Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 455 The emperor's heart is like a prison, and all his ministers will be killed!

Yanhuang Arena

College League, Finals

Yu Cang vs Wu Chen (Yao Qi)!

Under the watchful eyes of all spectators across the country, this unprecedented showdown in the history of college leagues finally kicked off!

On one side, there is a wizard who has completely transformed into a spiritual beast, started a dark duel, and was possessed by an unknown ancient remnant soul. Even Duan Feng, who broke through the sixth level in the temporary formation in the semi-finals and unleashed a legendary blow, was helpless. It can be said that, let Any champion in the history of the league would rarely survive if he faced him.

Facing such an opponent, Yu Cang's state has been adjusted to the extreme!

Yao Qi was very proud. After breaking through the inner protective shield, he did not launch an attack immediately, but gave Yu Cang a chance to use the soul card.

As for Yu Cang's current state, it's not like he hasn't used any soul cards - two inner faces have been suspended beside him, and a total of fourteen chaos dragon scales have been scattered in the process of unfolding the inner faces. around.

Then, what Yu Cang has to do next is already obvious.


The eyes of the Young Dragon King Li Zhimian beside him burst out with light, and the ritual circle opened directly under his feet!

[Dragon King’s majesty]!

Five Chaos Dragon Scales were sent to the death cooldown. The next second, the Holy Dragon Heart and the Vengeful Dragonborn·Challenge went directly from the deck to the death cooldown. The tenth-level red gold dragon hunter brazenly came from the ritual circle. Come on!

"Huh, that's it?" Yao Qi snorted disdainfully, "If you only have this level, then you are not as good as the mortal blood just now - at least he gave me an interesting struggle."

After that, he waved his hand, and the ability of Scarlet Demon Utopia immediately took effect on Yu Cang!

The weird ability is constantly digesting Jin Hunter, and within a few seconds, its star level will decrease rapidly!

But Yu Cang ignored it and continued to operate. He waved his hand:



A roar like a bell exploded behind Yu Cang. At this moment, the complete Pendulum Bridge finally unfolded in front of the national audience!

The last time he used the pendulum summoning, Yu Cang only used it to summon a summoned beast as a transit. He did not fully operate this summoning method. When fighting against Wen Renge, he only relied on [Dragon King's Majesty].

As for Wenrenge's use of the pendulum...that can't be called a summoning method at all.

Now, it’s time for everyone to see how shocking the real pendulum is!


The desolate horn sound spread, and a simple and vicissitudes of giant roulette shadow rose behind Yu Cang, with countless scales engraved on it. In the blur, only between the Dragon King Sword Attendant and the Dragon Young King, The 4-6 scale is clearly visible!

Immediately afterwards, the ancient pendulum made of bronze passed between the two, as if pushing time forward slowly and unstoppably, leaving an arc that seemed to contain all colors!

Then, three rays of light rushed out from the Spirit Pendulum Bridge, and three shocking voices fell to the ground in front of Yu Cang, each one louder than the other!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Two Source-Eyed Chaos Dragons and a Dragon King Sword Attendant!

These three sixth-level summoned beasts, if you wanted to summon them directly in normal times, you wouldn't be able to get them without five or six tubes of hybrid energy, but for pendulum summoning, it's very easy!

Normally speaking, with these three summoned beasts plus the tenth-level Golden Hunter in front of him, Yu Cang's mental pressure would have exceeded the limit. But now that Yu Cang is equipped with the [Jedi] entry, he can withstand the ultimate mental pressure. It has been greatly elevated!

The effect of this entry is not to simply expand the "capacity" of Yu Cang's mental pressure. No matter how much it is expanded, it will not be possible for Yu Cang to summon the descendants in Zulong Snow Mountain.

It is about strengthening “resilience.”

To put it simply, the current Yu Cang can force it in no matter how much "mental pressure" it is, without bursting... Anyway, no matter how much it is, it is only the recovery speed of zero soul, and it doesn't matter anymore.

At this time, because it has to continue to unfold, the full amount of mental pressure will not last long.


The dazzling brilliance of the Pendulum Bridge operating at full capacity was deeply engraved in everyone's eyes. However, before they could express their exclamation, the three summoned beasts turned into a torrent of information and crashed into the sudden appearance of the anchor ring. .

Connection calls!

During the time just now, Duan Feng's duel shield had been cracked by the princess in the field of starry sky - under the dual ineffectiveness of the princess's ability to blind the spirit son and the boundary shadow, the duel shield was not there at all. Chance of explosion.

In the state of Ether Wandering Dragon [Wandering Dragon Ascension], Jie Ying can move short distances in the field of starry sky - although this distance is very short, it is enough to send Duan Feng to a safe location. .

After that, Jieying Youlong did not return to Yu Cang, but stayed in the field of starry sky - in this state, Jieying Youlong's mental pressure can be zero, so it can always exist!

And now, what Yu Cang wants to summon is - the world shadow resident!

Although there is a Link 5 Realm Shadow Dragon, Link 3’s Resident is not without effect – its second ability [Resident Permission] allows targets within the anchor ring to ignore the influence of field cards, which is just right. Suitable to play in this place!


The gorgeous big snake covered in stars swam out of the void. At the same time, the three summoned beasts used as materials left a total of seventeen chaos dragon scales in place, and the number of dragon scales on the field came to two. Sixteen!


The resident raised his head, opened the anchor ring with three anchor points, and opened up a normal space in the bloody world.

The Wandering Dragon and the Resident are both soul cards made from part of the World Shadow. In theory, as long as the World Shadow is strong enough, these two vests can exist at the same time, but the current World Shadow can only maintain one - fortunately Youlong is now in the field of vision of the stars and does not need to be controlled by the boundary shadow.

The anchor ring trembled slightly, and the space it opened was not large, but it still enveloped Jin Lie and Yu Cang inside.

Yu Cang felt it for a moment and nodded.

The strength of the connecting summoned beast is related to two parts - one is the rhythmic entity from which this soul card originates, and the other is the quality of the anchor point.

Jie Ying's strength is not weak. He has high talent and is very strong due to his huge body. He just doesn't know how to use it. With a little training, he can obtain legendary level strength.

After having the "upper limit", how much power can be exerted in the real world depends on the quality of the anchor point.

The role of anchor points is to create an environment in the world that allows rhythmic entities to exert their abilities. The more anchor points there are, the more outrageous abilities they can exert; and no matter how outrageous abilities they are, if the quality of the anchor points is only ordinary and rare, there won't be many play.

In Yu Cang's test, link 3 is a dividing point. Soul cards under link 3 can be linked and summoned with rare cards, but link 4-5 can only use epic soul cards as anchor points to use their abilities normally - —This is also the reason why the World Shadow Wandering Dragon needs epic or above spell cards as materials.

As for link 6 and above... it needs to be passed down to the world. Link 5 has reached the limit of epicness.

Nowadays, the three anchor points that make up the resident are all virtual and rare. It seems that they cannot protect themselves for long in a venue of the level of Demontopia.

However, calling Jie Ying out is just for temporary transfer. It is enough to buy this little time!

Seeing that [Resident Permissions] took effect, Yao Qi's expression changed slightly.

"You do have some dirty tricks." He stretched out his hand, "But that's all."


A bolt of thunder struck down violently, passed through a soul card in the sky, and landed on the ground. An ancient ape that was ten meters high emerged from the thunder!

This ancient ape is ten meters tall. The surface of its skin is not hair, but scales. There is even a pair of ferocious, curved dragon horns on its head, shining with a cold light!

Level 12, Earth Vein Dragon Ape!

"Is it just the twelfth level?" Yu Cang smiled, "It seems that your summons cannot be unlimited."

"This king just cares about my subject's body." Yao Qi waved his hand casually, "The twelfth level is enough to deal with you."


The Earth Vein Dragon Ape roared as soon as it landed, and the already messy ground suddenly surged like ocean waves!

Yu Cang jumped up, and under the connection of the residents, he flew into the air.

[Wandering] is different from Jieyingyoulong's [Dragon's Wandering] - the resident can bring three targets, but Jieyingyoulong's ability can only take effect on itself. This is also the difference between the two.

Sometimes, abilities with low anchor points may not be weaker than those with high anchor points.

Soaring into the air, Yu Cang's operations continued.

【Dragon's Majesty】!

Five dragon scales are sent to the death cooldown, and the materials are red gold dragon hunter and the heart of the sacred dragon in the deck!

Level 12, Dragon Hunting General!


The air suddenly became heavy, and as soon as the dragon-hunting general appeared from the ritual circle, he suddenly disappeared!

The Earth Vein Dragon Ape was still using his magical power to stir up the earth crazily, condensing countless earth thorns to attack the sky, and the next second, an afterimage unreasonably passed through all the earth thorns, carrying unparalleled power. Arriving in front of the Earth Vein Dragon Ape!

I heard that you have "dragon" in your name?


The ferocious sound of the sword exploded in front of Long Yuan, and the blood moon in the sky cast light. The general's figure at the moment before swinging the sword left a demon-like silhouette in Long Yuan's eyes!

【This body is like a devil】!


A tearing open sword wound bloomed on Long Yuan's chest. He had already been hit by the sword without even reacting!

The Dragon Ape, who already possesses the dragon race, can already activate [Blood Vengeance] with his sword without the general needing to activate [This Hatred Is Like Burning].

Your ability is invalid! Me, my attack doubles!

The ground thorn that attacked Yu Cang from behind stopped immediately. The ground dragon ape that was approached by the general had now become a blank slate.

Behind him, Yao Qi frowned.

"Trash." He stretched out his hand and pointed, "Golden Feathered Thunder Sparrow, I am ordered to fight!"


A blood thunder struck through the soul card, fell from the sky, and solidified into a giant bird with a wingspan of a hundred meters in front of Yao Qi!

The feathers of this giant bird are all golden, and thunder swims between the gaps in the wings. The slightest flutter of its wings can stir up a thunderstorm.

Thirteenth level, passed down from generation to generation!

The speed of this giant bird was unbelievable. After it appeared, it only left an afterimage in place for less than 0.1 seconds before it attacked the general!


The dragon-hunting general was already retreating quickly, but he was still hit by a claw that penetrated his chest!

The Golden Feather Thunder Bird seems to know that the Dragon Hunter General has the ability to nullify the opponent's abilities, so this attack is a pure, legendary level physical attack!

Moreover, the dragon-hunting general who was killed has left the anchor point ring range of the residents. He himself has been sucked away a lot of star levels by Yaotopia and is somewhat weak. Now he is naturally unable to resist the Golden Feathered Thunder Sparrow. s attack.

However, the Dragon Hunting General did not leave the scene——

The Heart of the Holy Dragon, which was on death cooldown, activated [Holy Announcement] at this moment, at the cost of disconnecting itself, preventing the Dragon Hunting General from leaving the field, and refreshing his status!

The dragon-hunting general reappeared in front of Yu Cang. Not only was he uninjured, but the number of stars that had been sucked away by Yaotopia had also returned.

The Golden Feather Thunder Bird's eyes narrowed.


It doesn’t matter, just do it again!


On the side, the severely injured Earth Vein Dragon Ape fell into a state of embarrassment and rage. Losing his ability, he used some strength on the edge of the protective shield, jumped up, and had already killed Yu Cang in the air!

At this time, Yu Cang has also completed the next step of the operation - the young dragon king, [returning with scales]!

Ten death dragon scales were added to the Holy Dragon Heart when it entered death cooldown. Now twenty death dragon scales are enough to activate the "Reflection of the Dragon"!

hold head high! !

The Young Dragon King rushed out from Yu Cang's side, and continued to expand in size in a burst of white light, and finally turned into a black true dragon wrapped with a pale dragon shadow!

The Earth Vein Dragon Ape bumped into the Rotating Dragon. He roared and vented the powerful power of the twelfth-level epic peak. However, even at the epic peak, physical attacks alone could not kill the black dragon with full physical resistance in a short time. .

Coupled with the fact that he had nowhere to borrow power in the air and he was already injured, in the end he had no choice but to fall back to the ground due to the tail swing of the black dragon.


The huge body was on the ground, stirring up a cloud of smoke, but before that, the attack of the Golden Feathered Thunderbird had already reached the Rotating Dragon!

Golden thunder lingers on the claws. Since the black dragon has high physical resistance, use magical powers!

Ten Thousand Blades of Thunder!

However, at the moment when the attack was about to fall on the black dragon's body——


The flashing golden thunder suddenly became a little weaker.

However, the damage was still very high. When a claw passed through it, the Rotating Black Dragon was directly broken into two pieces.

Yu Cang clicked his tongue.

"These spiritual beasts don't seem to have very bright minds."

Just now you were thinking of not using your abilities to avoid being invalidated by the general, but now you have forgotten? They are all single-threaded brains, right?

However, after all, it is a legacy, and even if it is only one level short, it is not something that Epic can resist.

The General's [This Hatred Is Like Burning] is only a little effective, and the ability is ineffective, but not completely ineffective - from this point of view, if you want to change the race of the thunder bird to a dragon, you will probably have to inactivate it many times.

However, being able to influence the world with the power of an epic is already very powerful. Only the twelfth-level epic limit is qualified to do this.

In the air, Lei Que shook his head.

It seems to have been affected by something... But it's okay, just kill the black dragon.

However, the next second, his eyes couldn't help but bulge out.

I saw that the black dragon that he tore in half... slowly turned into smoke in the air, while the white mist behind him slowly solidified, and finally turned into a white dragon!

Rotation Black and White Dragon, nothing else, but its survivability can be said to be perfect.

Immortal! Just don’t die!

Even if you break away from the anchor ring and are directly exposed to the Yaotopia, there will be no problem - just kill it without sucking it dry, and then resurrect it. It's simply a piece of shit--although this behavior is tantamount to giving power to Demon Utopia.

Of course, as long as they are killed quickly enough, Yaotopia will not have time to absorb the star level.

Lei Que was slightly confused, but his eyes became fierce again immediately, he rushed forward and tore the white dragon in half again with one claw.


The black dragon whose status has been refreshed appears again.

Golden Feathered Thunderbird: "..."

At this moment, he felt that his intelligence and strength had been insulted.


He roared angrily and looked at Yu Cang.

You are the one behind the scenes, right?

Die to me!

At this time, Yu Cang patted the card box.

Soul energy is enough!

After the Young Dragon King left the pendulum area, his upper limit of soul energy was restored. In addition to the original ones, he has now recovered a full tube.

Waving his hand, a gray soul card appeared on his fingertips——

"I summon: Blue Eyes Lord Landing Dragon!"

hold head high!

With a dragon roar, the giant blue dragon appeared in the sky!

However, summoning this sixth-order dragon is naturally not to let it directly participate in the battle, but -

"I used the Dragon Hunting General and the Blue-Eyed King's Landing Dragon as materials to carry out - Dark Synchronization!"

open eyes!

In the darkness, a pair of extremely indifferent eyes opened boldly, and a series of hoarse voices rolled out of the void...

"Have you finally remembered me—King!"

boom! !

Black thunder danced wildly in the air, and twelve scarlet halos surrounded the Blue-Eyed King Linlong. With one contraction, an energy stance like a black hole exploded in the air!

Dark Sixth Level——

The blue-eyed tyrant, Emperor Xin Shura!

The three colors of black, gold, and red are intertwined on Emperor Xin Shura's body. There seems to be no emotion in the dragon's eyes. As soon as it arrives, the aura of dominance has enveloped the entire place!


"That is……"

Shen Pan's eyes couldn't help but tremble.

Hey hey... what kind of summoned beast is that!

Why do I feel the urge to surrender and kneel down when I see him?

You are so far away from the field, and there is a protective shield between you... Isn't your range of influence too far?


The golden-feathered thunderbird couldn't help but cry, and the dominating pressure lingering in his heart made him extremely unhappy.

Inferior race! Damn it!

He didn't care about anything else at the moment. He activated the magical power Ten Thousand Blades of Thunder to the extreme. With a long roar, he rushed forward!

At this time, the flames suddenly ignited from the void, and the burning flame meteors rushed out, like fiery trees and silver flowers, covering the bodies of the Golden Feather Thunder Bird and the Earth Vein Dragon Ape!

【The King's Fire】!

When the general leaves the field, he will cause several damage to several dragon targets on the field and summon several dragon hunting spears!

Just now, the general tried to use [This Hatred is Like Burning] twice to invalidate the Thunder Sparrow's ability, breaking off a total of twenty-six dragon scales. Adding the previous ones, the number of [scales] was a terrifying 46!

Each of the two summoned beasts has to withstand forty-six rounds of [The King's Fire]!

The Earth Vein Dragon Ape was submerged in the fire on the spot and became silent, while the Golden Feather Thunderbird was bathed in golden lightning. After breaking through countless fires with brute force, it hit forty-six dragon-hunting spears head-on!

call out! call out!

The intensive attacks were like heavy rain. After the Dragon Hunting Spear hit, the outline of layers of dragon scales floated on the golden feather thunder sparrow. However, the infection efficiency of [Scale Plague] was too poor on Chuanshi, and the infection progress was very slow. .

In this way, the Golden Feathered Thunder Bird carried the thunder in the sky, almost unstoppably broke through all attacks, and killed the Emperor's Heart Shura from bottom to top with one claw!

But at this moment, he met a pair of indifferent dragon eyes.

"Ordinary people."

Emperor Xin Shura raised his hand, and golden thunder ignited between his fingers!

Moreover, the dark golden-red flames rolled up all the thunder, and during the rotation, they converged into a long and narrow gun!

"Those who disobey will die!"

[The emperor’s heart is like prison]!

[Behead all the ministers]!


As soon as the gun fell, a ray of light immediately penetrated the entire venue. The Thunderbird had no time to react before it was shattered into countless soul card fragments and chaotic dragon scales in the light!

Dragon scales were scattered around - forty-six dragon hunting spears, but only seven dragon scales were pierced.

The visual effect of this scene was extremely exaggerated. The legendary figure carrying the power of thunder broke through numerous attacks all the way, and gathered all his strength to face Emperor Xin Shura. However, he was killed on the spot with a casual shot, and exploded into fragments and dragon scales all over the sky!

Emperor Xin Shura didn't even move from beginning to end!

When Emperor's Heart Shura appeared, he had attached [Prison] to all targets within the range of Dragon Power. [Emperor's Heart Like Prison] allows Emperor's Heart Shura to remove [Prison] from any target and then use its ability.

The golden thunder just now originated from Lei Que's own "Thunder of Ten Thousand Blades"!

And... Emperor Xin Shura's attack on a target without [Prison] will be an instant kill regardless of any resistance.

If it is only the thirteenth level, it is far from enough to resist this arrogant force that is close to the law!

Emperor Xin Shura's eyes moved down and fell on Yao Qi.

At this time, Yao Qi was tilting his head slightly.

The spear attack just now penetrated the entire venue, and at the end was Yaoqi's head.

If he hadn't tilted his head, he would have been hit just now - given Yao Qi's actual status, he wouldn't have been killed instantly, but he would definitely have been embarrassed.

"This momentum..."

Yao Qi slowly straightened his head, looked at Yu Cang, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that Yu Cang - You is also a 'king'."


Yu Cang was floating in the air with his hands in his pockets.

"Don't look so sympathetic all of a sudden - I don't have time to play those king games with you."

Emperor Xin Shura possesses [Heavenly Evolution in the Cang], which is absolutely resistant to all attacks!

Therefore, the Demon Utopia cannot affect him at all, and even if it is passed down from generation to generation, these ordinary things cannot escape the fate of being eliminated.

Emperor Xin Shura was present, and the one at a disadvantage had become Yao Qi.


Yao Qi was silent for a moment.

"Hmph, forget it, as a mortal, I don't expect you to have a correct understanding of power - you seem to think that you can defeat me with that summoned beast?"

Yu Cang smiled: "I'm not waiting for you to show off."

"Okay - then as you wish!"


Yao Qi tapped his toes and slowly flew into the air.

He stretched out his right hand, palm upward, and a bloody star suddenly flashed out of it!

"The second stage unfolds——"

Wu Chen's body suddenly appeared with countless bloody cracks, as if it was a precursor to physical collapse.

"Li Yao Xiang·Mian Wang's Sea of ​​Blood!"

Wow! !

The ground was suddenly infected with blood, and waves of blood rose out of nowhere and rolled up a vortex of blood covering the entire venue!

Seeing this, Yu Cang narrowed his eyes slightly.

As we all know, only one venue card can often exist at the same time.

This kind of soul card that roughly changes everything in the environment often has extremely isolated rhythm attributes, so that no two fields can coexist.

However, there are exceptions to everything, and some venues can only be used in already established venues.

The second level field expansion... is an extremely unpopular way to use soul cards, because the number of soul cards that need to be used in this way can be counted on one hand even if it has been thousands of years.

But there is a better way to understand the situation at hand.

"It's the second stage, right?"

Yu Cang touched his head.

"It seems like you don't care much about the wizard's body."

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