Card Room

Chapter 070

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[Chapter 70, Speed ​​Train 3 - First Aid]

In the No. 4 car, the staff of the dining car delivered the set meal to the seats. The four quarreling couples began to dine in silence. The other passengers also had their own dinners. The family of five Yu Xinxin went to the dining car next door to order food.

The number of people in the dining car gradually increased, and it was obvious that some people came to eat from other cars.

The sleeper carriage where Yu Hanjiang was in was less crowded, and the tour guide had a list of tour groups directly. He quickly checked it out, went to the dining car No. 5, and nodded to Xiao Lou.

Xiao Lou looked at the Shangyu team and turned around and walked over.

The two meet in the pantry of the dining car.

Yu Hanjiang briefly talked about the situation in the No. 6 compartment: "A tour group of 12 people, staying in rooms 1-3, departs from the city of the sun to the city of the moon, and has to stay in the car for three days. The tour guide's full name is Qin Shi. Yue, everyone calls her Xiao Qin, she is a college student who has just graduated. She is 24 years old this year, very cheerful and chatty. She said that these old people are all retired workers, the youngest is 60 years old and the oldest is 70 years old. Before retirement, they were all in the same unit Yes, the relationship is very good, and we often sign up for group tours together."

Xiao Lou asked, "What about the other passengers? Is there anything unusual?"

Yu Hanjiang said: "No. 4 is a family of four, and their parents took their two young children to visit relatives in other places; rooms 5 and 6 are FITs, they don't know each other, and they don't speak. After getting in the car, they look down at their mobile phones. In the remaining rooms 7 and 8, a few people didn’t know each other at first, but after chatting, I found that everyone went to the academic conference, and they were all physics teachers from different high schools.”

Xiao Lou thought about it carefully and said, "It seems that there is little possibility of murder in other rooms, most of them don't know each other, so we still have to pay attention to this elderly tour group - it used to be the same unit, maybe it will be There is grievance."

Yu Hanjiang agreed: "Well, I have already asked for the list of all members of the tour group from the tour guide. Next, I will find out the details of each of these elderly people." He paused slightly, and then asked, "How is your situation? "

Xiao Lou roughly talked about the results of his ticket checking, as well as the couple quarreling and Jing Weiguang throwing instant noodles on people.

Yu Hanjiang frowned slightly: "Two couples, a group of five girlfriends, the relationship between these groups is prone to problems. Maybe they get along well on the surface, but hatred has long been buried in their hearts."

Xiao Lou nodded: "I think so too. I'm focusing on these people... and the late Jing Weiguang, he doesn't know anyone, but his appearance is too special, even if it's not the dead and the murderer, he will definitely A key player in driving the story."

Xiao Lou looked at the dining car that was gradually filling up in front of him, and suddenly said: "By the way, there is also a dining car. Everyone in the entire train can come to the dining car to eat. Is it possible that the murderer directly poisoned the food?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Even if it is poisoned, it will not be now."

At this moment, someone happened to pass by, and both Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou stepped back to clear the passage.

After the man was far away, Yu Hanjiang continued: "Most murder cases, the murderer is not on a whim, but has a well-planned plan. The murderer may not be familiar with the restaurant situation just after getting in the car. If he really wants to use poisoning The way to do it is to first examine the environment of the restaurant, and it will be more certain to do it tomorrow or the day after.”

Xiao Lou thought of another possibility and asked: "What if the flight attendants committed the crime? They should be familiar with the environment of the train, and it is very convenient to get in and out of the dining car. It would be easy to poison the dishes directly in the kitchen, right?"

Yu Hanjiang thought for a while and said, "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

For example, the 3 of hearts is the last crime committed by the teacher, and the 4 of hearts, maybe a perverted flight attendant will kill the passengers?

The two were analyzing, when they suddenly saw the entire senior tour group come to the dining car to eat.

The spectacular team of 12 people immediately attracted the attention of the people around them.

One of the bald old men complained: "Lao Li, the food in this food truck is too expensive. Let's go back and eat. Before I set off, my son bought me a pack of snacks and I haven't eaten them yet..."

The man called "Lao Li" was neatly dressed, but his hair was dyed black when he was old. He looked energetic. He smiled and said, "Is this expensive? When I went to eat seafood before, I had a meal Hundreds of thousands." He patted the other party's shoulder boldly and said, "Don't worry, I'll treat you to this meal!"

The bald old man's eyes lit up immediately: "Old Li is still refreshing!"

Someone next to him gossips: "Lao Li, how much money can your son earn a year?"

Old Li raised his eyebrows and pretended to be calm and said, "Not much, just a few billions."

Xiao Lou was taken aback when he heard it—several billions, converted into RMB at a ratio of 100:1, there were also tens of millions. This old grandfather is actually the father of a local tyrant, and he doesn't know what his son does.

Yu Hanjiang immediately leaned into Xiao Lou's ear and said, "Li Zhemin, 66 years old, is the richest of the group of old people. According to the tour guide girl, he often treats guests to dinner along the way, and often shows off how rich his son is. How filial."

It is normal for the elderly to get together and talk about their sons and daughters. However, if one of them often shows off his children, it will arouse the disgust of others over time.

Especially when everyone was from the same unit, the income level was similar, and the age of the children was not much different. As a result, this Li Zhemin raised a son with assets of over 100 million, which will naturally attract people's envy - maybe also attract people. Jealousy and hatred.

Xiao Lou Tsai

Carefully observe the faces of these old people.

A few who got close to Lao Li were full of envy and praised them: "Your son is the most promising!"

"I remember your little Li, he was very good when he was a child, his grades have always been the first in the school, and he was the top scholar in science in the year of the college entrance examination. Alas, he is not like that bastard boy in our family. He can't even afford a house until now, and he still has to eat. Old, rely on me to give him the down payment..."

An old lady with gray hair sighed softly and said, "Your son is at least married and has both children. How good are you to bring your grandchildren every day? My daughter is thirty-three, and she is thinking about work and promotion. , let her go on a blind date and not go, but I am worried to death!"

Someone joked: "The son of Lao Li's family is also single, how about introducing your daughter to him, and you two get married by the way?"

The old lady said: "Just kidding, my daughter is also an employee of an ordinary company, how can she be so high as Mr. Li? Xiao Li is so rich and handsome, the girl who is queuing up to chase him can't fit in the whole car. Bar!"

"Hahaha, there are indeed a lot of girls chasing him." Li Zhemin said with a distressed expression, "However, my son has a very high vision, he must find a smart, virtuous, beautiful and capable wife, the key is to be filial to me and meet the requirements. Not much."

"Your son's conditions are so good, there are not many girls who can match him. You have to open your eyes and choose a daughter-in-law."

"Of course." Li Zhemin said with a smile.

"By the way, Lao Li," someone changed the subject: "The real estate your son built is in a good location. I just want to prepare a wedding room for my son, can I get a discount?"

"No problem! Tell me directly if you want to buy it, and I'll ask my son to give you the internal price!" Li Zhemin promised boldly.

The three people at the same table with him are obviously the ones who have the best relationship with him at ordinary times. During the chat, they constantly praised his son. Some people ask him to buy a house at a low price, and some are just flattering.

The expressions of the people at the other two tables were not so uniform. Some people sneered when they heard his son's annual salary exceeded 100 million;

There was even an old lady who whispered to a friend next to him when he talked about his son's mate selection criteria: "Why doesn't his son find an angel?" "Oh, his son inherited his genes, and he is only 1.68 meters tall. My daughter is tall, so I have a few stinky money."

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other.

It seems that there may also be a problem with this senior tour group.

Li Zhemin is too high-profile and doesn't know the truth of 'wealth is not exposed'. It is easy to be disgusted by praising his son like this.

Not to mention his old colleague, Xiao Lou didn't feel good when he heard it. When other elderly people are worried that their children are not working well, can't afford a house, and can't find a partner, Li Zhemin said that his son's annual salary exceeds 100 million yuan, and the development of real estate requires extremely high requirements for finding a partner.

This old man chats regardless of occasions, his emotional intelligence is too low, and his vanity is strong.

Just like the people who show off their wealth every day in the circle of friends, it makes people look disgusted.

In fact, there are many such people in life. When ordinary people encounter this kind of show-off, at most they will spit out a few words in private. They shouldn't hate it to the point of killing people directly, right?

Xiao Lou leaned into Yu Hanjiang's ear and asked softly, "Is there any connection between the couple's group in carriage 4 and the elderly group in carriage 6? Or is it just a distraction that deliberately misleads us?"

Yu Hanjiang frowned and pondered for a moment, then said, "The three secret rooms of Hearts, 5 people died in the whole plot."

Xiao Lou was shocked: "Yes, the girl who was pushed down the stairs five years ago, the three murderers killed by the Avengers, and Ying Xiaoya who was innocently implicated in the end... Hearts 4 is not as difficult as red. Tao 3 is low, so it is very likely that there will be multiple dead on this train?"

Yu Hanjiang said decisively: "There are so many people in the 4th and 6th compartments. I speculate that the follow-up plot will be more complicated than that of Hearts 3. We pay close attention to the movements of these people, and once we find something, we will come to the dining car to meet."

The 3 of Hearts has the most obvious "The Count of Monte Cristo" as a reminder that the case is related to revenge.

But the 4 of hearts, so far have not found any obvious clues.

Just as Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang were about to turn around and return to the carriage, suddenly, voices sounded in their headsets at the same time: "Every train attendant, it's dinner time, please go back to No. 9 carriage as soon as possible to get a working meal."

The two looked at each other, and a trace of unease rose in their hearts at the same time.

They had to obey the instructions in the headset, but Car No. 9 was far away from here. Once they left, they couldn't predict what would happen in this car.

Yu Hanjiang said, "It's still daytime, so it's unlikely that the murderer will kill someone directly. Let's go eat first."

That was the only way, Xiao Lou turned around and followed the Shangyu team, and walked quickly to the 9th carriage.

The whole crew of the car gathered here, each received a working meal, and sat at the table to eat and chat. Xiao Lou pricked up his ears, but did not hear any useful information. Most people were gossiping.

He sat down with Yu Hanjiang face to face and opened the work meal.

The meal in the 4 Secret Room of Hearts is really good. The set menu includes a generous chicken chop, a golden fried egg, a small plate of pickled radishes, a plate of garlic lettuce, and a bowl of tomato and egg soup.

After several days of not eating well, Xiao Lou was very moved when he saw this set meal, and immediately opened the disposable chopsticks and started eating.

The two quickly settled the package, and just picked up a tissue and wiped their mouths—then they heard the voice of the female announcer in their ears.

There was obvious anxiety in his voice: "

The radio is looking for someone, is there any medical worker on the bus, please hurry to the No. 6 car, a child has an accident and needs the help of medical workers urgently... The radio is looking for someone, is there any medical worker in the car..."

The hasty broadcast was read twice in a row.

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other, quickly packed their lunch boxes, turned and rushed towards the No. 6 carriage.

Yu Hanjiang said with a sullen face as he walked: "The children in my carriage are only the children of the young couple in Room 4, the twins, both of whom are 3 years old this year and have just entered kindergarten."

Xiao Lou was very anxious: "The radio suddenly looked for a doctor, and I don't know what happened to the child."

During dinner time, the carriage was quite chaotic. In the middle of the aisle, there were people walking back and forth with boiled instant noodles. The two passed sideways and soon came to carriage No. 6.

Yu Hanjiang strode to the door of room 4.

Seeing the anxious face of the young couple, the woman was holding her three-year-old son in her arms, the child's face was blue and his whole body was twitching violently, Xiao Lou followed and immediately asked, "What's going on?!"

The woman cried and said, "I just fed the child, and the child suddenly became like this..."

Asphyxia spasm caused by inhalation of a foreign body into the trachea.

Xiao Lou also studied medicine, and he could understand what was going on just by looking at the child. He took a step forward and just wanted to help, but the next moment, he saw a person rushing over in a hurry: "What's the situation? What's wrong with the child? already?"

——It was actually Jing Weiguang in the No. 4 carriage.

Before Xiao Lou could react, Jing Weiguang pulled him and Yu Hanjiang apart, rushed into Room 4 from the gap between them, and said, "Give me the child!"

The woman's eyes were red, and she looked back at the young boy with messy hair and wrinkled clothes in front of her, and asked in a daze, "Who are you?"

Jing Weiguang said: "I'm an emergency doctor, give me the child quickly."

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, the woman immediately handed the child to him and hurriedly explained what had happened.

After Jing Weiguang heard it, he held the 3-year-old boy in his arms from behind and lifted the child's clothes. He calmly stretched out his right hand, placed two fingers above the child's navel, clenched his right hand into a fist, wrapped his left hand around his right hand, and slammed it backward and upward quickly.

The bruised-faced boy was recoiled by him five times in a row, and he coughed violently—

I saw a raisin the size of a fingernail coughed out, and the child's face and breathing gradually returned to normal. He was obviously uncomfortable, and cried out with a "wow".

Jing Weiguang handed the child back to the woman, and warned: "Be careful when feeding the child, especially when the child is crying, it is easy to be sucked into the air pipe. If this happens again next time, you guys You can do the first aid as I just did."

While coaxing her son, the woman looked at him gratefully: "Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much!"

Her husband also grabbed Jing Weiguang's hand and shook it, and said, "Thank you, doctor! What's your name, and which hospital are you in? Later, our husband and wife will definitely visit and give you a pennant!"

Jing Weiguang's face was slightly red, and he waved his hand in a hurry: "No need, it's a big effort, cough, if it's okay, I'll go back first..."

He turned around and ran quickly, leaving Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang to look at each other.

Yu Hanjiang walked over to confirm that the child was not in danger, and then turned around and came out.

A lot of passengers came over to watch, and they all said with emotion: "There are still many kindhearted people!" "The children are lucky, there is a doctor in the car..."

Xiao Lou whispered in Yu Hanjiang's ear, "He is the late Jing Weiguang. I didn't expect him to be a doctor."

Just now, Jing Weiguang used the "Heimlich Abdominal Impact Method" commonly used in the emergency department. The technique is "scissors, rock, and cloth." In this position; cloth, wrap the "stone" with the other hand like a cloth, and quickly push it backward and upward, 5 times per round, until the child coughs up the foreign object.

The principle of this first aid method is to increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity, so that the diaphragm rises, which in turn increases the pressure in the chest cavity and allows the trachea to discharge the foreign body. When a child eats, it will be accidentally inhaled into the trachea. If the first aid is not timely, it can be fatal.

Jing Weiguang ran to the No. 4 carriage to save the child and told the passerby: He was a doctor.

Xiao Lou said thoughtfully: "The couple in row 8, the two girls also studied medicine, Yue Xiaoquan clinical medicine, Mo Jiaran nursing, it's no coincidence that there are so many medical majors in the carriage."

Yu Hanjiang said: "Perhaps it means that the murder technique in this secret room is rather special, and there is no medical related major among the passers-by, so they can't solve the mystery. Therefore, there are so many doctors in the secret room of the plot. If the passers-by do not understand, they can ask Jing Weiguang. ?"

Jing Weiguang, a doctor who acts alone, is unlikely to be the deceased or the murderer.

Now it seems that the existence of Jing Weiguang is more like an NPC who assists passers-by to judge medical knowledge?

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