Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 479 The unruly plan!

As Yu Cang finished speaking, Jie Ting fell into a long silence.

After a long time, he said: "Okay... I can tell you."

Yu Cang showed a smile.

At this time, Jie Ting's body no longer trembled, and he seemed to have calmed down. It seemed that suppressing Yao Qi was not that difficult.

It seems that the way he looked like he was reaching his limit just now was mostly part of the interpretation.

"Tell me about it." Yu Cang looked at Jie Ting, "But before that -"

Behind him, La nodded, then stretched out his hand, and an anchor point on the anchor point ring behind him dimmed.

"Crawling with many tongues, hesitating when caught in the fire, the body will be ruined."


Strange energy fluctuations enveloped the nearby area, and Jie Ting's expression changed slightly accordingly.

"Let me introduce you." La said slowly, "This spell is called 'Subjective Lie Detection'. If you lie in my spell next, I can detect it immediately - the success rate of this spell is 100%."

Jie Ting: "..."

"Don't worry about it." Yu Cang said, "It's just a small insurance and it won't affect the communication between us."

"It seems I can only tell the truth."

"Of course, after all, sincerity is the prerequisite for cooperation."

Jie Ting looked at Yu Cang carefully from head to toe, and finally said suddenly:

"You are much stronger than that idiot Yaoqi, and you are more suitable to be the king than him."

"I don't deny that Yao Qi is stupid. But forget it if he becomes a king." Yu Cang waved his hand, "Not interested."

"Oh, stop joking." Jie Ting stared at Yu Cang's eyes seriously, "This body told me what happened just now... so I can clearly see your ambition."

Yu Cang: "..."

"Your ambition is definitely bigger and more vast than Yao Qi... But now, you are still limited by your status as a student... Why is this, Yu Cang?" Jie Ting's eyes suddenly fluctuated, "What is it? Is it limiting your...kindness?"

Yu Cang still didn't speak, just looked at Jie Ting quietly.

Jie Ting seemed to confirm something, and became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke.

"If that's the case, then you should be very short of a blade in the dark... How about letting me make this blade? Let me help you? What I can do is far beyond your imagination!"

Only then did Yu Cang interrupt Jie Ting: "What we are talking about now seems to be your 'plan'."

"Oh... Of course, I know." Jie Ting nodded and said, "I will tell you what I did... Before that, I think you have to make it clear... I have no ill intentions towards humans at all! Everything you do is just to join the human race!”

"……Tell me."

"Okay... Yu Cang, you should know what Wu Tianzi did, right?"


"Wu Tianzi is really a great myth." Jie Ting's eyes showed admiration, "He got inspiration from the Chilong clan's magical power of 'domination' and 'suppression', and used it to create a mythical totem." Emperor Wu's Seal of the Son of Heaven...and based on this seal, he opened up the 'True Blood Arsenal'. You must already know this."

Yu Cang nodded: "I just found out."

These four words, True Blood Arsenal, still didn't fit in with what Jie just told him.

"...Anyway, Emperor Wu's Seal of Heaven has completely surpassed Chilong's magical power...and there are two main reasons for establishing the true blood arsenal - first, Emperor Wu wanted to use the power of spiritual beasts to drive away wild beasts. , the true blood arsenal can connect the bloodlines of all spirit beasts, so it can stabilize the hybrid bloodline and produce hybrids in "batch" and "safely".

"Moreover, you can also use this as a medium to perform some battle formations. It can be said that the most important purpose of the birth of the True Blood Arsenal is to exist as a war weapon!

"And the second reason... is because of the promise that Emperor Wu made to our spirit beasts." Jie Ting paused before saying, "Emperor Wu knew that the spirit beasts would be at risk of extinction due to the great changes in the world, so he made the promise. As long as the spirit beasts cooperate, our consciousness and true blood can be permanently sealed deep in the arsenal.

"Wu Tianzi also made a national oath that one of his descendants will be born, who will completely wipe out the threat of wild beasts and clarify the universe. When the time comes, the power of spiritual beasts will be revealed again in the world... This oath will make me wait. After the spirit beast dies in Huang's hands, it does not need to be infected and die. Instead, its consciousness sinks deep into the arsenal, waiting for the opportunity to wake up...

"For this reason, most spiritual beasts are grateful to humans. This is why Frost Wings scolded Yao Qi after being awakened."

Yu Cang nodded lightly.

In this way, it makes sense.


"Why haven't I heard of this national oath?"

"Because this oath does not need to be spread in words." Jie Ting said, "Even if it is forgotten due to the war, as long as this land meets the conditions in the oath, he will immediately emerge from the heart of the 'King'."

"I see." Yu Cang understood, "Then how did it evolve into the current bloodline empire?"

Hearing this question, Jie Ting was a little silent.

After a while, he said: "Because there is a great demon who doesn't want to wait for the so-called time to clarify Yu Nei..."

La suddenly said: "He is lying."

Jie Ting's eyes widened slightly: "I didn't!"

"...It seems that you don't have the due respect for my magic." La face was expressionless, "Maybe what you said just now is the 'truth', but as long as you have the idea of ​​'concealing', or try to Hypnotize yourself into believing a false fact, and my spells will prompt you - so no tricks."

Jie Ting took a deep breath.

Doesn't this work either?

He didn't speak immediately, but stared into Yu Cang's eyes, not sure what he was confirming.

"...Okay." Jie Ting gritted his teeth, "Then I'll tell you straight away...this big demon is me!"

What he said just now was indeed not a lie.

But he wanted to hide part of the information, use all the truth to construct a false fact, and then extract himself.

But I didn’t expect that even this would be included in the category of “lying”?

Is that thing called "spell" so terrifying...

In this case, let's break the pot. Based on my observation about Cang just now, as long as I show my value, I will not necessarily be dragged down by this "truth", but will reach cooperation with Yu Cang!

Seeing Jie Ting's changing expression, Yu Cang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I have never questioned Wu Tianzi's oath. Although we are not of the same race, no matter who it is, we must admit that man's mind... But that day is too far away, so far away that I can't see any hope at all! And... if... It’s okay for me to be asleep all the time, but..."

Jie Ting took a deep breath, "But...because of some of my magical powers, I woke up from the True Blood Arsenal early...Do you know how difficult it was for me in that world where there was only blood! When I woke up , the true blood arsenal is narrow, monotonous, without any extra color, and I, only occasionally, can get a glimpse of the light of the outside world through some mixed-blood descendants..."

Jie Ting's eyes gradually wandered, not knowing what he recalled.

"The present world... is not only a bloody world. Only when I realize that I can never go back can I understand how intoxicating the vast and colorful world is... and during my occasional observations , mankind has been slow and unable to make progress against the wild beasts. If this continues, the day when Emperor Wu will answer his oath will have to wait tens of thousands of years!

"Even... maybe that day didn't exist at all." Jie Ting's eyes darkened, "And... I don't even have a second spirit beast in the True Blood arsenal that can talk to me. I don't know After a while, the bloody world there was almost driving me crazy, so... I had to make a decision——

"I have to rely on my own strength to return to the present world!"

Jie Ting's fists clenched quietly.

"But, I can't do it... Let's not mention that after leaving the True Blood Arsenal, I will almost 100% be infected by Huang. Just the suppression of me by the Emperor's Seal makes it impossible for me to get rid of it... Wu Tianzi is too strong Yes, I, who is also a myth, can only be suppressed in front of him!

"But, after all, I had a long time, and finally, I found a way -"

A smile slowly appeared on Jie Ting's face: "Wu Tianzi is indeed powerful, but his power also has weaknesses... After all, the Emperor's Seal refers to Chilong's magical power. Now no one controls the Emperor's Seal, so as long as there is one A pure-blood Chilong will surely be able to gradually control the Emperor's Seal in his hands...

"So, I used my magical power and the Chilong true blood deep in the arsenal... to create 'Yao Qi'. Ho ho ho ho... Speaking of which, I can be regarded as the 'father' of this demon king. …”


As soon as he finished speaking, Jie Ting's body suddenly trembled, as if another consciousness was snatching control, but Jie Ting quickly stabilized the situation and shouted: "Shut up! It's no longer your game time. ……This is a fact!"

Yu Cang raised his brows slightly, but said nothing.

After taking a few breaths, Jie Ting calmed down.

He smiled lightly at Yu Cang: "Sorry, I made you laugh."

Yu Cang's expression remained as usual: "Continue."

Jie Ting reorganized his words and said:

"Yao Qi can be regarded as my 'scapegoat'... After all, the True Blood Arsenal does not have that many functions. If I want to successfully escape, I must use the authority of the Emperor's Seal to transform it... Transformation requires energy. This The energy comes from nowhere and can only be drawn from the mixed bloodline...

"Although mixed-bloods are just war weapons, I can see that after the war, Emperor Wu hopes that they will live as normal people in the future... So I dare not attack the mixed-bloods directly. I am afraid, if I absorb the mixed-bloods The power of his bloodline returns to the world, and after being known to humans... it will be liquidated by subsequent human mythology.

"So, someone has to do this for me... Hehe, a young, hot-headed 'king' is so suitable... He is different from other spiritual beasts. He was born directly in the true blood arsenal and is not open to the outside world. I don’t know anything, and all worldviews are shaped by me...

"So, under my guidance, he became a...'king' who was obsessed with reviving spiritual beasts, hated humans, hated hybrids, and took leading all spiritual beasts back to the world as his only mission."

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Jie Ting's face.

"Although it's funny, Yu Cang, this work is still very successful, isn't it?"

Yu Cang: "..."

"Following on, the development of the story will be obvious... Yao Qi accepted this mission as a matter of course. With my help, he 'controlled' the Emperor's Seal, the Chilong's 'bloodline artifact', step by step, and in the process he continued to Draw strength from the mixed bloodline, expand the 'territory' of the 'bloodline empire' step by step, and awaken all 'subjects' step by step...

"Also, perfect the functions of the Bloodline Empire step by step until it can support the arrival of all spiritual beasts...and all of this has nothing to do with me. I am just a minister controlled by the power of the Emperor's Seal and have to do things for him... What bad thoughts could I have?"

Jie Ting looked at Yu Cang, paused for a moment, and then said again: "Originally, it will still take some time before the end of the plan, but Yu Cang, your appearance has disrupted this plan, but it doesn't matter. The Bloodline Empire at this stage Although it has not yet fully formed, it is enough if it only supports me to return to the world.

"So, you have also seen - I will sell Yao Qi, the Demon Emperor, at the critical moment, use him as a pledge of trust in exchange for human beings' trust in me, and then join the Tianmen Secret Realm as a matter of course, relying on this merit Dragon Palace has gained a good status and returned to the world as a spiritual beast! "

Jie clicked his tongue.

"And Yao Qi? Of course he was killed by you out of anger - along with his false ambitions."

Yu Cang's eyes narrowed slightly: "Is that why you want me to kill Yao Qi so much?"

"That's right." Jie Ting nodded, "Although there are no flaws in my guidance, if Yao Qi is captured alive for interrogation and mentions some things that shouldn't be mentioned... I will be in trouble. It would be bad if he is suspected. ...So, he’d better die.”

"There's no need to doubt it now."

Jie listened without comment: "Of course... Yu Cang, I have said everything that needs to be said. Now, kill Yao Qi?"

Yu Cang smiled: "Where did you get the confidence to think that after hearing all this, I would let you go as you imagined?"

"You will! Because I am too valuable to you alive!" Jie Ting looked slightly excited, "Yu Cang! Stop being secretive... I saw it just now, your evil ambition! Come on, Yu Cang Cang, your ambition still lacks a pair of black wings. You should also have seen my layout ability. I can create a demon king, and naturally I can also create a second one!

"There is no one else here, only the five idiots in the distance...just kill them all!" Jie Ting's eyes gradually became crazy, "Before entering the True Blood Arsenal, I was already a myth, so I can completely replace Ao Hai. ! There won’t be any flaws!

"And you, Yu Cang, as long as you kill Yao Qi here, then the credit for ending the Tianmen rebellion will fall entirely on your head! You are the savior of all this! And I can naturally use Ao Hai's Identity is close to you, helping you to create a force that belongs only to you in the center of Yan Kingdom!

"At that time, not only the spirit beasts, but also all the human geniuses who come to Tianmen will become mine - that is, your power! When the time is right, I will attract Emperor Chang'an to come in and kill him, and then kill Ye Yan, and you can become Yan Yan. The only tyrant in the country... No, Mingjun! You will become the second Emperor Wu!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Uncle Niu and Grandson Niu behind him changed.

The two spirit beasts were even more frightened and roared loudly, which was full of surrender!

Snap, snap, snap

"Wonderful." Yu Cang clapped softly, "However, there is something you don't seem to realize."

Jie was stunned when he heard this: "What?"

A smile appeared on Yu Cang's face: "I strongly believe that you are Yao Qi's father - because you two have the same stupidity."

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