Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 196 Third stop: Hawaii

Professor Scamander hugged his knees and sat on the edge of the cliff doubting life.


A strong figure was carried by the strong wind and soared into the sky from the bottom of the cliff. The wind brought by it blew Professor Scamander's windbreaker, and the beautiful tail feathers dragged shadows of thunder and lightning in the air.

Professor Scamander raised his head and saw Adam sitting on the Thunderbird, with his hands spread out and a cheerful look on his face.

It's okay, isn't it because he has a good relationship with Thunderbird? He once had a Thunderbird friend who he had a good relationship with.

It's just that when he established a friendship with Frank, he was already too big and Frank couldn't carry him...

Wow wow wow I still really want to fly on a thunderbird QAQ

After riding the Thunderbird twice in the Grand Canyon, Adam finally remembered that poor Professor Scamander was still there.


Looking at Professor Scamander who was looking at the Thunderbirds eagerly, Adam couldn't do anything.

After all, Professor Scamander is very old. Although it is good to go out frequently to exercise, who can trust him to do such extreme sports?

Then Adam looked at the thunderbird, his eyes full of eagerness.

This ptarmigan was a young man who was already married. He had a wife and three unhatched eggs at home. Originally, it was going to hunt, but Adam exchanged three Ream cows for it to play with him during the hunting time.

The blood of Reem cattle can temporarily increase the strength of the eater. Long-term consumption of its blood and meat has great benefits for the body. As an ingredient, the meat is the best beef.

However, due to its effects and the fact that it is still unable to be artificially bred, the Ream cow has become an extremely rare protected animal. Adam only saw a pair in a magical animal research institute.

While resolutely replicating, he was worried that he would not be able to breed the next generation of Riem cows. Adam even stopped time on a pair of Riem cows.

Under the temptation of the Rayem Cow, the Thunderbird's favorability towards Adam skyrocketed. Not only was it now willing to carry Adam around on its back, but the Thunderbird couple copied from the double cards were also willing to take their children and leave their homeland with Adam.

That’s right, with such a handsome and responsible magical animal, Adam naturally wants to pack it up and take it away with the whole family~

Moreover, for this kind of magical animal, which has almost no difference in intelligence from humans, and only has a common language for normal communication, it is definitely impossible for Adam to directly copy and take it away, but to have a good communication to get consent first.

Basilisk:? ? ?

Adam: I am from the neutral and lawful alignment. Can I be the same as you? And didn’t I give you a choice? (Take a bite of grilled basilisk eyeball)

Adam's unabashed love for Thunderbirds was certainly noticed by Professor Scamander.

However, Adam was able to restrain his desire in the end and let the ptarmigan go back without even thinking about hunting the ptarmigan, which made Professor Scamander extremely gratified.

"Adam, your noble personality is admirable."

On the way to the next stop, Professor Scamander said with emotion:

"To be honest, while traveling around the world to observe magical animals, I also had some thoughts of possession..."

It's just that his possession is still in good faith, and he will extend an invitation to see if the other person is willing to go with him. This is also how the magical animals in the suitcase came. As for forcibly capturing them, he has definitely never done it.

Professor Scamander could see that Adam's love for magical animals was no less than his own, but Adam was able to restrain himself to the point of not speaking from the beginning to the end, just observing the lives of magical animals, which made Professor Scamander feel ashamed. Not as good as.

Adam's hand shook, and the conscience that had been thrown away long ago began to feel phantom pain again:

"No, how can such a thing happen... By the way, Professor, where should we go next?"

"Go to Hawaii."


Adam blinked, why did he need to take a vacation at the end of his trip to America?

"Didn't you ask me about the sirens before? The Institute of Magical Animals in Hawaii just caught a few sirens. The researchers there wrote and asked me to go and help take a look. I just happened to take you with me."

Upon hearing the news about Siren, Adam's eyes lit up on the spot:

"Thank you Professor!"

"You're welcome. That's your good luck. I haven't heard from the Siren in years."

Professor Scamander sighed:

"With the development of navigation technology, magical animals like sirens now have less and less space to survive. In addition, they have little economic value and the Ministry of Magic does not pay attention to them. They are not far away from extinction."

Not all magical animals can be raised. Raising fire dragons and the like is for by-products, cats and raccoons are for emotional value, and sphinxes and the like are for functionality.

As a kind of human-faced bird with a seductive voice and a cruel personality, the siren has a magical animal that is a resident of humans in its diet. Strictly speaking, this human-like face can only be said to be... taking on a human form. Who would raise it? they?

That is to say, he is a researcher of magical animals, otherwise he will basically die if he is caught by other wizards.

Although he sighed, Professor Scamander had no more ideas. As a scholar, he could only give some professional opinions. It was impossible to force the Ministry of Magic of various countries to lose money to protect those dangerous magical animals.

Just like they used Muggle identities and methods when traveling to America, Adam and Professor Scamander took a cruise ship to Hawaii. They enjoyed some delicious seafood on the way, mainly fresh enough, and the band on the deck Very good too.

"It's a pity that your tolerance for seafood is too narrow."

When getting off the cruise ship, Professor Scamander still felt sorry for Adam:

"Yesterday's tuna steak was really great, but it can't be paired with the red wine at home."

It's not that the red wine at Professor Scamander's house is expensive, it's mainly because it's brewed by Mrs. Tina.

"My tolerance for seafood is not narrow, but I'm not used to eating cold fish steaks... Strictly speaking, I don't like most raw and cold seafood."

On the one hand, I'm worried about parasites, and on the other hand, I don't like the taste of fat meat. Now that the former problem can be solved with a clean card, Adam suddenly remembered that he could try raw pickling.

"Next time I visit, I'll ask the professor to try my favorite seafood feast."

Professor Scamander recalled the banquets he had at Hogwarts and swallowed his saliva:

"It's a deal!"

Somewhat beyond Adam's expectation, the Institute for Magical Animals in Hawaii is actually right next to the beach, and almost all the researchers are wearing swimsuits, beach pants and flip-flops.

Oh, that's right, this isn't a Muggle research institute, so not wearing a white coat doesn't matter, not wearing wizard robes means American wizards are keeping up with the times.

"Oh, you're finally here!"

A dark-skinned young wizard greeted them, and as soon as he saw them, he ran over and shook their hands enthusiastically.

"Mr. Scamander, thank you very much for taking the time to come! Since you wrote back, everyone in our institute has been looking forward to this day!"

"Is this Mr. Reed mentioned by Mr. Scamander in the letter? Welcome, welcome!"

Shaking his hand, Adam looked at him carefully, and after confirming with his eyes, he knew that he was also a fan of Professor Scamander!

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