Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 15 A little shocking Chinese breakfast

"These cabinets greatly improve the utilization of the original space."

Bernard walked to a row of standing cabinets and took a look. Adam's books had been reduced in size and densely packed into only one floor, while each row of standing cabinets in front of him had two columns and six floors of space.

So Bernard turned to look at Adam:

“Maybe I could use some of that space?”

"Everyone has a column, and there's also a column for public items - I can't give you an example right now but it's always good to keep it."

"When I saw the mirror, I remembered that I needed it, otherwise it would be inconvenient to put on makeup."

This is Uther. After he said it, Adam discovered that he had put on makeup before. It turned out that there were not dark circles around his eyes but smoky makeup...

“It looks very cozy.”

Eugene sat down on the sofa, looked at the soft cushions under his feet and blinked:

"It feels like someone has lived here for a long feels like home."

So after a vote, the five people sitting on the small sofa unanimously agreed to keep Adam's changes to the dormitory.

Compared to the public area, Adam's four-poster bed and its surroundings were the most modified, but that was Adam's private area. Others were curious but did not ask.

Everyone was a little tired after going through a lot of things today. After sitting on the sofa for a long time, we felt sleepy, so we went to bed. The first night after entering Hogwarts passed like this...

"Hmm - um... um!!! Ah~"

After stretching, Cologne chirped a few times, sat up from the bed, and twitched his nose.

It smells so good...

"You're awake."

Colon turned his head and rubbed his eyes, only to see Adam and Eugene sitting on the small sofa. The round table in front of them held a stove and... a crucible?

"The breakfast at Hogwarts is in the Great Hall. Uther and the others have already gone, or do you want to try the preserved egg chicken porridge and tea eggs I cooked like Eugene?"

As Adam spoke, he rolled the tea egg in his hand on the table, smoothly tore off the eggshell and stuffed it into his mouth.

"...What is that?"

Colon grabbed a handful of hair that looked like a chicken coop, got out of bed and walked to the crucible. He found a pot of soup rolling inside. There were rice, shredded pork and some dark things in the soup.

"Breakfast from China, the breakfast at Hogwarts includes jam bread, kippers, eggs, bacon, corn's a little too greasy for me."

Breakfast of bacon and omelette is not bad once in a while, but I can't get used to eating Adam all the time. Just before, my grandparents came and made breakfast for several days... The old man was very interested and it was hard to refuse, alas.

Adam swallowed half of the tea egg and continued:

"So I asked the house elves for some ingredients, and I brought some myself. However, the casserole was making soup, and it was my first time to use the cauldron to make porridge and tea eggs... Well, I don't have the tea at Hogwarts. Good job, I’ll use my own next time.”

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Adam used his wand to extinguish the flame, filled a small bowl and handed it to Eugene:

"Be careful because it's hot. Try it first to see if it suits your taste."


Eugene took the bowl and nodded to Adam.

"...And soup?"

Colon rubbed his face. The breakfast he had at home was basically bacon toast and baked potatoes. It couldn't be that complicated.

But in fact, Adam hasn't started to do the really complicated stuff yet.

"Well, you can probably drink it in the afternoon. We just don't have classes this afternoon, so I want you to try the yam, poria, and pigeon soup passed down by my mother."


Although I don’t understand it, it seems to be very powerful.

Curious about the exotic breakfast, after washing up, Colon also sat down and tasted a bowl of that... porridge. It tasted great and was very different from the breakfast he usually had.

"Drink a bowl of hot porridge in the morning and your whole body will warm up."

Adam drank two bowls, but the remaining portion was not enough for Eugene and Colon to share. Fortunately, there were still a lot of tea eggs, and Colon ate three in one go.

If Adam hadn't stopped him, he could have eaten the remaining two for Xiao Ke and Si Bi.

"Adam deserves to be the one who owns the restaurant in his family~"

On the way to class, Colon realized that he seemed to be a little stuffed.

"As long as you like it, I should be able to cook often, especially breakfast."

As a chef, it is indeed a great feeling of accomplishment to receive good reviews for your food.

"Can I cook fish?"

Eugene turned back, his eyes shining with anticipation.

"Hmm... Fish is a bit troublesome to handle, but I will consider it, provided there is fresh fish in Hogwarts."

The British don't know how to handle fresh fish at all, such as looking up at the stars, boiling fish and eggs, etc. In the authentic way, the fish is stuffed directly with the internal organs. You can imagine the taste...

So Adam wonders if fresh fish is stored at Hogwarts?

Find a chance to ask the house elf. Anyway, he has brought all the spices to remove the smell. If you really have some, you can get a few.

Oh, right...

"Let me tell you in advance, the fish I cook may be different from what you have eaten will have a lot of little spines."

I hope Eugene can learn to pick fish bones, otherwise he will suffer the consequences of eating Adam's fish.

The first class for Hufflepuff was Professor Sprout's Herbology class. This was a gray-haired witch who always looked at the students with very loving eyes.

It is worth mentioning that while serving as Professor of Herbology, Professor Sprout was also the Head of House of Hufflepuff.

After a brief greeting and welcoming everyone to the herbology class, Professor Sprout began her teaching. As an introductory course in herbology, Professor Sprout explained a harmless and powerful herb - Dictamnus.

This is a very practical herb that can help wounds heal quickly without even being made into a potion. Dictamnus essence is the most commonly used trauma medicine for wizards.

After a class of theoretical knowledge, Professor Sprout asked everyone to pick the Dictamnus that matured during the past holiday in the second class.

Adam put on gardening gloves and handled the Dictamnus he was responsible for quickly, and then he was stunned when he looked at Eugene beside him:

"What are you doing...?"

Eugene did not answer him immediately, but carefully reached out and held a Dictamnus leaf:

"Picking Dictamnus."

Adam carefully recalled the class he had just listened to. It seemed that Professor Sprout did not say that the picking process should be so meticulous... If you don't know, you might think Eugene is picking some precious things.

"Why do you have to do it so... complicated? Picking by hand should be more efficient."

Eugene lowered his head, turned out a few white fresh leaves from the bottom of his harvest, and handed them to Adam.

Adam took a closer look and found that the leaves were torn and tattered, and the junction of the branches and leaves was connected to a piece of the main branch's skin, which looked as if it had undergone some inhuman destruction.

"My strength is a bit strong, and I can't control it well."

After Eugene finished speaking, he reached out and picked up a white fresh leaf, and then let go of his hand-Adam clearly saw a clearly visible fingerprint on the white fresh leaf, and even the white fresh juice was squeezed out, and he was sure that Eugene didn't use force just now.

Oh my god, buddy, you... are you a troll cub?

Looking at Eugene's somewhat lost expression, Adam swallowed the spit on his lips and patted his shoulder comfortingly:

"It's okay, I believe there will be magical plants suitable for you."

For example, Devil's Ivy, Whomping Willow, or squeezing the thick juice of Babo tubers, this kind of work should also be suitable for him.

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