Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 508 The upper limit of laundry!

Tianmen is a space opened directly outside the world, located directly in the chaos.

Xi Li's idea is very advanced. In Tianmen, even the sight of the stars cannot be peeked, so... naturally there is no life star!

Logically speaking, every life under the starry sky must have a life star.

Xingchen once told me that without a life star, even the Starry Sky Vision cannot be entered...


Yu Cang's eyes were thoughtful.

Is this the price of not having a life star?

What is the meaning of a life star to life?

La said that individuals who transcend mythology will be deformed into stars as long as there is no quota... and then they can gain the ability to have a "chosen one".

That is, they can become someone else's life star.

It is known that this power that deforms the strong into stars comes from the same source as Huang, that is... from the star world itself.

So... is turning creatures into "star" chosen ones one of the means used by the star world to "manage" creatures?

... No.

If this is the logic, then why does Huang exist?

Just clean up the living beings directly through this life star network that affects the entire star realm, why does Huang need to clean it up.

If that's not the case... what is the meaning of the existence of life stars? Is it just the manifestation of the survival desire of those strong people who have been deformed into stars? Is it just because they want to revive in their own chosen ones?

This is obviously even more impossible. The power of an individual is so small compared to the entire star realm. If it is just like this, the life star will not become a unified configuration of all living beings under the star realm. To achieve this point, it must be related to the will of the star realm itself.

I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out no matter how.

And outside of that... all the living beings in Tianmen have no life stars, what does this mean?

Before coming here, Yu Cang knew that the only existence in the star realm without a life star... was Xingchen's brother.

He should have been the chosen one of the emperor star, but he lost his life star because the emperor star fell... But in order to make him stronger normally, the nameless empire used pure spirit particles to make an artificial life star for him as a replacement, and waited for the emperor star to come, and then replaced it.

This made Yu Cang think that the life star was a necessity, but the situation in Tianmen was obviously unusual.

Without the life star, the creatures in Tianmen were still alive and well, and they looked no different from the creatures outside... except that their brains were a little simpler.

Could it be that the life star was something similar to a real name?

But in the previous records, when Ao Hai was summoned to the Blue Star to fight, there was no world malice.

... I can't figure it out.


Yu Cang thought of another thing.

Although I don't know what the meaning of the life star is, it seems that there is something to be done about it.

The life star is changed by the strong, so in theory... can I become the life star of a spirit beast?

Then see if I can use the relationship between the life star and the chooser to summon these spirit beasts... to the present world!

Well... it seems quite feasible.

There are some soul cards in the Tianmen system that can summon spirit beasts from the Tianmen to fight, but this way of fighting has considerable limitations.

The spirit beasts that can be summoned to the present world will not be too strong, and the number will not be too large.

There is only one Four Seas Dragon Ruins that can summon spirit beasts on a large scale and whose summoning limit reaches the myth.

If I could make myself a destiny star, then maybe things would be much simpler... But how to analyze the connection between destiny stars and the chosen ones...

Yu Cang had no idea.

... Maybe someone could do it.

That is Emperor Chang'an, who will soon surpass the myth.

Yu Cang's eyes moved slightly, and he kept this possibility in mind.

I will study that later... Now, let me observe Ao Xiang's magical power.

In front of him, the rhythm representing Ao Xiang appeared from time to time, but there was no sign of condensation.

No destiny star means no rhythmic body... So the rhythm in front of him is just a simple rhythm.

In reality, Yu Cang spoke softly, saying: "Ao Xiang... try to activate your magical power."

"Eh?" Ao Xiang was stunned, "It's a pity that I don't have the scaled fantasy clothes that I can repair now..."

"Just activate it, let me see the shape of the magical power."

"Ao ah... OK!"

Although he didn't know what Yu Cang was going to do, Ao Xiang cooperated very well.

With his eyes fixed, Ao Xiang shouted softly, and then, a little light came out from the reverse scales on his chest, flowing along the gaps between the dragon scales until it flowed onto his hands.

Those faint lights outlined the outline of the dragon scales, which were clearly visible even through the clothes.

Now, as long as the "Scaled Fantasy Clothes" touched by his hands, all negative states can be washed away, and then rejoin the battlefield.

Because there was no target, Ao Xiang stopped at this point, and then looked at Yu Cang.

In Yu Cang's sight, the "rhythm" representing Ao Xiang had undergone earth-shaking changes!

The rhythmic silk threads lit up, illuminating Ao Xiang's entire body, just like human blood vessels, clearly arranged in front of Yu Cang!

At this time, Yu Cang said again: "Now, try to use your totem."

"Oh... OK!"

Ao Xiang took out the "Tianmen Laundry" and immediately chose to use it.

Antique courtyards rose up all around. In Yu Cang's eyes, the surrounding starry sky changed drastically, and the fluctuations spread out, but his eyes were always on Ao Xiang.


From the perspective of Starry Sky Vision, Yu Cang could see it clearly.

The broken rhythm that represented Aoxiang's soul energy well was affected by the rhythm of the laundry power. Then, the broken rhythm was slowly repaired, and a stream of soul energy immediately flowed out of it.

To put it simply, this process is... The magical power of washing is repairing Aoxiang's damaged soul energy well!

"As expected." Yu Cang narrowed his eyes slightly.

He said that this magical power of washing is definitely not that simple.

The objects it can "clean" are far more than just scaled magic clothes!

Even the soul energy well can be repaired. The upper limit of this magical power is absolutely terrifying...

Perhaps the reason why Ao Xiang cannot awaken other magical powers is not because he has poor talent, but on the contrary, because this laundry magical power is too strong and cannot be compatible with other magical powers.

Yu Cang took a deep breath, but at the same time, he had some doubts in his heart.

Didn't Ao Hai notice anything strange about this magical power?

Ao Xiang can use the soul card, Ling E must have seen it too... He didn't notice it either?

This question didn't puzzle Yu Cang for long, and he soon realized the answer.

The magical power of washing is still too weak... In fact, the repair of the soul energy well by this magical power is not obvious, it is just an unconscious action when activating this magical power.

It was only when I entered the Starry Sky Sight that I discovered... You know, the Starry Sky Sight is almost a world at the "code" level.

In the secret realm of Tianmen, only you can enter the field of starry sky. It is difficult for others to discover clues by relying on resonance alone.

What's more, Ao Xiang is still very young and probably hasn't had many examinations.

The stars in Yu Cang's eyes gradually converged, and his sight returned to the present world.

"Ao Xiang, your magical powers are very strong."

Ao Xiang was stunned: "Eh? Me?"

"In the next few days, just stay with me...I will find a way to summon you to Blue Star."

Ao Hai asked Ao Wu and the others to come to him. Part of the purpose was to make them his comrades and let Yu Cang use soul cards to summon them out.

With their strength, as long as the summoning is successful, it is equivalent to adding a legendary soul card, which is still growable. This is definitely a big temptation for the soul card masters who come here.

But...compared to Ao Wu and the others, Ao Xiang is better able to pursue other interests.

He already has a lot of big guys who can fight. To be honest, even if he can grow up and pass on to the world, he doesn't think much of it, but Ao Xiang can be used as a wet nurse!

This is what he lacks.

"Eh? Me?"

Ao Xiang has said this sentence countless times.

"But...but I am so weak, and my brothers are much stronger than me..."

"Don't belittle yourself, you are actually very strong." Yu Cang patted Ao Xiang on the shoulder, "Believe me, your potential is beyond your imagination, and I am in need of a comrade like you!"


Ao Xiang looked into Yu Cang's eyes.

He subconsciously felt that Yu Cang was joking with him. After all, he was such a transparent person, with no talent, weak strength, and a weak character that could be bullied. In the past, even Dragon Palace Yunyan would not call him.

How could someone like him still be interested in him?

In fact, he has been accustomed to being a little transparent since he was a child, and he no longer expects to be recognized by others.

Moreover, my brothers and sisters are also very kind to me. Although they all feel that my talent is a bit embarrassing to their father, everyone's dislike is obvious. After the dislike is over, they still love themselves very much and protect their shortcomings. They never Allow yourself to be bullied.

Brother Ao Wu often brought food for himself from the Dragon Palace Cloud Banquet.

Therefore, he slowly accepted that he would probably always be a little transparent person... With a mythical father, his life experience was already higher than that of most people, so there was nothing he could not be satisfied with.

However, deep down in my heart, I have been looking forward to having a platform where I can work hard.

Ao Xiang looked at Yu Cang's eyes, which were smiling but very serious. Obviously, what Yu Cang said just now should be sincere.

Are you... very strong? Will it be needed?

If Yu Cang hadn't joked with him, if it was true...

Ao Xiang opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but found that he could only make some choked sounds at this time.

It's over... Such an important opportunity! It's not easy for someone to recognize me, but Yu Cang is still so strong... but he is still like this...

It's over, it's over, and I'm going to be looked down upon again... It will definitely scare Yu Cang away, right?

But it was really easy to cry.

do not care! Anyway, being Yu Cang's comrade-in-arms would only hinder him, so it would be better to continue to be disliked and let him stop wanting me.

Being recognized is enough.

Thinking of this, Ao Xiang's eyes turned red, and she couldn't help it any longer and cried immediately.

"Ah?" This time, it was Yu Cang's turn to be stunned, "Wait... why are you crying... Hey, did I say something wrong?"

"'s all my fault...wuwuwu..."

long after

Ao Xiang finally sorted out her emotions.

"My it really that powerful?" He blinked.

"The epic laundry magical power can already repair the soul energy well. If you advance to the next generation, I dare not think of anything you can do." Yu Cang affirmed, "So, practice hard, and when I find a way, I will summon you come out."

"Yeah!" Ao Xiang nodded vigorously immediately, "I will definitely work hard!"

Feeling motivated!

Since someone is expecting you, then you will definitely not let down this expectation!

In the following time, Yu Cang tried to use the starry sky vision to analyze Ao Xiang's magical powers.

However, little success was achieved.

He still knew too little about the magical system.

So, he first asked Ao Xiang to go back to practice, and then he sat alone in the martial arts arena, thinking silently.

In the Tianmen system, there is a ready-made and most basic method of summoning spirit beasts.

In the Dragon Palace, there is a place called Qi Kuo Pond, where the soul card master can make a contract with the spirit beast and get a token.

As long as you go out and use this token to find a special card maker to make a soul card, you can summon the "supernatural transformation" of the spiritual beast.

This method of summoning is very primitive. Take Ao Xiang as an example. If you choose the method of Qi Kuochi, then this token is generally Ao Xiang's reverse scale.

But taking away the Ni Lin will greatly damage Ao Xiang's strength. After all, although Ni Lin can grow back, pulling it out will definitely damage his vitality.

Moreover, because the soul card cannot directly summon living creatures, what is summoned can only be transformed into magical forms.

The natal magical power is purely "self", so spiritual beasts and hybrids have ways to make their natal magical power into the form of magical powers. They basically have the same combat power as themselves, but they will always be much weaker.

This method of signing a contract with Qi Kuochi can be traced back to the Yanhuang period. He is a real old guy... At that time, there was no threat of Huang. After signing the contract, you can directly fight side by side without going through the step of making a soul card. , but now it is a lot more troublesome.

Of course, any soul card master who is pursuing something nowadays would not choose to use this method, and the same goes for Yu Cang.

The method of Sihai Dragon Ruins is much more clever - there are many magical weapons in this field. The holder can choose a dragon target, equip it to the target and summon it.

Chengying protects Ao Hai, and Ao Hai strengthens Chengying, achieving the effect of 1+1\u003e2.

Strictly speaking, the soul card of Sihai Longxu also has a certain relationship with the Tianmen system... So in the final analysis, it still depends on the use of the Tianmen system.

"...Let's wait until the entries are extracted."

Thinking of this, Yu Cang stood up.

"La, are you there? I have a question."

"I'm here." came a voice.

"Are there many worlds like Tianmen in the star realm?"

"...Not many." La said, "In fact, even Roland Sky Realm does not have the ability to create a world in chaos... The existing similar spaces are all formed naturally."

"That's it."

Yu Cang was silent.

Even Luolan Kongjie couldn't do it...then why can Xili do it?

Although he was confident in his ancestors, he would not be so arrogant as to think that Xi Li could surpass Luolan Kongjie, which had been developed for so many years, on his own.

What's so special about Xi Li?

After thinking about it... there is only Emperor Star.

Sure enough, the power of the Emperor Star can touch chaos, and can even ignore certain rules in the star world and give birth to life without a life star.

Emperor Star...what on earth are you.

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