Card Master Guide

Chapter 165: Everything I Do Is Justice

"Gluttony Demon God Beelzebub" temporarily remained in the card, but was taken back by Lin Xiao.

The swarm of insects that seemed to be overwhelming the city with black clouds receded, and bright beams of light sprinkled from the cracks in the clouds in the sky.

Looking around at the depression with a radius of five kilometers, Lin Xiao stood in the middle of the pit and pursed his lips.

The amount of work involved in the aftermath is really not small!

"Mr. Epee Man."

The black mist floated over, condensing the figure of the black robe, the broken beak mask under the black hat, and the light of awe and gratitude in the eye sockets:

"Really... thank you very much... for your help!"

"You don't need to thank me." The epee man said in a calm voice, not wanting to chat, he turned and walked towards the heavy motorcycle that appeared.

Doctor Niaozui looked at the man on the back of the car, his voice was slightly hoarse:

"Curb the plague of insects, eradicate the plague, and defeat the demon god... You are a true national soldier and have saved countless lives!"

Lin Xiao has no real sense of saving people.

When he could smash down the nuclear weapon-like "Sky Meteor" with a wave of his hand, he felt a sense of emptiness brought about by the expansion of power.

It's like the protagonist of the game destroying the boss of the demon god, but it should go smoothly, and he can't empathize with the saved human beings.


He will do what he thinks is right.

Even on a chaotic path.

And at the end of the road, it may be because he did not kill the demon god, but made a contract with the demon god, which caused the crime.

He still thinks it's an act of justice.

"It's good to save people." The man in black armor started the engine.

"Please, wait a little longer!" Doctor Bird's Beak said, "I know your story. After the Theseus incident, I apologize for the Federation's disregard for you! But please believe me, after this incident, all Federation citizens Everyone will know that you are the hero who solves the fly plague!"

The epee man pondered for a while: "No need."

Dr. Bird's Beak stared blankly: "Huh?"

"I said, there is no need to publish my deeds."

It is said that the fly plague was solved by the epee people, so how can I receive the gold card reward from the team leader.

What's more, I want to be an ordinary five-good citizen rather than a righteous hero who is sought after by the media.

Doctor Niaozui looked at the calm and majestic epee man, and was in a daze for a while, then his eyes suddenly lit up with reverence:

"Yes, I understand!"

"You have a noble mind and a great personality!" Dr. Niaozui said sincerely.

Epee man:?

What did you understand...

"Mr. Roman promised to give a big reward to the card master who solved the fly plague. I know that you don't want to be burdened by your reputation, but I can't take the credit alone."

Doctor Niaozui said sincerely: "Perhaps one day, you can find me in the source world, and I will give you all the rewards for this trip."

"You've done pretty well." The epee man said suddenly.

Doctor Bird's Beak froze for a moment.

"If it weren't for the appearance of a demon god, you would be able to eradicate the fly plague and plague alone."

Lin Xiao pushed the handlebar: "As a doctor, heals diseases and saves can take the credit for this."

The engine roared, and the motorcycle galloped out like a wild horse, flying a row of dust.

Dr. Niaozui raised his revolver in his hand, looking at the figure in the distance, in a daze.

At this moment, because of the affirmation of his own ideas, the ghost under the beak mask couldn't help himself.

That's right... I am not Mr. Roman's killer in the eyes of others.

I am a doctor who heals and saves lives.

"Mr. Roman..."

Dr. Bird's Beak recalled the words and murmured:

"I seem to have met a... saint who preaches and dispels doubts..."

The motorcycle turned back halfway.

"I don't feel comfortable asking." The epee man said in a strange tone, "Shouldn't you need to ask me for money for the reconstruction project of the ruins with a radius of more than ten kilometers?"

Doctor Niaozui was taken aback for a moment, and the image of a mighty saint just now collapsed, but it was extremely real.

"Of course not." Doctor Bird's Beak smiled, "Mr. Roman will bear all the consequences."

Lin Xiao muttered: "I knew I would have been more ruthless."

Doctor Niaozui: "What did you say?"

The epee man said nothing, and pointed two fingers at the temples of the black gold helmet. After paying tribute, he drove away, and the rear of the car swept away the vast dust and smoke.

He had to rush to the runway of the nearest airport to meet Chu Yun and the others.

The event ended, for some reason.

Lin Xiao was both grateful and somewhat regretful:

"This time, the Fengshen did not crash!"


Federal Capital, Xington City, Leviathan Group.

Leviathan is the largest card manufacturer in the federation, and its most famous product is the 'origin card', which is a necessity to drive cards for non-card masters.

Its industries span multiple fields and can be called a textbook-level monopoly organization.

At this moment, the chairman's office at the highest level was pitch black.

The silver-haired man was wearing a suit, looking at the sleepless night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The chairman of the Leviathan Group, Kane walked into the office and the lights came on. He looked at Roman's back with a look of astonishment, and immediately said:

"Your sudden visit really surprised me."

"The plague of flies has been resolved." Roman turned around and said calmly, "Behind him is the demon god of gluttony, Beelzebub."

"Doctor Bird's Beak faced Beelzebub and solved the fly plague?" Kane was surprised.

"It wasn't him who solved the plague of flies, but..."

Roman paused for a moment, then said: "The heavy sword man... the card master who killed the monster of the sea."

His face was as usual, but his tone was extremely cold.

Kane, as Roman's personal friend, knows this friend's temper.

Although he is usually a perfect gentleman, when he sees someone's achievements and can catch up with him, he will have strong dissatisfaction.

This kind of character also drove him to keep climbing, and eventually reached the pinnacle in various fields, and even became the unparalleled national soldier of the Federation.

And after becoming the 'National Scholar Peerless', Roman poured all his heart and soul into this country, hoping that the Federation would also be like him, leaving competitors far behind.

For this reason, Roman joined hands with the Leviathan Group to pool resources and try to make Roman the first eighth-level card master in modern human history.


Kane looked down.

Roman's source power has been stuck at the peak of the seventh order, and he has not been able to break through.

This also means that he does not yet have the heart of a saint or a hero.

Unless, an opportunity can be found.

An opportunity for Roman to grow again.

"Do you know what I'm thinking? Kane." Roman asked lightly.

"I thought about it." Kane bowed his head, "but I dare not say..."

"This time the demon god was dealt with by the epee man, so what about next time!"

Roman turned his head, his eyes glowed with piercing light, he looked straight at Kane, and said:

"If the demon god continues to be resurrected, even if I mobilize all the national soldiers, I can't stop the demon god from raging... This will put the Federation in danger. In the national competition, our years of hard work will be destroyed!"

Kane dropped his head even lower.

"Of course... there is another way."

Roman looked down at the palm, the silver tinder glowed with elegance, he clenched his palm tightly, and said calmly:

"Let me control the power of the demon god."

Kane's body trembled.

"It's like Faust who signed a contract with Mephisto." Roman clenched his fist and said coldly, "Just use my soul to bet."

Kane raised his head and said hoarsely:

"Mr. Roman, using the power of the demon god, the behavior is no different from that of a fallen card master. If it is leaked..."

"There is nothing perfect in this world, Kane. As long as the Federation can become the first country with an eighth-level card master, I have a clear conscience." Roman said.



Roman turned his head and looked at the brightly lit night scene, his stern face was reflected on the glass window:

"For the country and the people, this is justice."

Kane was speechless for a while, and said in a low hoarse voice: "Then... still need to track down, do you need to find out the whereabouts of the epee man?"

"Find him, can you solve him?" Roman asked.

Kane shook his head.

"Yeah, so let him go."

Roman whispered:

"There is always a chance to play against him."


There is nothing left today, let’s pave the way for the plot|ω `)

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