Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 164 Return, Arrival at the World Cup Venue

"Huh~ That's good."

The third uncle breathed a sigh of relief and warned:

"I inquired about the address. It's a pawnshop called Jinyumantang, which specializes in selling stolen goods. You'd better stay away from there. This time you are more capable, otherwise you will be easily killed secretly."

"I see."

Adam just nodded in agreement.

After the third uncle inquired, he couldn't keep the news secret, but there was only one and a half days left before Adam was leaving Hong Kong Island, so it didn't matter.

The third day...

"I'm sorry for bothering my two aunts to spend the past few days in Hong Kong Island with me. Please accept this small gift."

Before boarding the plane, Adam handed several boxes to his two aunts.

This trip brought together a whole family of people, but in the end Adam was still not included in the family tree. It would not be a loss for several uncles to meet Ms. Li, but the two aunts were a real waste of time and a wasted trip.

"I'm about to board the plane, and my luggage has been stored. I think my two aunts won't let me carry the box and fly back, right?"

Before the two aunts could be polite, Adam put his words back.

"Oh, this...then we'll accept it."

Although the box was not opened, the two aunts still recognized the Cuige brand, and looking at the packaging, they knew that the items inside were not cheap.

No matter what their previous mentality was, at least the two aunts were happy now.

"We are all a family, so there is no need to be so polite. We can have more contact with each other in the future."

Since Adam is also a member of the wizarding world, there is no taboo between them and Ms. Li.

As Adam expected, there was no obstacle in his return to board the plane. Ms. Li caught up on her sleep on the way back, but judging from the smile on her lips, she was in a good mood.

‘Well, it seems that this trip to Hong Kong Island was not in vain. ’

Adam nodded and closed his eyes as well, mainly because of the jet lag.

August 20th arrived in the blink of an eye, two days before the Quidditch World Cup.

The appointment was for the five people in the dormitory to gather tomorrow afternoon, but Uther had to come with Mrs. Tuya, so he arrived today.

"Adam~Long time no see~"

After a long-awaited hug, Adam looked at Uther, and there was only a suitcase next to him:

"Where's Auntie?"

"Their group is hosted by the Ministry of Magic and has special accommodation. We can just go find them the day after tomorrow and the seats will be reserved."

Uther said, glancing behind Adam.

"My parents are both at work today...are you staying in the safe house? Or in the guest room?"

"'s better to have a safe house."

Although Adam's parents are easy to get along with, he always feels self-conscious when adults are around.

"Okay, let's go directly."

Adam stretched out his hand for Uther to hold. The next moment, the two of them felt as if their navels were being hooked. In the blink of an eye, they were in the safe house.

"Is this...portkey?"

Uther took back his hand and found a sapphire button in his hand.

"Well, I've made a new one for you."

This safe house can be regarded as Uther's permanent residence in England, so there is no problem in giving him the door key. In addition, Egypt is not completely safe anymore. The mouse just retreated into the gutter. It is impossible to say that Uther will use this in other situations in the future.

Of course, it's best not to use it.

Uther accepted the door key unceremoniously, and they no longer had to worry about this:

"Just in time, I also brought you a gift... Dangdangdang~"

Uther took a sphinx out of the suitcase.

It can be seen that he was just born, but his body size is already larger than Xiaoke and Sibi's energy-saving state.

"Didn't you always say that you wanted to raise a Sphynx? It would be best to raise it before it is one year old. This time, a Sphynx just happened to be born."

Sphinxes are magical animals with extremely high ecological niches and extremely long lifespans. It takes several years to conceive one child, and each child only has 1 to 2 animals. This is only if the sphinxes are willing. Their intelligence is destined. However, they will not be bred as easily as ordinary livestock.

Adam has been eyeing the Sphinx for a long time, but even though Uther and his family ruled the entire Nile River Basin, they still only got a newborn Sphinx today.

Adam took it over with some surprise and checked it out. It was the alpha male Sphinx.

"When the mother is found, I will get it for you. Anyway, I have the door key."

Uther assured him, and Adam had no doubt that he could do it.

"Don't worry, given the Sphinx's life, there won't be much of an age difference within two hundred years."

The lifespan of a sphinx is about 500 to 800 years. Except for the first ten years and the last one hundred years, they are basically at the age where they can pair up and mate.

Uther smiled bitterly upon hearing this:

"They are not in a hurry. I will be a mummy in two hundred years..."

Adam smiled lightly and waited until Voldemort's problem was solved.

They reunited after a long absence, and they had a great meal that night. Mrs. Tuya also wanted to come, but Fudge dragged her to a meal of British specialties...

Tuya: That doesn’t have to be the case, I grew up in the UK!

Anyway, when I went to find Mrs. Tuya the next day, she was eating sandwiches with a group of employees of the Egyptian Ministry of Magic.

When he saw Adam and Uther eating rice balls, Adam felt a green light flash in Tuya's eyes. He didn't know if it was an illusion.

Adam choked and took out a bunch of rice balls from his bag:

"Try it?"

When Bernard and Eugene arrived together, they saw a group of people sitting in a row with rice balls in their arms, chewing them in unison.

"...Try it?"

When they were about to go to the location of the portkey, everyone was full.

The portkey arranged for foreign guests to use is certainly not something like a broken bucket or a rotten boot, but a statue in the forest.

"This aging process is not very thoughtful."

Adam picked up the vine hanging on the statue to disguise that the statue had been there for a long time. Due to dehydration for too long, the leaves have begun to dry and turn yellow. Just a glance will tell that these plants are not grown on the ground.

But think about the aging process in Europe and the United States. It seems that it has always been confusing...Everything "archaeologically" out is shiny and bright.

Next year, Voldemort will be completely resurrected. The Ministry of Magic should deny it for a while, and then let the Death Eaters blow up the British Museum. Let's see how they deal with the accountability of the Muggle government.

The group put their hands on the statue, and after a feeling of being dragged by a hook, they arrived at the venue of the Quidditch World Cup.

"Come with me, our position is in the front."

The location of the Egyptian magic department is not small. After setting up the tent, the space inside is extremely spacious. Everyone has their own separate compartment divided by curtains.

"We don't need to separate our beds, so there will be more space."

Cologne suggested.

"Okay, let's have hot pot tonight?"

Adam raised four curtains with a wave of his hand, and the five beds were squeezed a little closer, which immediately freed up a space for eating hot pot around the stove, and there was still room.

"Well... how about barbecue? I haven't had it for a long time."

After Bernard spoke, everyone else felt tempted.

It seems that barbecue is more popular than hot pot, but...

"Eating barbecue inside may cause carbon monoxide poisoning."

"Then let's go out to eat."

"...Isn't it a bit immoral?"

Eugene came to his senses. The smell of barbecue is much more overbearing than hot pot. That fragrance...

"What's immoral about that? Everyone is responsible for their own food. Let's go~"

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