Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 127: Purified Horcrux

Throwing Sirius aside, Adam still had his own things to do.

After studying magic for so long, he didn't just study how to look cool, but also had some very practical experience.

Not long after pretending to accidentally discover the Room of Requirement, Adam had already obtained the Ravenclaw's diadem inside. This Horcrux was even obtained before the diary.

However, Adam has never had a good way to deal with the soul fragments inside and keep the diadem intact.

If Voldemort is not a good guy who wastes good things, several Horcruxes are basically treasures, Salazar Slytherin's locket, Helga Hufflepuff's gold cup, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, Marvolo Gaunt's ring... Harry Potter can barely be counted.

If possible, Adam still hopes to deal with Voldemort's soul fragments separately without damaging the carrier, at least to keep Helga Hufflepuff's gold cup.

While exploring the combination of Clow Cards, Adam accidentally discovered a combination that can do this... a wonderful combination.

After looking at the crown from Lady Rowena Ravenclaw, which had been restored to its original glory, Adam took out another Horcrux in his hand -

Marvolo Gaunt's ring, or...

"Resurrection Stone."

The ring itself was crudely made, and Adam disdained the ring setting and threw it in the ruins of Gaunt's old house. Adam now only had the Resurrection Stone originally embedded in it.

Holding the Resurrection Stone in his hand, the protection of the shield completely ignored the curse on it, just like when Adam turned Gaunt's old house upside down to find the ring.

By the way, the location of Gaunt's old house was provided by Mr. Mundungus Fletcher, who did not want to reveal his name.

At that time in Hogsmeade Village, this guy was caught by Adam because of his dirty hands and feet, and because of his good attitude of admitting his mistakes, he won the opportunity for leniency.

Adam was very satisfied with his attitude, but the basilisk and the Acromantula seemed a little disappointed.

Now Mundungus is employed by Adam to help Adam collect some information, such as the information about poaching and smuggling magical animals in the black market, and the location of Gaunt's old house.

After a moment of distraction, Adam looked at the Resurrection Stone in his hand and used the magic of the double card to copy the Resurrection Stone into two copies. The magic of the substitution card was then activated, and the soul fragments on the two Horcruxes exchanged carriers with each other.


Remove the magic of the double card, one magic stone disappears, and the soul fragment attached to it loses its carrier, leaving only a mass of matter more ethereal than smoke, which dissipates with a gust of wind.

At the same time, the soul fragment on the other Resurrection Stone also disappeared with the removal of the double card magic.

After a series of operations, Adam successfully obtained a Resurrection Stone with the soul fragment removed.

This method was thought of by Adam yesterday when he was experimenting with Rowena Ravenclaw's crown - of course, the crown was copied by the double card.

When he succeeded for the first time, Adam couldn't help but burst out a swear word.

He is really a genius!

This method can perfectly solve the soul fragments on the dead object Horcrux. As for Harry... let's talk about it later. The original route is quite effective. Adam will try his best to let Voldemort follow the original pit. The only thing that needs to be changed is the ownership of the Elder Wand, but this is actually very easy to operate.

Adam looked at the Resurrection Stone in his hand with satisfaction, thinking about what kind of jewelry to make it into.

Although the effect of the Resurrection Stone seems to have no practical significance, it is still very collectible as a Deathly Hallow.

Time is still passing day by day. On a rainy day, the Slytherin team lost unexpectedly in the game against the Hufflepuff team.

The captain of Slytherin was a little angrily scolding the Seeker Draco, thinking that he was the main reason for their defeat, and threatened to replace him in the next game.

Facing Gryffindor, Draco did not have the skills of Harry to shuttle freely in the wind and rain. Facing Hufflepuff, Draco did not have the physique of Cedric to face the wind and rain.

"I always feel that this is not a compliment."

Cedric's expression was a little subtle when he heard this, but then he was attracted by the large table of dishes in front of him.

Three of the Hufflepuff team members were his good friends, and the rest were basically acquaintances. Cedric entrusted him to prepare a celebratory banquet for everyone, and Adam would naturally not refuse.

For this reason, Adam even served the roasted eight-eyed giant spider. The invited Ravenclaw Seeker Qiu Zhang said that she was a little bit unacceptable, and Adam helped her change a bowl of rock sugar bird's nest.

"Ahem, change one for me too."

Cedric looked at the fragrant eight-eyed giant spider and swallowed hard.

Looking at those teammates who were wolfing down the food, he knew that the roasted eight-eyed giant spider was absolutely delicious, but he still resolutely pushed the eight-eyed giant spider away from him.

Adam looked at him in surprise, then looked at Qiu Zhang, who was drinking rock sugar bird's nest in small sips, with a blush on her cheeks, and smiled knowingly.


Adam deliberately dragged out the ending sound, and watched as the shyness on Cedric's face turned into shame and anger, and even showed signs of being angry, before he helped him change a plate of scones.

Cedric looked at the scones in front of him, and then looked at the rock sugar bird's nest in front of Qiu Zhang, and a question mark popped up in his head.

Are you kidding me? He paid for the meal. Everyone else was eating delicious food, but he was eating scones?

"There's nothing else. There are only two eight-eyed giant spiders left. You can eat them if you want."

Faced with Cedric's question mark, Adam spread his hands.

Cedric wanted to say something, but Qiu Zhang pulled his clothes:

"Forget it, it's so late, let's eat together."

Looking at the rock sugar bird's nest pushed between the two of them, Cedric looked at Adam again, and couldn't help showing some gratitude and admiration in his eyes, secretly giving Adam a thumbs up.

Thank you, boss, I'll come again next time!

After dinner, Cedric found Adam to thank him for his help again. Adam said that this was nothing, and then introduced Cedric to his business: wedding candy, cakes and wedding banquets one-stop service, now book to enjoy 20% discount, and also send a luxury special effects gift package - ten miles of flowers and snow.

"Ten miles of flowers and snow all over the sky... these two special effects don't match?"

"It doesn't matter, you can use one this time and the other next time."

"...Next time?"

"Ahem, I mean if there are any other banquets next time, you can also find me, anyway, I'll keep this for you."

Thinking that even if he and Qiu Zhang can't get married in the end, they will always get married in the future, Cedric finally took out the money:

"Order one!"

"Okay~ Then I have to take a look at the birthday banquets, housewarming banquets, enrollment banquets, graduation banquets, full moon banquets here..."

Finally, Cedric looked at his drained wallet and couldn't help thinking about whether the banquets he just ordered were really necessary.

Well... it's necessary!

Back to the dormitory, looking at Adam who was counting the money, Bernard was a little speechless:

"You are not short of money, so why do you accept orders even decades later?"

"You don't understand the joy that the process of making money brings to people~"

Adam flicked his thumb, and a gold galleon was bounced up and caught by him.

"Then, Adam, do you accept family banquets?"

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