Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 366 From then on, Harry bid farewell to his childhood and innocence

After Hermione's explanation, Harry finally accepted the fact that Professor Snape had changed... his gender.

The situation did not allow him to stay in shock for too long, because the movie was about to start.

After the routine advertisement, the logo of Dream Cinema appeared, representing the official start of the movie.

Everyone looked at the screen with smiles and expectations at first, but the smiles on everyone's faces disappeared more than a minute into the movie.

The movie started with a speech by Scrimgeour, and the beginning showed how serious the situation in the wizarding world is now. Everyone couldn't help but think of the ending of the previous movie -

Yes, without Professor Dumbledore, Professor Gandalf was nowhere to be seen in the movie, so who could everyone rely on?

No one could be relied on. It seemed that there was still a Ministry of Magic, but everyone present knew that the Ministry of Magic during Scrimgeour's time was only slightly more reliable than that during Fudge's time, and it was still unreliable in essence.

The reason is simple. The Ministry of Magic simply cannot produce the power to fight against Voldemort. It may be okay to deal with scattered Death Eaters and dark wizards, but it will be defeated if it encounters Voldemort.

In the wizarding world in the movie, there is no one who can make Voldemort afraid!

And the following plot is even more moving-

Harry and the Dursley family parted ways. This Muggle family, which had been despised by countless people before, rarely showed warmth at this moment.

Hermione's Obliviate made many people cover their mouths.

A spell that was lightly written, but it was better than a thousand words, showing the most tragic possibility.

"... Obliviate should not be able to make the people in the photo disappear?"

Harry couldn't help looking at Hermione.

"Shut up... That's a movie expression... Photos symbolize past memories."

Hermione's state of sadness and almost crying was broken by Harry.

Then Hermione realized that Harry did this to achieve this goal, and looked at him and pursed her lips.

Before Hermione could say anything, the camera turned and followed Professor Snape into Malfoy Manor, where everyone was able to personally witness Voldemort's meeting.

It must be said that Voldemort's deterrence was indeed strong. After everyone had gradually begun to immerse themselves in the atmosphere created by the movie, seeing this, some wizards present could not help but sit up straight and touch their wands.

And when Nagini opened her mouth and rushed towards the camera in a close-up, many people let out a short exclamation.


Mrs. Molly was one of them, and Arthur Weasley immediately whispered a few words to comfort her.

"It's okay, Mom, we are all here."

Fred sat in the back row behind Mrs. Molly and pinched Mrs. Molly's shoulder with his hand while speaking.


Adam couldn't help but applaud when he saw this scene, and he looked forward to the future more and more... It's a pity that the real bloodshed still has to wait until the next big battle.

Soon, the story of the seven Potters came to the Weasley family. The Weasley family didn't expect that Bill would have a role, and Bill was injured by a werewolf...

"Will this happen? Being injured by a werewolf but not turning into a werewolf?"

Bill couldn't help but look at his family members around him.

Well, because of the current miserable state of the goblins, Bill was forced to lose his original job as a curse breaker at Gringotts.

Luckily, he was very capable and had rich work experience. He originally wanted to find another job, but Fred and George got the news from Adam and asked him to wait. At present, Bill has returned to the original Gringotts, which is now the Wizard Bank, to continue to be a curse breaker.

"Well, maybe the wound is not deep and the treatment is timely?"

"Yeah, you just got scratched by a claw in the movie."

Fred and George looked at each other and analyzed.

Whether they guessed it right or not, it should still be possible. Fred and George felt that even if this story was fictional, the knowledge involved should always be true, otherwise Adam would not have needed to use reality as the background to shoot this movie.

The two did not consider the possibility that Adam spent so much effort just to feed them a knife.

After all, this is really illogical, and even if one's thinking is more out of the ordinary, one can't think of such a strange direction.

Then Lupin and Tonks revealed their love affair, which shocked everyone in the Order of the Phoenix. They turned their heads and looked at the two people sitting together:

"Are you together?"

"Um... uh..."

Looking at the two people holding hands subconsciously, everyone knew the answer, but...

"Why did we know about this later than the movie?"

The young couple who had not thought about telling everyone so early could not help but ask this question while dealing with the questions and jokes of their friends.

Why did Adam know about it when they hadn't told anyone yet?

"Ah... I really didn't know before today."

Adam scratched his head and finally decided to deal with the matter in silence, hiding his merits and fame.

The movie was still playing, and Harry strongly opposed everyone using the Polyjuice Potion to become himself. After all, this was life-threatening, but it was obvious that his opposition was ineffective in the face of everyone's insistence.


Watching Harry in the movie suddenly have a bunch of hair pulled out by Hermione, the real Harry shuddered with empathy, and then couldn't help but look at Hermione beside him.

Even without the last life-and-death experience, the trio had developed enough tacit understanding in the Forbidden Forest. Hermione knew what Harry was thinking as soon as he moved, and couldn't help rolling her eyes at him.


Although Hermione didn't say a word, he always felt that she was cursing very dirty. Harry shrank his neck and continued to look at the screen.

However, Harry regretted it at this glance. He would rather see Hermione's dirty expression... than watch seven of himself changing clothes in the movie.


Ron patted Harry's shoulder:

"It's okay, it's all a small matter..."

Of course it's a small matter for you, I was the one who took off my clothes in the movie!

Harry's heart was shouting silently.

"Hey, Ginny, is this really the case when Harry takes off his clothes--"

Fred couldn't help but tease his sister, but was hit in the heart and fell into George's arms.

After hearing this, Harry felt that he was about to turn into the color of a ghost.

Fortunately, although the movies made by Adam are no longer marked as children's movies, they are not so crazy as to make the clip of Harry changing his pants look eye-catching, so Harry's shaky chastity is finally preserved.

As the seven Harrys, some riding flying motorcycles, some riding brooms, and some riding Thestrals, rushed into the sky with their escorts, everyone couldn't help but stop playing and looked at the screen nervously.

As expected by everyone, and not as expected by everyone in the movie, a group of Death Eaters rushed out of the dark clouds as soon as they rose into the sky.

Everyone dispersed directly, and the Death Eaters had to track them separately. The camera followed Hagrid and his escorted Harry to let everyone know that this was the real Harry.

In the tense and exciting battle, a green light flashed, and everyone's heart was lifted up. They were relieved when they saw that Harry was safe.

However, one person did not breathe a sigh of relief.

Harry saw the white shadow falling after the green light.


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