Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 245 Dumbledore: In order to avoid a loss of 500,000, I decided to invest 200 million...

Based on the characteristics of the Elder Wand, how to make Voldemort believe that he has become the master of the Elder Wand?

Of course he was asked to kill the previous owner of the Elder Wand with his own hands!

But Voldemort did not dare to face Professor Dumbledore. While he was superstitious about the power of the Elder Wand, he also believed that his power could not exceed Professor Dumbledore who held the Elder Wand.


Ownership of the Elder Wand required another pass.

For Voldemort, this person must be able to gain the trust of Professor Dumbledore and be able to defeat Professor Dumbledore in a sneak attack. At the same time, he must be able to defeat Professor Dumbledore even if the opponent has mastered the Elder Wand.

For Professor Dumbledore, this person must be able to gain Voldemort's trust to entrust such an important task, and at the same time, this person must not betray Voldemort and leak his plans.


These two conditions intersect with only one person in the entire wizarding world.

Professor Dumbledore was still continuing to describe his plan. In order to ensure it was complete and make Voldemort believe that the ownership of the Elder Wand had definitely changed hands, he needed to die in the hands of that person, and that person would most likely be killed by Voldemort in order to keep it safe. kill.

"So, Professor Dumbledore, in order to kill Voldemort, or to be precise for Harry, you not only want to risk your own life, but you even want to hook up with my Potions Professor and Head of Slytherin House? "

Adam looked at Professor Dumbledore speechlessly.

Even if Professor Grindelwald hadn't made a deal with him before, even if he didn't have a way to solve Harry's soul fragment, he would have chosen to sacrifice Harry directly after knowing the news.

In order to protect one soldier, one car and one soldier must be put in. The difference between the two ends of the scale is so great that there is no need to even hesitate.

"I'm too old..."

Professor Dumbledore shook his head.

"But Professor Snape is still very young, let alone..."

Then he saw Adam take out a bottle of blood-red liquid from his pocket:

"The elixir of immortality refined from the Sorcerer's Stone has been personally proven by Mr. Nico Flamel to allow people to live to at least six hundred years old. After all, Professor Dumbledore, you have only lived less than three years of your life." One percent."

Professor Dumbledore was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but said:

"Is this what Flamel left behind?"

"No, I refined it."

This is a completely different situation. Professor Dumbledore looked at Adam and sighed:

"It seems you have more secrets than I thought."

"Secrets make people more attractive."

It's a pity that Professor Dumbledore couldn't understand Adam's pinch. He just nodded in agreement, and then said:

"Believe me, Adam, both Severus and I volunteered to sacrifice for Harry, and we would gladly die for it."

"Believe me, Professor Dumbledore, Harry is willing to die to destroy Voldemort and avenge his parents."

"He is still young and does not yet understand the beauty of life and what sacrifice means."

"It is precisely because we realize the beauty of life that such sacrifice is more cruel, isn't it?"

Adam shook his head:

"In any case, I will not support your actions. Your and Professor Snape's sacrifice is a loss to the entire wizarding world."

After speaking, Adam raised his eyes and looked at Professor Dumbledore:

"Professor Dumbledore, you should be able to see what I want to do. I want to improve the overall strength and research level of the wizarding world. I will not sit back and let this happen. Don't underestimate my determination."

There was even a hint of threat in Adam's tone, which made Professor Dumbledore couldn't help but sigh.

The former student threatened him, but it was to prevent him from sacrificing himself to death...

"You are hiding it from him and letting him watch you sacrifice. Is it for his own good? If Harry knows the truth, will he be happy that you protected him?"

The conversation changed and Adam mentioned Harry again:

"And even if you sacrifice, Harry will still have to go to Hogwarts when school starts. Judging from the current coursework at Hogwarts, he probably won't have time to leave Hogwarts before graduation, so at least he has to wait Only after he graduates will Voldemort find the opportunity to attack him..."

"There is still a year to go. Think of another way, Professor Dumbledore. If Voldemort is difficult to deal with, then deal with the Death Eaters first. If all his followers are cut off, then no matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to make any trouble. ”

Adam turned around to leave, then paused:

"During this period, I will also think about ways to see if I can find other ways to resolve the soul fragments in Harry's body."

Whether it can be found depends on the situation between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters.

If all those in power of the old forces were pulled down by Voldemort and Professor Dumbledore, then Eugene would soon be able to use the method Adam found to kill Voldemort and become the new savior.

As for not conforming to the prophecy... Anyway, now that the prophecy hall has been smashed, only Adam still has a backup in his hand. Isn't it Adam and the others who have the final say on what the prophecy will be?

The final right of interpretation belongs to the new Ministry of Magic~

In the blink of an eye, the two-month summer vacation passed. The work at Hogwarts began in an orderly manner, and Adam also made preparations during this time.

Since laying down anchor points in three dimensions at the same time is no less difficult than refining a magic stone, it requires a lot of knowledge and calculation of the right time, place and people without running into luck, and it is squeezed by the three dimensions. Danger of scum.

So Adam chose to lay anchor points in three dimensions separately, and then combined them into one with the help of the magic stone. The process was greatly simplified, and it was very safe. The risk was entirely borne by the magic stone.

The price is only that compared to the former, it requires the consumption of a magic stone - the magic stone turned into an anchor point is equivalent to being lost forever and can no longer be used to refine longevity medicine and pure gold - and if it fails, it will Just completely scrapping a magic stone.

After more than two months of preparation, Adam began to try to build his first anchor point - the anchor point of the spiritual dimension.

The material dimension is the easiest for Adam to study, and he was also the first to figure out how to lay an anchor, but Adam did not want to anchor his material dimension so early.

There is no other reason. After the material dimension is anchored, Adam will not age or grow up, but Adam is still in the developmental stage.

Although he is not a primary school student like Elio, he still looks like a tall boy. Adam feels that he can wait a few more years to stop growing taller before anchoring to the material dimension.

Forget about Eugene, who seems to have some giant blood, and when he went to a party during the summer vacation, he found that he had grown to 1.9 meters. What if Uther and Bernard, who are one or two centimeters shorter than him now, will be taller than him in the future? What to do?

Although he doesn't have to change his height, Adam doesn't want to miss a millimeter of the height he can grow!

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