Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 592 Plague, Dirty People

"I know that little girls are naughty, so it's okay to let her be a little girl."

When Naga said a word, the expressions on everyone's faces changed to varying degrees.

On the side, Yu Cang, who had just finished pretending and was doing a concave shape, almost stopped tensing up.

The hunter's speech was still as shocking as ever.

"Let him be young", this kind of words that only existed in the last century, was actually heard here just like this.

Qiu Jindong was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry, but his face was slightly serious and he cupped his hands:

"The head of the family, we in the Yan Kingdom can no longer distinguish between big and small people. If you do this, please don't say it again in the future."

Seeing Qiu Jindong's expression, Naga moved his lips and could only sigh.

"Okay, that's it."

In fact, based on his observations of Cang and his party today, he also felt that this would be difficult to accomplish.

But for an unrivaled genius like Yu Cang, no matter what, he still had to give it a try.

Now that he was rejected, he did not insist, but just said: "Okay... Come with me, the dinner is not over yet."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at Na Jun, who was still stunned, and frowned.

"Why are you still standing there? What a shame!"

My daughter has decent talent, but this mentality is too bad!

It just became like this after being insulted. After receiving such a blow today, there will definitely be inner demons left in my heart.

If this is the case, forget it, but he still ignores his own dissuasion and forces a breakthrough... Humph.

"Ah?" Na Jun trembled, as if he was frightened.

Only then did she realize what she had done.

In the Tent of Eternal Life, the weak eat the strong. Even if she is the daughter of Naga, she cannot escape this.

Her beauty is spoiled and capricious, which relies on her talent. If she grows up normally, she is likely to add another kingdom to the tribe, so she is proud of her favor.

But today, in order to fight for her chance, she made a hasty breakthrough... This destroyed her potential and talent to a certain extent. Can she... still have such privileges in the tribe in the future?

In particular, she knew her father very well. The patriarchal Naga's feelings for her all came from his talent. Now like this...

Just now, my father wanted to get him married!

It would definitely not have been like this before...

For a moment, an inexplicable fear filled Na Jun's heart, causing her eyes to tremble unconsciously.

Everyone returned to the big tent together. The dancer who had exited earlier was already waiting in the venue. When they saw everyone sitting down, they started dancing again.

To be honest, although the dancer danced hard, her professionalism was not as good as the professional dancers Yu Cang had seen in Yan country, so it just looked like an exotic style.

After sitting down again this time, the enthusiasm on Naga's face was obviously much more sincere, and he invited everyone to drink.

However, in other people's territory, no one dared to indulge in such things. They only tasted the wine and took a few bites of the food.

Naturally, everyone has already done the simple procedure of detecting toxins, but everything should be done on the safe side.

During the dinner, when the atmosphere subsided slightly, Qiu Jindong suddenly spoke.

"By the way, the head of the family, Qiu, has something to ask."

"Ambassador, just say it's okay!"

"Before I came to the Everlasting Tent, I once heard that there is a strange disease in the Everlasting Tent today, which can make the sick person unable to help but hurt others. Is this true?"

As soon as these words came out, Naga's expression changed slightly.

He put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Lou Yan who was silent for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

"What the ambassador true. However, this matter happened for a reason."

Autumn and winter: "I would like to hear the details."

"This..." Naga turned his head and looked at Nazhe, "I heard from my little girl that when you met Zhe'er, you encountered a moving Immortal Dharma?"

"Yes, there was almost a misunderstanding at that time."

"The image of immortality is actually transformed by people infected with the so-called 'strange disease'."

Speaking of this, Naga snorted coldly.

"It's so shameful that this matter has even spread to the Yan Kingdom."


"Ambassador, let me tell you the truth. It's not a strange disease at all, it's the Desolate Sect who doesn't know what magic they cast, trying to infect the power of immortality!" Naga explained, "You should have seen it before, People who practice the Immortal Dharma will transform into the Immortal Dharma after death and go to the Immortal Seat.

"Once you fall into the trap of the Desolate Sect, not only will you be tortured and controlled by tyrannical emotions during your lifetime, but the Immortal Appearance after death will also turn into a 'dirty person'. On the surface, this dirty person is the same as the Immortal Appearance, but on the inside Has been eroded!

"The normal Immortal Dharma will not move, but dirty people will not only move, but become more violent than before, and will actively kill and devour living people... Since they have been defiled, Immortal will naturally not accept them. Let’s go, this person’s hard work for a lifetime has been completely wasted.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

Yu Cang also nodded secretly.

So that's it... This "disease" should only infect people who have practiced the method of immortality... Judging from this, his guess is correct. This is the experiment done by the Desolation Sect in order to let Desolation infect humans.

The method of immortality is a forbidden method. The process of active cultivation will destroy one's own soul energy well. Only in this way will it create opportunities for the infection of "famine".

So, the bite marks on the waist and abdomen of the strange corpse that I encountered when I first came to the Changsheng Tent can also be explained.

It should have been eaten by a "dirty person" who came from nowhere.

While Yu Cang was thinking, Qiu Jindong asked:

"Will that strange disease not infect ordinary people?"

"There is no precedent for ordinary people being infected. Only people who practice the Changsheng method will be infected." Naga said, "The people of the national teacher call this strange disease "disaster epidemic", which is to link this power with the incarnation of Changsheng's "Sijie"... Humph, tampering with the Changsheng scriptures, sooner or later, Changsheng will personally send him to hell from which there will be no return."

Naga naturally couldn't stand the behavior of the national teacher.

Putting aside the factor of faith, this so-called disaster epidemic has shaken the foundation of their tribe's rule over the Changsheng Tent!

In fact, these tribes all know what the Changsheng method is.

It is true that those who practice the Changsheng Dharma can go to the Buddha Kingdom.

As for whether this Buddha Kingdom is under the seat of Changsheng... it is highly likely not.

The royal Lou family has been stealing the power of longevity. Over the years, many myths have been born in the Lou family, but the power of longevity has never shown signs of exhaustion, and has not even decreased... What does it rely on? Of course, it is the offerings of the people of the Changsheng Account!

The power of the "Longevity Dharma Body" that has been cultivated is plundered by the Buddhist country, and then fed back to the contemporary Khan, and the cycle is complete!

It is precisely because of this that the Changsheng Account has never changed dynasties for thousands of years. The rule of the Lou family is as solid as iron and will not be shaken by anyone.

No one will be able to defeat the Emperor Khan in the Changsheng Account.

As the ruler of the ninth account, the Na clan has no share of this longevity power... Naturally.

Even if there are many people under their rule who cultivate the longevity Dharma body, not a bit of power will fall on them... But even so, they have never thought of overthrowing this system.

Because it is really too useful.

With this "Longevity Method", the people below will practice step by step honestly, and make themselves unable to move in the end. In this way, no one will make trouble at all.

Just like that Ye, the child died in the war, they don't have to do anything, just tell him that the child went to Changsheng to enjoy happiness, and they will foolishly believe it.

As for who started the war? Who should be responsible for it?

Naga doesn't need to consider it.

Moreover, they are not completely unable to share the power of Changsheng.

Although they can't really use the power of Changsheng to practice, the Great King's Court will give them some Longevity Magic Instruments, so that when they fight in the Changsheng Tent, they can use the power of Changsheng to temporarily improve their combat effectiveness.

National-level strongman + Longevity Magic Instrument, even if the myth comes, they dare to touch it.

In this way, their rule is unbreakable, and they can continuously exploit ordinary people. Why not?

As vested interests, they don't want to destroy the current system at all.

However, the behavior of the national teacher is completely contrary to the current system.

Connivance the Desolate Sect to tamper with the scriptures? Infected with the Immortal Dharma?

When everyone realizes that only those who practice the Immortal Dharma will get the plague, who will practice the Immortal Dharma?

It is more painful than killing them if the people below do not practice the Immortal Dharma!

Thinking of this, Naga sighed, and then beautified his "hardships" and told Qiu Jindong everything.

Judging from their previous performance, these people already know the truth about the Immortal Dharma, so they don't care about hiding it.

The other party is smart, and he can guess it without saying it.

On the contrary, speaking out can show that they do have irreconcilable contradictions with the national teacher, so that Qiu Jindong and others can trust themselves more.

"Hehe... This Sa Jue is really not a human." Qiu Jindong narrowed his eyes.

He looked at the food on the table, and with the help of his closed eyelids, he concealed a touch of coldness in it.

Not only the national teacher.

None of the ruling class of the Immortal Account is human.

As a Yan countryman, Qiu Jindong almost instinctively felt disgusted by this primitive, bloody and cruel system.

Naga did not notice the change in Qiu Jindong's expression, but just sighed:

"Alas, the longevity account has been gone for a long time!"

Naga wanted to say something, to play the victim, but Qiu Jindong said directly:

"Then the master, it's getting late, I'll let the junior go back first, and I'll discuss the next cooperation with the master in detail."

After all, he is old and has some self-restraint, so he won't curse.

But he was afraid that if Naga said more, the young men behind him would take action directly.

The killing army is a force that can be used. The Great King's Court is in crisis, and any help is a little bit.

Hearing this, Naga blinked.

"Well... Ambassador, please go ahead."

Qiu Jindong turned around and gave Yu Cang a few eyes.

Yu Cang understood, and left with a few people in silence.

After walking out of the big tent, the night breeze blew, and the hearts of several people were much more comfortable.

“This hunter tribe…” Gu Jieshuang wanted to say something but stopped.

But after hesitating for a long time, he still sighed and did not continue to speak.

Wen Renge was silent, and the smile on his face disappeared at some point.

The group walked on the way back to the accommodation.

At this time, Yu Cang looked at Lou Yan, who had also been silent:

“What do you think?”

“… Teacher, I…”

Lou Yan was speechless, but his fists were clenched tightly.

Seeing this, Yu Cang said nothing, but suddenly said:

"You saved the two desperate hunters, which is good." Yu Cang paused, "However, the hunters are short of production, and farming does not require too many people. After all, the rations for the workers should always be more."

Hearing this, Lou Yan paused, as if he realized something.

Yu Cang continued: "Those two people were brought by Nazhe himself. The people below probably won't do anything to them, but others may not... Maybe someone will lose their job because of them."

"I... I don't know..." Lou Yan's eyes were shaking.

After staying in this camp for a long time, he already knew deeply that this killing army was not an easy thing to deal with.

They would not pretend to be a righteous army, and they had to protect civilians.

The reason why those ordinary people were brought into this camp was, first, to grow some food, and second - naturally, to make human pills.

There are many people in the army who practice the longevity method!

Then, if two or more serfs lose their jobs because of my fault, what will happen to them...

Isn't it the same as killing someone with my own hands?

Lou Yan, who was already in a very heavy mood, was completely confused after hearing these words.

Seeing this, Yu Cang sighed imperceptibly.

"Don't blame you. In the backward productivity and system, you will never be able to save all the people." He said, "Lou Yan, it's useless to just smash the Buddha statue. You have to create a new one for them."

"New..." Lou Yan raised his head, "Teacher, what should I do?"

Yu Cang smiled: "You are the prince of the hunter tribe, you know what you should do better than me."


After discussing the specific matters of cooperation with Qiu Jindong, Naga left the big tent with a full body of alcohol.

But at this time, his brain was still clear.

He was thinking carefully about what Qiu Jindong had just said.

Behind him, Na Jun disappeared, only Na Zhe was still following silently.

After thinking for a long time, he had no clue, so Naga shook his head.

Let's go back and see what his father says.

Not long after, he returned to a tent, lifted the curtain, and pushed the door open.

"Father, you are testing..."

Naga's tone suddenly paused.

He looked at the scene in front of him and felt a chill rushing to his head.


He screamed in shock, took two steps at a time, and rushed into the tent.

At this time, in the center of the big tent, a hunchbacked old man with a face full of blood was lying there, his face was pale, and the ground was full of blood!

Walking closer, Naga hurriedly helped the old man up.

"Father, what are you doing, you... Didn't you go to test the hidden strength of Qiu Jindong and the others? How could you be injured to such an extent?"

The person in front of him was Naga's father, Nazhe's grandfather, and the actual ruler of the Na clan - Nalong!

He is the strongest of the Na clan. He has lived for more than 110 years and is the top guardian of the country!

At this moment, the guardian of the country seemed to be dying, and the horror in his eyes had not subsided until now.

"No... It's okay..."

"Who hurt you? I will report it to you..."

"Shut up!"

The dragon's face suddenly became fierce, and he grabbed Naga's mouth, otherwise he would say the rest of the words.

This seemed to affect the wound, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face became paler.

"Cough, cough..."

After coughing violently for a few times, the dragon slowly said:

"Nothing... happened..."

Naga: "..."

Looking at the miserable appearance of the dragon, at this moment, he completely put away the little thoughts in his heart.

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