Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 539 Feng's sword!

Yu Cang's eyes fell on the forbidden card pattern on the driver in front of him, and his eyes became gloomy.

He couldn't help but glance at Qi'er beside him.

Yu Cang knew very well where this sense of déjà vu came from... When he first saw Qi'er, it was when Madam Yu was about to draw it completely into a forbidden card.

With only one last stroke left, Qi'er's consciousness would be directly torn apart by the forbidden card, and then reassembled in blood, completely turning from a human into a forbidden card.

At this time, Yu Cang broke into Madam Yu's ceremony.

Then, Madam Yu didn't know what was wrong, and gave Yu Cang the authority to write the last stroke... and Yu Cang naturally wouldn't write.

The situation in front of him... seemed to be very similar to the situation back then.

The same is true for the forbidden card pattern on the driver's body. Only a few strokes are left to be completely drawn, and then it will become a real forbidden card.

However, the forbidden card pattern on the driver's body is larger and more complex than that on Qi'er's body... Logically speaking, he couldn't notice what was missing at first glance, but it was obvious that the person who did all this had carefully designed the forbidden card pattern, so that Yu Cang could see the eye-catching "gap" at first glance.

Could it be that the mastermind behind the scenes also wanted to make the final stroke himself?


Yu Cang frowned, and with a thought, the illusion in front of him quickly disappeared, and he soon returned to the real world.

Then, he raised his hand directly, and a soul card appeared at his fingertips:

"I declare-the iron room of the poor lock!"


The soul card phantom shattered in response, and then, it condensed into a tall, slender and blurred figure in front of Yu Cang. Outsiders couldn't see his face clearly, but in the haze, they could probably see that there was probably a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

The aura of majesty without anger spread from the illusory figure, making the person standing in front of him seem to be facing a king.

The figure stretched out one hand and pointed at the void, and suddenly invisible waves spread in all directions!

This is the epic spell card: Tyrant's Designation!

[Crime Deception]: After declaring a card name, it will be activated to disconnect all cards with the same name and invalidate the effect before reconnecting!

At this time, Yu Cang suddenly used this soul card, not to make it effective, but to try to find a nearby card banner!

The card banning method of the driver in front of him made people suspect Mrs. Yu, so Yu Cang made a small test.

Mrs. Yu used this venue in the Fire Star Club. After this period of time, it is likely that she is still using it, or the card name has not changed after upgrading.

High-quality soul cards will more or less affect the soul energy well after use. In order to stabilize the combat effectiveness, soul card masters are generally reluctant to change the type of soul cards.

So at this time, if Madam Yu is nearby, then the Iron Room of the Poor Lock in her card box will be activated by [Crime Deceiving the King], and then disconnected, and Yu Cang will be able to find his location... At least he can be sure that Madam Yu is nearby.

However, after this soul card was used, invisible fluctuations spread out, but there was no reaction nearby.

In fact, a safer way is to declare Madam Yu's family, such as the eldest son. But on the one hand, Yu Cang does not know the real names of those banned cards, and on the other hand, the "names" of banned cards are very confusing. This kind of soul card that takes effect based on the name sometimes does not even affect the banned cards.

After the empty release, the phantom of "Yaoqi" slowly dissipated in the air. Yu Cang glanced around and frowned.

Isn't it Madam Yu?

The Tyrant's Designation This soul card has a very long range of effectiveness, and it can affect within a radius of one thousand meters.

Is he hiding in a farther place, or is there someone else?

"Boss, did you ask anything?" Gu Jieshuang looked over.

"...No." Yu Cang shook his head, "Qi'er, put away the illusion... Let's walk around and see if we can..."


Before Yu Cang finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook!


The ground suddenly cracked in the shaking, and a deep crack ran through the earth. After Yu Cang stabilized his body, he looked into it, and his breathing could not help but stagnate.

Under the crack in the ground... there was blood!

The soil was bleeding!


Yu Cang immediately said: "Feng!"

Feng understood, drew his sword and chopped it out. A blade light wrapped in heavy dragon breath swept past in an instant, cutting a tree on the side of the road in half.


The giant tree fell to the ground, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror, but... blood oozes out of the cut continuously, like a fountain...

"Is this blood... flowing out of the tree?" Wen Renge's face turned ugly.

I'm afraid it's more than that.

The earth, the trees, and even the taxi before, all seemed to come alive. Cutting them would cause blood to flow!


Suddenly, a dull roar came from the depths of the earth, as if countless different roars were randomly superimposed on each other. More cracks spread on the earth with the roar, and the sound waves were stimulated from the cracks, even making the air unclear!

"What?" Wen Renge's face changed wildly, holding the Swallowing Void Mark in his hand, but he didn't know where to face.

The enemy is underground?

"Stand still."

The silent Feng suddenly spoke, and then he inserted the long knife into the ground, and a circle of dark domain opened up, covering the space within a radius of ten meters.

It was visible to the naked eye that the ground in this part calmed down, and countless green flames were generated out of thin air, flowing in the cracks of the soil.

Feng now had the power of four dragons. At this time, he used the [Hell Rock Soil] of the corpse of the Dark Flame Dragon Emperor to stabilize the ground, and used the [Dragon Power Field] of the Sacrificial Vortex Dragon to strengthen the dragon power and weaken the enemy.

"Feng, where is the enemy?" Yu Cang asked hurriedly.

The current situation is too weird. The three of them have jumped out of the car for so long, but in the end, not to mention the enemies, even living things can't be seen nearby.

What does this card banner want to do? He must have something in mind... It's not right to trap them here like this.

Feng said calmly: "Now, everything you see is an enemy."


"Summoner, based on my shallow understanding of the banned card." Feng paused, "All the environment around here has been included in a banned card - not just the driver in front of me."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Cang's face had become extremely ugly. He quickly turned his head to look at the driver's position, with stars in his eyes. This time, he saw something wrong.

It's bad.

He knew that he might have fallen into a misunderstanding just now... His vision had been limited to the driver, and he didn't connect it with the entire environment.

Now, the ground, high-rise buildings, plants, everything that can be seen in this area has become part of a banned card!

The only safe thing is probably the [Dragon Power Field] that Feng has opened...



The amplitude of the earth shaking became larger and larger, and the roar from the ground suddenly became angry, as if... the flames attached to Feng's [Hell Rock Soil] burned it.

Yu Cang staggered and was about to fall. Gu Jieshuang stepped forward and supported him.

"No, calm down." Yu Cang spread his perception.

This was the first time he encountered a card with such a large range, so he had no experience.

This was different from those activated soul cards... This forbidden card had not been completed yet, which meant that everything nearby was not what it would be like after the forbidden card was activated. They were still just "materials" now.

When Yu Cang made cards normally, the materials he used were naturally not so exaggerated. After all, the size of the soul card was so large, and no matter how many materials there were, they would not be used. So he was used to focusing his vision on the small blank soul card. Now that he saw such an exaggerated range, he naturally did not react for a while.

At this time, after Feng's reminder, he finally discovered the truth when he used the Starry Sky Vision to perceive the entire environment as a whole.

But... it was strange.

Yu Cang's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

If you want to use such a huge environment as materials to make a soul card, there is only one possibility-sacrifice all the people nearby.

After all, those sand, stone and soil are the most common things, and they are useless in the banned card. Only when "people" who have lived on this land for many years join in, can it be possible to make a banned card.

But in that case, he should have felt the resentment rising to the sky... Why is his perception so calm at this time, and he feels nothing?

Moreover, looking at the current situation, the whole environment has come alive and has life, why hasn't the mastermind attacked yet?

Even now, only the earth is shaking, but he still doesn't feel any sense of crisis. It's more like urging, not threatening.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang looked at the driver beside him.

Do you really have to let yourself leave the last stroke?

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and came to the driver.

Gu Jieshuang helped melt part of the covering ice layer, revealing most of the driver's body.

Yu Cang was sure that the driver had died a long time ago... Unlike Qi'er, the driver's vitality had been completely deprived by unknown means. Even if he didn't complete the last few strokes, the driver would not be able to survive.

At the same time, after the perspective expanded, he realized that... the lines on the driver's body were not simple.

Those lines were connected to the entire environment, and one move affected the entire body. This time, there was more than one way to make a banned card. Based on his knowledge of banned cards, these last few strokes contained a terrifying number of possibilities.

Is this... the person behind him is watching his choice? Does he want to see what banned card he can make in the end?


Yu Cang slowly stretched out his hand and fell on the driver's face, and then--

gently closed the driver's eyes.

Yu Cang would not drop these strokes, and even if he did, he would not have to bear any consequences.

He respected life.

And he knew very well-the banned card master behind him would not let them go just because Yu Cang helped to complete the banned card.

The only way to leave here is to fight!


"I'm here."

"Can you beat the man behind the scenes?"

Feng said, "I'll try my best."

Yu Cang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is the opponent this time so strong?"

Shaking his head, Yu Cang looked aside without saying anything: "Jie Shuang, President Wenren, I'll take you to a safe place first."

Wen Renge was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"...Then we'll fight."

"Are you looking down on me?" Wen Renge was unhappy, "I can fight too!"

Gu Jie Shuang on the side also looked worried: "Can't I stay too?"

"Well, the enemy is probably very strong." Yu Cang nodded, "I need to use that knife - if the enemy is not dead after that knife, I need you to come on stage."

"Okay." Gu Jieshuang took a deep breath and understood something.

Wen Renge: "... In short, don't think about fighting alone. As a soul card master, it is shameful to avoid fighting."

"Don't worry, I will need you when I need you."

Yu Cang slapped the card box, and all five spell cards were disconnected!

[Aether Domain Arrives]!

Ether Dragon·Ascends to the Ether Domain!

This soul card can directly disconnect five spells for summoning, and, with the ability [Wrinkle·Ascends Dragon], it can substitute the target at the connection end into the Starry Sky Vision!

The current Blue Star has not been able to bypass Yu Cang to threaten the target in the Starry Sky Vision.


The light hit the anchor ring, and Jieying's huge dragon-shaped body shuttled through it. Two of the anchors locked onto Gu Jieshuang and Wen Renge, and then it was carried into the dark space and disappeared.

After the two disappeared, Yu Cang raised his head and said loudly:

"Sir, it's time to show up now."


No one answered.

The ground shook more violently, and the roar became more intense.

"...I know what you mean, but let me refuse." Yu Cang said, "I won't write on your test questions. If you want to find or verify something from me, come out and ask me in person!"

Yu Cang's voice kept echoing in the blood-shrouded world, but it seemed that no one would ever respond.

Yu Cang sighed.

"Feng, do it."

Nodding lightly, Feng pulled the long knife out of the ground, and then the air condensed.

The next second, [Dragon Power Field] suddenly spread!

Countless invisible forces gathered from all directions. This was [Home of All Souls] absorbing soul power. Thick green flames burned on the blade, and all soul power turned into [Dark Flame Dragon Breath] covering it!

Feng closed his eyes slightly, [Ancient Sleep] triggered, causing himself to fall asleep, and the dragon's might was further enhanced, carrying [Violent Will] and spreading wantonly, but Feng did not fall asleep, or in other words, even in sleep, Feng could still swing the knife!

[Dragon's Prestige Field] and [Ancient Sleep] can greatly enhance the dragon's might. With mutual amplification, Feng's dragon's might has become substantial. At this time, [Insight of the Dragon's Eye] put a "Chaos Strike" in the deck into death cooling, thus gaining the ability of this spell card.

This spell card was originally based on Feng, and now it fell into Feng's hands, and its power was even more terrifying!

And then——

[Funeral Vortex]——burns life and causes high damage to all targets in [Dragon's Prestige Field] at the same time!

[End of Sight]——A slash at any target within sight! The target locked at this moment is naturally everything within sight!

The abilities of the four dragons are very diverse, but in Feng's hands, they are orderly.

Is the enemy the entire environment?

Then cut it all off with one sword!


The moment the domain expands to the extreme with the dragon's might, this sword also slashes out.

The dragon's breath is like rain, and the dragon's might is like prison!

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