Yu Cang went back to the card making room, turned on the light, cleaned up the room, then sat at the counter, staring at the empty shop for a little while in a trance.

Inexplicably agreed to a duel two days later.

That Nong Weiran said that since she was defeated by herself in the ancient capital college entrance examination last time, she has always been unwilling and wanted to challenge herself again.

But then Yu Cang went to the imperial capital, so she never had a chance. After Yu Cang returned to the ancient capital, Nong Weiran had been promoted to the fourth level, so even if he could beat Yu Cang who was at the third level, it would be invincible, so he never came to challenge.

Now that Yu Cang has finally reached the same level as her, she naturally won't miss it.

"...It's also just right, I haven't played a serious battle with anyone for a long time, so I should look for my status and prepare for the subsequent assessment of the battle club." Yu Cang didn't pay much attention.

However, looking at Nong Weiran's menacing appearance, he must be very confident in his progress during this period of time, so he still has to prepare well, lest he lose face and lose face.

Thinking of this, Yu Cang looked at the entry recorder, and the night market contributed two entries for him.

After the entries are extracted, a rare entry: [Diffusion] and a common entry: [Aroma] are obtained.

It all looks unremarkable, and I can't think of any use for the time being.

Turning his eyes to the entry library again, Yu Cang held the Dragon of Light and Shadow deck in his hand, thinking silently.

What kind of entries can be implanted to make the card group stronger.

Suddenly, Yu Cang thought of something, selected the item [Race: Dragon], and glanced at the probability of it being implanted into an unborn dragon.

"21%? Perhaps this is an implant direction."

Yu Cang tried to insert the entry, but failed as expected.

"Six hours of cooling time, try again tomorrow morning."

Yu Cang took out the entries that were not cooling down, and tried to implant them into the Sword of Judgment one by one.

Nong Weiran's card group is special, it will be a bit difficult to win by brute force, if you want to win, you have to think of other ways.

But it's a pity that most of the entries failed, and even if they succeeded, there was no effect that would make Yu Cang's eyes shine.

Only one of them is interesting:

Judgment Arrow Rain:

Category: Spell Cards

Quality: Rare

Attributes: None


[Choice]: This card has two attack methods: physical attack and energy attack. The user can choose when the soul card is activated, and it cannot be changed after selection.

[Ruling]: After activation, launch an indiscriminate attack on all summoned beasts within a certain range. This attack will directly kill the summoned beast that you have control over, and you can release this card multiple times at half the consumption. The number of times is the number of summoned beasts killed when it is released for the first time.

[Compassion]: If [Judgment] is triggered, the death cooldown of the soul card will be halved.

This soul card was created by Yu Cang after implanting [Normal] and [Echo] at the same time.

The original single-target damage has become an indiscriminate attack on the whole map, but correspondingly, the damage caused to each summoned beast is also much less.

Yu Cang calculated in his mind for a moment, even if it could be triggered multiple times, it is estimated that facing the summoned beast with a slightly higher panel would be scraping. And the activation of this soul card needs to clear one's field. If you are not careful, it may become a suicide skill.

However, it is undeniable that in some special occasions, it can simultaneously clear the field and quickly accumulate dragon scales, so it is not bad.

"It's a pity, the effect of this soul card should be suitable for that kind of Tauren deck..." Yu Cang clicked his tongue.

First grab the right to control, and then directly kill them all. The style of play is simple and rough. Unfortunately, Yu Cang has not seen a similar deck so far.

Even if there is a soul card with that kind of tauren effect, most of them have complicated conditions to achieve it, and most of them are single-body, so it is not worth using Judgment Arrow Rain for this reason.

Maybe...he could make one himself, though.

Yu Cang looked at the entries in the entry library and fell into thought.

There is a soul card in the Dragon of Light and Shadow deck, called the Plague Scale Behemoth, its ability is very interesting.

Soul Card Name: Scale Plague Giant Beast

Category: Summon Card

Quality: Rare

Attributes: None

Race: Beast


[Scale Plague]: The summoned beast is infected with scale plague, and as it suffers more and more damage, more and more dragon scales will grow on its body. If the damage received is a physical attack, black dragon scales will grow; if the damage received is an energy attack, white dragon scales will grow. The more dragon scales there are, the higher the defense power and the slower the speed of the plague scale beast. Drops all dragon scales upon death.

[Dragonborn]: When the attacking species is not the target of the dragon family, the attack power will increase. When attacked by an object whose race is Dragon, the damage received increases.

Yu Cang felt that as long as this soul card met the right entry, it would definitely be able to evolve the tauren ability! With a slight modification, the strength of the Dragon of Light and Shadow deck can be improved to a higher level!


Yu Cang sighed as he looked at the entry library that had all fallen into cooling.

Just try again later.

This matter is not urgent, after all, we don't need tauren to deal with Nong Weiran.

At this time, the personal terminal rang, and a message was sent.

Yu Cang picked it up and saw that it was a compressed package sent by Lin Yunqing, which contained the relevant papers and various data of the brand new Yingcao set!

...Is this too fast?

A 4-word essay was written in half a day?

Lin Yunqing's efficiency was as terrifying as a robot.

No, the robot still needs to be charged, and Lin Yunqing doesn't even have to eat dinner!

Yu Cang clicked on the file and read it from beginning to end. There was indeed nothing wrong with it, the kind that could be sent directly.

After sending out the documents, Lin Yunqing didn't say anything more. Yu Cang clicked on the typing box, hesitated for a moment, and only sent out "Thank you".



Lin Yunqing replied in seconds.


rest early

Yu Cang sent a message, but after waiting for a long time, there was no reply, so he could only shake his head and close the chat interface.

I have to say that as an assistant, Lin Yunqing is really useful.

I can't find any flaws in work ability and attitude, the kind that even Yu Cang feels a little guilty.

Yu Cang sent this compressed package to the official website of the association, and it can be sent out after the review is completed.

There will be no problems with this step. Even if the association wants to deny it to themselves, it is estimated that neither Ren Zheng nor Yang Heli will agree.

After dealing with these matters, Yu Cang stood up, stretched his waist, and was about to go upstairs to sleep when he saw another message from Gu Xieshuang.


Boss, that... do you still need me to come to the store tomorrow?

Seeing this, Yu Cang raised his eyebrows.

This is a problem.

He has already planned to stay in the laboratory unless necessary in the future. The materials there are sufficient and the conditions are good, which is exactly what he needs now.

However, it is really not good if the store is closed like this.

After thinking about it, Yu Cang typed:-

Come on, these days you are watching in the store for me-

What about the boss? -

I go to the lab and stay-


On the other end of the personal terminal, Gu Jieshuang was on the spot in a daze.

Thank you Fanqian Yuebu for your reward!

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