Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 502 Be my chariot

Although the Land of the Rider is a very convenient soul card, it is not so convenient in actual use.

This inconvenience mainly comes from its usage conditions.

Tianmen Secret Realm

Twelfth floor, somewhere

This floor is much more spacious than the floors below.

The Dragon Palace is located on the eleventh floor because the eleventh floor is the highest floor under stable space conditions and is also the floor with the richest resources.

From the eleventh floor upwards, the space will begin to become gradually thinner and empty... After all, Tianmen is only a half-finished product.

If you survive in this environment, you don't have to do anything, the surrounding space will slowly tear your body, and you must always resist this tearing force.

In short, you must "live hard".

Therefore, no one will build a house in such a place. The eleventh floor is already the limit of the Dragon Palace.

Compared with the space on higher floors, the space on the twelfth floor is more stable, so it was simply used by the Dragon Palace, and many martial arts arenas were set up here to hone martial arts.

At this time

The sky on the twelfth floor is desolate and empty. The tearing force of space makes it impossible for clouds to gather here. Only layers of thin smoke float above the head, which looks like a fairyland.

And now, in this cloud of smoke, a dark mass like the abyss is trudging through it.

This mass of darkness is the "Land of the Chariot".

In the darkness, countless chaotic clouds and mists fill it, forming various forms of jade buildings. In the front, three blue-eyed king dragons flap their wings and fly. Chaotic light flows from under their dragon wings. The Land of the Chariot follows behind them, as if there are invisible reins connecting them.

Wherever the Land of the Chariot passes, the space will be distorted. If you look from a distance, it is as if the entire world space is a huge cloth, under which is the chaotic shadow, and the Land of the Chariot is the moving hole that leaks the chaotic shadow; the three blue-eyed king dragons are the small insects that gnaw out the hole.

The Land of the Chariot is a rare field card that can move by itself!

Before that, only the Armed Armored Chariot could do this. And obviously, that chariot can only move on the ground, which is far less domineering than the Land of the Chariot.

This is the real emperor's chariot!

Not far behind the three Cangyan Junlin Dragons, countless flowing chaotic clouds condensed into a suspended high platform, and Yu Cang stood on it, looking past the Cangyan Junlin Dragon, through the Land of the Chariot and looking forward, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Ao Hai stood behind him and saw this scene, and he couldn't help but nod secretly.

This momentum... Although the Land of the Chariot is still a little immature, it can already imagine what Yu Cang will look like when he is promoted to a myth in the future.

After a while, Yu Cang retracted his gaze.

As the Palace of the Fate Star, the Soul Card of the Land of the Chariot still inherits the characteristics of the Soul Card of the Fate Star... That is, it does not occupy mental pressure, but requires a complete tube of soul energy.

This feature is too luxurious for a field card!

You know, the biggest disadvantage of the venue card is that the mental pressure accounts for too high a proportion. As long as this point is solved, it can be said that there are advantages everywhere.

However, although this is said, this soul card cannot be used whenever you want.

Now, he is in the "quasi-chaos" environment of Tianmen Secret Realm, so he can use it normally, but if he is outside... he must have a ready-made venue as a "sacrifice".

And Yu Cang's own deck still has no venue.

However... the venue in the soul card introduction is not limited to his own, that is, it should be possible to eat other people's venues... Well, it is in line with the usual domineering of Emperor Star.

In this way, there will be no headaches when encountering any difficult venues in the future, which is also the strength of this card.

And the characteristic that Yu Cang values ​​most is another one-he can clearly feel that in the Land of the Descent, it is closer to "chaos" than the Land of the Descent!

After all, there are even chaotic clouds here... If Tianmen can be regarded as a quasi-chaos environment, then the Land of the Descent can undoubtedly be called so.

In other words, it can activate the power of tearing chaos!

However, there should be some restrictions.

Thinking of this, he turned back to look at Ao Hai:

"Brother Ao, this soul card of mine may require a soul card master to cooperate with me to conduct some tests... I wonder if there is a soul card master who masters the field card in the Dragon Palace... Um, is there any?"

Yu Cang's voice had become smaller when he finished speaking.

He realized that he might have asked a very stupid question.

Where is this place? Dragon Palace! There are either spirit beasts or mixed blood inside, and there is not even a soul energy well. Where can the soul card master come from?

Anyone who can become a forbidden card master must apply for a year to enter the Heavenly Gate... Speaking of which, is the student named Cui Zhun still in the Dragon Palace...

Although Cui Zhun can only stay for two days in total, the Dragon Palace has been under martial law for these two days and no one is allowed to enter or leave casually. In addition, the association may give Cui Zhun some compensation due to the impact of the internal strife in the Dragon Palace... Maybe Cui Zhun is still there?

The only solution now is to find him...

Just when Yu Cang wanted to change his words, Ao Hai suddenly said, "Ah, if it's just about being able to use the soul card, there is indeed one in the Dragon Palace."

"Huh?" Yu Cang was a little surprised, "If I remember correctly... the half-bloods in the Dragon Palace should not be able to use the soul energy well, right?"

"Yes, but there is an exception in this generation." Ao Hai said, "There is a junior who is a dragon man, but his soul energy well has not completely degenerated."

"Can it produce soul energy?"

"Yes, but the efficiency is very low, and there is no way to connect a whole set of cards. It can only connect two or three cards."

"It doesn't matter, it's enough."

His requirements are not that high, as long as he can use the field card.

"Okay, I'll go back and bring him here... Sir, wait here for a moment."

After saying that, Ao Hai clasped his fists and flew away from the Land of the Chariot and went to the eleventh floor.

And Yu Cang's mind moved immediately, and the Cangyan Junlin Dragon turned around and slowly landed on the ground with the Land of the Chariot. Then, the rock structure gradually climbed onto the surface of the bodies of the three Junlin Dragons, and they turned into stone statues again.

In the Land of the Chariot, using the form of the life star does not require soul energy consumption, but in terms of performance, it becomes a way to revive the stone statues.

With a wave of his hand, Yu Cang cancelled the place where the chariot would land, and the darkness around him gradually faded away.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Cang suddenly called out, "Ye Lai, are you there?"

The voice entered the dark space, and the next second, a soul card flipped open beside Yu Cang, and Ye Lai's body came out of it.

"Master of this body, you are looking for me?"

"Well... I have a question." Yu Cang pondered for a moment before saying, "You have been in the chaos for so long... Have you ever heard of other worlds in the chaos?"


"It is a world similar to the astral world."

"This... I am sorry that I have never heard of it."

"Is that so..."

"However, you may ask Ran Zhi, as a member of the Imaginary Palace, he should know more about the chaos than me."

"... Yes, I almost forgot about him." Yu Cang slapped his forehead.

There is such a person.

Originally, he took Ran Zhi under his command only because he was worried that he would pass the news back to the palace... He paid less attention to him on weekdays.


A voice came, the soul card was turned over, and Ran Zhi slid out of the chaos and stopped beside Yu Cang with sparks and lightning.

He half-knelt on the ground, his expression firm and reliable: "Do you need Ran Zhi again?"

"...I really want to ask you something."

Yu Cang coughed twice.

This performance was a bit exaggerated.

"Ran Zhi...Is there another world similar to the star realm in the chaos?"

"Star realm?" Ran Zhi blinked, "This...should exist."

"What do you mean by should?"

"Because...I heard the 'king' of the imaginary palace say that in the chaos, the 'star realm' is not the only one. But...for so many years, no one except the king has seen the other world, so this is just a guess...After all, the 'king' has existed for too long, and under that extreme loneliness, it is possible to have some hallucinations."

"Is that so." Yu Cang thought, "Has your 'king' ever said why he thinks so?"

"Scholar, he is no longer my king!" Ran Zhi hurriedly clarified.

"...I know."

"Well...I don't know, but..." Ran Zhi frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "But he has said more than once...all those who follow him will step onto a brand new shore after countless times...Since he said that, maybe he has already got a clue to the new world? But I don't believe it anyway. Most people in the Imaginary Palace regard this sentence as a pie in the sky."

Hearing this, Yu Cang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is it a fantasy caused by existing in chaos for too long?

There is such a possibility, but as a "king" who transcends mythology, Yu Cang feels that things should not be that simple.

Thinking of this, he continued to ask: "Then... did that 'king' reveal his views on the 'Emperor Star'?"

"Emperor Star?" Ran Zhi was stunned, "I don't know about this... King rarely mentions Emperor Star..."

"Okay, I know." Yu Cang nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Not hard!" Ran Zhi laughed, "Then I'll go back to Chaos first... Scholar, if you have any questions, just call me!"

After saying that, Ran Zhi turned around and left without any hesitation.


Ye Lai seemed to realize something: "Are you doubting the origin of Emperor Star?"

"We have to be on guard."

"Then...if Emperor Star is not an ally..." Ye Lai's words were a little hesitant.

He has wandered in so many worlds, and this time may be the closest to defeating Huang.

In addition to Yu Cang's true talent, the existence of Emperor Star is also an important factor.

But, if Emperor Star is not trustworthy...then it means that Yu Cang must rely on his own strength to defeat Huang...even with Emperor Star!

Yu Cang seemed to see Ye Lai's worry, and he shook his head: "Don't worry, Ye Lai, things haven't reached the worst point yet."

The ruins of the Source Star hide a completely different way to fight against the wilderness from the Emperor Star.

Originally, he thought that for himself who has the Emperor Star and the entry recorder, that method is irrelevant, but now he is more willing to believe in the achievements left by the existence of the same civilization as Blue Star than the Emperor Star.

"Now is not the time to think about these things. When the time is right, everything will naturally become clear."

Ye Lai was silent.

After a long time, he nodded slightly: "I will be with you."

"Well, I know."


Ye Lai turned around and walked through the soul card towards Chaos. Yu Cang raised his head slightly and saw two figures already appearing not far away.

One of them is naturally Ao Hai, and the other...


Yu Cang looked slightly surprised.

Is that the dragon man who can use soul cards that Ao Hai mentioned, Ao Xiang?

That is, the young man and woman who took him to the Dragon Palace Cloud Banquet when he first entered Tianmen... the young man and woman.

However, Ao Xiang seemed to be in a bad condition at this time.

His face was flushed, his eyes were dizzy, maybe he would burp, and the smell of alcohol hit his face.

"Um... I'm sorry, sir." Ao Hai apologized, "This kid drank too much at the Dragon Palace Cloud Banquet... Damn it, I will go and train them tomorrow. They know how to drink day by day!"

"I...I'm not drunk yet, hehe..." Two words came out of Ao Xiang's mouth.

Yu Cang: "...can he still use the soul card?"

"Yes... of course! I'm the best at using totems!" Ao Xiang took a few steps forward, but suddenly lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Then, a small stone totem covered with rhythmic lines fell from his hand to the ground.


Light bloomed from the totem, and the energy spread, directly changing the surrounding terrain.

The totem of the venue is Tianmen Laundry!

Yu Cang:......

Hmm... Judging from the rhythm quality, it should be an epic totem... It can be used.

Immediately, he took out his soul card and activated it directly on Tianmen Laundry!


Suddenly, the totem of the field that had not yet fully unfolded was shattered on the spot, and everything in it was transformed into clouds of chaos under the influence of an inexplicable force. Three stone statues of the blue-eyed king rose up from the ground!

Sure enough, it can be used directly on other venues.

And this process... seems to be very similar to the process of chaos devouring the world?

All space and matter are transformed into chaotic clouds and mist.

However, the chaotic cloud and mist transformed in this way can only take effect this time and cannot be stored.

"Eh?" Ao Xiang stood up in a daze, "My totem... where is the totem? Why is it gone... gone... I still have a lot of clothes that haven't been washed..."

The corner of Ao Hai's mouth twitched: "Well...I'm sorry, sir, I'll take him down right now..."

"It's fine."

Yu Cang didn't pay attention to this little thing. He silently felt the nature of the place where the chariot was descending at this moment, and frowned.

In Tianmen, the interference is still too severe.


After a while, Ao Hai hurried back.

"Well, Ao Xiang is too drunk. How about I help you make arrangements tomorrow?"

"...Brother Ao." Yu Cang suddenly said, "Do you have that kind of...field-type magical power?"

"Ah?" Ao Hai was stunned, "Of course there is...but the level difference between us is a bit big, your soul card shouldn't affect me, right?"

Yu Cang smiled: "It doesn't matter, you can try it."

Seeing the smile on Yu Cang's lips, Ao Hai couldn't help but swallow, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

He thought again of Yu Cang's outrageous fighting power the day before yesterday.

Could it be...

"Then, sir, be careful."

Ao Hai took a deep breath, then raised one arm, and the sky suddenly changed!

"Supernatural power——"

Ao Hai's eyes were filled with light, and his voice was like thunder!

"Thunder-calling Jedi·Storm Prison!"


A thick bolt of thunder fell from the sky and landed on his raised palm. Then, the thin clouds quickly gathered at a speed visible to the naked eye. A vacuum several kilometers in diameter suddenly appeared above Ao Hai's head!

Thunder surged endlessly in the clouds. This scene was exactly the same as the storm and thunder the day before yesterday!

But this time, when the storm had not yet fully formed.

Yu Cang stretched out a hand, and at the fingertips, gray soul cards shattered and flew.

"This place is nice. Please be my chariot."

"What?!" Ao Hai's eyes widened in an instant.

The moment Yu Cang finished speaking, he only felt that his domain... was out of control!

Thunder, violent wind, everything in the domain... were forcibly plundered by an absolute force. Under his unbelievable eyes, they were all crushed and turned into chaotic clouds, supporting a huge Dark space!

You...can't resist?

"Brother Ao." Yu Cang seemed to sigh, "You seem to be a little too casual in front of me... Such a mentality cannot prevent the arrival of 'Chai'."

Ao Hai: "..."

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