Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 472 Ye Lai stands on the earth

Under Ye Lai's gaze, Gu Jieshuang slowly closed her eyes.

The surrounding night gradually thickened, and the feeling of being watched by the evil god slowly disappeared from Gu Jieshuang's mind, as if he had escaped from the dangerous environment near Zixu Lake and entered a peaceful night.

Then have a good sleep.

Ye Lai's eyes were as reassuring as ever, and since Ye Lai was here... then the boss should also know what was going on outside.

If the boss knows, then the matter can be... solved, right?

Anyway, the boss must have a solution.


Her brain no longer hurt, and her body quickly relaxed. Her breathing gradually became calmer, and she fell into a peaceful sleep.

Ye Lai looked at the chess piece behind Gu Jieshuang again.

The current girl still maintains the state of mirage, but has fallen from the sky to the ground, half-kneeling on the ground, with rainbow light flowing in her eyes, but judging from her frown, her current state should be very uncomfortable.

Ye Lai slowly lowered his head, approached the girl, and said softly:

"Relax, it's okay."

He saw what state Qi Er was in now.

[Muyuan] is a very exaggerated ability. As long as there are enough targets within the range of Longwei when it is opened, it can theoretically weave infinite illusions.

And such a powerful ability naturally also hides great risks.

Mirage's ban on cards is perfect and almost eliminates all hidden dangers, but it does not mean absolute safety, just like now——

The nearly infinite layers of illusions have brought huge inertia to [Muyuan]. Those illusions are generating themselves crazily. Under such a huge base, it is difficult to stop the chess pieces alone by their own will.

The number of illusions has been increasing, and this inertia will become larger and larger.

After all, Qi'er is still too young now, and her mind and will are a little immature. In this state, if there is no external intervention, I am afraid that the girl will not be able to cancel these illusions in her life, and she will be addicted to Muyuan for the rest of her life.

Until one day, those intertwined illusions become almost unbreakable, forming an illusion world similar to or even surpassing the mirage Muyuan!

Just now, the moment the Evil God's Gaze was reborn, the ability of the illusion had been greatly weakened, but the layers of the illusion were not broken much. Instead, Qi'er's own will evolved faster because it was interfered by the Evil God's Gaze and unintentionally controlled. .

However, since I am here tonight, there is no need to worry about this danger.

The soft [night curtain] surrounds the girl, and Ye Lai quietly changes the nature of her abilities, slowly "peeping" the girl out of the layers of fantasy.

[Night] is also similar to a different space. Under the control of Ye Lai, it is possible to accommodate the entire fantasy into the night in this way, thus isolating the relationship between the girl and the fantasy. In this way, the fantasy is lost. [Long Wei]’s support will soon dissipate on its own.

It is not easy for external forces to separate the illusion from its owner, but Ye Lai's ability control is very subtle and gentle, so the girl did not feel any pain. She only felt that the heavy things in her mind were being removed bit by bit, and her body also changed. I felt so light.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the girl has no ability to resist Yelai - the girl naturally recognizes the fluctuations in Yelai's ability.


The phantom of the mirage walking through the broken mirror slowly merged into the night. All the mirrors melted in the growing darkness, seeming to merge with the distant starlight in the night.

After all the illusions were swallowed up by the night, Qi'er slowly lay on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

There was a smile on Ye Lai's face, but it soon returned to composure and seriousness.

After he settled the two of them, he slowly turned around and looked forward with his quietly narrowed dragon eyes.

During this period of time, the situation on the battlefield has changed again.

The desolate beast that broke through the ice on the lake has indeed been dealt with by Gu Jieshuang... It can be seen that the desolate beast has a very tenacious vitality. After being chopped apart by Gu Jieshuang's sword, its remaining limbs were scattered all over the ground, but every piece of remains was scattered on the ground. The limbs are constantly trembling and squirming, and they seem to have strong vitality.

They seemed to want to regroup their bodies, but Gu Jieshuang's sword was not just about the explosion of that moment -

Countless frosts are generated inside all the limbs as if they have no source, constantly freezing them, and some parts with strong vitality are constantly struggling to break the ice. In this way, the power of frost has the upper hand, and more and more Many limbs were frozen... In short, there is definitely no possibility of healing again.

However, the desolate beast caused many forbidden card masters who had been frozen by Gu Jieshuang to fall into the ice lake. Some of them were crushed by the desolate beast's body on the spot and their strength was absorbed, but some relied on the forbidden card masters. The card master's ability has survived... and now he is dragging his bloody body out of the ice one by one.

Their current appearances are all kinds of things - after experiencing the triple crushing of the illusion, the furious gaze of the evil god, and the huge wild beast, the mental state of all the card banners has been oppressed to the limit, and they have all entered a state of out-of-control card banning. .

Those inherently dangerous forbidden cards have unceremoniously mutated the bodies of their original owners, and the various ferocious mutations are terrifying to watch.

After that, Wutou Duanzai was also rushing everywhere, and the first one to bear the brunt was Ling E who was controlled.

After being watched by the evil god for the second time, Ling E had obviously gained a lot of experience, but he was only a little better. Now under Wu Tou Duan Zai's crazy impact, he was already in danger, and he would be in danger in just a few moves. To be killed directly.

Ye Lai naturally won't let it go.


Night has completely fallen into the real world, and undercurrents are surging inside, ruthlessly crushing and swallowing up all the energy that enters it!

Wutou Duanzai waved his big hand that had turned into sharp claws, and he immediately grabbed five blood stains from the air and headed straight for Ling'e!

But the scarlet bloodstain had just been swung out, and it had already been swallowed up by the rich night, and it was unknown where it went.

Under the influence of [Jian Yuan], all long-range attacks can only target Ye Lai, and [Ye Mu] can swallow all long-range attacks.

After Yu Cang was promoted to the sixth level, Ye Lai could finally fully unleash all the power of this body at the level of ordinary inheritance!

Therefore, when the [night curtain] opens at night, the engulfing realm can cover the entire battlefield!

[Night] in its complete state is a realm of forbidden magic. As long as any energy is stimulated outside the body, it will be confiscated directly, and there is no possibility of escape.

What's even better is that this ability is enough to ignore the level gap - even super-level legends and myths can't use long-range attacks in the dark!

However, with their size, they can quickly fill up the night.

At this moment, in the brief moment when Wu Tou Duan Zai's attack was swallowed up, Ye Lai gathered his energy and dragged Ling E to his side.

It's just that such strength is definitely not as gentle as being gentle to Qi'er, Jieshuang and the others.

"Cough, cough..." Ling E coughed a few times and got up from the ground.

He looked up at the giant dragon standing in the dark night, "Thank you... who are you?"

"My name is Ye Lai." Ye Lai said, "The owner of this body ordered me to come to support you."

"The owner of this body...?"

Ling E realized something.

Although this giant dragon has never been seen before... it is very similar to the Ye Lai Eight Heavens Heavy Armor summoned by Yu Cang in the high school league.

Combined with the name, it is easy to guess who the owner of this body is.

"Yu Cang? How does he know what's going on outside Tianmen?... I should have sealed Tianmen."

"There is also a rebellion in Tianmen." Ye Lai said, "But don't worry, the owner of this body has a way to deal with it."

Hearing this, Ling E's expression suddenly changed.

Something happened in Tianmen too?

He completely sealed Tianmen the moment he realized something was wrong, just to prevent Tianmen from being polluted by these card-forbidden masters. How could anything happen?

Rebellion? Could it be...

Various speculations flashed through Ling'e's mind, but he couldn't do anything.

Opening the Heavenly Gate and going in to provide support by yourself will definitely not work... In the current environment around here, you don't need to test to know that the concentration of "wildness" must be extremely high. If the Heavenly Gate is opened, it will be all over.

Damn it!

I am a powerful and powerful person who controls the country. At this time, do I have to rely on a young man named Yu Cang to save Tianmen?

Ling'e's face turned ugly, and his fists were clenched tightly. It was his duty to protect Tianmen. At this moment, this feeling of powerlessness made him feel ashamed inside.

Moreover, although looking at Ye Lai's state, Yu Cang should have broken through, but it is only a sixth level... Tianmen has a mythical existence. How should Yu Cang handle this kind of situation?

That's a myth!

If the Desolate Sect dares to plan Tianmen, they must have the means to deal with the myth... Faced with the myth, let alone Yu Cang, even he has no way to deal with it!

As the literal meaning of this realm is, this is God! The gap between gods and mortals is like a chasm, which cannot be bridged by human power!

What's more, Yu Cang has to cross the world to maintain Ye Lai's existence, which will undoubtedly take up a lot of mental pressure...

...I can only hope that Yu Cang really has a solution.

Ling E took a deep breath - before that, let's get rid of the enemy in front of him first.

As long as the communication blockade here is broken and he can get people to come, then there is still a chance for everything.

The imperial capital has the largest number of towns in the entire Yan Kingdom. The current embarrassment is just because they did not expect it. As long as the association reacts, this level of turmoil can be eradicated.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized something, turned to look at Ye Lai, and asked: "Are you... not affected by the evil god's gaze?"

The evil god's gaze is even more serious now than when the battle just started.

There is still a lot of ice on the lake, but it has basically recovered, and the weather has become clear, so there is no obstruction to the reflection of the evil god.

Even the blood scabs and scales on the headless body of Duan Zai and the remains of wild beasts on the ground can now reflect the reflection of the evil god without any obstruction!

The night came and made the night around him very dense, so Ling E, who was pulled here, felt better. At least he could speak normally as before, but once the headless Duan Zai approached, that state would definitely return. recover.

In Ling'e's eyes, Ye Lai stood quietly, as majestic as a mountain...seemingly not affected at all?

You know, although Ye Lai is a soul card, he obviously has his own consciousness. This kind of soul card will undoubtedly be affected by the evil god's gaze.

Just like Gu Jieshuang's aunt, under the evil god's gaze, she could only retreat to the depths of the true blood in despair, while those long swords without consciousness can still be used.

But Ye Lai is not affected... Why is this?

"Do you have any skills?" Ling E asked quickly.

As long as he can ignore the evil god's gaze and regain his original strength, then he can easily get rid of all the little Karami in front of him! At that time, the situation will be back in your hands!

Faced with this problem, Ye Lai did not look back, his eyes were still looking at the battlefield from afar, and he just said:

"It's simple - as a myth, I'm naturally not afraid."

The so-called evil god... is actually what Ra said, the stars and celestial bodies that were distorted because they transcended mythology!

This kind of existence, you know that they are all dangerous... This was the reason why Ye Lai refused to tell Yu Cang the relevant knowledge.

But Ye Lai himself is naturally not afraid of the evil god - he knew the relevant information and was not targeted, which already explained everything.

However, he could only ensure that he would not be affected, but he could not share the relevant knowledge with others at will like La.

After all, the god who turned into a star cannot move or think. No matter how powerful he is, there is still an unknown astronomical distance between him and the blue star. In this case, even if his body is much stronger than Ye Lai, he cannot be separated by such a distance. To make a Shinhwa lose his mind.

Therefore, in Ye Lai's eyes, no matter how violent and contradictory the evil god's vision was, it was nothing more than incompetent rage and could not affect him in any way.

Ye Lai said this in an understatement, but Ling E was immediately silenced.

"..." Ling E took a deep breath, "You mean... you are, Shinhwa?"

"It used to be." Ye Lai slowly closed his eyes, "It's just some past events, no need to mention them again - go to the tower to avoid the sharp edge for a while, leave this place to me."

Even though the current Ye Lai is just a legend, in his previous wanderings, he did not know how many times he broke through the myth... The characteristics of a certain myth have been imprinted deep in his soul.

Ling E opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say anything, but his impression of Yu Cang was refreshed again.

He naturally knew that according to rumors, even the Creator had joined him... But Ling E was more inclined to believe that the Creator sensed that the world was about to change, so he took the initiative to find a genius.

Who knew that a small dragon randomly appearing next to Yu Cang was a myth in the past?

He could only say: "...I can also help..."

"Now, you need to regain your strength even more."

Ye Lai lowered his head slightly, and suddenly, pure white light like the morning light overflowed from between his lips and teeth and spread horizontally. That was Ye Lai's dragon breath!


A loud sword cry sounded out of thin air, and as the light gradually dissipated in the air, a pure white sword also revealed itself——

Dragon Breath Sword!

"Please rest assured, no one can step foot here despite the orders of the Lord of this body."

Ye Lai stood on the earth, spreading his broad wings, and the whole night boiled and danced on his back.

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