Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 558: Some conspiracy theories

Yes, that's the truth.

Yu Cang reacted immediately.

La had mentioned before that the infection that caused the distortion of celestial bodies was of the same origin as the wilderness.

Then, these celestial bodies also have "wild crystals"... It's reasonable, right?

Yes, it's reasonable.

But... I have tried it before, but the ghost light crystals should not be able to replace the wilderness crystals to store soul energy... and no mental pressure can be detected in them.

What's going on...

Is it because the current ghost light crystals are all tiny and fragmented?

Yu Cang thought of the "ghost light crystal sea" he had seen before at the border of the Nightmare.

Buried deep underground, a large piece of complete ghost light crystals was exposed to the surface in large areas somewhere, even forming a spectacle similar to the ocean.

This ghost light crystal exposed to the surface is only the tip of the iceberg, but it is still as vast as the ocean.

Such a large ghost light crystal looks a bit in line with the shape of the wilderness crystal that transcends mythology.

"Then." Yu Cang scratched his head, "Is this ghost light crystal really useless?"

"...Some insignificant little uses, I'm afraid it's far from what you think."

Well, how can luminous lighting not be considered a use?

Yu Cang sighed: "Okay."

La added: "There is indeed energy in the ghost light crystal. But this energy is difficult to call - after all, these are the remnants of the power of a person who surpassed the myth. The twisted thoughts they left behind during their lifetime will prevent everyone from calling their power, which leads to...the resources consumed for its development far exceed the rewards that can be obtained."

"Is that so...I see."

It's really not worth it to say that.

At this time, Stardust said, "It's not completely useless."

La raised his eyebrows: "Oh?... What do you mean?"

Stardust explained: "This kind of ghost light crystal can actually be used as 'fuel' by the Star Machine Library, but there are many ways to replenish energy in the Star Machine Library, and ghost light crystals are not necessary. But... my brother's 'artificial celestial body' can directly use ghost light crystals."

Yu Cang nodded: "Neither of them can see the benefits in a short time..."

These two things are still a little far away from him.

However, since there is a possibility of use, there must be some ways that have not been found... In this case, he will do it himself.

So, Yu Cang turned and said: "Then, besides this? Is there anything special about this so-called star cemetery?"

The princess and La looked at each other.

"If we talk about special places... then there is nothing except archaeological value. As it stands now, the Starry Cemetery has become a paradise for wild beasts, and this archaeological value is almost meaningless."

"What... After all this time, it turns out to be useless." Yu Cang sighed, "But it is also a learning experience. It turns out that there are such places in the starry world."


"Then I'll go out first." Yu Cang said, "My deck has not been upgraded yet."


The starlight in Yu Cang's eyes dimmed quickly when his sight returned to the present world.

He stood up and stretched.

His mentality now seems to be a little utilitarian.

If it were before, he would only find it interesting to know that there is a place like the Starry Cemetery, and plan when to go on an adventure to discover the relics of the last era.

But now, he is thinking about whether this will be useful and whether it can provide some strength to fight against the wilderness.

There is no way, in the current situation, he has to keep urgent.

But then again, although La and Xingchen both said that there was nothing noteworthy in the Star Cemetery, Yu Cang still included this area in his heart on the list of must-explore areas.

In itself, it is of great value to the archaeology of the last era.

The experience of the ancients in fighting against the wilderness is also worth learning.

Moreover, he thought of some doubts in his mind.

Blue Star is the "egg" of Chao Ci, so the Star Cemetery is the hotbed of Chao Ci.

So... is it really a coincidence that Chao Ci was conceived in the Star Cemetery? It shouldn't be.

Nutrition, concealment, environment... all kinds of factors are very suitable, so suitable that it seems that this "egg" was deliberately placed here by someone.

After all, La said that the Star Cemetery does not have the conditions for the birth of life. Although I don't know what the basis of this conclusion is, it is speculated that Chao Ci should not be naturally conceived in the Star Cemetery.

Chao Ci has existed for billions of years. This age is not old for the entire star world, but it is not young either. Even if he had some doubts before, he only thought that Chao Ci was a product of this era. But now there are so many old things in the Star Cemetery. It is possible that Chao Ci is also an old thing from before the era.

Moreover, the doubts about Chao Ci are only one aspect.

On the other hand... why did the Emperor Star choose Chao Ci as the place of fall?

Xingchen once gave the answer that because Chao Ci was protected by the law, others could not find it, so before Huang discovered this place, it had enough time to develop.

But now it seems... there are wild beasts everywhere in the Star Cemetery, the Youhuang Heaven Realm has come across the stars, and the God of Wilderness is eyeing outside the world... This posture has nothing to do with "secrets" no matter how you look at it.

This is leaking like a sieve.

Apart from the possibility that Emperor Star made a mistake and had no choice, then Blue Star must be special, and even Emperor Star must covet it.

If you think about it this way, it is indeed reasonable.

After all... Earlier, Emperor Star almost admitted that he was using Blue Star to raise Gu.

But, this is a bit meaningless.

The process is... Emperor Star first disperses all his power to nurture civilization, and then lets the people in the civilization kill and devour each other, and finally cultivates a forbidden card Gu King and a perfect body.

At that time, Emperor Star may descend in this body.

However, the energy seems to have not changed much during this whole process.

Look at how those Gu raisers in Miaodu raise Gu.

Put some carefully selected insects in a container and let them devour each other, and add some processed natural treasures in this process to increase the power of the adult insects.

In this way, only the most ferocious and most powerful insects can survive and become Gu Kings, and the others become nutrients.

In this process, the energy of the insects is constantly increasing.

But what about Emperor Star? From beginning to end, there was only the energy of Emperor Star, and it seemed unnecessary to reorganize and combine again... Why not put all this energy on one person from the beginning?

The star realm is so big, there must be someone who can bear it.

At that time, Yu Cang guessed that Emperor Star was seriously injured, and there was no choice.

But the princess's subsequent cursing refuted this point-if that was the case, just go to the Nameless Empire. They can call on the top resources in the starry sky. Whether you want to raise Gu or want to heal injuries, there are ways.

As a result, Emperor Star ran into the Blue Star in the corner and started to make purple sand without saying a word.

Ren Xingchen and Brother Wang searched half of the star realm all the way, but they didn't see Emperor Star for the last time.

Then it is obvious that in the eyes of Emperor Star, the value of Blue Star is higher than that of the Nameless Empire!

In other words... Blue Star, or Chao Ci itself, is the treasure of heaven and earth thrown into the secret room!

When the final "King of Gu" is born, in addition to the original power of Emperor Star, it must have also devoured Chao Ci's power, and those spirit beasts, and even the Creator himself, will inevitably become nutrients.

If Chao Ci was thrown into the Star Cemetery by some existence in the last era, then it makes sense... Emperor Star is also from the last era, and must know some inside story, so he resolutely chose this place.

Yu Cang felt that this inference might be a bit of a conspiracy theory, but it should be very close to the truth.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang thought for a moment, and immediately summoned Chao Ci from the place where he descended from the chariot - he decided to ask Chao Ci.

There is no evidence, and Emperor Star has no desire to communicate. He has no way to verify this guess, and no way to explore it.

If only I knew what Emperor Star was coveting.

Listening to Chao Ci's previous description, Emperor Star came here ten thousand years ago. If he hadn't been seriously injured, Chao Ci would not be able to resist Emperor Star's dominance.

This sounds reasonable, but it is not.

Whether it is Stardust or La, their evaluation of Emperor Star is very consistent - its authority can control all the power in the star world, without any exception.

Even if it is seriously injured, the authority should not fail. Moreover, at that time, Chao Ci was just a myth, and his strength was not enough in front of Emperor Star.

Blue Star must have something beyond the control of Emperor Star, so that Emperor Star cannot directly plunder it through authority, but must "absorb" it bit by bit through the method of raising Gu.

This thing... must be found.

Now that Emperor Star has changed from a friendly party to a friend-like enemy, then the necessary defense must be taken.

Before, it was powerless and unable to defend, but now that it has seen something that may work on Emperor Star, it must be taken.


"What?" Chao Ci opened his eyes wide, "Is there such a thing?"

"It's just a guess." Yu Cang said, "So, think about it, is there anything special about Blue Star as your eggshell?"

"Even if you say so, I..." Chao Ci frowned.

What Yu Cang said was a bit too subversive to her cognition.

Even when she heard Yu Cang talking about those conspiracy theories, she subconsciously didn't believe them.

Since she was born, she has had a very clear understanding of herself.

Born and raised, extraordinary. As long as she grows up, she can become stronger without limit. She didn't move forward, just because of pity for the world.

She never called herself a god, because the word god was not enough to explain her status.

Well... although it was not revealed, these concepts naturally existed in Chao Ci's heart.

Now, Yu Cang wanted to tell her that she actually had a "creator", a cub placed in the star cemetery by some existence, waiting to be hatched here?

This is too low-level! It doesn't match her creator's style at all!

Chao Ci frowned and was about to refute, but seeing Yu Cang's serious expression, he didn't rush to spit out the words in his mouth.

Yu Cang's judgment should not be groundless.

Out of trust in Cang, Chao Ci did not show his discomfort, but followed Yu Cang's thoughts and thought carefully.

"... I have no impression."

"Think about it again, when you met Emperor Star ten thousand years ago, what force helped you get rid of the domination?"

"Who would remember such a small thing so clearly?" Chao Ci was a little impatient, "Isn't it natural to refuse uneducated control?"

She really has no impression, and she is really annoyed now.

Moreover, when she realized that she was annoyed, she became even more annoyed - if it had been before coming down from Feng Yue Cangjian, even if she knew these things, her heart would not have the slightest fluctuation.

Her mentality has been calm for hundreds of millions of years, and she can truly be called the Creator.

But after becoming a mortal as "Chao Ci", she gradually began to have these irritating emotions, and was also affected by these emotions.

"Chao Ci, don't be angry."

Seeing such speeches, Yu Cang lowered his voice.

"I apologize if I offended you. But right now, I have to consider every possibility as much as possible."

"...I know, Yu Cang."

Chao Ci turned around twice on the bed.

"But I'm really not impressed."

Those who are so angry at Chao Ci don’t even use the self-proclaimed "Gu Yu Ru".

I wanted to refute, but I didn't want to get angry at Yu Cang.

Seeing this, Yu Cang smiled helplessly, then directly grabbed Chao Ci and carried her into his arms, and carefully touched her little head.

"Okay, don't be angry." Yu Cang said, "I'm just making a guess."

"...Hmph." Chao Ci softened slightly.

"Chao Ci, if this guess is true, then your background may be even greater."

After all, things that are naturally raised must be managed by the Emperor Star.

Beyond the myth, in the eyes of Emperor Star, it is just a more useful power.

Chao Ci can get rid of it, which means that her heel is more complicated. It may be something at the same level as Emperor Xing or even higher. Emperor Xing has to seek help from Chao Ci if he wants to truly fight against Huang.

"...No matter how big or small it is, do you think it's humorous to find a creator for Gu Pong Kong?"

Hearing this, Yu Cang was a little bit dumbfounded.

Is this what matters most to you?

He could only say: "It's all guesswork, guesswork..."


After staying in Yu Cang's arms for a while, Chao Ci suddenly stood up.

"Don't tell others until this guess is confirmed."

"Of course, I didn't say anything when Ra and Stardust were present just now."

"Assuming you know the truth... I will help you think about it. It will take some time to sort out the memory."

"Okay, sorry for the trouble Chao Ci. Thank you very much."

"Hmph, don't think that a few words of thanks can make me ignore your offense. I have made a note of it today. If your guess proves to be wrong in the future, I will ask you."

"Of course, I will bear whatever you want." Yu Cang agreed quickly.

After saying that, Chao Ci snorted again, rubbed Yu Cang's arms without leaving a trace, then turned around and got into the place where the chariot was lowered.

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