Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 544: Killing and Breaking the Sword

Tai Chu's sword intention is called Tai Yan.

This is also Tai Chu's sword art - to calculate in an instant, exhaust all possibilities, and cut out the most perfect sword.

This is the most difficult and strongest sword art in Tai Chu's heart.

When he was still young, her sword was not strong, and her reaction and thinking speed were not enough to support such a huge amount of calculations. Even before she was promoted to myth, her sword art was not her strongest means.

The stronger the strength, the more variables there are in the battle. Even if the reaction and thinking are speeding up, how can they be faster than the number of variables that increase sharply in the battle?

Therefore, this kind of sword art will only become stronger and weaker.

However, Tai Chu never gave up. She has always insisted on fighting with a sword, especially after she became a card banner because of the betrayal of relatives and friends and could not turn back, she gave up everything and only used the sword to deal with all the enemies who were besieged.

In countless life-and-death crises, she had stronger power to use, but the sword art was always her last resort.

Therefore, when she saw Gu Jieshuang swinging her sword recklessly again and again, she was touched.

Gu Jieshuang is very similar to her when she was young.

But, she is much luckier than she was back then.

At that time, she didn't have someone like Yu Cang around her... She was betrayed by her best friend and forced to become a card banner. From then on, she was deserted by everyone and the whole world made her her enemy.

What Gu Jieshuang relied on was her strongest swordsmanship. And Tai Chu had to worry about the backlash of the card ban before she drew her sword, so she couldn't concentrate on it.

However, that was all in the past.

When she realized and understood the sword meaning, all the misfortunes had become a thing of the past.

Sword meaning·Tai Yan.

The weakest sword, when transformed into sword meaning, became the strongest swordsmanship.

From then on, there was no move in the world that she couldn't see through.

This sword meaning was also the key to her breaking through the shackles of the card banner and becoming a legend!


As her thoughts flowed, Gu Jieshuang once again came close, the synchronization aura on Jie'e's eyebrows kept trembling, and her momentum reached its peak again.

Just now, she didn't know how many times she had repeated the cycle of drawing the sword. However, although she tried her best to adjust the timing and skills of the 30% synchronization every time, she still didn't succeed once.

Will it be different this time?

Tai Chu was looking forward to it.

This cycle was naturally created by her sword intent.

She was using her sword intent to help Gu Jieshuang calculate the possibility of triple synchronization, calculating over and over again. As long as Gu Jieshuang's fighting will did not diminish, she would definitely calculate it!

These "time reversals" were actually just Tai Chu recording the few seconds when Gu Jieshuang swung the sword, and then repeating it infinitely in the space she wove - although it was a replay, it was not a cycle. Every time Gu Jieshuang swung the sword, she might realize something new.

Moreover, Tai Chu had sensed the sword intent in Gu Jieshuang's heart. She was looking forward to it. Facing herself, would Gu Jieshuang be able to use her sword intent under heavy pressure?


Gu Jieshuang shouted softly and attacked again with her sword. At this point, she had launched seventeen attacks in this space that seemed to never end. Every time, she was placed under Tai Chu's finger without any suspense, without exception!

However, the fighting spirit in her eyes had reached the peak state!


The starlight in her eyes was complex and magnificent, as if it contained an entire boundless starry sky. She entered a deeper state of star-level perception, and the world around her was slowed down indefinitely, almost still!

However, no matter how slow time became, Tai Chu's fingers were firmly across the path she had to take to attack. She couldn't cut it, avoid it, or dodge it!

She didn't believe it!


The twelve synchronized rings shattered with a bang. This time, the broken fragments did not scatter, but fell into Jie Mei like young swallows returning to their nests!

Triple star adjustment!


This sword is adjusted by Spring and Autumn, Etiquette, and Tianyuan Star Shift. The three forces are combined into one to create a future sword with three sword intentions!

When the sword is swung out, the sword light seems to flash across thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, vast, majestic, and continuous! The sword energy is across the mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers are rebuilt!

Anyone who stands in front of this sword will inevitably realize their own insignificance. Among the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, mortals are just a piece of mayfly.

However, the one who stands in front of this sword light at this moment is Tai Chu, the only immortal myth from ancient times to the present!


Tai Chu exclaimed, with undisguised surprise in his eyes.

Finally, Gu Jie Shuang broke through himself!

As soon as she thought of this, she couldn't help but feel itchy. Her fingertips changed their movements, and she took the initiative to attack, turning defense into offense. The sword intent that was originally natural leaked a little.

The fingertips broke through the sword light again and killed Gu Jieshuang's eyebrows. At the moment when this cycle was about to end, Gu Jieshuang's eyes suddenly froze.

She sensed the sword intent leaked by Tai Chu.

Although there was only a wisp, it was definitely the strongest sword intent she had ever sensed.

Ning Xingyi's sword intent was only at the legendary level, and Zhongqiu's Spring and Autumn sword intent was not at its peak.

Only now, facing Tai Chu, this mythical Tai Yan sword intent, without any cover, truly penetrated her perception!

Instantly, she felt her whole body tremble, her hair stood up, and the sword intent of Taiyan blew past. Gu Jieshuang felt as if she was naked. Every step she could take next was no longer unknown. Fate had already been woven into a net, waiting for her to enter.

Great terror!


Taichu once again broke Gu Jieshuang's sword, and then, Gu Jieshuang rushed out of the Xingtian vision again, but did not swing the sword again, but fell to the ground in a daze.

After eighteen swords, she finally stopped attacking.

At this moment, true despair finally came.

The complete mythical sword intent exceeded all her psychological preparations in advance. Taichu's light glance from a high vantage point was enough to make her twenty years of swordsmanship pale in comparison.

This kind of enemy... is she really able to defeat it?

In that sword intent, she really saw all the futures, all of which were swords collapsing and people dying, and none of them were successful in her victory.

Gu Jieshuang's heart had a crack.

When she was in a daze, Tai Chu also stopped.

It's bad.

She thought to herself that it was not good.

It was because she saw Gu Jieshuang's amazing sword, she couldn't help but hit him too hard.

And it was also because Gu Jieshuang's psychological endurance was too strong. No matter how she was tortured before, she couldn't be tortured, so she thought... In the end, she was tortured.

Tai Chu took a deep breath and glanced at Di Changan and Yu Cang beside him.

Well... Di Changan looked confident, as if saying "Taichu will never fail", and he didn't seem to realize the importance of the matter at all.

Yu Cang looked at Gu Jieshuang with a little worry, but out of confidence in Di Changan, he didn't say anything.


Do you want to watch me do the whole thing for you?


Tai Chu looked away.

No... Stay calm. Think of a way.

If something goes wrong at this time, apart from affecting the trust between her and Di Changan for more than a thousand years, it will also damage Gu Jieshuang, a good seedling.

There is no choice but to cut some meat.

Thinking of this, Tai Chu reached into her arms, as if to take out something.

Having lived for two thousand years, the resources in her hands can definitely be called luxurious.

Now, Gu Jieshuang's sword heart is frustrated. If she is left alone, she may become depressed and addicted.

She must quickly use some resources to stabilize Gu Jieshuang's mental state, and then take it with her in the next period of time to slowly restore her sword heart.

In this way, basically no problem.

But it is simple to say, but in fact - resources that can have such an effect are guaranteed to be myths.

And even if it is used, the effect will not be immediate - Gu Jieshuang should be silent for a long time in the future, and she may not even dare to pick up the sword again, nor dare to fight alone. But there are also benefits. After recovery in the future, Gu Jieshuang will definitely be able to reach a higher level in swordsmanship.

By then, Gu Jieshuang will definitely be able to master her own sword intention.

It looks like a good thing, but it is not the case - this process feels a bit hard.

This is a good thing for most people, but Gu Jieshuang's talent is here - if Gu Jieshuang uses this period of silence to fight against powerful enemies, the final effect may be better.

This so-called "destruction and then establishment" is used to break through bottlenecks, but Gu Jieshuang doesn't seem to have any bottlenecks at all, why suffer this.

But now that things have come to this, all she can do is to come up with better resources...


Tai Chu suddenly froze.

That is...


"Summoner." A voice came from Yu Cang's heart.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Yu Cang raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Let me make a move."

"Oh?" Yu Cang looked at Tai Chu not far away, "Are you itching to do it?"

"Part of it... is also related to Gu Jieshuang"

"... I know."

Yu Cang's mind moved, and then he understood something, and Wang Zhiwo appeared from behind and slowly walked forward.


Gu Jieshuang fell from the Xingtian vision, and her state cycled again. Si Tian and Jie Emei returned to her hands, but at this moment, she no longer had the intention to draw her sword.

What originally supported her to move forward forever was the desire for the future. She firmly believed that there would be a future where she could win in battle. All she had to do was to use synchronization to find that future and summon it.

But now, after seeing all the possibilities of the "future" in an instant, what was the need for her to swing her sword?

The road ahead was blocked, without any gap.

All this was meaningless...

Some kind of broken sound spread in her heart, she loosened her left hand, and Si Tian fell to the ground.

Behind her, the sword intent dissipated one by one, she smiled bitterly, and even Jie Emei in her right hand was about to fall... At this moment.

Wang Zhiwo passed by and caught Jie Emei.

"... Eh?" Gu Jieshuang was stunned, and there was a little more spirit in her eyes.

"Feel it well."

After saying this, Wang Zhiwo continued to move forward. Chaos light appeared from nothingness and was added to his body. In the blink of an eye, Feng had completed the summoning on Wang Zhiwo!

Wang Zhiwo turned into a swordsman from chaos. During the transformation, the crystal clear Jie Emei was always held in his hand. When his body shape completely changed, Feng raised his head slightly, and his eyes reflected the surprise in Taichu's eyes.

"Take my sword too."



Jie Emei raised her sword, not very fast. The crystal sword refracted the sunlight, reflecting the colorful colors. This sword came forward normally, but Tai Chu suddenly changed color.

Sword intention?


"Is this a knife method?"

"Wrong." Feng said, "Killing method."

Just as he said before in the chaos.

Sword and knife, the tools of life and death, why should they be so clearly divided.

Feng naturally has "knife intention", but Feng doesn't like this name.

He uses the knife because it is convenient, not because of persistence.

He prefers to call it——

Killing intention.


Jie Emei slashed out, and Tai Chu's face suddenly became serious. She pointed out with one finger, pointing to the most perfect solution, but... this time, Jie Emei did not appear before her fingertips.


The crystal clear sword pierced the delicate and perfect palm, and the rainbow light blurred in an instant. When it stopped again, the tip of Jie Emei's sword had appeared in front of Tai Chu's throat, just a fraction away from the throat.


Feng let go, and Jie Emei stayed in Taichu's palm.

Blood kept flowing out from the wound in the palm, flowing down Jie Emei.

Taiyan sword intent was broken.

But Feng did not defeat Taichu.

Because Feng made two moves, while Taichu only made one.

In the first move, Feng exceeded Taiyan sword intent's calculation.

In the second move, Feng pierced Taichu's palm, and she did not dodge.

Because Taichu knew the intention of Feng's sword.

"Broken... move?" Gu Jieshuang was stunned.

She did not see this kind of future at that moment.

Is this a brand new future?


Feng said: "Because my move was not perfect."

"... I know."

Gu Jieshuang took a deep breath, and her eyes gradually became less empty.

Yes, Feng came to show how to break the move.

So Taichu did not resist.

She knew that she had to "lose" in order to wake up Gu Jieshuang again.

It was nothing to see some blood for this.

If she really wanted to be serious, Feng couldn't bear it - Feng was only a power level 6 now, after all, so he could just fight one move, but he wanted to fight with the myth? The hardware couldn't keep up.

And at this moment.


The sky suddenly changed, dark clouds suddenly gathered, and a thunderbolt instantly lit up the entire sky, like a sharp sword falling!

Feng immediately realized that he had been completely locked in. Even if he canceled the summon, he couldn't return to the chaos, and could only take the thunderbolt.

This is the world's malice.

Just now, he used a power that exceeded his "power", so he would definitely attract the world's malice!

However, he didn't have any extra reactions.

Because, Yu Cang was there -


The thunderbolt turned 90 degrees directly above Feng's head, made a big turn, and crashed into the soul card at Yu Cang's fingertips!

At this time, Yu Cang's emperor's heart had been urged to the extreme, and the emperor's momentum dominated everything. He forcibly turned the target of the world's malice around and collected it with a blank soul card!


Ke La La...

The blank soul card on the fingertips slowly turned into smoke and dissipated, and Yu Cang looked strange.

This blank soul card is a specially made high-end product, even super-level heirlooms can be directly drawn on it!

Converted into can't be converted into money.

If one appears on the market, it is possible to speculate to hundreds of billions or even trillions...Generally speaking, it is more practical to exchange it with materials of the same level.

However, even such a top-level blank soul card still cannot contain a trace of world malice...

"...Forget it, as long as the person is fine,"

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