Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 480 The Wave is Rising

Let’s not talk about how to deal with it in the future. Now that they suddenly know that they are immortal, the four of them obviously need some time to calm down.

Adam said that you guys take your time. I will ask them to announce the abolition of the confidentiality law.

Four people: OK... eh? !

Just like that, when everyone was caught off guard, the British Prime Minister held a press conference at the door of 10 Downing Street and announced the existence of wizards to the citizens of the country and even the people of the world.

The British people were confused. Look at the date. It’s not April 1st. Why did the Prime Minister suddenly do this?

However, at the same time, leaders and official media of many countries around the world announced this together, most of which are countries at the forefront of world development.

In addition to the prime minister, president and other top leaders of the country, most of the time there will be a Ministry of Magic employee on TV, who will show everyone magic on the spot during the live broadcast - although at that time it was basically regarded as magic.

But soon, as various community workers in reality came to distribute pamphlets called "Basic Science Popularization of the Wizarding World", everyone was forced to accept the fact that wizards do exist after several confirmations.

The same thing happened in the wizarding world of these countries. Unlike the so-called Muggle Research Class, the "Basic Popular Science of the Muggle World" distributed this time did not have any contemptuous angle. The content in it made many wizards who thought they had some knowledge of Muggles exclaim that they knew nothing about Muggles.

The sudden change naturally brought about various impacts, but more of them were in a turbulent undercurrent state.

The teams that usually went on strike and stopped classes and marched on the streets did not appear, because the previous marches were organized by someone, and now those organizers are still collecting information in an urgent manner, and they are a little confused about the current situation.

Despite this, various discussions are still erupting. Some people are worried about what the future will be like, some are curious whether the stories in fairy tales are true, and some people take the opportunity to promote the end of the world and they are the savior - this little Karami who is not even qualified to be on the plan was arrested at the first time.

Of course, based on the poor reputation of the governments of many countries among the people, most regions are still in a state of relative chaos without an outbreak, and the world has almost become a big powder keg.

While all kinds of voices were constantly erupting around the world, Japan \u0026 the stealing country where nothing happened: ???

The Japanese Prime Minister, the principal of the magic institute and the Minister of the Japanese Ministry of Magic looked at each other for a while, and the Japanese Prime Minister couldn't help but speak first:

"Mr. Sugawara, why did you not report such a major event in the wizarding world before?"


Minister Sugawara opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. He wanted to say that he didn't receive any report, or even any notification.

But the Prime Minister obviously didn't mean for him to continue pushing the responsibility down. In that case, according to the Muggle management he had learned before...

"Hi! Red Bean Mud Private Marseille!"

"At this time, what use can red beans be?"

The Prime Minister slammed the table and seemed a little out of control:

"You are not unaware of the current economic situation in Japan. Obviously, we have become the abandoned child of the country across the ocean. However, now even our Ministry of Magic seems to have been abandoned by the international community. What should we do..."

"We did not receive the news this time, but it should not be abandoned."

The principal of the magic institute spoke slowly with a strong ancient accent - in short, the other two could not understand.

Seeing that the Prime Minister's eyes were already bleeding, Principal Abe coughed lightly and changed to a normal accent:

"I want to say that in the wizarding world, the Japanese Ministry of Magic has always had a certain status, including our Magic School, which is one of the eleven magic schools with a long history."

The Prime Minister suddenly asked:

"Then how many magic schools are there in the world?"


Principal Abe coughed lightly again and said faintly:

"Not counting those small-scale ones that are not recognized as..."

"Speak human language!"



The Prime Minister took a deep breath and barely maintained his mentality to the level where he could still communicate and think normally:

"Don't use these lies to declare to the outside world to me. Now is an extremely urgent moment-now all countries in the world are "We have made such a big move, but we have not received any news. This is obviously a very serious omen!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Prime Minister."

Minister Sugawara did not seem anxious at all:

"Although we have not been notified, we just need to follow the trend now. We can also issue a statement..."

"I have already arranged this kind of thing, but the key is what to do next?"

The Prime Minister pinched his eyebrows with a headache:

"The key is that we now have no idea what the most powerful people in the world want to do. In this case, blindly following the trend will always be a step behind. If there is an emergency in the end and we can't keep up, the situation will be serious!"

"In this case, I think it is better to be quiet than to move."

President Abe took out a folding fan from his waist and patted it on his palm:

"Everything is as usual. We will temporarily cut off the dissemination of foreign information to the public. We will solve part of the domestic situation, and the rest can be neither confirmed nor denied. No matter how the foreign situation changes, wait for everything to settle down, and the situation will naturally become clear."


The prime minister pondered for a while. To be honest, this method is very passive, but it is also stable. The most important thing is...

He only has three months left in his term. He was still working on re-election, but now if he withdraws, he will at most lose a large amount of political donations. This time bomb will not explode on him no matter how much it explodes.

With their family's position in the faction, although it will be slightly shaken, it is unlikely that they will strive for the prime minister in the future, but they can still guarantee high positions and generous salaries.

"Principal Abe is indeed a mature and prudent person. This is a very kind thing to say!"

The Prime Minister's face, which was covered with clouds, finally showed a smile, and for a moment he looked like a blooming chrysanthemum:

"I will give the order right away, but the situation in the wizarding world..."

"We will get in touch with several other members of the International Wizarding Federation."

Minister Sugawara and Principal Abe nodded in unison.

After leaving the conference room, the pentagram magic circle under their feet flashed and they arrived at the principal's office of the magic institute.

As soon as he arrived, Minister Sugawara couldn't help but turn his head:

"Principal Abe..."

Principal Abe frowned and shook his head slowly.

Seeing this, Minister Sugawara took a breath and his face became solemn.

It is obvious that the two of them were not as calm as they had just shown about the situation that the Japanese wizarding world seemed to have been abandoned.

At the same time, stealing the country, the Blue House...

"Wizards...are all these things you said true?"

Kim Kimcha frowned and looked at the staff in front of him.

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