed by your Emperor Cang Eyes Tianlin Dragon last time... This time, I won't make the same mistake again. I will use stronger means!"


Yu Cang rubbed his hand on the card box for a moment.


It takes ten seconds to summon the Emperor Blue Eyes Tianlin Dragon.

This is already an extremely exaggerated time. Facing this simple and crude summoning system, normal people are powerless even if they want to resist.

But these ten seconds are indeed a bit long in high-end games.

Wen Renge has developed a co-print summon that can activate "Holy Breath" and "Evil Soul Possession" at the same time. It can burst out with powerful power just after the silent round. Maybe it can really focus the fire and drop one instantly. Only the Blue Eyes King comes to the dragon. When the time comes, this summoning chain will be broken.

Therefore, Yu Cang does not plan to use this tactic in this game.

As for the emperor drawing his sword... forget it.

On the one hand, Yu Cang is not familiar with this move. On the other hand, it destroys all the decks and so on... In fact, it is more like a move used when fighting for one's life in desperate situations. You can't just start struggling every time when your health is full. ?

Forget about hitting others, you still have to be cautious when dealing with Wen Renge. Otherwise, if the other party makes some outrageous moves to avoid the sword, and then solves his summoned beast, then the deck will disappear and you will have no means to deal with it.

Therefore, let's use the main axis of our own deck - Yu Cang specially optimized the lower level before the start of the game. At least it should be used in the college league to show off.

Thinking this, Yu Cang patted the card box.

"I summon: Dragon Young King, Dragon King Sword Attendant!"

One fifth-level and one sixth-level, two high-quality soul cards were summoned with only one tube of soul energy.

If it were elsewhere, this move would be enough to arouse the audience's amazement, but in the past few days of the college league, everyone has seen too many systems that make huge amounts of resources. In addition, this is Yu Cang, so most of the audience just After a little surprise, he returned to normal.

Wen Renge saw this and smiled: "Yu Cang, are you planning to teach me the correct use of the pendulum?"

"What I use is not just a pendulum."

"...Really?" Wen Renge's expression became a little more serious, "I understand."


The silent round is over!

Wen Renge didn't hesitate, he directly summoned and at the same time... activated Fierce Angel and Soul Eater!

Instead of using two spell cards first, he revealed the inner surface first!

The ability of the inner face of the Fierce Angel is to add [Fierce Breath] to a target that does not have [Fierce Breath] on the field, and the inner face of the Soul Eater also has the ability similar to the evil spirit possession, so at this moment, there are two Personally speaking, its effect is not that bad as using two spell cards directly.

However, when it comes to explosive power, it is definitely not as good as using two spell cards directly. There will be some shortcomings in early stage strength. As for Wen Renge's handling of this matter, he naturally had his own thoughts.

Evil nature and divinity enveloped his body at the same time. He waved the wailing sword, stepped out in a few steps, and was already killing him!

His regular combat method is similar to that of a melee soul card master. After starting the battle, he naturally has to show off his face first.

And Yu Cang had already expected that in this case, the way to deal with it was not that complicated - contact fusion, death of the Dragon of the Vortex Domain!


The fusion vortex swallowed up the two summoned beasts, and then, the huge body of the domain dragon emerged from it. Before it landed, it had already raised its head, roared, and opened the [Burial Vortex]!

hold head high--!


The Dragon Power Domain was filled with violent energy, and a spherical area of ​​destruction suddenly appeared on the field!

Seeing this, Wen Renge could only stop.


In fact, Yu Cang's move had already appeared in the previous duel with Xi Wei.

But even so, Wen Renge couldn't think of any good solution.

If you walk into this realm of Dragon Power, you will definitely be dead. You can't even break through with energy attacks - as long as you don't destroy this realm directly, your attacks will become the power of others.

Therefore, he had to wait for the domain to burn out.

It is precisely because of this that Wen Renge did not choose to directly use two spells to explode - the face-breaking tactic at the beginning would most likely fail because of this [Burial Vortex], and using spells would also be a waste of duration, and it would also be a waste of duration. It is better to expose the inside and outside first and pursue the possibility of playing a long game.


The destructive energy gradually faded, and a giant dragon gradually revealed its figure.

Level seven.

As expected, a very random miscellaneous fish dragon appeared... with almost no abilities, but the [Plenty of Scales] of the Dragon of the Sacrifice of the Vortex can allow the target born from [Domain Fusion] to obtain [Falling Scales], at least for him After death, five dragon scales will be dropped.

And at this moment——

As soon as the Longwei Domain dissipated and the energy had not completely disappeared, Wen Renge swung out his sword. The sword light passed through the remaining domain and struck directly at the inner surface next to Yu Cang!

Yu Cang cannot be allowed to successfully summon the pendulum!

The ability of this summoning method to roll out resources is too strong. With one summons, you can earn too many resources!

However, Yu Cang had expected it.

Indeed, the best way to deal with Pendulum Summoning is to first destroy these two sides... The forward swing of this summoning method is quite long. If you use some extremely fast targeted spell cards, it can be easily destroyed. Drop the Spirit Pendulum Bridge, thereby interrupting the summons.

The defense power of the inner surface is not as high as imagined.

The pendulum summoning itself has a long cooldown. Once it is interrupted once, it will be difficult to do it a second time.

However, what Wen Renge can know, Yu Cang has naturally known for a long time - the forward swing of the pendulum summons is long, but his ability to activate the inner face is not forward swing!

"I activate [Dragon King's Majesty]!"

This ability can send a certain number of dragon scales to the death cooldown and perform a ritual summons!

As long as there are enough dragon scales, ritual summons... you can select resources directly from the deck!

Previously, Yu Cang had to use the pendulum to place out all the sacrifices summoned by the ritual. This was because if the sacrifices were found directly from the deck, the number of dragon scales consumed would increase.

But now, after Yu Cang made a subordinate specifically for ritual summoning based on the principle of "equivalence", even if he chooses the sacrifice directly from the deck, he only needs five dragon scales.

There are now a total of seven dragon scales on the field, enough to activate [Dragon King's Majesty] once!

"I will put the 'Heart of the Divine Dragon' and 'The Vengeful Dragonborn·The Challenger' on death cooldown, and summon - the Vengeful Dragonborn·Red Gold Dragon Hunter!"

Soul card name: Heart of the Holy Dragon

Category: Summoning Card

Quality: Ritual

Properties: light/dark

Race: Dragon

Star level: eighth level


[Holy Notice]: When a dragon summoned beast is about to leave the field, it can be activated by disconnecting this card that is on death cooldown, preventing this departure from happening, and refreshing the status of the summoned beast.

[Dragon's Broken Body]: When the soul card is sent to death cooldown due to the soul card's ability, you can choose to drop five chaos dragon scales or add ten death chaos dragon scales.

Soul Card Name: Vengeful Dragonborn·Challenger

Category: Summoning Card

Quality: Rare

Properties: light/dark

Race: Humanoid

Star level: fourth level


[Fight Again]: It can be activated by disconnecting the soul card in death cooldown, and returns the three soul cards in death cooldown to the deck.

[Scale Acquisition]: When this soul card is disconnected, two Chaos Dragon Scales are added.

The Holy Dragon Heart is an eighth-level dragon ritual summoned beast, and the challenger is a dragonborn, which perfectly meets the material requirements!

This time, Yu Cang skipped Silver Hunter and directly summoned Golden Hunter!

Ritual summoned beasts are different from fusion and synchronization summoned beasts. The soul cards of ritual summoned beasts themselves exist in the main deck, not in the additional deck.

The soul cards in the extra deck all serve as a mark and are not considered complete soul cards. The ritual summoned beast soul card records the complete information of a soul card and is a real soul card.

Those summoned beasts in the extra deck cannot be summoned if they do not "regularly appear", but the ritual summoned beasts are different - if your soul energy is too sufficient, you can also directly summon the ritual summoned beasts Summoned without going through ritual spell cards.

This is because the way the soul energy well consumes soul energy to summon is equivalent to performing a simple ritual!

However, if you summon directly without relying on soul cards or consuming materials, the consumption of soul energy will be exaggerated.

It is precisely because of this that at this moment, [Dragon King Majestic] can directly send the ritual summoned beast in the main deck to death cooldown to summon it!

The "Heart of the Holy Dragon" is the sacrifice Yu Cang specially prepared for the ritual summons——

The quality of this soul card is ritual, and it is a dragon with a star level as high as eight, but... it has no combat ability.

If you use ritual summons to summon it, the resources will explode.

Its greatest function is to stay in the death cooldown!

【Holy Message】Needless to say, it’s a simple and crude way to revive armor in one go. [Dragon's Broken Body] looks very similar to [Falling Scales], but they are actually two completely different abilities——

[Scale Drop] can only drop dragon scales when the summoned beast dies. It needs to be summoned to the field first. However, [Dragon's Broken Body] does not have this restriction. As long as the soul card ability can cool it down from death. , it can drop directly!

At this time, if the Dragon King's [Dragon King's Might] chooses another summoned beast to die directly from the deck, it will not drop a single dragon scale, but if he chooses Dragon Heart... five dragon scales will drop directly. , which is equivalent to a ritual summoning in vain!

The second one, Vengeful Dragonborn and Challenger, was also a soul card specially chosen based on this tactic.

First of all, it belongs to the same category as "Dragonborn of Vengeance", coupled with the specially adjusted rhythm, so that this soul card fully meets the equivalent conditions when summoning the ritual summon beasts of the "Dragonborn of Vengeance" series. Secondly, it is also the same as the Heart of the Dragon. The same, it is a soul card that completely gives up its combat ability and specializes in the graveyard ability!

After the emergence of the Pendulum, although the resource explosion ability is very strong, a problem will also arise - where is the upper limit of the deck.

Now if Yu Cang explodes with all his strength, he may empty out the entire deck in a short period of time. At that time, the soul card that first enters the death cooldown may not return to the deck for a long time. In this way, the ability to continue combat will be reduced. No doubt it will be bad.

Moreover, the higher the quality of the soul card, the longer the death cooldown. When Yu Cang's strength increases, this problem will be amplified.

The challenger's ability is specifically designed to recover resources - one card can return three, and it can also replenish resources at the same time, which is enough for long-term operations.

It can be said that these two soul cards were not designed to be used in combat, but to provide various functional abilities during the death cooldown!

This is just the beginning. In the future, Yu Cang will make more soul cards like this. By then, the death cooldown, the soul cards on the field, and even the disconnected soul cards can all defend each other, and his field will be very three-dimensional.

At this moment, the [Dragon King's Majesty] was activated, and a huge ritual circle spread out on the ground. As a gust of gorilla wind exploded, the huge figure of the red gold dragon hunter emerged from it!

Open your eyes, the fierce light is threatening!


Jin Lie raised his hand, and the exaggerated sword whipped up the evil wind. The sword fell horizontally and struck Wen Renge directly!

Wen Renge's expression changed slightly.

So fierce... how did you summon it?

Although the panel data of this golden hunter is completely inferior to that of Emperor Cangyan Tianlinlong, but this is just after the silent round!

It didn't even take ten seconds!

To be honest, the Emperor Cang Eyes summoned by Yu Cang before, and even the Emperor Drawing the Sword, in Wen Renge's view, although they were indeed very powerful, they did not feel incomprehensible.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that these two systems only play one set. After the resources of one set are rotated, there will be no follow-up.

But looking at Yu Cang's current's obvious that he is definitely playing the long game!

This is the most terrifying thing... This probably means that Yu Cang has as many summoned beasts as he can at this level!

While he was thinking like this, Jin Lie was already approaching. Wen Renge gritted his teeth and did not retreat.

Let’s test this guy’s strength first!

Thinking like this, he waved the Mark of Devouring Xu, and completely different forces collided and exploded in his mind, forming a terrifying energy that he poured into the Mark of Devouring Xu, and then swung out a sword!


Wen Renge's explosion was not weak. With this strike, Jin Lie's sword was already covered with dense cracks, but the power that exploded from it made Wen Renge's face swell up to the color of pig liver.

This power... is so fierce!


Seeing that he was about to lose his support, Wen Renge stopped holding on and took advantage of his strength to fly backwards, retreating several meters before stopping.

No, this summoned beast is too powerful and cannot be resisted! seems to be just a little stronger.

Its defense is not that strong. If I attack it with sword energy and pull it by the way... I can definitely beat it!

Look, isn't the big sword in the golden hunter's hand about to be broken under his own attack...?


Before Wen Renge could finish his thoughts, he saw... Jin Lie stretched out his big rough hand, squeezed it lightly, and crushed the sword in his hand.

[Scale Blade], when the equipped weapon is destroyed for the first time, eight chaos dragon scales will drop!

Wenrenge: "..."

Can you still drop resources when your weapon is gone?

"It's not bad, President Wenren." Yu Cang smiled softly.

There are no summoned beasts in Wenrenge. It seems that the effect of Golden Hunter [Blood Vengeance] on increasing damage to the same race will be wasted.

But don’t forget one thing – the basic race of Golden Hunter is humanoid!

In the soul card system, there are only humanoid races, not humans. This race is already the closest to humans... Therefore, [Blood Vengeance] is not completely ineffective, but is somewhat effective.

However, there is no way to invalidate Wen Renge's ability.

Moreover, Golden Hunt is not the end.

"The Young Dragon King, activate [Return with Scales]!"

The number of dragon scales on the field is ten, and the number of dragon scales in the death cooldown is fifteen. Although it is not enough to consume the rotating dragon, it is more than enough to summon an ordinary white dragon!


The inner face of the young king swam out from beside Yu Cang. Suddenly, the dead dragon scales emerged from the void and gathered together, turning into light and sinking into its body. As a gradually thicker dragon roar sounded, after evolution, The tenth-level white dragon made an impressive appearance!

At this moment, the Dragon King Sword Attendant's [Return with the King] is activated. When the Young Dragon King leaves the pendulum area, the soul card will be summoned, and the materials including the soul card can be used to perform a ritual summons!


The ritual circle was opened, and the materials this time were naturally - Dragon King Swordsman and Red Gold Dragon Hunter!

"I summon: Vengeance Dragonborn, Dragon Hunting General!"


The heavy footsteps fell brazenly, and a bright beam of light rose up from the ritual circle. The next second, the powerful sword cut through the beam of light, and the great general's majestic body made a shocking appearance!

Level 12!

Wen Renge's breathing was slightly stagnant.

Wait...why are there suddenly a tenth-level true dragon and a twelfth-level big brother on the field?

You clearly have no use for soul energy!

His eyes narrowed slightly.

At this time, his third soul energy had just been restored.

You must know that under the stimulation of conflict and self-restraint, your soul energy recovery speed is quite fast. In addition, now that you are maintaining the inner surface, the upper limit of soul energy has become lower, so you can replenish one tube so quickly.

And what about Yu Cang?

He summoned this big brother, and he didn't even use up the second tube of soul energy!

From the end of the silent round, soul energy is only consumed in the step of contact and fusion!

Is this some...

No matter what, fight first and then talk!

If the tenth-level summoned beast can still fight, there is still a chance to fight in close combat.

Then this twelfth level is definitely impossible. No matter how weak he is at level 12, he will definitely die if he touches it!

Do you want to defeat it under the interference of the tenth-level true dragon on the side... It is difficult, but there may not be a solution!

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and brushed the mark of swallowing the Xu——

The contradictory power was continuously poured into the sword, and the mournful wailing became more and more intense!

At this time, the upper limit of soul energy has become lower, and there is no way to use holy breath or evil spirit possession, which is not the best choice.

But there is more than just this kind of power in his deck!

Wen Renge licked her lips.

The next operation will be very painful... but it will also be very strong!

bring it on!


He took out a soul card and was about to use it directly. However, at this moment, he saw the dragon-hunting general opposite suddenly raised his hand and shook it in the air at him!

"[This hatred is burning]!"


During the death cooldown, the five death dragon scales were immediately disconnected!

This ability can invalidate the opponent's ability to summon beasts by consuming dragon scales... Wen Renge does not have summoned beasts, but that does not mean that this ability cannot be activated.

The natural spirit in the Mark of Swallowing the Void can be the target of this ability!


Wen Renge suddenly felt the sword in his hand trembling violently, and even the roar was a little weaker...

what happens?

He quickly sensed it, only to find that... the wail of the natural spirit in the sword actually became a little thicker, like... a dragon's roar?

[This Hatred is Like Burning] will directly change the target's race to dragon. In other words, at this time, the natural spirit in the scar of swallowing the void has been temporarily turned into a dragon soul!

And this is just an appearance - Wen Renge needs natural spirits to help him deal with the huge forces generated by conflicts and self-restraint. If there is no natural spirit's ability to swallow energy, he will not be able to do well just by swallowing the traces of Xu. Transform all self-restrained power into fighting power!

Now, [This Hatred is Like Burning] has temporarily disabled this ability... This means that Wen Renge's energy will have no outlet for the time being!

This was the first time Wen Renge had seen this situation. He had no experience in dealing with this kind of situation, so he was stunned for a moment.

And at that moment, an evil wind blew in the face, and the general's sword was already in front of him——

"[This body is like a demon]!"

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