Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 265 I didn’t expect you to be like this...

Ignoring the words used to liven up the atmosphere, the young Dumbledore's mood at this time was quite complicated.

First, he accidentally killed Ariana in the melee, and then found that he could not move. A person exactly like himself had replaced him and performed every move he made. In addition, he also saw another intact Ariana talking to a stranger. People are talking...

With his intelligence, he could think of some things from the conversation between Adam and Ariana, but there were still many things he couldn't figure out. At the same time, Ariana's affairs also occupied most of his mind.

The young Grindelwald is different. Ariana's incident did not have such a great impact on him, so he is more direct than the young Dumbledore:

"Are we also using illusions just now? Why are you looking for us?"

"That's not an illusion, it's a copy...or transfer."

Adam briefly explained Dual Card's abilities.

"Parallel's incredible."

Looking at Adam, the young Grindelwald's eyes were burning.

Time and parallel space are magical powers that are almost impossible to control!

"So, what is your purpose after spending so much effort to come to this time? It shouldn't be just to save Ariana, right?"

The young Grindelwald looked at Adam with more and more vigilance:

"Traveling through time shouldn't be something that can be done casually, right? According to you, your era should have almost no overlap with Ariana. Why would you pay such a high price to save a stranger?"

"Stop saying that Dumbledore is your professor. If Dumbledore had such ability, he would never have done anything to save Ariana."

"That's right! Not to mention that you transferred us from the parallel world to this world in no time... What exactly do you want to do?"

After listening to the analysis of the young Grindelwald, the young Dumbledore looked at Adam with the same vigilance in his eyes.

"Wow~ We are united front again so soon? In my time, you guys stopped talking to each other after a big war."

Young Grindelwald:? ? ?

Facing the gaze directed at him, the young Dumbledore widened his eyes and shook his head:

"You know, I can't hurt you..."

According to the original direction, Dumbledore's love brain is now dead along with Ariana, and Grindelwald is the only love brain left between the two.

But now Ariana is not dead, so not only is Dumbledore's love brain not dead, he is even still in the stage of being in love with Grindelwald and being carried away by love...

Adam duly added:

"Oh, by the way, the blood pact between you is still there now? Your blood pact was destroyed long ago in my time, but I forgot about it."

Young Grindelwald: (??Dan??╬)

Young Dumbledore: (ΩДΩ)! ! !

"Albus! Why does he know about the blood pact?"

The young Grindelwald looked at the young Dumbledore angrily. If it hadn't really happened, how could outsiders know such a secret thing as the blood pact between them?

"I'm not! I didn't! It's not me!"

Young Dumbledore was speechless.

"Is it difficult to understand? In his eyes, you killed his sister."

Adam made a stabbing blow, and the angry young man Grindelwald suddenly became mute.

Regarding this accident, he indeed had an unshirkable responsibility, and he also knew that it was something that Dumbledore would never forgive, otherwise he would not have thought of escaping just now.

"Let's talk about the purpose of doing so much."

Realizing that the topic was developing in a direction that was very unfavorable to him, the young man Grindelwald quickly brought the topic back.

"What I want to say is actually more complicated. On the one hand, Hogwarts currently lacks professors with strong enough abilities. Since I can't find suitable candidates in my time, I can only look to the past."

Nowadays, the teaching staff of Hogwarts has indeed grown several times, but it has also exposed a problem - the current overall teaching staff of Hogwarts is somewhat deformed. The middle and lower-level talents are extremely rich, but there is a lack of top talents.

Professor McGonagall and his disciples are indeed very capable and can fulfill the duties of professors, but that's all. Hogwarts still lacks top wizards, top wizards like Dumbledore and Grindelwald who can take charge.

Adam thought hard for a long time, but could not find a wizard with this level of talent in the British wizarding world.

In the end, Adam's conditions were relaxed a bit, even for those who have the talent to become a top wizard! He has enough time to wait for the other person to grow up.

But even if Adam relaxed the conditions, he still got nothing.

But just now, Adam found it.

How come Dumbledore and Grindelwald were not talented enough to become top wizards like Dumbledore and Grindelwald when they were young?

And it just so happens that even if wizards live a long life, there are not many people left who have seen Dumbledore and Grindelwald when they were young.

In other words, he brought the teenage Dumbledore and Grindelwald to the present day, and as long as they used their original names without being blatant, there was almost no need to worry about exposure.

After hearing Adam's reasons, both young Dumbledore and young Grindelwald had slightly subtle expressions.

Co-author Adam spent so much effort to bring them here from the parallel world just to help Hogwarts recruit teachers?

The students at Hogwarts are really lucky to have such a dedicated principal like you!

"Besides that, there's also a personal element to why I do this."

Adam smiled and looked at the young Grindelwald:

"What I didn't say before is that although it's not official, Mr. Grindelwald of my time also taught me some things and was my half-professor. So I personally still hope to see the two of them come together. Rather than parting ways because of an accident.”

After listening to Adam's words, young Dumbledore and young Grindelwald fell into thinking.

"It's impossible. You should have a certain understanding of time. It's impossible to change the past, otherwise there will be problems with the timeline."

Adam suddenly said without starting or ending:

"This is why I can only bring you here from a parallel world instead of taking away Dumbledore and Grindelwald now, and why I have to use illusions after rescuing Ariana to make the world continue on its original path. ”

"You used Legilimency on us?!"

The faces of the two teenagers suddenly turned ugly.

"I don't want to either, it's innate."

Adam shrugged:

"But don't worry, I'm a Hufflepuff. Unlike Gryffindor, I have a tight mouth."

So if you have more memories of the past in your mind, your children will love to see them!

Oh yo yo ~ I didn’t expect you to be such Professor Dumbledore and Professor Grindelwald!

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