Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 221 Who says foreigners don’t beat their children?

The parents' meeting went smoothly. Under the thousand-year reputation of Hogwarts, parents were willing to believe Professor Gandalf's words temporarily.

Of course, for most families, there was no other choice except Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which might be one of the reasons why parents were so easy to accept...

After that, the professors took the stage and briefly talked about the teaching plan after the reform. Most of the parents sitting below were taught by these professors. Of course, they were full of trust and communication was smooth.

At the same time, everyone saw Professor Grindelwald with their own eyes... It must be said that Grindelwald's personality charm is still there. Except for a few parents with a bit of stubborn personality, basically everyone's impression of Professor Grindelwald has changed.

The parents' meeting went quite smoothly, and the school board meeting after the parents' meeting was no less impressive - only for Adam.

With sufficient funds, Hogwarts does not need the so-called school board at all. The former school directors who left angrily in the end just made a few harsh remarks, suggesting that if Hogwarts needs funding in the future, it will have to pay more.

Professor Gandalf said that you'd better consider which of the two things will come first, my money running out or your offspring's enrollment, or consider immigration as soon as possible.

Among the many school directors, Lucius, who occupies a dominant position and is also the initiator of this school board meeting, is probably the person who is actually most satisfied with this school board meeting except Adam.

Through a series of reforms in Hogwarts and the rejection of the subsequent capital injection from the school board, the probability that Professor Gandalf is Dumbledore can be ignored.

Dumbledore definitely doesn't have so much money!

Apart from anything else, the flying broom museum that Mrs. Hooch proudly mentioned to everyone is mostly antiques that have been out of production for dozens or even hundreds of years. Even Dumbledore's family assets will be emptied.

But you have to know that it is just a museum with greater historical symbolic significance, and it is in a school that is not open to the public on a daily basis. It has almost no profitability. Who would empty their family assets to do such things?

Not to mention other things, such as "Transfiguration Today", an academic journal that was published decades ago, which was bought directly from the first issue, such as building a greenhouse in the Forbidden Forest, arranging magic, and introducing various magical animals...

In one reform, Gandalf invested at least twice the amount of money of the Malfoy family in Hogwarts in terms of gold galleons, and this is the place they can see!

As the head of the Malfoy family, one of the richest in the UK, it was the first time that Lucius experienced the feeling of being shown off by inhumane wealth.

Not to mention that there are many things that cannot be obtained with money alone.

After listening to the principal's reform, other parents only sighed that the principal's reform was really drastic. They did not have an intuitive understanding of the value of these things. Only a very few people could see the terrible financial resources and connections behind them. Lucius was naturally one of these very few people.

Where did this Gandalf come from? !

In order to express his anger, he did not even stay for lunch. He returned home with an extremely ugly face. Lucius finally couldn't help laughing out loud, which scared Narcissa who came to welcome her husband home.

Does Gandalf's identity really matter to them? The key is that Gandalf is not simple, that's enough.

The more he is not simple, the safer Draco will be!

And now, Headmaster Gandalf, who is considered by many to be not simple, is smiling in the hall while eating lunch and watching a play.

It's not easy to meet a professor, so parents certainly want to know about their children's learning situation, but on the one hand, there are too many parents and too few professors, and on the other hand... the relationship between parents and professors at Hogwarts is a bit special.

Muggle parents are obviously a little more reserved about communicating directly with professors, but wizard parents...

As mentioned before, most of the professors in front of them are the professors they taught at Hogwarts, so--

Considering the possibility that they may take their children to the professors, and the professors will say: "Your son/daughter is so naughty, just like you back then!" This embarrassing situation--

They will only be more reserved!

However, the considerate Professor Gandalf had considered these points long ago, so he had arranged for the professors to write a review of each student's study in their spare time after class, in the format of strengths + weaknesses + words of advice, and finally integrated them together.

After the parents' meeting, each parent received the professors' comments on their children.

Then Professor Gandalf was very considerate and allowed the parents to have lunch with the students before leaving.

"Who said that foreigners don't beat their children because of cultural differences? That's all nonsense! It's all because of the strict laws and child protection organizations... You see, there is no such rule in the wizarding world."

Professor Gandalf shook his head and summoned the house elves to give the students more ice cream.

Sweetness can make people happy, and the cool taste can also relieve pain. Ice cream is really the most suitable food for parents' meetings~

After lunch, there was an exchange meeting with the guests from the Ministry of Magic, and several famous newspapers in the wizarding world also sent reporters.

By the way, the person who came to the Daily Prophet was not Rita Skeeter.

The articles she had published for Fudge would definitely not affect her status as the first sister of the Daily Prophet. After all, although those articles were all fake news, when had she ever reported them truthfully? She always writes only what readers want to read.

Probably because the headmaster of Hogwarts might not like reporters who smeared the previous headmaster.

"Mr. Gandalf, welcome to England."

Rufus Scrimgeour, an unsmiling wizard, extended his hand to say hello to Adam.

The first sentence is a temptation, but...

"Minister Scrimgeour, I have almost never left the UK. I was born in the UK and attended Hogwarts. That's why I have such a deep affection for this campus."

Gandalf smiled and shook Scrimgeour's hand, while reporters not far away were writing and taking photos.

Scrimgeour hoped that Gandalf would reveal his flaws. If he had a false identity, he would be worried that the Ministry of Magic might have unsatisfactory identity information, so he would follow his words and make up more lies, such as that he was indeed a foreigner. Something like that.

But on the day Voldemort invaded the Department of Mysteries, Adam took a tour of the Ministry of Magic. He knew what information there was in the Ministry of Magic better than Scrimgeour!

The Ministry of Magic didn't even have identity file information from fifty years ago, let alone identity information for someone of Gandalf's age. Of course Adam had nothing to fear.

Looking at the old man with a kind smile in front of him, Scrimgeour's usual frown deepened.

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