Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 121 No one can escape!

Although the professors searched diligently throughout the night, no trace of Sirius Black was found.

Of course, just like Professor Lupin, Professor Dumbledore also had doubts about what happened back then. Sirius's sudden escape from prison now shows that there is another hidden reason behind this matter.

Otherwise, if Sirius had the ability to escape from prison, why did he wait until so many years later to escape?

Back in the principal's office, Professor Dumbledore picked up a newspaper on the table.

He got the news from the Ministry of Magic. It was said that after Sirius escaped from prison, the only thing left in the cell was this issue of the Daily Prophet.

The front page of the newspaper was a photo of the Weasley family traveling to Egypt because they won the lottery. Judging from the traces of reading the newspaper in the cell, Sirius only read the front page before escaping from prison.

Professor Dumbledore's eyes swept over every detail of the photo, and finally slowly came to rest on the mouse on Ron's shoulder. While a thought flashed through his mind, he seemed to have found Sirius' escape from prison. Cage way.


No matter what situation Sirius is in now, at least Adam's classmates don't have the mind to think about those things now.

It was another Care of Magical Creatures class, and Professor Scamander did not bring any magical creatures - Professor Scamander had already shown everyone his magical suitcase before.

Almost any magical animal from all over the world can be found in his suitcase. However, Professor Scamander did not bring his suitcase now. This shows that the magical animals involved in this lesson are very dangerous, and about this The First Lesson of Fantastic Beasts…

"Well, yes, I believe everyone is ready..."

Professor Scamander couldn't help but smile when he saw everyone looking like they were facing an enemy.

Newt Scamander has been active in the wizarding world for so long that many people don't know that he actually has a bit of bad taste in him.

"Today we are going to start learning about a new magical animal, the poison horn."

Professor Scamander raised an index finger and looked around:

"Can anyone tell you some information about the Poison Horned Beast?"

After half a semester of teaching, Professor Scamander has become better in the classroom.

The people sitting below were either badgers who admired Professor Scamander, or Ravenclaws who loved knowledge. As soon as this question came up, the entire class raised their hands and other houses became silent, and other professors wanted to cry.

"Well, then...Eugene will answer."

Professor Scamander glanced around and selected the most outstanding one.

Eugene stood up, took a deep breath with some excitement, and then began to read the introduction to the Poison Horned Beast in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them":

"The poison horn is a large beast that lives in Africa. It has a gray body and is very similar to a rhinoceros. It can weigh up to one ton..."

"Very good, I remember it very clearly. Is there anyone else who would like to add?"

Professor Scamander looked around, and finally looked at Adam beside him:


"Poison horned beasts are prone to casualties during the estrus period. Male poison horned beasts often blow each other to death in competition for mates at this time."

Adam added, then thought for a moment:

"Their explosive liquid actually tastes good after cooking. I used this thing to stuff sausages before. It tastes a bit like blood sausage, and the taste is surprisingly good."


Professor Scamander actually didn’t know the latter point, so he nodded:

"Maybe we can try it next time..."

Although he likes magical animals, he is not such an unrealistic person. In addition to studying magical animals over the years, he has also devoted himself to banning poaching and protecting magical animal habitats. He can only raise magical animals and eat them. Say you don’t like it but accept it.

"You can look forward to Christmas dinner."

Nodding, Professor Scamander looked at everyone and smiled:

"Now everyone should have a general understanding of the poisonous horned beast. Next, I will introduce the habits of the poisonous horned beast in detail, and how we can protect ourselves when we encounter them in the wild."

The mating dance of the Poison Horned Beast is a bit complicated, so after introducing the habits of the Poison Horned Beast in this class, Professor Scamander only had time to break down the movements for everyone before the class ended. The specific study will start in the next class.

After Professor Scamander left, the little wizards suddenly let out a wail.


Colon couldn't help but cover his face and hit his head against the tree:

"That dance! Do we really want to dance?"

With his back to the poisonous horned beast, he raised his buttocks and twisted, and then rolled on the ground!

Just after watching Professor Scamander demonstrate once, he was already so embarrassed that he had to dig his toes on the ground!

"Colon, this is all based on Professor Scamander's experience. Senior Newt relied on this mating dance to catch the female horned beast in heat."

Adam patted Cologne's shoulder reassuringly;

"Besides, Professor Scamander is still going into battle at an advanced age. You can't let all his hard work go to waste, right?"

"Ni Zuokai!"

When Cologne heard this sarcastic remark, he subconsciously said it. After saying it, he looked back and was even more devastated:

"At least put the smile on your face when you say this!"

"Huh? Am I smiling?"

Adam stretched out his hand and touched the raised corner of his mouth:

"Oh, this...I was born with smiling lips...pfft——"

"Ahhhhh Adam, you're going too far!"

Looking at the laughing Adam and Cologne, Uther couldn't help but pinch his eyebrows when he thought of the dance that made people's eyes darken.

Otherwise...he should go find the Weasley twins and buy some quick-acting skip-a-school candy, right?

He doesn’t want to dance that dance either!

Although there are not many young wizards who have the idea of ​​​​quickly skipping school candy, it is not impossible, especially Ravenclaw.

Most of the Hufflepuff badgers thought that this was Professor Scamander's class and could bear it with gritted teeth, but the Ravenclaw eaglets had no such worries.

As for the little wizards who had such thoughts, Adam smiled slightly. Did he know that he was also involved in the development of quick-acting skipping candy? He even bought a camera.

Want to run?

There are no doors!

Not to mention the windows, the skylights are all welded shut by you!

From white essence to various magic potions, he has already prepared the antidote for all kinds of quick-acting truant candies.

No one can escape! All come to me for lessons!

Without waiting for everyone to worry too much about the next lesson on Care of Magical Creatures, which involves learning the mating dance of the poison horned beast, this year's Quidditch match kicked off on the weekend.

On the day of the competition, it started to rain heavily early in the morning. The dull thunder echoed in the thick clouds. The strong wind carried the raindrops, hitting the face and even making people feel pain.

However, even if the weather is like this, the Quidditch match will not be canceled - let alone heavy rain, even if there is hail and the hail kills people, the most they can do is replace the players.

Game canceled? Doesn't exist!

"Is this the sportsmanship of wizards? They are really, I cry to death!"

Bernard's muffled voice came from under the scarf.

"Why do you wear a scarf so well?"

Adam gave him a strange look,

"Is my umbrella not wide enough?"

Bernard, who was hiding under Adam's umbrella, pulled down his scarf and smiled:

"Wouldn't this make it more atmospheric?"

Everyone looked at him speechlessly: You have a lot of fun.

Because the rain was too heavy, Adam stretched out his magic wand and held up an invisible umbrella, blocking the wind and rain from the five people. He could actually make the rain stop, but considering that the two sides in this game were Gran. Fendo and Slytherin, there is actually no need to stop this rain.

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