Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 33 The contract that was changed again and again

After being caught several times by the Weasley twins and experiencing various tortures such as vomiting and nosebleeds, Harry and Ron also realized that they seemed to be stopping themselves from following Adam.

However, just when they were indignantly planning to tell Hermione the news after the effects of the drug wore off, Hermione found them happily:

"I found information about Nico Flamel! Um, what are you..."

Hermione glanced at their faces suspiciously.

"Ahem, it's okay."

Harry changed the tissue that was blocking his nose without changing his expression. The white tissue was soaked with nosebleeds at a speed visible to the naked eye:

"Let's talk about Nico Flamel!"

"That's it."

Adam finally entered the principal's office again and stroked Fawkes' body with professional techniques. At the same time, he shared with Professor Dumbledore that Harry and Ron had followed him unexpectedly and ended the following.

"I think they have probably found out about Nico Flamel on their own, sorry, Professor Dumbledore."

"No, no, no, kid, you have nothing to apologize for. You kept our agreement, didn't you?"

Professor Dumbledore smiled very kindly.

"Maybe, I'm just a little worried about the Sorcerer's Stone."

"Sometimes children just have a very persistent desire to explore. It may not be a bad thing to let this go. As for the magic stone..."

Professor Dumbledore winked at Adam:

"Don't worry, I will protect it."

I believe you!

Suddenly, Adam stroked Fox's hand, put the naturally fallen phoenix feather into his pocket very skillfully, and then took out a piece of malt bamboo rice cake from his pocket and fed it to Fox to supplement his nutrition.

That smooth movement made Professor Dumbledore's eyes twitch imperceptibly.

After feeding Fawkes, Adam said goodbye and left. Professor Dumbledore looked sadly at the old man who jumped back on the shelf after Adam left. He stretched out his hand tentatively, and there was a sizzling honey candy in his hand.

Fox glanced at Dumbledore, ignored him, and turned his head away silently.

After coming out of the principal's office, Adam met the Weasley twins on his way back to his dormitory.

"Hey, Adam! We completed your commission perfectly~"

"So, the plan we gave you last time..."

"Ah, you guys came just in time. I think the contract can be revised."

Adam took out the twins' previous plan from his satchel and looked at the two people with frozen smiles on their faces:

"As for the share, I think 40% is a more appropriate price."

From the abyss to heaven, at this moment Adam seemed to have a light behind him in the eyes of the twins.

"Oh! Adam! You are such an angel!"

"Let's give a friendly hug!"

"Listen to me first!"

I don’t know if these two people are related to senior Newt’s brother, otherwise why would they like hugging so much? Adam pulled the two people away from him and said seriously:

"The 40% I said is not pure profit."

The smiles on the twins' faces faded a little. The selling price was 40%... lower than the previous bottom line, but the bottom line didn't mean it couldn't be lowered.

"But shares."


"You should have no money now, right?"

Adam waved the plan in his hand, looked at the twins and raised his eyebrows:

"Leasing a store, purchasing raw materials, processing and production, batch many of these steps do you have enough funds to complete?"

"Ahem! Well... we initially plan to conduct a small-scale pilot operation within Hogwarts..."

“In fact, you don’t have to think about the steps of store and packaging on campus...”

Fred and George's eyes wandered, talking about the words they had learned from their roommates who came from Muggle families during this period.


"So we really have no money now QAQ"

Looking at the twins with sad faces, hugging each other and crying, Adam reached into his satchel again:

"In view of your current economic situation and my judgment on the feasibility of your plan, I have decided to inject a sum of funds into your Magic Wheeze Shop to help you with the preliminary business activities."

Adam took out a bulging money bag and shook it in his hand. The sound of coins colliding inside immediately attracted the attention of Fred and George.

"And this money is not given to you for free, but to buy the shares of your Magic Wheezes Workshop."

"...We probably understand, so how much money do you plan to pay and how many shares do you plan to buy?"

Fred and George looked at each other and then became serious. After all, the shares were related to the future operation and even ownership of the Magic Wheezes Workshop.

"I just said that I want 40%. As for how much I want to pay..."

Adam handed the money bag to the twins:

"There are one hundred gold galleons here, which is considered the first phase of investment. If your business fails, then I will give it to you as if my investment failed. If the business is successful, I will successively add another nineteen hundred gold galleons. After you Settled before graduation.”

"One hundred... gold galleons?"

"Nineteen hundred gold Galleons to follow?!"

"Wouldn't that add up to..."

"Two thousand gold galleons?!"

Fred and George swallowed.

In their worldview, such a large amount of money could already buy them both.

"Adam, are you serious?"

Fred couldn't help but confirm with Adam.

"Yes, in fact, if it's 40% of the shares, one hundred... no, five hundred gold Galleons are actually enough."

George even felt that he had asked for too much.

"Don't underestimate your talents, Fred, George."

Adam smiled and put the purse in Fred's hand, and then patted the two on the shoulder,

"From your plan, I can see your passion for this business, and this pure passion is actually the main reason that moved me - whether you believe it or not, in fact, I agreed to consider it at the beginning just because I didn't want to reject you in person."

Adam was telling the truth, he did think so at the time, but when the twins handed him the plan that took a week, the plan, although very immature but full of sincerity, really moved him.

Thinking deeply, after the setback on his side, it is possible that the future Weasleys Wizard Wheezes will die directly.

"For this passion, plus your talent in this area is indeed unmatched, I think it's worth a try. Your plan is indeed very feasible, and there is still a lot of room for development in the market for prank props..."

"Oh! Adam!"

Before Adam finished speaking, he was hugged by the two again. This time, Adam struggled but didn't break free.

"Of course we believe..."

"Oh, God, Fred, I want to cry a little..."

George exaggeratedly wiped his eyes a few times to hide the crystal in his eyes.

After a long time, Adam was let go by the two and coughed a little uncomfortably - the height of these two people was a little taller than him, and he had to raise his head to breathe freely during the hug just now.

"Then it's settled, I will prepare a magic contract."

"No, Adam, we think the content of the contract can be revised!"

Fred and George looked at each other and showed the same smile.

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