Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 496 Is this flying broom legal?

Compared to just now, this group of talents now finally looks a bit like an army.

It's just that reality is not a game. The terrain is high and low, and there are various obstacles. Everyone is a little worried about whether these sand soldiers can control themselves during the process.

After all, this is a huge number of ten thousand, and compared to controlling such summons to attack the target, marching in formation is more difficult.

However, it turns out that there is no need to worry about this. Although they don't look like living creatures when looking at the front, they can march freely in the face of various terrains. During the changes in the array, they don't look like dumb soldiers at all. Many people are stunned for a while. Tsk-tsk.

Even Yog couldn't help but look at the kobold curiously, with great interest in his eyes.

The intelligence level of these sand soldiers seems to be higher than those golems created using ancient magic, but I don't know their specific combat effectiveness?

Spotting Yug's gaze, the kobold's forehead was sweating.

As Adam's daily gatekeeper, the kobold knows more than many people, including Yog's outrageous combat power and fierce record.

What needs to be highlighted is the ejecting death curse.

Even if Yog only attacks the sand soldiers, who knows if that random killing curse will also target him?

No, after this is done, you must go back and look at the door. You must not be targeted by this killer!

With a thought, the marching speed of the sand soldiers suddenly increased. The wizards and practitioners didn't feel much about this.

As for this massive group of troops, Ka Dazuo, who was far away at the headquarters, couldn't help laughing:

"What age are we in, and there are still people using infantry?"


Compared to Ka Dazuo, his subordinates were obviously not that optimistic. Those creations made of sand did not look like normal infantry even to the naked eye.

Especially the appearance of the kobolds and those sand soldiers. Libya is right next door to Egypt. This sense of déjà vu is really too strong.

It's like a Chinese, even an atheist, walking on a small road in the countryside in the middle of the night, and vaguely saw two guys, one black and one white, wearing tall hats walking towards him, one dragging a chain and the other fanning...

Who doesn't want to feel a little shaken in his heart?

"Order the attack!"

Ka Dazuo waved his hand, but found that the signal soldier beside him did not move. With his glare, the signal soldier whose face was already pale with fright started to tremble:


That's a dialect, the Libyan name for Anubis next door.

"Trash! Drag him out!"

Ka Dazuo slapped the person off the chair and casually nodded at another person:

"Come on! Let them...forget it, fire first!"

Ka Dazuo is just crazy and stupid, not completely stupid. The communication soldier next to him may be in the same state as the frontline soldiers, but it doesn't matter, he just needs to break the opponent's pretense first.

grim Reaper? ridiculous!

There is only one God in the African continent, and that is Him, the King of Kings!

"call out--"

Dozens of missiles came towards the group of people with tail flames, but there seemed to be something wrong with their accuracy.

The young man who had already bent his bow and nocked an arrow looked at the missiles and silently put the arrows back into his quiver.

"When that thing hits us, will the explosion reach us?"

Yog looked at the missile that passed directly over them without any hesitation. He was silent for a moment and then asked the people around him.

The practitioner from China scratched his head:

"Well... I don't know. I don't even know what this kind of missile is called."

Not to mention that the average practitioner in China today has completed compulsory education. Even graduate students, non-military majors, or people with related interests would find it difficult to recognize the name of a missile when looking at it in mid-air.

"Forget it, just to be on the safe side."

Yogurt waved his wand, and the ancient magical energy captured the missile group in the air. Then with a wave of Yogurt's wand, those missiles spun directly and hit the city where the missiles were launched in the distance, and they didn't just stare at one place. , but blooming on all sides.


The street battlefield that Ka Dazuo had originally hoped to directly annihilate the enemy was turned into ruins in the explosion, and an entire army was also wiped out.

"It's much smaller than expected."

The weapons Yug had seen before were all British weapons, and no matter how hard he stretched his hips, he could not be compared with the Libyan equipment.

"But at least it's more powerful than an explosive barrel."

Yug nodded, but it was a pity that most of the battles he encountered were at relatively close distances. Otherwise, the destructive power of the transformation spell that turned the enemy into missiles would not be as simple as replacing one with another.

"Tsk, marching for half an hour and attacking the city for three seconds is so inefficient!"

Yog looked at the city in front of him, which he finally reached but was defeated with a wave of his hand, and made a somewhat unhappy sound.


Although this is the truth, it doesn't sound like human words.

"How about using a broomstick?"

A British wizard suggested, then looked at the people in Egypt and China.

"We have flying carpets."

An Egyptian wizard took out a rolled-up flying carpet and rolled it out to easily carry seven or eight adults.

"Isn't this a bit too slow?"

A British wizard couldn't help but shook his head.

With Eugene in power, the British Ministry of Magic no longer banned flying carpets for strange reasons. Many British wizards bought them out of curiosity at first to experience them.

"We all know how to escape, but the problem is..."

The Chinese practitioners looked at the 10,000 sand soldiers, then looked at the brooms of the British wizards and the flying carpets of the Egyptian wizards.

None of these three methods seemed to be able to carry so many people.

"Forget it, this method is not suitable for me."

Yug waved his hand, and the heroic spirit of killing through the English Highlands with one stick and one broom suddenly surged in his heart. He immediately took out his flying broom:

"I will go ahead, you and the sand soldiers will slowly advance and catch up!"


Before he finished speaking, Yug had already climbed onto the flying broom, and with a detonation, he disappeared on the spot with a shadow.

"Damn! Is this flying broom legal?"

"Did Professor Sothos illegally modify the flying broom again?"

"Look at the bump in front of the broom handle, the faint flame at the tail of the broom, and the sonic boom... How can it look legal?"

"Ahem! Don't dare to say anything nonsense. A self-modified flying broom is only illegal if it causes an accident. Professor Sothos has never had a traffic accident."

The eyes of several wizards who heard this twitched. With Professor Sothos' style, it is hard to say whether he has never had an accident or has not been found to have an accident.

A practitioner who is good at English heard these conversations and rubbed his ears after a moment of silence:

"Sure enough, the textbooks teach dead knowledge, which is very different from spoken language."

Not long after, everyone began to discuss what to do next. The original leader suddenly ran away... No one had considered this situation before.

"Professor Sothoth is very powerful, there is no need to worry about his safety. As for us..."

A British wizard looked at the sand soldiers:

"Should we proceed as planned?"

"That's the only way."

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