Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Potions Class

Adam rubbed his hands and left the principal's office with satisfaction.

After he finished eating the coconut sorbet just now, he still couldn't help but ran to Fox and asked very politely if he could touch it. Originally, he just went with the mentality of giving it a try without losing anything, but he didn't expect Fox to stare at him. After a while, he actually nodded in agreement!

Phoenix - in fact, it should be translated as phoenix - the feathers on the wings and tail feel very silky to the touch, while the fluff on the abdomen is extremely soft, and the feeling of rubbing the fingertips is simply mesmerizing~

It's a pity that Adam didn't dare to go too far in his first contact, otherwise I really wanted to pick Fox up and take a deep breath!

But as he came out of his intoxication, Adam couldn't help but think again.

There was one question he didn't ask when he was talking to Professor Dumbledore just now, and that was why did Nico Flamel trust him so easily and entrust him with such an important matter?

A descendant of a friend who has never met, can he entrust the Sorcerer's Stone to him just because he is young?

But when he brought the topic in this direction, Professor Dumbledore first threw out the Fidelity Charm to attract his attention, and then ran away without giving him a chance to ask questions...

Could it be that he really had some other relationship with Nico Flamel?

This question could not be verified for the time being, so Adam did not dwell on it for too long and simply forgot about it when he returned to the dormitory.

The next morning was Potions class. When Adam took out the crucible, Eugene beside him didn't say anything. Cologne, who was separated by a body, couldn't help it:

"Wait a minute, are you going to use the crucible from yesterday to cook the potion... You won't continue to use it to cook food in the future, right?"

Not sure what he was thinking of, Cologne looked disgusted:

"I don't want to eat food cooked in the cauldron where Flobber caterpillars were cooked..."

"Don't worry, it's impossible to throw the Flobber caterpillar directly into the crucible. We usually use its juice."

"Is this the crux of the problem?!"

Adam spread his hands:

"Is there any problem? Cleaning it up will make the crucible very clean...and to be honest, Florob caterpillar juice is a commonly used thickening agent in potions. Don't you also have to drink these potions?"

"That's different!"

Cologne shook his head desperately. He drank the potion because he had to drink it when he was sick, but he ate the food made by Adam for enjoyment.

How hard it is to think about it before you take the initiative to eat something like that!

"This is not the previous crucible."

Eugene spoke suddenly.

Adam looked at him in surprise:

"How did you find out?"

The crucibles do have marks for identification, but the marks are on the bottom of the pot. Other than that, these crucibles are copied with double cards, so there should be no difference at all.

Eugene thought for a while and said:

"Guess, you have very high requirements for the quality of life, so you shouldn't save money in a place like this."

Even if the crucible can be cleaned by cleaning it up, the psychological effect will still affect the mood of eating. Unless he has a special hobby in this area, it is impossible for a character like Adam who doesn't like the food cooked in school to cook directly himself. Not even willing to buy a crucible.

"Wow~ Eugene, you are really great!"

Adam applauded Eugene's wit, while Colon looked at Adam in shock:

"Then what did you just do...?"

"He's kidding you."

Bernard sighed and ruffled his partner's hair.

Potions class needs to be taught in pairs. Originally, five people in a dormitory were not easy to divide, but Uther didn't know when he got together with the classmates in a certain girls' dormitory, and he happened to get together with the extra people from that dormitory. Group.


The sound of the door being suddenly opened made the already noisy classroom quiet. Professor Snape strode to the edge of the podium, the corners of his dark robe tumbling behind him, like a group of bats following the footsteps of the devil.

Turning around, Snape gathered up his cloak and scanned every student with his gloomy eyes. Every student he saw shrank his head and behaved like a quail - with one exception.

Among the crowd of shivering eyes, those excited eyes with a hint of excitement, admiration, and many complex emotions were particularly conspicuous. Snape, who was proficient in Legilimency, couldn't help but squint his eyes, as if he suddenly saw something. Something glaring.

Frowning slightly unaccustomed, Professor Snape began to call names.

"Adam Reed."

Well, he remembered the name.

"You are here to learn the precise science and exacting craft of potion-making. Since there is no foolish waving of wands, many of you will not believe that this is magic."

Professor Snape's deliberately lowered voice echoed in the quiet classroom. He walked down from the podium and slowly walked among the students:

"I don't expect you to truly understand the beauty of the slowly simmering crucible emitting white smoke and wafting out bursts of fragrance. You don't really understand the wonder of the liquid flowing into people's blood vessels, which makes people's hearts ecstasy and their wills blurred. Magic...I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew honor, and even prevent death - but there must be one thing, you are not the stupid fool I often encounter."

"Mr. Reed."

Professor Snape happened to walk to the position behind Adam. His sudden opening would usually startle the students, but to his surprise, Adam looked excited instead.

"Yes, Professor."

Facing those increasingly excited eyes, Snape averted his gaze with a slight discomfort, turned towards the podium, and spoke at the same time:

“What do I do with a fresh horned slug?”

“The guts are removed and steamed.”

"Tell me about the precautions when using the lionfish spine."

"The lionfish vertebrae need to be ground into powder for use, but it should be noted that the effect of this potion material will be lost quickly after being ground, so it must be processed before brewing the potion. It can only be preserved intact at ordinary times. It is best to avoid direct sunlight. …”

Because Professor Snape asked about very broad precautions, Adam had to explain all the points that should be noted about this thing.

"That's enough."

Snape interrupted Adam's answer after hearing all the knowledge points from the third grade.

"Mr. Reed, do you think you can learn well enough without taking classes? The first-grade courses are no longer enough for you, are they?"

"I know that Potions is a subject that requires precise operation, Professor, and I am very interested in it, but I also know that it is dangerous and foolish to just rely on self-study."

Adam felt that there seemed to be a subtle hint of "you are self-aware" in Professor Snape's eyes. Of course, maybe he was wrong.

"So what I can do is memorize the theoretical part before formally studying this course in school, hoping to be able to focus more on listening to the professor's teachings in class."


Professor Snape stared at Adam with squinted eyes for a while, then suddenly said:

“If I wanted to brew up a bottle of intelligence enhancer, how many slices of armadillo liver would I need?”

"...I think the brain enhancer uses armadillo bile, professor. It takes two pints."

Professor Snape did not make a comment but let out a sigh. Then he turned around, picked up the book, waved his wand towards the blackboard, and said without looking back:

"In fact, adding two and one-sixteenths of a pint will make the enhancer more effective, but two and one-eighth pints of armadillo bile will turn the enhancer into a bottle of poison."

Adam's eyes lit up, he opened his note and wrote this down.

Whether it's a more effective intelligence-enhancing agent or a poison, it's all very useful!

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