Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 48 The End of Nicolas Flamel

There was another book on the third floor of the cabinet, which was very thick. Nico Flamel asked Adam to take it off the cabinet for him and put it on the table.

"This is a contact book."

With a little nostalgia on his face, Nico Flamel patted the cover of the book:

"I heard from Emma that you have just come into contact with the wizarding world, but you should have seen the moving and talking portraits at Hogwarts, right? Although there are few, I have still made some friends, among them Some people were afraid that our lives would be too lonely, so they gave me their portraits."

"It's a pity that I, an elder, have to leave after only meeting you a few times, so I give this book to you. I hope that the friends in the book can replace me and Perenelle and provide you with some help in your life. ”

Nico Flamel gently pushed the book in Adam's direction:

"Every wizard in this book was once a legend, and their lives were much more exciting than mine, an old man who wasted half his life. These portraits took a lot of effort on their part. Although they are not real people, they are They also have the same thinking skills as themselves. When you feel confused, maybe you can try to ask them for help - don’t be shy, I have told them this.”

Adam swallowed and touched the cover:

"Are your and Madam's portraits also in this book?"

"I'm sorry, kid, we didn't have time to make our own portrait."

"Then maybe I could have a picture of you?"

Nico Flamel was stunned and reached out to touch Adam's head:


Then Nico Flamel seemed to suddenly remember something:

"By the way, the owners of the last two portraits in this book have not passed away yet. If you encounter any danger or difficulty, you can try to contact them through the portraits - if they also have their own portraits around them."

"Two portraits... who are they?"

"One of them is your headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, and the other is also a kid from Hogwarts. You may have heard his name. His name is Newt Scamander."

Senior Newt? !

Adam's eyes lit up.

Not knowing Adam's psychological activities, Nico Flamel took Adam back to the sofa.

"Then here's this, take it, kid, open it and look."

Nico Flamel handed Adam a piece of parchment that looked a little old.

Adam unfolded the parchment, and there were dense writings on it.

What's this?

"Including the one under our feet, here are the addresses of 192 of my properties around the world. Each one is protected by the Loyalty Charm. I give them to you."

Nico Flamel said lightly.

While traveling around the world with his wife, in order to ensure safety, he did not choose to stay in a hotel. Instead, he directly bought a property in the local area wherever he went - anyway, he was not short of money.

Then Nico Flamel waved his hand on the parchment, a few scattered addresses were marked in red, and added:

"These addresses marked in red are known to others besides me and Perenelle."

No need for too many reminders, just one sentence is enough.

Adam nodded, rerolled the parchment and put it away.

Nico Flamel's last legacy was a key.

"This is the key to Gringotts Vault 4."

Nico Flamel took the key out of his pocket and placed it in Adam's hand.

"There's nothing like gold galleons in there, but I don't think you need it."

Nico Flamel smiled slightly at the new owner of the Magic Stone:

"After opening the secret vault, you will see half a pile of papers in the secret vault. Those are the manuscripts I used to study alchemy and magic throughout my life. If you are not interested in them, please help me donate them to me and Perenelle's alma mater - Beauxbatons."

"The remaining half of the secret vault is filled with some of my collections or inventions...most of them are not precious things, but they are quite interesting. I hope you will like them."

Saying so much in one breath, telling stories and delivering inheritances obviously put a lot of burden on Nico Flamel, but looking at his bright eyes, he should be quite excited.

After handing Adam the final key, Nico Flamel let him go back and refused Adam's request to attend their funeral.

"We have no plans to hold a funeral. After meeting you, I have said all I want to say to everyone I want to say goodbye to. At the end of my life, please let us enjoy a peaceful world for the two of us."

For the Lemay couple, they decided their own death date, so they were extremely calm when handling the funeral affairs. They could even say goodbye to everyone they wanted to say goodbye to, and there was no need for a funeral.

After telling Adam the date of his death and where his grave would be, and giving Adam a photo of the couple as mentioned before, Nico Flamel closed the door.

Adam stared at the door in trance. He knew that this was the last time he would see Nico Flamel.

"What happened Adam?"

While eating the cake, Xiao Ke looked at Adam and couldn't help but ask Si Bi next to him.

"If you ask me, who should I ask?"

Sibi rolled his eyes:

"Why don't you put down your fork and ask?"

"I don't! Otherwise you will definitely eat the rest of the cake at once!"

"You are slandering!"

Hearing the noise of the two sealed beasts, Adam came back to his senses and couldn't help laughing at the fur balls fighting.

The story of Nicolas Flamel has come to a perfect end, and his story has just begun, hasn't it?

"Justice from heaven!"

A cat that is a little too big for Xiao Ke and Spi in energy-saving mode joins the battlefield.


"Hey! Adam! This way!"

The energetic Colon is always the most active one in the dormitory. Adam heard his call as soon as he arrived at the airport.

When he walked over there, Bernard and Colon were already there. Colon was accompanied by a lady, and Bernard was alone.

"My parents have a client who has been scheduled for a long time, and it is not convenient for two ordinary people to go."

Sure enough, it was similar to Adam's consideration.

"Adam, long time no see~ My parents are not free either. This is my sister Kelly, this is the Adam I mentioned~"


Kelly looked Adam up and down, obviously curious about this roommate who was very magical in the mouth of her brother.


After greeting Kelly politely, Adam also introduced his grandfather - maybe because Emma was a little upset about the Flamel couple's matter, she didn't come with Adam.

"Now only Eugene is left... Oh! He's here!"

Cologne just stretched out his hand to greet him, and was surprised:

"Eugene's outfit... Wow~"

"Long time no see."

Dressing an expedition suit that looks like something you'd see in a movie, carrying a big bag, and leading an old woman dressed similarly, Eugene came over and nodded to everyone:

"My parents are busy, this is my grandmother."

"Hello everyone."

Eugene's grandmother looked very kind, and from Eugene's personality, one could probably guess what kind of person this grandmother who raised him was.

All the people in the group arrived, and as expected, the plane was delayed.

"Do you guys want something to eat?"

At lunch time, Adam opened the backpack that had been expanded with the wheel card and took out a bunch of packaged rice balls:

"There are four flavors: teriyaki eel, black pepper beef, honey barbecued pork, and vegetable mayonnaise~"

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