Card Room

Chapter 118

↘End♂Ben♂God♂Lizhan↙Mobile phone user input address:

[Chapter 118, Moon City]

The plum blossom boy waved his hand lightly, and a 10-meter-long LCD screen appeared in the middle of the venue, and the introduction of the two main cities began to play on the screen. If Plum Blossom 4 is an entrance examination, then the video being played now is very similar to a "university admissions promotional video".

Sun City is located by the sea, an island surrounded by the sea.

Under the sunlight, the city seems to be covered with a soft golden veil. The white and delicate sandy beach, the crystal clear blue sea water, can't see any trace of pollution.

There is not a single bit of rubbish on the beach. In the video, many people are wearing swimsuits and walking barefoot on the beach. Some people are lying on deck chairs while basking in the sun while reading a book. Some people are playing various interesting projects on the sea, such as Parachute, surf, sea yacht and more.

Everyone had sunny smiles on their faces. If it wasn't for being in the card world, Xiao Lou would even mistakenly think that this beautiful seaside city is a paradise for people to spend their holidays.

The more Yu Hanjiang looked at it, the more weird he felt.

Those warm and beautiful pictures on the screen are completely opposite to the cruelty and cruelty of the secret room.

It's like... two worlds that have nothing to do with each other.

Xiao Lou also felt this way, and he couldn't help asking: "The challenger of Sun City, don't you need to continue to break through?"

The plum blossom boy said indifferently: "The aborigines don't need to break through the barrier, they have their own lives, but you challengers must break through the barrier regularly, of course, if you like, you can also integrate into this world, find a job here, and even get married and have children. "

He looked back at the screen. At this time, the video was played on a beautiful coastline. There is a road in Sun City called "Sunshine Avenue". The wide asphalt road is full of palm trees on both sides, and the umbrella-shaped leaves hang down. Forms a large area of ​​shade.

The emerald green trees, clear sea, blue sky and white clouds interact with each other, and a screenshot can be used as a 5A scenic spot directly on the computer desktop.

The plum blossom boy continued: "As a coastal city, Sun City has the most beautiful sea view in the card world, the best and cheapest seafood, Sunshine Avenue is a good place for citizens to take a walk, the city's prices are moderate, and the sea view rooms are also quite It's cheap, as long as 50 million gold coins, you can buy a well-decorated sea view villa."

According to the 100:1 exchange rate between gold coins and RMB, 50 million gold coins are equivalent to 500,000 RMB.

500,000 RMB want to buy a sea view villa in the real world? This is simply a fool's dream!

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other. They were not happy because the prices in Sun City were cheap, but they were even more worried—their speculation was correct. After entering the main city, many challengers may gradually integrate into this world. Discover the beauty of this world, and then shake your determination to go back.

Just imagine, a person who can’t even afford a 50-square-meter unfinished house in the real world can directly buy a decorated sea view villa by earning some gold coins through the secret room in the card world... He will still firmly want to go back, Live in your own crappy rental house?

Material temptation, although it is the most vulgar means, often many people cannot resist it.

Yu Hanjiang frowned and asked, "What's the situation in Moon City?"

The plum blossom boy waved his finger lightly, and the picture on the screen immediately changed into another promotional video.

If the City of the Sun is the most beautiful coastal city, then the City of the Moon is the most beautiful garden city—the whole city is located in the depths of the forest, and there are tall trees everywhere around the city. "Rainforest" illusion.

The big trees on both sides of the street can grow directly to the balconies of residents' homes, and the green canopy can be seen by opening the windows.

Those exotic flowers and plants grow extremely luxuriantly, and the city is almost a scene at every step.

The architectural style of the city is also completely opposite to the high-rise buildings and sea view villas in Sun City. There are more primitive wooden houses here. The jungle wooden houses have different shapes, which are not interesting. Some wooden houses are built directly on top of big trees. You can climb up the steps made of tree trunks. Three-storey wooden villas are scattered in every corner of Moon City, and the whole city is like a paradise for leisure and retirement.

Compared to the hustle and bustle of the City of the Sun, the City of the Moon is extraordinarily quiet.

Under the shroud of hazy moonlight, the Moon City located deep in the forest reveals a trace of mystery, where people can live a life in close contact with nature. Since the green plant coverage rate is as high as 70%, the air here is definitely the best. Fresh and pleasant.

The plum blossom boy said: "The prices in Moon City are similar to those in Sun City. You can also buy wooden houses and small villas at the same price. Seafood here will be very expensive, but there are a lot of mountain delicacies. The variety of mushrooms alone is expensive. There are more than a dozen kinds, and all kinds of barbecue are also quite cheap.”

With a paralyzed face, the young man dutifully introduced the two cities to everyone.

Xiao Lou was keenly aware of a certain detail in the promotional video, and said: "In the promotional video of Moon City, the whole city is always at night, illuminated by moonlight... Is this a coincidence, or is it that there is no day in Moon City? "

Liu Qiao didn't realize this. Hearing Professor Xiao's question, he immediately realized that the video of City of Sun was indeed a bright sunny day, while City of Moon had always been a night shrouded in moonlight.

The plum blossom boy said lightly: "The two cities count on 24 hours a day. The City of the Sun has 18 hours of daytime and 6 hours of night; the City of the Moon has 18 hours of night and 6 hours of daytime. Work

The time is from nine to twelve in the morning and one to four in the afternoon. "

Liu Qiao opened his eyes wide in surprise: "You only need to work 6 hours a day?"

The plum blossom boy said: "Yes, people should spend most of their time resting and entertaining. Don't you guys work 6 hours a day?"

The four fell silent at the same time.

In the real world, not to mention working 6 hours a day, 8 hours is the most basic. In many IT industries, overtime work is even more normal. It is often 22 o'clock in the evening when I get home from work, and I fall asleep when I am tired.

Off work at 4pm? Everyone really dare not think about it.

500,000 to buy a well-furnished villa, work 6 hours a day, and spend most of the time for entertainment...

Such a life is like a dream.

Liu Qiao suddenly said, "Why do these two cities look like the ideal cities in fairy tales?"

The plum blossom boy glanced at her and nodded, "The City of the Sun and the City of the Moon are indeed ideal cities for human life."

The room fell silent again.

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang were psychologically shocked. They always thought that the card world was cruel and full of dangers. However, the main city of the card world has been built into an "ideal country" that is difficult for human society to achieve.

Here they can buy a villa at a very low price, eat all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, and enjoy the best living environment, such as the fresh air and greenery in the City of the Moon, or the bright sunshine and beautiful scenery of the City of the Sun. beach...

After staying in such a place for a long time, who wants to go back?

Xiao Lou clenched his fists tightly, he understood what the biggest pitfall in the card world was.

The pit that the big and small kings buried for the challengers was the one who remained calm. The two main cities were like a gentle quagmire. Once people got stuck, they could never get out.

Use the best material conditions to corrupt people's hearts, make challengers lose the motivation to go back, and settle in the card world.

When the challengers integrate into this world, they will gradually forget that their previous life was much worse than here, forget their relatives and friends in reality, make new relatives and friends here, and start a new life.

Nearly 80 million challengers passed the first four tests, but no one passed the test.

It's incredible!

Xiao Lou turned his head to look at Yu Hanjiang, who nodded to him, obviously the two of them thought of the same thing.

Yu Hanjiang said simply: "Let's go to Moon City."

The boy with plum blossoms said: "Where are contestants No. 3 and No. 4? Please choose."

Of course Liu Qiao also chose the City of the Moon, but the masked man smiled slightly and said, "I like seafood, so I choose the City of the Sun."

The plum blossom boy opened two doors in the field, one is golden, representing the city of the sun; the other is silver, representing the city of the moon, he made an invitation gesture: "Four, please, remember to check the card after entering the door Bag."

Xiao Lou, Yu Hanjiang and Liu Qiao walked into the silver door.

I thought I would be teleported directly to Moon City, but the three of them walked into a large airport. Xiao Lou was startled, and immediately followed the plum blossom boy's prompt to check the card package, and found that there was an extra card [ticket], the starting point Plum Blossom 4-The terminal city of the moon.

This was the air ticket given to them by the plum blossom boy. The three of them looked at each other and found that there were people coming and going in the airport, and there were many challengers like them who looked dazed. Yu Hanjiang glanced across the airport and saw the check-in area, and the three of them walked there together.

The airport staff quickly helped them complete the formalities, and the three boarded the plane together.

There were nearly a hundred people on this flight.

Some looked calm, and began to close their eyes to rest after getting on the plane; some looked left and right, sneaking eyes at the passengers around them;

The seats of Xiao Lou, Yu Hanjiang and Liu Qiao happened to be together.

Liu Qiao is by the window, Yu Hanjiang is in the middle, and Xiao Lou is by the aisle. He found two boys in their twenties sitting next to him, dressed as college students, Xiao Lou leaned over and asked softly, "Are you from Plum Blossom 4?"

The boy was stunned for a moment, and soon his face was full of joy, like "meeting a fellow countryman abroad", he said excitedly: "Yeah! Are you too?"

Xiao Lou nodded: "It seems that those who go to Moon City from Plum Blossom 4 all go there by plane."

The boy scratched his head and said, "I don't know if someone will welcome us after we go to Moon City? My mind is empty now, just like when I went to study abroad alone..."

After all, we are going to a completely unfamiliar city, and everyone is very uneasy.

Although the promotional video shows a peaceful picture, who knows what the real life in the city will be like? Especially some challengers who lost gold coins in club 4 were even more worried that they would have no place to live.

The beautiful stewardess read some precautions to everyone, and the plane took off.

It's late at night outside the window, and you can see the stars.

The passengers on the plane had different expressions, most of them were anxious, and some were whispering to their companions, discussing the next plan.

Yu Hanjiang suddenly said: "I'm worried that Mr. Shao and Ye Qi will pass by Heart, probably not by plane."

Xiao Lou was startled, remembering that 4 of Hearts was an "extremely fast train", he nodded and said: "The Yu team is right. Mr. Shao and Ye Qi went to Moon City from 4 of Hearts. I think it is very likely that they took the train. .”

Liu Qiaodao: "In this way, we will land at the airport in Moon City, but they will get off at the train station in Moon City. Even if we go to Moon City at the same time, we won't be able to meet them?"

Xiao Lou said helplessly: "It's very likely that we won't meet. But it doesn't matter, as long as everyone is in Moon City, we can find a way to find Mr. Shao and Ye Qi." He looked at Yu Hanjiang and asked, "How much money does Team Yu have left?" money?"

Yu Hanjiang made the calculations and said, "Plum Blossom won 4 wins and 4 wins, and finally won 200,000."

"I also earned 200,000 yuan in Plum Blossom 4, plus the money earned from the previous financial crisis, our current disposable funds are about 800,000 yuan." Xiao Lou rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Shao's account should be There are several million deposits, after we find him, we will find a way to sell the opal bracelet and jade wool, and we will not have to worry about money in the future.”

Penniless Liu Qiao: "..."

Finding Liu Qiao's complexion was wrong, Xiao Lou looked at her with a smile: "Did Xiao Liu lose all his money at Plum Blossom 4?"

Liu Qiao said with a pale face: "I don't have a lot of money, and I just stepped on the penalty mark. I really don't have any cash in my hand."

Xiao Lou suggested: "Why don't you follow us first, wait until we meet Mr. Shao, you sell the bracelet, and then think of a way when you have money." He paused, and added: "Also, where is your sister? , when we arrive at the main city, we can also help you find it.”

Liu Qiao was grateful, nodded earnestly and said, "Thank you, Professor Xiao."

Xiao Lou smiled: "You're welcome."

He took care of Liu Qiao, first because he had promised Liu Qiao's sister that if he met Liu Qiao one day, he would let her live a good life. Secondly, he is a teacher and Liu Qiao is a student of their school, so he can't just watch Xiao Liu sleep on the street.

He is not capable of helping too many people, but it is more than enough to take care of the students.

The three discussed the next plan, and at this moment, the announcement sounded in the plane: "Passengers, our plane is about to land, please fasten your seat belts..."

After a slight turbulence, the plane landed slowly on the ground.

Under the guidance of the stewardess, everyone got off the plane in an orderly manner according to their seats and walked out of the airport.

It was still night outside, and as soon as the three of them walked out of the airport, they saw a full moon hanging high in the night sky—it was the most beautiful moon they had ever seen. The huge moon seemed to be within reach, the soft moonlight enveloped the city lightly, and the lights were brightly lit in the distance. Obviously, the residents in the city hadn't slept yet, and their nightlife might have just begun.

The clock at the airport showed: It was eight o'clock in the evening.

The breeze was blowing, bringing a faint scent of grass and trees in the air, and the suitable temperature and fresh air made the three of them feel extremely comfortable.

Looking back from the outside, you can find that the airport in Moon City was built in the shape of a big tree, the central axis is the trunk, the upper three floors are like extended branches, and the whole building is wrapped in green vines , the air corridor is full of flowers, those flowers grow extremely vigorously, and some small light blue flowers hang down from the third floor to the ground, forming a large "flower waterfall".

Liu Qiao couldn't help but marvel: "Put this in the real world, it will definitely become a tourist attraction."

Xiao Loudao: "Even if we hold a wedding here, the scene is beautiful enough."

Especially the flower waterfall that surrounds the airport is really better than any flower-themed tourist attraction in reality.

There is a large lavender flowerbed in the distance, purple flowers are blooming under the moonlight, and the faint fragrance is refreshing.

A girl next to her said excitedly: "My God! Such a big lavender field is so beautiful!"

It's beautiful here, and the design of the airport alone is shocking.

But the more shocking it was, the more uneasy Xiao Lou felt. He could tell that many challengers around him really liked these flowers and plants. If it was the real world, they might all pick up their phones and start taking selfies and posting them on Moments. Even in the card world, the surprise in their eyes was undisguised.

If you ask them "Are you willing to settle in this city?" at this time, they may still hesitate.

Can I ask again after a while?

The hesitation in my heart is likely to disappear.

Xiao Lou gently rubbed his temples, and said with emotion: "It's such a beautiful city."

Yu Hanjiang said coldly: "The big and small kings use this method to deceive people, we don't want to be fooled. Let's go, find a place to live first."

However, the three of them had just walked a few steps when they noticed some banners suddenly appeared outside the airport.

One of the banners reads - penniless "outsiders" can come to us and provide temporary shelter!

Outsider, the three words are marked in red and quoted. This is how the local residents call the challenger. There is no need for the locals to add quotation marks. This should be the organization of the challenger.

There is also a banner next to it - Luoying Pavilion is recruiting new spots, girls can come to consult.

Seeing this, Xiao Lou whispered in Liu Qiao's ear, "Xiao Liu, go over there and ask what's going on."

Liu Qiao nodded, and went to Luoying Pavilion to ask about recruiting new recruits. There were two women sitting there with exquisite makeup, chatting, with bright smiles on their faces, and their mental state seemed to be very good.

Liu Qiao went over to chat with them for a while, then returned to Xiao Lou, and said in a low voice, "It's the Challenger Association. Luoying Pavilion only accepts girls. Girls who don't have a team can ask them to register, and they will help arrange a team."

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang glanced at each other—as expected, there are many challenger organizations in the main city.

Just as I was wondering, a soft female voice suddenly sounded in my ear: "Broadcasting is looking for someone, broadcasting is looking for someone, tourists from other places, Mr. Yu Hanjiang, Mr. Yu Hanjiang, please hurry to the airport information desk, a friend is waiting for you."

This sentence made the three of them startled at the same time.

Yu Hanjiang frowned: "Are you looking for me?"

Xiao Lou suddenly realized something, and said, "Captain Yu, it is very likely that he is your real friend."

Liu Qiao also reacted: "That's right, Professor Xiao and Police Officer Yu broke the world records of 3 hearts and 4 hearts before, I have seen this news, and maybe all the challengers in the main city have seen it too. "

Xiao Lou nodded in agreement: "If Team Yu knows someone in real life, after seeing the news, he must know that you have also come to the card world. He can predict the time when you will enter the main city, and keep an eye on the flight from Club 4 Or the bullet train coming from Heart 4, it is convenient and quick to use this method of broadcasting to find people.”

Yu Hanjiang felt that it made sense, so he turned around and said, "Go and have a look."

The author has something to say: See you tonight!

It's the end of the month, ask for a wave of nutrient solution, it won't expire!

Little angels who like this book, pour all your nutrient solution over, okay!

Support: ↘End♂Ben♂God♂Lizhan↙Friends who like this site can recommend it to more friends who love reading!

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