Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 270 Albus Dumbledore: I will never regret it!

Because of his early preparations and the active cooperation of the former Minister of Magic on the Ministry of Magic's side, Eugene became the interim Minister of Magic very smoothly.

Everyone knows that the word "temporary" is really just temporary. It was added because of the current complicated situation and it was not convenient for Eugene to seize power immediately. It will be removed when the dust settles.

But no one had any objection to this. In the previous confrontation with the Ministry of Magic, even those on the Ministry of Magic's side had to admit that Eugene was indeed a charismatic leader.

Especially in comparison with the precedent set by three successive Ministers of Magic——

Fudge is the worst. Now both his person and his reputation are stinking, and they have been stinking for several years.

Although Scrimgeour did not stretch his hips too much during his tenure, his reputation was very bad during Pierce's administration because he actively targeted Death Eaters.

Not to mention Pierce, according to his own account, he was completely under the control of Voldemort's Imperius Curse during his reign. Although considering Voldemort's strength, he cannot be completely blamed, but it is obvious that he cannot take off the label of incompetence. dropped.

In contrast, Eugene, who led a group of neighbors to slowly build an organized and well-trained camp, and was once able to compete with the magic department and fight back against the Death Eaters, was simply a divine weapon descended from heaven. It pales in comparison to the previous three Ministers of Magic.

As the saying goes, the person who knows you best is often your opponent. The members of the Ministry of Magic who are not locked up now look at Eugene, their eyes are basically filled with admiration, and they support him with both hands and feet in taking over the Ministry of Magic.

Eugene did not live up to their expectations. The first thing he did when he took office was not to rush to try those criminals to show his merits, but to organize people to clean up the turmoil in the British wizarding world.

"Under the leadership of Voldemort, the dark wizards and dark creatures who usually hide took advantage of this opportunity to come out to cause trouble. These guys in front of them have caused a large number of injuries and property losses. Previously, due to the existence of Voldemort, all parties There is no extra energy to deal with them.”

In an understatement, he attributed the Ministry of Magic's original situation, which could be considered half of Voldemort's power, to the lack of extra energy. Eugene sat at the front of the conference room, his young face showing only familiarity when facing the number of subordinates who were several times more than before. :

"Their rampage is not entirely a bad thing now that Voldemort has been defeated. At least they have come out of the shadows and are still unclear about the current situation of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. This has created good conditions for us. Now it is us A good chance to catch them all in one fell swoop!”

The opportunity must not be missed. The Aurors set out now, focusing on the main wizard gathering places to clean up the dark wizards and dark creatures who took advantage of the chaos to cause trouble.

Before setting off, Eugene warned:

"In principle, you should use disarming spells and stun spells during the operation, but remember to put your own safety first. What you have to face are the most fringe dark wizards and dark creatures. Take action when it is really necessary. Don’t hesitate!”

Although most of the original Auror team was arrested under the identification of Pierce Thicknesse, with the addition of armed personnel from the original Eugene camp, both the number and average combat effectiveness of the current Auror team have soared, and they all have a heart. justice.

Eugene's decision was undoubtedly perfectly in line with their image of the Minister of Magic who was supposed to be just and kind-hearted and considerate of all wizards, so the Aurors were fully mobilized.

After the meeting, Eugene came to the Office of the Minister of Magic, where Bernard was already waiting:

"This is the legal provision I drafted before, take a look."

Why not just judge those sinners? Of course, this is because now is a good time to clean up those dark wizards and dark creatures. In addition, of course, there is also the reason why they are dissatisfied with the previous legal provisions and plan to change them to new ones.

The previous legal provisions contained a large number of loopholes left by high-ranking officials and wealthy people in order to exonerate themselves. Of course, it was impossible for them to use these things to judge them.

What? Can the newly promulgated law not be able to try crimes committed before the promulgation of the law?

This is a new dynasty, how can we still use the sword of the previous dynasty to kill people?

And the Muggle laws have less control over wizard matters!


Eugene opened the legal article and glanced at it for a few times, then quickly closed it and shook his dizzy head:

"Forget it, forget it, what you wrote is too convoluted and I can't understand it. Has Adam read it?"

"I've seen it. It perfectly meets the three requirements Adam mentioned at that time: fair! Fair! It's still fair as MF!"

Bernard was not surprised by Eugene's attitude. The formulation of laws needs to be accurate, and every word needs to be carefully considered. The final product is indeed not very friendly to wizards who generally lack logical abilities.

Bernard's simple and direct expression made Eugene understand the central idea of ​​this law at once:

"If Adam thinks it's okay, then it's okay."

Bernard is professional, Adam is reliable, and Eugene feels that the legal provisions that they both agree with are at least much more reliable than the Ministry of Magic's previous ones.

"There will be a meeting in the afternoon to make public the laws and regulations. They will be implemented tomorrow and the trial will begin the day after tomorrow!"

The Ministry of Magic's side was in full swing, but Professor Dumbledore's side was much cleaner.

Professor Dumbledore felt extremely relaxed now that he had finally let go of the burden he had carried for so many years. He just wanted to return home to reunite with his sister and repair the relationship with his brother that had been stiff for so many years.

As a result, as soon as Professor Dumbledore entered the door, he saw his sister and Adam chatting happily.

"Professor Dumbledore, congratulations on finally defeating Voldemort."

Adam's eyes lit up when he saw Professor Dumbledore opening the door and walking in.

For some reason, Professor Dumbledore felt a chill in his back.

"Ahem, there's no need to call me professor anymore. I'm no longer a professor now."

"Oh? Really? Professor Dumbledore really doesn't think about returning to teach at Hogwarts?"

Adam looked at Professor Dumbledore with a smile:

"Next, I plan to open an education level above the original seventh grade at Hogwarts to provide wizards with more advanced knowledge and a platform for academic research..."

"You don't have to say anything, I've already made my decision."

Adam's words did not surprise Professor Dumbledore too much. Adam had previously expressed his ideals and wanted to increase the power of the wizarding world as a whole. Educational reform was the most fundamental solution.

"Oh? Don't you regret it?"

"I will never regret it!"

Adam turned to look at Ariana:

"There is no other way. As you can see, your brother doesn't agree to return to Hogwarts to be a professor, so he can't be your teacher."

Professor Dumbledore:? ? ?

"But you don't have to worry. Professor Grindelwald will take good care of you after you enroll. He will be the vice principal in charge of basic education for the next seven years."

"Wait...Arianna enrolls in school? What's going on?"

Professor Dumbledore asked in shock.

"Do you still need to ask? Now that there is no Obscurus in Ariana's body, her personality can be contacted by outsiders. Of course she has to go to school!"

Aberforth happened to come down from the second floor and heard Professor Dumbledore's question without politeness.

Before Professor Dumbledore could react, Adam continued to Ariana:

"Professor Grindelwald happened to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts after you graduated from seventh grade. If you want to finish your undergraduate degree, you can take his postgraduate entrance examination or study for his Ph.D...."

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