Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 410 He is CPUing you!

Since Adam vigorously advocated changes in the wizarding world, Adam not only shouldered the full responsibility for the consequences, but at least had the awareness to take precautions and deal with them after the fact.

In fact, the Umbrella parties in various places are doing this kind of thing now. If it were not for the problems that may arise due to economic invasion in various places, there would be no need for Adam to let people set up local companies and just "open the door and let free trade!" It's over.

In addition, I happened to discuss this matter with the office when I went to watch the National Wushu Championship.

His thoughts wandered for a moment, and Adam's attention returned to the screening room, especially the source of his happiness.

Harry and Ron looked at the screen with ugly expressions on their faces.

Even Harry, who had been calm before, was a little unbearable now.

After all, whether the law of secrecy should be changed has always been controversial in the wizarding world with the development of science and technology. Grindelwald could not have inspired so many people to follow him back then by confusing right and wrong and avoiding the important.

The reason why those followers have such high loyalty is because they really agree with Grindelwald's ideas to bring a future to the wizards.

With Credence as a living example, Harry is not radical enough to agree that Grindelwald wants to break the secrecy law, but he can also accept that Grindelwald has caused turmoil.

But this does not mean that he can accept Grindelwald taking action against a baby like this. This has nothing to do with whether he is against the secrecy law or not. It is purely anti-human!

Professor Dumbledore turned his head and glanced at Grindelwald, who was speechless. It must be said that his mood slightly improved, and at this time he also breathed a sigh of relief.

At least he didn't have to worry that Adam would be as inhumane as Grindelwald and not treat Muggles as human beings.

Looking back, Professor Dumbledore was surprised to find seemed that it was his part?

After using mist to cover London, Dumbledore and Newt kept moving while talking to ensure their communication was not discovered and eavesdropped.

Through the exchange between Dumbledore and Newt, the audience learned that the reason why Newt learned about Frank Thunderbird was Dumbledore who revealed it to him. This was also the direct reason why Newt went to New York.

In other words, Newt's trip to New York at that point in time was actually facilitated by Dumbledore.

So the question is, did Dumbledore know that Grindelwald was planning to cause trouble at MACUSA?

No matter how Dumbledore answers this question, Newt and the audience have their own answers. No matter what the audience thinks, Newt feels that Dumbledore did it on purpose.

"I still think he did it on purpose."

Professor Scamander suddenly turned to Mrs. Tina and whispered.

Mrs. Tina nodded in agreement.

Dumbledore avoided talking about whether he had intentionally revealed the information to Newt before, but instead used the legend of their family and the Phoenix to explain it away.

Entering an empty bus, Dumbledore told Newt Credence's current intelligence and gave him the location of a safe house in Paris.

According to Dumbledore, there is an old friend of his there, and if Newt is in danger during the operation, he can try to go there for help.

Newt, who didn't agree to go to Credence at all:? ? ?

Seeing Dumbledore, who had just said that he had entrusted this task to him, Newt quickly chased after him to express his position. He has not yet been lifted from the ban!

And if he really wanted to find Credence and get involved in this matter, then he had directly agreed to the Ministry of Magic.

In this regard, Dumbledore still did not answer Newt directly, but instead mentioned why he liked Newt - because what he did had nothing to do with fame and fortune, he only cared about whether the thing itself was correct, and he only cared about his own heart.

It's like Newt could have used his brother's relationship with the Ministry of Magic to get an exit permit first, but he decisively refused.

Newt was better than anyone Dumbledore had ever known in this regard.

After listening to Dumbledore's extremely serious words, Professor Grindelwald's fist holding the Elder Wand hardened.

Speaking of which, his reputation is going to be completely ruined now. It seems that it is not impossible to suddenly go crazy and kill Newt in front of him?

However, Grindelwald still had some sanity left, and knew that Adam must be watching here. Let alone killing Newt and leaving after that, he would not even have the chance to attack Newt.

Professor Grindelwald couldn't help but sigh.

Although Dumbledore's words were sincere, Newt was not a savior who would go to the big devil to challenge him after being praised a few times (Harry sitting in the front row: Ahhhhhhhhhh!) .

Newt, who has always been very perceptive, could tell at a glance that Dumbledore was PUAing him!

So he asked Dumbledore a fatal question - you said it well, you are right, this is a just thing, then why don't you go yourself but let me go?

Aren't you the person you say you don't care about fame and fortune? So what are the benefits of asking me to do this?

As long as his relatives, friends and magical animals are not involved, Newt is indeed a rare sober person, and he knows that if he wants to stay out of the situation, he must not be too enthusiastic.

Facing Newt's fatal question, Dumbledore was silent for a moment and then said:

"Because I can't take action against Grindelwald."

Adam thought that Professor Grindelwald would feel better after seeing this, but he unexpectedly found that his mood became worse instead - oh, by the way, the blood pact was broken later.

Back to the movie, Dumbledore played hard to get in the end, and directly controlled Newt, who was indeed a good person inside.

Harry smacked his lips, why did this scene look so familiar?

This ability to calculate everyone's reaction accurately... Did Professor Dumbledore have it so long ago?

Not to mention how Newt felt when he was played around by Professor Dumbledore, when the camera followed Newt back to his home, the audience's mood suddenly jumped up.

The three cute little nifflers directly dispelled the serious atmosphere created by all the previous movie content, and a chorus of "Oh~" rang out in the screening room.

Since the broadcast of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", these extremely cute magical animals have attracted the love of countless wizards who have been melted by cuteness.

However, considering that the habits of this magical animal are not suitable for most wizard families to raise, and the raising and abandoning craze of Akita dogs caused by "Hachiko: A Dog's Story" in his previous life, Adam deliberately restricted the stores that sell magical animals.

Everyone must think twice before raising a Niffler. Don't just buy it impulsively based on its appearance. If you abandon it in the end because you think it is not suitable, it will hurt the Niffler.

If you just think the Niffler is cute, you can definitely consider the Niffler peripherals of the Dream Cinema~

Especially now that there is a limited-time event, if you buy a certain amount of Niffler peripherals, you will definitely get a Niffler commemorative card~

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