Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 494: Change of address

Two eleventh-level summoned beasts can definitely crush an eighth-level one.

However, these two eleventh-level summoned beasts are synchronized. Usually, this summoning method is better at single-point burst and relying on the system for resource endurance. Now that the first wave of attacks has been resolved, it is difficult for its subsequent attacks to break through the eighth-level Hua Gu Long, which is a fusion summoned beast.

What's more... Hua Gu Long's ability has taken effect in just a short time!


The Fallen Godson was restrained by the dragon clan and was most affected by the dragon's might, so he fell asleep first. Although half of the Dragon Light Curse Spirit's body has been swallowed by the abyss, it can still continue to fight, but...

The incomplete body makes his body more unstable, so it must use "Curse Invasion" as soon as possible to maintain its existence.

And now, there are only two soul cards left in the death cooling, and this endurance is not enough for him to fight for a long time.

"Damn it." Wei Gai gritted his teeth slightly.

Under normal circumstances, the three summoned beasts summoned at the beginning are all recycled with the family system... But now that they have decided to burst out, they will naturally sacrifice some endurance.

They have studied the decks of Lan Jun and Wang Chu, and finally concluded that their early combat power is weak.

Wang Chu is not the conventional pure spell burst before, but actually uses the endurance play with the help of permanent spells... Lan Jun's night travel deck also has no big monsters that can stand the field.

So, a quick battle is feasible.

But where did you get such a big dragon?

At this point, the two of them had no choice but to continue to fight.

On the opposite side, Lan Jun and Wang Chu had retreated to a safe distance.


A curse attack was hit by the Dragon Light Curse Spirit, and suddenly, most of Hua Gulong's body was directly hit, and the flowers on his body withered one after another, and flew around with the dregs.

However, the injury was not serious.

In the state of [Ancient Sleep], Hua Gu Long's own defense will be greatly improved. In terms of hardness, even if a twelfth-level came, it might not be able to kill quickly.

The Dragon Light Curse Spirit wanted to bypass, and at this time, a spirit flew out of Hua Gu Long's body, which was Hua Gu Long Meng Ling.

Meng Ling was fighting with the Dragon Light Curse Spirit, and although he was at a disadvantage, it was impossible to bypass.

Looking at the fierce battle in front of him, Lan Jun showed a smile on his face.

It is worthy of being the soul card of Master Yu Cang, and this strength is really not covered.

Gudu University has been studying fusion summons for some time, but the fusion types made by others are not as good as Master Yu Cang's cards.

Although Hua Gu Long is only eighth-level, it combines suppression, standing, clearing, and endurance. This strength needs no further explanation.

A [Cangsang Will] is equivalent to a field card of its own, and the mental pressure of a single eighth-level Hua Gu Long is much lower than that of a field card.

Just like now, maintaining a Hua Gu Long, my mental pressure is still not high, and the soul energy speed is still maintained at a relatively normal level. If it is replaced with other field cards, now don't even think about recovering a drop of soul energy.

Moreover, the appearance conditions of Hua Gu Long are not difficult. Before giving this card to me, the big brother Yu Cang also helped to modify it intimately. This card has absolutely no problem supporting the strength in the early stage.

Looking at the opponent Bu Yuwei who was already sweating profusely, Lan Jun snorted.

Do you think that after learning the summoning method created by Yu Cang, you can make a work comparable to Yu Cang?


Whether it is fusion or synchronization, the strongest soul card has always been in Yu Cang's hands or around him!

Thinking of this, Lan Jun couldn't help but flash a strange emotion in his eyes.

He thought of that hot woman again... Gu Jieshuang!

As the vice president of the Battle Club, Gu Jieshuang is one year younger than him, but that combat power...

According to legend, before the college league started, Gu Jieshuang had played a game with Yu Cang... Yu Cang narrowly won.

What is the concept?

Yu Cang killed eight legendary masters in a duel, and he narrowly won against Gu Jieshuang... It can only be said that Gu Jieshuang is one level lower, otherwise Boss Wenren might not even be able to squeeze into the single-player event.

There is no doubt that the pinnacle of synchronization must be in Gu Jieshuang's hands - what kind of rookies are these two in front of him?

Lan Jun's thoughts flashed by, and when he came back to his senses again, the Dragon Light Curse Spirit had already played the third curse attack -


The curse torrent swept through, almost corroding the ancient flower dragon in half!

And... the three curse attacks have also been used up, and the Dragon Light Curse Spirit let out a wail, and then under the backlash of the curse, it turned into soul card fragments and dissipated on the field.

"Damn..." Wei Gai gritted his teeth.

Normally speaking, if he now has enough soul energy to use the second "God's Curse", then he can extend the life of the Dragon Light Curse Spirit.

But Wang Chu summoned the Abyss too aggressively, and directly injured the Dragon Light Curse Spirit, causing him to use the curse attack at a much higher speed, so that now, his soul energy is not enough... He can only watch the Dragon Light Curse Spirit enter the death cooldown.

Damn it!

He knew the soul card "Soul Abyss Burial", which is a powerful epic card, but it can be used as a rare card by a level 5 soul card master, which is very strong.

But in order to exert the full power of this soul card, doesn't it have to wait until the first death cooldown of this card ends? How can he use it right away!

Even if this card was changed to a continuous spell card, it can't be so cheating. It can use such a strong ability at the beginning...

But, it's okay.

After being attacked by the curse of the Dragon Light Curse Spirit twice, the Flower Ancient Dragon has reached the end of its strength.

The most difficult thing about the curse attack is that it has to bear continuous curse damage all the time after being hit. Now it's time to kill it!


Almost the next second after the Dragon Light Curse Spirit turned into fragments and dissipated, all the flowers on the Flower Ancient Dragon also withered, and the whole dragon turned into dark stones and broke into several pieces.

The influence of [Violent Will] ended, and the [Sleep] on the Fallen Son of God was also cancelled, but the Son of God who returned to normal no longer had the ability to continue fighting.

The way the Fallen Son of God maintains its stability is to release dragon breath. It has been sleeping for so long just now, and it has not released a single dragon breath. The energy conflict in its body has long reached its limit. Now that the sleep is cancelled, it will inevitably enter the death cooling.

However, Bu Yu also expected this, so a soul card has been auctioned.

"Activate the ability of the 'Soul Prayer Priest' in death cooldown, sacrifice the Fallen Son of God, and directly summon the Baptized of Dragon Light and the Herald of Glory in death cooldown!"

This is the endurance of this deck when it is playing normally.

Wei Gai's "Dark Priest" also has similar abilities, but in order to quickly kill Hua Gu Long just now, the connection with the Dark Priest has been disconnected, so it can't sustain.

Bu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although the current situation has fallen into a disadvantage, it may not be impossible to turn the tables... Hua Gu Long is dead, and I can use the endurance to buy Wei Gai some time, and I can fight!

However, the next second.

Lan Jun suddenly slapped a soul card.

"I summon the second night-wandering elf!"

It's broken!

Bu Yu's heart tightened.

In the Deep Garden of Trees and Flowers deck, you can usually only play one card, but the field Lan Jun used just now was not this card...

They consumed a lot of resources just to destroy this field first, but they were slowed down by a Hua Gu Long.

The most important thing is that Lan Jun, who only maintains one Flower Ancient Dragon, has less mental pressure than the two of them. Now he has gathered the soul energy of the second big elf...

When Bu Yu felt bad, [Dream of Returning to the Old Hometown] was activated, and the Deep Garden of Trees and Flowers was directly activated, and the three-second sleeping rule immediately enveloped the entire venue!

On the side, Wang Chu also raised his hand. At this moment, countless spells have been accumulated in the three magic arrays beside him.

He casts a small spell every two seconds, and each spell can charge the Explosive Flame Killing Array and the Abyss Summoning Array at the same time. Now that there is enough ammunition, it is time to set off a spell frenzy!

Bu Yu tilted his head to look at Wei Gai and found that his expression was also a little pale.

They all knew it in their hearts.

It's over... The winner is going to be decided.



The two were drowned in spells, and the champion of the double duel was decided.

Ancient Capital University!

The scene suddenly cheered, but it was not too enthusiastic.

Compared with the grand final of the single-player event, this battle was too watery... It was not at the same level at all.

Moreover, the ancient capital team won the championship... It can only be said that because of Yu Cang, everyone is very confident in the current level of the soul card of the ancient capital, so this championship is a bit of a matter of course.

It's not worth making a fuss.

But that being said, seeing the birth of the champion, the cheers should still be given.

Audience seats.

Amidst the noise, Yu Cang was immersed in his own world.


The last stroke fell, and the soul card in his hand burst into light. At this time, the noisy sound in the environment gradually returned to his ears.

"... It's changed." Yu Cang smiled,

The Tyrant's Designation now has an epic version.

There are many powerful soul cards that are almost regular in the epic quality, and he is a witness to that scene, so it is not difficult to suppress the level of the spell card.

Yu Cang took a deep breath and raised his head, but suddenly froze.

It took him a long time to react.

"Have you decided the winner?"

"Yes, boss." Gu Jieshuang's voice came from the side, "Gudu University won."

"That's good." Yu Cang scratched his head, not surprised by the result.

Beside him, Gu Jieshuang's eyes never left Yu Cang.

The boss was handsome, and after they were together, she couldn't get enough of him.

She wanted to rub herself into Yu Cang's body.

Yu Cang glanced at the terminal and found that Ling E had sent him a message.

Tianmen has successfully changed its address.

The speed is quite fast... Such a big thing has been done in just one day.

That's perfect, let's go to Tianmen tomorrow.

The next four-person team competition is nothing to watch.

The tactics of the Gudu team are based on the corpse of the ancient demon. I heard that they have made a lot of interesting fusion and synchronization soul cards. It should not be difficult to win the championship.

Since there is not much suspense, he should go directly to the Tianmen Secret Realm... Otherwise, he will sit here and study soul cards.

The infighting among the noobs on the stage really didn't interest him anymore, so making cards was more interesting.

Even if the hustle and bustle of the environment can no longer disturb him, it would be best if there is a place with scenes.

"Nuo, here you go." Yu Cang handed the name of the tyrant to Gu Jieshuang, "Although this card has no attributes, the strength of Rhythm is quite overbearing... In a deck, two of them should be the limit."

"Okay, thank you, boss." Gu Jieshuang's eyes did not fall on the soul card, but still stared directly at Yu Cang's face, "I owe you more, boss..."

Yu Cang didn't pay attention and hummed casually, but his mind was thinking about the soul card space.

During this day, he also made some attempts based on the banned card documents.

But the results were far from satisfactory.

The created space is not very comfortable and is still very crowded.


Yu Cang's eyes were thoughtful.

His intuition told him that he had entered a misunderstanding.

To achieve this goal, it shouldn't be that complicated.

Which place was he neglecting?


A light suddenly flashed in Yu Cang's eyes.

In that case, it seems possible...?

And, it seems there's more to it than that.

If it is feasible, then there are still some problems that can be solved easily...

But in this case, we have to go to Tianmen...


The fragrant breeze blew by, and Gu Jieshuang held her hand.

"Boss? Boss!" She pouted softly, "What are you thinking about? The game is over, we should go back."

"Huh?" Yu Cang's mind returned to reality.

He looked at Gu Jieshuang and put away those thoughts for the time being.

"Okay, let's go back."

"Oh! Go back to the hotel!"

Qi'er raised his little hand and jumped off the seat. However, before he could jump to the ground, he was hugged by a pair of hands.

Lin Yunqing expressionlessly lifted the girl from the ground to her chest.

"Senior, Jieshuang, I still want to borrow a chess piece tonight... to accompany me."

Gu Jieshuang's face turned red.

Although Lin Yunqing's face had no expression at all and was still paralyzed as usual, she didn't know why, but she just felt that Lin Yunqing's eyes were full of teasing.

What, looking at them like this... it's like they don't do anything else at night.

Pouting her lips, Gu Jieshuang opened her mouth:

"Thank you then, Yun Qing!"

"...It should be."

"Let's go, let's go... let's eat first." Yu Cang touched his stomach, "I'm hungry."

I was too focused just now and didn't feel anything. Now that I have some free time, I feel hungry again.

After all, after using his brain for a day, he consumed a lot of energy...but it was also very satisfying.

Since his enlightenment on card-making in Lingxiao Tower, those legendary rhythms have melted in his mouth.

Making cards in this state is a great experience.

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