Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 492: La's Discovery and Proposal

Qi'er has already come to the door, so the morning battle is probably over.

Of course, Yu Cang is not the kind of person who indulges in desires, so he didn't worry too much.

"You came to see me so early." Yu Cang held Qi'er in one hand and looked at Lin Yunqing, "What's the matter?"

"..." Lin Yunqing stroked his glasses: "It's late, there will be a double duel final today... I'm here to ask you to watch the game."

Yu Cang blinked, then looked at his terminal, and nodded belatedly.

It's already 7:30.

The league events start at 8 o'clock every day, and 7:30 is indeed a very late time.


At this time, the door behind him opened, and Gu Jieshuang walked out calmly.

"Let's go." Gu Jieshuang took Yu Cang's arm and smiled, "Let's go to eat."

Yu Cang glanced at him and said nothing.

Although she was calm as usual, and there was nothing unusual on the outside, but in fact...

Yu Cang could clearly feel the coldness under Gu Jieshuang's warm skin.

It was obvious that the aunt deep in her blood was already making ice like crazy...Although the surface of Gu Jieshuang's skin was still normal, the temperature in her blood vessels was almost close to zero degrees.

Yu Cang suspected that if Gu Jieshuang blew hard, she might be able to see ice chips blown out.

Aside, Qi'er looked at Gu Jieshuang and blinked.

Sister...I don't know why, I feel that sister looks much better, and her face is much rosier!

Thinking of this, she closed her eyes, got between Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang, and took a deep breath.

Ah...It's the taste of joy!

Qi'er, who has tasted a lot of emotional power, thought so.

Well, it seems that even if brother and sister didn't say "hmmmm" last night, their relationship has definitely become better!

Fortunately, I listened to Sister Yunqing's advice yesterday and didn't clamor to go back to my brother...

Then how about... in the next few nights, I should be more conscious and sleep with Sister Yunqing for a while?

Humph, Master Qi'er is so nice!

The girl plopped down near Yu Cang's collarbone with a slap, and the corners of her mouth kept smiling foolishly.

Yu Cang couldn't help but smile, while Gu Jieshuang looked away guiltily.

"By the way." Yu Cang suddenly said, "How was the battle yesterday?"

"... Gudu won, it was quite easy."

After Mudu, the candidates representing Gudu University in the double finals have undergone some adjustments and changes. Now, Lan Jun and Wang Chu are in charge of this project.

The compatibility of the two of them is simply perfect.

Lan Jun's Night Garden deck is all about the field. After opening the field, all summoned beasts in the field will fall asleep within three seconds and can only be slaughtered.

Although this ability is overbearing, it does not distinguish between friend and foe. Lan Jun's own summoned beast will change into the second combat form when in the sleeping effect, and its combat effectiveness will increase instead of decrease. However, his teammates are not so lucky... Once the main summoned beast is in sleep, its combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced.

It can be said that Lan Jun is more suitable for single combat... However, although Lan Jun's progress has been rapid after fighting with Yu Cang, he is still far behind Wen Renge and cannot earn a place in the single competition. He can only go to double or four people.

At this time, the only person who can cooperate with Lan Jun appeared.

Pure spell flow, Wang Chu!

I have a permanent spell, and I am not afraid of sleep at all!

And Lan Jun's full-court sleep can greatly slow down the speed of the duel, giving Wang Chu a lot of time to prepare the final winning spell!

Once the two of them cooperated, they were unstoppable. The ordinary combinations of other colleges and universities had no resistance at all in front of them. There was no suspense in the duel yesterday, and it was a crushing victory.

It wasn't even Wang Chu's turn to use the ultimate spell. The battle was over with the field suppression + continuous strong kill in the early stage.

After many years, the pure spell flow once again stood on the battlefield and achieved a crushing result!

After Lan Jun went to the doubles match, the remaining four players also had a good lineup for the four-player match.

Lv Zihe's slime provided a top-level meat shield, Mo Ran's ghost masked bull monster played a supporting role, and Xing Su's lich deck played a resource endurance role, which could steadily hold on until Yan He summoned the corpse of the ancient demon and cleared the field with one blow.

"Is that so." Yu Cang was not surprised.

The other members of the Ancient Capital Battle Club were not weak.

Especially... Lan Jun still had his own card in his hand.

Yu Cang smiled.

After briefly introducing the battle situation yesterday, Lin Yunqing did not speak again. She secretly looked at Yu Cang and Gu Jieshuang, looking a little hesitant.

Judging from the current characteristics of the senior and Jieshuang, her tactics yesterday were quite successful.

I heard that this kind of activity between excellent soul card masters is also beneficial to the improvement of cultivation.

She was really curious and wanted to ask about his feelings... but she always felt that now was not a good time.

Admittedly, she felt that true scholars were sacred when they were seeking knowledge, but... once she asked at this time, the probability of being killed by the shy and furious Gu Jieshuang seemed not zero.

Lin Yunqing closed her mouth silently.

Forget it.


After a simple meal, Yu Cang came to the scene.

Now the relocation work of Tianmen Secret Realm has not been completed, and he has nowhere to go, so he can only come to watch the game.

After watching the game for a while, Yu Cang suddenly felt a little bored.

Admittedly, the doubles match in front of him was very exciting, but Yu Cang had just come down from the battlefield of Tianmen yesterday... Facing the chickens fighting each other, it was difficult to raise his passion.

Moreover, the game of doubles is several times more than that of singles, and the various operations are quite brain-burning. After so many games, the results achieved are so little...

This made Yu Cang feel that he was wasting his brain.

So, Yu Cang simply took out the soul card and began to continue researching.

However, before that, he first sent a message to Cheng Mingye using his personal terminal.


Is there any paper that can make the spirits living in the forbidden card have a more comfortable experience? For example, expand the living space in the soul card, improve the living environment, etc.

After sending this message, Yu Cang waited for a while before the other side gave a reply.

But, it was not a paper.


Why don't you reply to my message?

Yu Cang's eyes showed a blank look, and then he realized something and slid the understanding interface slightly upward with his finger.

Sure enough, two days ago, Cheng Mingye had sent me a lot of messages.

At that time...

Yu Cang's eyes flashed with thought.

It was when he just won the championship of the single duel event...

Cheng Mingye sent a series of words that he didn't know whether he was really praising him or being sarcastic, and he didn't reply to any of them.

Yu Cang was a little embarrassed.

At that time, there were quite a lot of people who sent him messages, most of whom were asking if he was free and whether he could go out for dinner. He had tried his best to reply to everyone, but it was inevitable that he missed a few.

After all, he was in a hurry to go back to the hotel to ask Chao Ci about Xi Li, so he didn't have the time to deal with the messages.

Moreover, Cheng Mingye's messages were just a bunch of compliments without any practical meaning... It was normal to be ignored.

Yu Cang took a deep breath.


That... There were too many messages at that time, and I didn't notice it.




My fault, my fault-

Hmm... My nephew is really proud and busy. He was in the limelight on the stage before, and then he turned around and didn't recognize me as his master...

Yu Cang took a breath.

Looking at this text, one can already imagine the inexplicable smile on Cheng Mingye's face.

There was no way, he really didn't reply to the message.

... No, why did he do this to Cheng Mingye, such a bad guy.

This man, he is already so old, but he is still so hypocritical.

Yu Cang's mouth twitched, and he was about to type something, but the other party seemed to suddenly put away his "emotions".


Forget it...Improve the living environment of banned cards? Although this direction is very niche, there are many studies. If you want, I will send it to you.

Yu Cang: ...

Forget it.

He silently deleted the text he had typed one by one.

This "little emotion" was put away too quickly, and he had no time to fight back before he missed the timing.

Then, several files were sent by Cheng Mingye.

The personal terminal that Yu Cang is using now is specially made by the association, which inherits a lot of encryption methods. When using this terminal to transmit information, there is generally no need to worry about leaks.

Soon, a pile of files filled the dialog box.

At this time, Cheng Mingye sent another message:


Okay, that's about it... But I have to remind you first, you can use these skills on your comrades, but don't really use these skills on banned cards - there is a reason why there are only so many papers in this direction.


I know.

Yu Cang naturally knew what Cheng Mingye was talking about.

Banned cards basically have their own consciousness, and when not in use, these consciousnesses also live in banned cards.

Once, someone in the Reception Bureau tried to influence banned cards with love and gave banned cards all kinds of love education. This "repairing the house" for banned cards is just one of them.

But unfortunately, even if this trick can really influence the spirit, it can't make it break the rules of banned cards with love.

When it's time to go berserk, it's the same.

The "love" of the banned card master will only make the banned card more painful and crazy after going berserk. The banned card master who tries to do this will eventually end up in destruction.


Then you can do it yourself, and ask me if you have any questions.

Yu Cang's card-banning skills were also taught by Cheng Mingye, and he knew Yu Cang's level. So after a simple reminder, he didn't ask again.

Yu Cang downloaded the files sent by Cheng Mingye one by one, and after roughly browsing them, he frowned slightly.

There are still too few relevant materials.

Based on the current information, the transformed soul card space seems to be no different from sleeping in the bathroom directly.

The bathrooms in four-star hotels are also very luxurious.

"You still have to do it yourself."

Yu Cang is now a real card-making master, and his learning speed is quite fast, so these papers did not take him much time, and he has almost mastered them.

Then, starlight flashed in his eyes, and he was immersed in the starry sky vision.

In the starry sky, Yu Cang's rhythmic body slowly emerged.

The huge body of Jieying lazily wandered in the sky, and the surrounding starry sky vision was colorful.

After all, the college league is of a very high level. There are quite a lot of masters gathered near the Yanhuang Arena. The rhythm that they unconsciously exude is already very exaggerated. The card box is also shining with a very gorgeous luster. Obviously, there will be more mysterious rhythms in the depths of the Starry Sky Vision there.

Yu Cang glanced in the direction of Emperor Changan.

This myth's performance in the Starry Sky Vision is not very conspicuous... just like an ordinary person.

Of course, this is just an appearance.

The Starry Sky Vision is also divided into deep and shallow levels.

Even if Yu Cang has all the advantages, his exploration of this strange area is still very superficial.

At this time, a figure appeared beside Yu Cang.

Yu Cang turned his head and looked at La: "What's the matter, La?"

"Yeah." La nodded, "Yu Cang... Yesterday, I suddenly sensed something strange in the Starry Sky Vision of Blue Star."

"Oh?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows, "What's strange?"

"I don't know the details - it's just that there seems to be a life form in the depths of the Starry Sky Vision of Blue Star... I didn't investigate in depth."

Yu Cang's eyes were a little serious: "Life form in the consciousness world? Is it a consciousness beast or a consciousness insect? Can you tell if it's hostile?"

"... It doesn't look like either." La frowned slightly, "From a rough perception, the characteristics of the consciousness beast and consciousness insect are not the same - but he seems to be sleeping, and his sleeping state is very good. There is no sign of waking up, so I didn't disturb him."

Yu Cang thought: "Is that so..."

Is there any secret hidden in the depths of the Starry Sky Vision of Blue Star?

The princess has been spreading the rhythm that attracts the consciousness insect and the consciousness beast. This rhythm is extremely penetrating and seductive. It didn't wake him up. It seems that he is sleeping very deeply.

This is equivalent to a roommate buying a bunch of barbecues and eating them in the dormitory, but the guy on the upper bunk is still snoring.

"La, do you have any suggestions?"

"At present, my combat power in the Starry Sky Vision has been seriously lost, so if possible, try not to conflict with it... If possible, wait until your spirit level enters the high-level world or finds the Star Armory, then wake him up."

La is very strong, but if you want to fight freely in the Starry Sky Vision, you can't do it without a magic tower and a magic wand.

Otherwise, knowledge will be used less and less, who can bear this.

Yu Cang nodded: "Okay, I know."

At this time

La looked at Yu Cang and suddenly smiled:

"Yu Cang - I sorted out some knowledge last night, you may find it useful."

"Oh?" Yu Cang was curious, "What is it?"

"In the Roland Sky Realm, the cultivation of bloodline and offspring is very important... So how to let the offspring inherit the talents of the elders as much as possible has become a very important topic... I recalled a lot of secret techniques, maybe I can help you and Gu Jieshuang give birth to the most talented offspring in theory."

Yu Cang: "...Thank you."

"Don't be shy, leaving your heritage to the greatest extent is also an indispensable part of fighting against Huang."

La's expression was very serious.

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